-flPanUd by a nmnu- JUierellaneotti. (Dark {Danita. Dom.stic stirrectlon of some considerable dimensions has pre- lt ls only when sud, design ls .-¦¦opted Conntrn Heal (Estate for Sale ***"gitttjr^t "*** Inheres to the i__in_«_L CONGRESS BE MOVEDt vaihd for weei;, in the provinces of forrlente.s and .eetater of goods that any validity A..WEUTLOTORM Detective snd Low .****. to CAN s-cr-t.-iry of th- -,,. AGENCY FUR MON ITLAIR.-Re .dence divorces d'- Vieira* SINOLE MAN. Prof-stoat. Kntre Rios, whlei, one member of the c-iblnet, If not .eUlBB -is ,i trademark. Th-- of all for nie una to Agency; specialty; separation* ENGINEER. Liceoied, experienced caro for gentleman's house; cin ra slates that in properties rleeerlpUoas acrttons, 'laua,-s, -I.ad..wing, pr.vate lui.ir- first-class ref- or T. P-. BostecoegIU more, supported. There hid been seri us fighting '"'1or, .pon request for an opinion, 1st: tarnished houses i< .ts-. .. lill -ti I. suits ll.-., -.. tel rind lit)- machinist, wants situation; mended; day night. THAT IS NOT .'* Beekmaa-ss. p ercncc-,. 333 East SUt-st. Tribune A CANVASS OF THK HOCWS order os » toBd In the TAYLOR, fended: (ii-:titatl»u UOt. »'> Na*-:iu«-. _ Ottce._ [.¦¦tween the Government troops und the Insurgents t*. I.milled io reglsirv _TUBBS exielleot SELECT All EN I'D birga ns (-ENILEMAN ot experience, ""SIMM'S EMPLOYMENT. EMCOUBAGIMO. until ghent fl month apo, he snld, since which time PBteul office a n.pv of a fordsn l,!,r,"""'.'f ______ai» Eur SALE, Ell/sbetn. N. J.-Large ..N'~Evtrsordln»r references, refined lineage, to pOalUoo AOF.NCY, No. 104 West 28th-»t., near «*h- Bael In ,,..,., Hon wiih son..- hon*,. id rooms; I."»0x3:15 f.-et: fruit in ho-er., auperlae Usia libbed u.aue open knowledra a number hotel men cooke, he had not heard of any conflicts, what the status -'""''''VJ °,"article_.",,'lo a| let nato. '.Be.', lee etai;ile*s inf prlsate secietarr and cashier; ave. has nnd must |.. descriptive of the particular aid toads tr-.s; ar: ia-.. beeas and Mable: rape absolutely of BfipilUss, Se. Ct. A. IL, Box 41, women hotel cooks, hoad walter*. Uun* sf the Insurrection was now bc could not sav, ,"1' '"" ¦shbh li ho..*e ha* all conveiiieri. e. and l» wltliiu 10 .lockings, 10..; .-uibrolilcred swiss _r.d"r- Tribune oftlce. drr.sc*. chambermaids, stablemen, SHOWN TO |s affixed. , ¦_. Se-t- l-'-c, ISOltll ...li. JA.Sl.Sll-s,, '.H.I ^_ yardmen, STRONG DEMOCRATIC OPPOSITION wns Incllni-d to believe Hitit it hud beet, suppressed, In of minute*' tialk ..f Pennsylvania aid N-st-Jei. snd for every other capacltr tnt private regird to tbe claim copyright Ihlitaljlltiwi tey i cntMl railroad -tail-n*. ll. R. BARE- Broadway. lil.NTLEMAN of good fsmllT, 15 years OF THF. SILVER Hud that out of Hie trouble had come the nee...-ty ..'** Cmtzn-, informs th- Treasury Department of sic. *|)caktng English, French ani fanillli*»._ THE I01AI of a new reverses .* to be UAW* for ell MORE. Eii atv Di. V. .1_. ..I_N TEEMEN~ wishing to dHpose^of t___the choosing Cabinet. The fitinnclnl P-'illltlllg. th- design of which is their leitoit at a fair seine will mau iluentlv. .. *f-.