FEBRUARY, 1947 VOL. VI No.3 DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF BARBER SHOP QUARTET HARMONY Published By See Slary-Page 35 The SOCIETY FOR THE PRESERVATION AND ENCOURAGEMENT OF BARBER SHOP QUARTET SINGING IN AMERICA,INC. MRS. BARBERSHOPPER! AND CYou- MISS BARBERSHOPPER! JOYou do recall the first meeting 01 the SPEBSQSA I attended .... the enthusiasm mirrored on my face when I returned? How you accepted this sudden outburst with skepticism? And after a few months, when the novelty wore oft you be· came reconciled to being a "widow" on meeting nights and during chorus re­ hearsals, even though you still wondered if this Barbershop business was just an excuse for me to stay out nights as it probably was when Mrs. and Miss on the right were fashion plotes. Then I invited you to your first "Ladies' Night." Remember the cOIsage-lhe taxi-seeing the other wives--you knew-and. finally, the show? I can still see the amozement on your pretty face. Thai same guy-rne-was really proving himseU. And didn't you experience some "goose­ flesh" when as a member of a quartet and the chorus I took my applause like an old trouper? Yep, again that was me. your old WOrk horse. There followed a series of War Bond Drives, performances at Veterans' Hospi­ tals. Old Peoples' Homes, Community Meetings. churches. and many other events. You didn't worry any longer. The neighbors stopped smiling at the mention of SPEBSQSA. And even the poslman would ring and wait to deliver !hal SPEBSQSA letter personally in order to let you know that he, too, was a member. And yel. it was your faith, your tolerance, and your understanding that have made me a figure in our community. Yes. you believed in me. Today. the rest of the boys ond t pay tribute to you. We don't worry about meeting nighls any longer because you remind us that attendance is necessary. Down deep in your heart the happiness that we derive from serving our fellow man is your happiness. Because of your belief in us and in whal we hope to achieve, we salute you. Mrs. Barbershopper, and we are proud to call you. "Our one and only Sweetheart" H. M. "Hank" Stanley MANUFACTURERS OF Combination Shear, Punch ond Capers; Rotary, Bar KLING BROS • and Angle Shears; Single and Double End Punches; ENGINEERING WORKS Plale, Angle. Bor Benders, High Speed Friction Sows 1300 N KOSTNER AVE. CHICAGO 51, ILL., U. S. A. and Grinders HARMONY HALLS 1944 International Champions --RCA VICTOR RECORDS-­ Entbusiastically Received BY ALL WHO HAVE HEARD THEM Order Yours NOW! Set consists of three 12/1 double-faced, non-break­ able RCA Victor records grooved for use on autO­ matic record-changers. SELECTIONS: RECORDS COME TO YOU "Malldy a.nd Me" - "l Lo-ve 1'011 tbe Best of AIt'·­ IN BEAUTIFUL ALBUM "Rock and Roll" - "Saitb/ Away on tbe Hem)' Clay" WITH LARGE PICTURE OF - "1'011 DOIl't Seem Like the Girl I Used to Know"­ HARMONY HALLS on Cover "Begill the Beguine" - uLords Prayer". Per Set Including Album $6.75 Postpaid Please enclose your check or money order (No C.O.D's. Please) MAlL ORDERS TO HARMONY HALLS, 214 Houseman Bldg., Grand Rapids 2, Michigan THE SOCIETY FOR THE PRESERVATION AND ENCOURAGEMENT OF BARBER SHOP QUARTET SINGING IN AMERICA. INC. "TO THE LADIES" NUMBER ~ VOLUME VI NO.3 OE\IOTEO TO THE INTE<lE!>TS Or: PEBRUARY.1947 BAAOHI SHOP QUMHET HARMONY IN mid-Victorian days when many songs now sung in the Society were just attaining popularity among informal quartets warbling beneath the gaslights, a polite tradition existed in male circles, the toast "To the ladies." Depending upon views and pocketbooks of the assemblage, it might be drunk in champagne, bourbon, sarsaparilla, raspberry shrub, or "crick" water, but whatever the solvent the toast was traditional. In full form it ran "To the ladies .. , God bless'em (cheers). GlIIHE Society has every reason to revive this pleasant tradition by dedkating this issue of -JIL the Harmonizer to the ladies of SPEBSQSA. They maybe mothers, wives, daughters, sisters, other relatives, sweethearts, or just friends. Whatever their status, the Society owes them much. Quartets have been made because of some feminine influence that might range from mere encour­ agement or intelligent criticism to arranging music or arranging nights out for rehearsals or appearances. Conversely, quartets have been broken by women because of their lack of under­ stauding, interest, or sympathy. HAT'S the very first thing a typical quartet does after arriving at approximate four part W agreement while the blinding tears are falling as it thinks of its lost Pearl? It parades into the other room beseeching Pearl, or Helen or Jane or mother or sis, or all of them, to "listen how this goes ... are we on the beam!" It's pathetic and unmanly the way they await