[email protected] VOLUME CVIII, NUMBER 23 PASADENA, CALIFORNIA APRIL 9, 2007 Photo by Matthew Glassman SFC brings new ideas to table Biannual conference addressed classes, honor system, student life BY RAM KANDASAMY Addition of a third Honor Sys- For more SFC coverage, please tem top student officer, design of an undergraduate bioengineering see editorials on Page 2: major, and creation of student- run classes were some of the Cancelling classes too unrealistic for SFC many ideas proposed at the bian- nual Student-Faculty Conference last Thursday. Co-chair of the SFC repeats history Undergraduate Education Com- mittee Christine Tung said, “SFC was well-organized as a whole. It was great to see the faculty in- Caltech, surveys from the SFC at MIT. Although concerns were volved.” confirmed. Committee for Under- expressed that there was no time A major part of SFC presenta- graduate Research member Anna for such a break in Caltech’s al- tions in general was survey results Hiszpanski said, “About 81% of ready tight academic schedule, collected over the year on under- students have sought research op- the proposed addition of more graduate education, the honor portunities and 95% of the faculty non-academic or even student-run code, and various options. The respondents had mentored sum- courses met with more favourable results often prompted lengthy mer research.” However, she felt responses. discussion between students and there was certainly room for im- Chair of the UG Research com- faculty, with the focus on what provement, considering Caltech’s mittee and member of the EE/CS changes can be made to better 3 to 1 student ratio. committee and HSS committee the Caltech experience. Tung However, not everyone is guar- Radhika Marathe felt that the said that it was important for sur- anteed a summer at Caltech doing committee meetings were useful. vey results to be communicated, research. The survey indicated “It seems important that fac- simply because it encourages stu- that “24% of students who looked ulty and students continue to dents to give their thoughts and for research opportunities were work together on these issues,” shows their opinion matters. unsuccessful in finding them.” Marathe said, “as the conference One of the best-attended ses- But despite the grim statistic, day requires a follow-up schedule sions of the SFC was the Honor Hiszpanski and others are opti- to check if the proposed changes System conference, at which plans mistic that action will be taken. “I will actually happen.” were unveiled for major changes was very excited and encouraged However, although the SFC in in Honor Code implementation. by their [faculty’s] comments,” past years has been successful in Junior Youssef Moussaoui presents the findings of the Honor Code surveys revealed Tsai Photo by Jonathan Humanities and Social Sciences committee at the Stu- that 63% of students feel that col- dent Faculty Conference last Thursday laboration policies are unclear. To remedy this problem, collabora- NEWS BRIEFS tion policies are planned to be put on websites, and divisions are planning on having separate col- laboration policies. Actor coming to Caltech There was much discussion on how to get the faculty BoC rep- films. He is also known for writ- BY JEFF KRANSKI resentative to become more in- ing and starring in the one-man volved. According to ARC Chair play The Huey Newton Story, Actor/Director Roger Guenveur Caleb Ng, “the representatives which was based on the life of were approved by the Faculty Smith will be on campus Tuesday, Black Panther’s co-founder and April 10 for a screening of Spike Board in 2005, but since have leader Dr. Huey Newton. The gone nowhere.” Other discus- Lee’s Do The Right Thing at 7pm play won a Peabody Award and in Baxter Lecture Hall as part of sion centered around a proposed a Banff Rockie Award in 2002, plan to institute a new elected Professor Rosenstone’s course, and was nominated for an Image HUM136: Ethnic Visions. ASCIT position, the Honor Chair, Award in the same year. who would take up the burden of Students and faculty watch a presentation at the SFC An award-winning actor, Smith Smith will be available fol- on Thursday, which attracted more than 100 students. has been active in the film indus- representing and explaining the lowing the screening for ques- Honor System, relieving the BoC try since 1988 and has been in- tions from the audience. volved in several of Spike Lee’s chair to focus on hearing cases. said Hiszpanski. making some changes, such as Another major proposal cov- The presentation on Quality the revamping of the Bi 1 curricu- ered was the establishment of a of Life generated quite a stir, at- lum, said Marathe, “in essence, I bioengineering option for under- tracting around 120 people. One believe this process needs to