-tlv acquainted with CSEFCL.MAN.-By neat young Gar_nn_| LAW. of s.-seral years ago had, In his nothing lo "fide .f m;..if..,r,,,re. would BPUrat to lie debarred EURDII AM II! I..HTS. Restricted toll.Ifl pt In. Ipal .file, of Europe and this country, pain taking; understands horv-i eat, wail* PFRCHASF opinion, or me net BhBjSS nil on St addr.ss EDWARD ex¬ or d>. with the change. The country was now measur¬ from copyright In his office by Un' terms neighborhood express elevated trains; 10- MILLER .'.th ave. de-lres posit.on with "riseUlng family: Ina; referent ei; city country; moderate TO THK rm... Sui-, nil e.si- OB cellent references furnl.lied; experienced family or hotel. LSEFLL. (BT III BBBIIB IBDOSS.] ably recovered from the effects' of th.* depression of June i-, lf.7.1. cottage; lui| rosen"..-nt.; letter sel.ry privet, House which ted lo the failure of the firm tern.* imiiiedia te possession; tejiitlfsil WANTED -ARE rOS A 0ATHOLI01 IrsvsUer and good sailor. Apply, by 20 Weet Washington, .lime 8.-The af RcptteeutatlYet primarily great bena OWNER, Bot -...**.'. Cltj PastaMee ire you iii.iiilosed? Will j,.u work lor or p. rvuiallv. to Mr. MAURICE KAL'FF- llUs-at.________ will nf 3.M1 of Battng Bros., London. ? i. J- R. M ..tri sse., MAX'-'. 351 West CSEFUL-MAN.-Oeiierslly useful; ele* Which ls tn n«emMe In BUfftlnihSt eoUSlst BOBIE TNFORKSF.EN EMBARRASSMENTS. >.r ll A Nu arm. 110 i«>i weeli OAT, EUwM_ valor runner: first-class window moo, 4c. FOR HALE Xl CulcOflO. HAKUSVARE, a-, .-..\dv r i*cr I* In one of the " acr.-s. bdo« ot. Hodson River; M._ .pea Address G. W., 22* East members, If the vnrnncy tTUenuslB dis¬ ttie DOES Eeonsie, lor -it. :.t.on us irmnager or Hues, 2«lth-at_ SWEET I'Ll'MS FOR DEMOCRATS. oftfnsiVf. parti"* a ns hi r-1 POLIOT dwelling house and outbuildings. .]. n. ssi. HAVE AN IMMImNSL assortment buyer, AN German. be filled prior to that time, nnd the dlf.-rent 17.) ef ladle*' summer svalsts, yest*, -heiiil ettes, man; I* intimately acquainted with UM USEECL-M -By carpenter. tricts " SOT WORK AS SMOOTHLY AS UTAS TXrF.-TFD. IRELAND. Brosdway._ r niui.wi.an. Walsall Slieilleld trad. American, 34. married; hotel, factory, any¬ srlll l>e ns follows : Repuhllcnns, HE FORM'' IN THE COXSUI-AIl SF.RVICE AD- collars sud uffs. als., ail aorta of ti»s. half rad where faithful of duUra parties represented seems to be a Full s\I.I.. S.iininer c.t'-iu'e, mountain I rn--. .isMMh/S, '.ii"1.' Broadway. iii mil branches- aaUi.ietory references. thing discharge Democrats. -¦". InilfeBSeSti nnd Populists, VANCFn-THRF.E XEW-YORKF.RS APPOINTED. ¦Vn«hlngton. June fl (".por1nli.-T.iere side, nivenwood Lake; bs*. Apply to *.. sv. X.. Tribune Qg-M, would be appreciated; references. STIF.FEL, 127: '. n-Mb sve A DP Democrats a thnt the offensive y PHILLIPS k wells. Tribun. Bullala.. RAVE SALK GLOVES this 301 West twelve: giving the majority of seventy- Washington, June fl (Special).-With the Invaluable probability partisanship* sse-k. dian:oi,- \t ii-'iahl.- doses. ..9c; 4. .1 O'NEILL, recently discharged from 130th-*t.