the feminine verdict. If she tells them that it sounds like falling into a cold frame, or something, they're cowed into depths of apology, though they rally soon. Bnt, if She chirps "Swell, boys," they practically wag in gratitnde. OMEN have played an important part in the formation and development of the Society. W In some cases their contributions are passive, "It's a good thing for John, let him enjoy himself." In many, many other instances they have inspired, and rallied loyally to hard work necessitated by travel, operation of various phases of meetings, or entertainment of visiting fire­ men and their ladies, as examples. ,....A["ND, as dyed-in-the-rayon barbershop harmony fans, they get as many thrills out of Y'JL parades and concerts as do the male addicts. Here's to you, ladies! And, paraphrasing another famous toast of early barbershopping days, "Here's to our wives and sweethearts, may they often meet" at Society affairs. ·o/lie HARMONIZER Int'I. Board Sets Milwaukee Contest Plans Fast Pace at Omaha As always at a January or June meet­ Promise Exciting Weekend ing the International Board gets min­ imum fun and maximum work. Busi­ Enthusiastic applause by the Board and many other special features. ness meetings started at the Hotel greeted Jack Dollenmaierls prevue of All hotel reservations are to be Fontenelle Friday morning, January the 1947 convention. Dollenmaier is made through the International Of­ 17, continued through until 11:30 that Co-Chairman of the Milwaukee Chap­ fice, which will work with the Hous­ night, picked up again early Satur­ ter Committee for this year's Interna­ ing Committee at Milwaukee. The day morning, and the Directors ground tional Event. Board approved a $5.00 all inclusive away until about five o'clock on Satur­ On Wednesday morning. afternoon book, entitling the holder to his hotel da~. Highlights follow: and evening and on Thursday morning accommodation application, badge, and afternoon the International Board souvenir program, admittance to the Detailed plans of Milwaukee Commit­ and the Executive Committee win be four events, apart from the Finals, tee accepted. The resignation of W. grinding away at their jobs which and a reserved seat at the Finals. L. Otto from Board accepted, since grow increasingly important as ex­ Get your orders in now to the Inter­ he is now Associate to the lnt'l. Secre­ pansion is accelerated. The new Board national Office for this bargain bill, tary. Walter Jay Stephens, Chicago, will meet on Thursday evening. bearing in mind that the hotel reserva­ was eJected to complete Otto's term of two and a half years. Friday morning fifteen quartets will tion is something basic to your en­ be judged in the International Pre­ joyment at Milwaukee. The Contest and Judging Committee liminaries. Floiday afternoon fifteen Community song leaders will want to received approval of a new system more quartets will compete. Friday jot down Capt. Campbell's class on for Sec t ion a I Preliminaries, the evening the International Semi-Finals Saturday morning, June 14th. The change being necessitated by the will reduce the fifteen quartets select­ Contest and Judging Committee will growth of the Society. There will be ed during morning and afternoon to hold a school for judges early that eight Preliminaries during the week­ five. These five finalists will compete afternoon, Sat u r day. The five end of May 9, 10, and II, with dif­ for the International Championship finalists will make records during ferent judges for each. The number on the Saturday night show, which Saturday. of quartets that go to Milwaukee will also present all past champions, Chapter Secretaries and Presidents from each Sectional Pl'eliminary, to and part of which will be broadcast will have a Round Table on Saturday make up a total of thirty semi-final­ coast to coast over Mutual. morning. ists, will be based on Area member­ ship as of Mal'ch 31, with at least Prior to that, on Saturday afternoon This carefully planned International one quartet from each Axea. a Jamboree, such as the one held last Affair will end officially with a "Rise June at Cleveland, will present past and Shine Breakfast" at the Hotel The Society is now divided into eleven champions, the Chordettes of Sheboy­ Schroeder Sunday from 10:00 a.m. to DisQ.'icts. Each must operate under gan, The Milwaukee Chapter Chorus 2:00 p.m., June 15th. the Society's suggested constitution pattern, although Districts may amend their constitutions with the approval Sectional Preliminary Areas Set of the Executive Committee. Because of the Society's growth eight land, New Bl'unswick, New England A most important change of date: Sectional Preliminaries are necessary.
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