con- graduates, discussed at the Under- especially popular statistic was tinue somehow beyond the scope Quantum Hoops to show Tues graduate Education session. Al- in an exit survey for the class of of the SFC, which is a biannual Rick Greenwald’s film received though a graduate bioengineering 2006, 66% of seniors would go event.” She cited a halted HSS BY MARISSA CEVALLOS the Top 10 Audience Choice program has already been com- to Caltech again if they had the proposal for courses in linguistics Award when at Santa Barbara, pleted, it appears bioengineering chance to go back and choose from a few years ago as an ex- The first public screening of the where it was so popular it ran will not be an undergraduate op- what college they want to attend. ample of a topic that would have men’s basketball documentary more than once. tion until a few years from now. Although this was a majority, benefited from student-faculty Quantum Hoops will be this Tues- The film documents last year’s Bioengineering would be in the there were many remarks made discussions outside of the SFC. day, April 10 at 4 PM in Beckman men’s basketball team as it strug- Engineering and Applied Science that the statistic also meant 34% Although no conclusive chang- Auditorium. The screening will gled through its no-victory sea- Division, and students currently would choose to go elsewhere. es have yet resulted from last be followed by a barbeque. son, especially the seniors who interested in bioengineering can Suggestions to improve this fig- Thursday’s meetings, the topics The film was first debuted at were playing their last season. still customize their own plan of ure ranged from having an extra discussed in SFC can lead to fur- the Santa Barbara Film Festival The film delves into the history study. week for spring break to having ther discussions between faculty in January, when both the men’s of the basketball team, including Research continues to be one a few weeks to take non-aca- and students, which help to bring and women’s team traveled to see interviews with the last basketball of the biggest interests here at demic courses, much like IAP about significant changes. it. team to win a SCIAC game. In This Issue Movie Reviews: SFC evokes mixed feelings Page 2 How Rene Davis became Namesake a delight Women’s basketball: forecast bright Page 4 Caltech’s inspirational Grindhouse delightfully ridiculous Hobos are scary Page 8 athlete Page 4 2 THE CALIFORNIA TECH OPINION APRIL 9, 2007 From the Editor SFC repeats history Canceling classes too Caltech ignores its greatest strengths: small classes, potential for interaction have grown more distant from tee, BUSAC. Lastly, of course, BY DANIEL POON one-on-one interaction with the in large universities, almost all unrealistic for SFC faculty that provide them with courses are offered all of the time, Last Thursday we had a day off their best opportunities, and stu- and student body and interest are To be honest, I’m not sure what minute Techer, you might have for the SFC. Initially I went for dents’ input in Institute-wide aca- both large enough and diverse all this hype about SFC is about. skipped the conference to finish the food, but I remember walking demic decisions is losing more enough that the only issues re- I went to class and worked on a problem set due Thursday af- out of the meetings thinking the and more of its already meager side with faculty availability and problem sets. ternoon. If the ARC wants to be situation was symptomatic of a efficacy. teaching interest. Though the students were prom- thorough about preventing aca- worrisome lack of follow-up. We are collapsing toward a In contrast to both extremes, ised class-free days, the message demic time conflicts, they should When I asked one of the com- culture that makes it increasingly HSS is stuck at the precariously apparently didn’t get across to the consider that problem sets, as well mittee members what was going difficult for Caltech to utilize its inefficient boundary between faculty. Most of my professors as classes, take up the better part to be done about the ideas that greatest logistical advantage, its these two economies of scale. were surprised that class would of a non-nocturnal Techer’s day. had been raised at the public SFC small size. HSS is the smallest division at be cancelled on Thursday. So they But I can appreciate the prob- hearings, I learned much to my Smaller divisions have resisted Caltech in terms of personnel, yet did what any professor would do: lem the ARC must have faced own chagrin that many of the SFC it must simultaneously cater to the they either ignored the mandate, in scheduling this, because it all committees would probably not interests and academic require- or rescheduled the class.
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