__^ which hts been revived President .'leveland may Full SALE-ThU ISO Ririlt/, E. S. A.. w|«he* as for t'SEU'L-MAN- OOK.-By a young Eng. over all Administration Reprrsentn'l .es, ns nld Josiah nnd a of Democratic hy dellfhtful rds..f J.itt.11 reel kid*. '.O-; Royal lt).-. po'ltlon janltsr useful o. wita eight of yulncy number nut foreseen sens I- tltuated in Bridgewater N". H., oss ralf value. 'JO'.) Broadway. Iwo or more dat* or other position of Heh couple; man Indoor* result in embarrassments which w-re JAMMKS, ** w or housework ; best refer. well ss Administration newspapers, nre already pro' Senators and Representatives l*res|dent Cleveland to¬ the share ..f Psequane* Like iNew-foan t), 'I 'rusr lm.,. svlfe and tsvo children; he«t horses; Ife cook Vest, of ard tesises tin nu I lake s ell¬ ence*. Ill that the Silver Purchase tow will be promptly made another swift tosvard the gool of nt the time lt was proclaimed. Senator pe mountain noit. of referenee. 27 Manhattin-st., Harlem. eta-asre._ claiming day spurt the dismissal of ery, foi sdil.h tl,I- st.,t |. no:.d. Kitti- AOl CSEFCL-MAX-By useful man around repented by the LUI Congress, " reform'' In the consular service. He removed two Missouri, who recently demanded atf.l on a poln* ol latul. lt I* cass- of ace-* JANITOR. efOelent and .-spal.le. desiri* Addrosi mid unconditionally are sud hi- aid li-h a house; c ty or UOUanUp. M., 1 not be that did the to make Federal officeholders In that State who Reptile lin.- fSrilltlo* for boorin* AT REDUCED PRICES.-*-)*, aec-nti- .¦I1.11-- of a nntrl.-r of first-class rta'* ad¬ West-at. but lt ihould fergutten they consuls-general and eighteen consuls In order lng. Tl..- huiidiot.* are lu ard hatid wo.d and Iron working machine*; vertiser |.« conser-.xn. with stearn- Heans on the that are -offensive parti goori repair thoroughly same thing: four months ugo, when the Deaweratl place-, for twenty -hot and hungry" Demo.-rnts, and ground they "ell arian--! lot pris ate summer residence, filby guaranteed; niacluueiy bought and ex¬ lu at inr; and toilers; unexceptionable ref. WANIED.-Sltuation ea ueeful-manz or with a Utile svend be -llltllhli ll. 396 Madi- sui eHBac to .rori of nearly 150 In tlie House of at Hie same time lie four or live time* ssns." has already beer, editorially reminded by the ehuge changed. OEORQE EDDY, ..enies. Call or oddre** JANITOR, 221 itrong. sober, Heady | bsd s majority Rep. disappointed for summer boarder*. Paagugaey [-sits is S-oll-st. West best of refereff cs. Addrr-ss T. HOOK* Mr. lending Democratic ef MtoOBUfl thnt. only > 123d-.L_ reientatives, nnd Cleveland nnd his supporter, twenty other Democrats who nre equally hot and newspaper fast coming Int popelaf faso; n« ii suniin.-r .J man and ro 14ath-at. and Southern Boulevard. the rein resort. Views ol tne can I) sent for at MT.N;r?A<TC-Tu:p.s'"-rRicis:^ .SNIT'SR.Swedish wife; were exerting all their Influence and of per¬ rome of the removals would not have been seven years ago he demanded and secured place ha;-*, values, wloleuther chid ci; ofitce building and powers hungry, losp-ctloo.
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