CBA basketball team faces tough game, IB ThMONMOUTH COUNTY'eS HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER SINCE 1878 FRIDAY, JAN. 6, 1989 VOL. 111 NO. 83 25 CENTS Female workers bristle at salary, job structure • RELATED STORY 2A value on manpower than brainpower. able to the public" because it will be used Dana Fenton, an associate with Yarger in future negotiations with unions rep- By KENISTON W. TRAINOR & Associates, the Virginia-based consult- resenting various borough employees. THE REGISTER ing firm hired last spring to establish the Female employees also argue that be- new job classifications, said at Tuesday's cause they are not represented by a union, Borough Council meeting that the firm Ihej havi less recourse in improving upon ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — A new "assigned weights to nine factors" in de- the salary structure established by the or- salary and job classification structure for termining the pay scale for various jobs. dinance. borough employees has drawn heavy crit- They said police, public works employ- Fenton said one of the nine factors was ees and supervisors all have unions to nt- icism as discriminating against female "physical demands" of the job. but would employees and for giving too much au- gotiate contracts, while female white-col- not specify the level of importance placed lar workers must fend for themselves thority to the borough administrator in on physical demands or any of the other determining pay increases. before the borough administrator if they ninecatagories. think they are treated unfairly. Female employees, who asked not to be Councilman David Palamara defended Former Democratic councilman Jack identified, said yesterday that the new job Fenton's silence on the issue, saying that Kelleher said elected officials are shirking classifications appear to place a higher aspect of the $9,700 study "is not avail- See WOMEN. Page 2A Employees approve contract counter charges was tired. "The hard work has paid off." Raynor By VIRGINIA KENT DORRIS "I don't think this (package) can be said, adding that the township had taken THE REGISTER considered as a victory for anyone — ei- the total amount of money available for ther the union or the township." A'llpwaj the pekage and treated it creatively. "It's said. "This is the end product of the col- obvious that each and every member of MIDDLETOWN — After working for lective bargaining process, but we find it the rank and file'is entitled to a fair wage." more than a year without a contract, mu- nicipal employees yesterday approved a acceptable." The new contract for the township's three-year package by an overwhelming The acceptance of the contract package 108 blue-collar and 128 white-collar work- margin. last night produced sighs of relief from ers, all members of the Middletown both sides ofthe negotiating table. branch of the Monmouth County Civil The contract offer, hammered out by "I'm elated. I'm so glad it's over that I Serviice Union, will be paid retroactive to THE REGISTER/MARTIN PETTERCHAK township and union officials during a fact- can't stand it," said Linda Nadel. an em- Jan. I, 1988. the date the last contract finding session Tuesday, was approved ployee in the Emergency Management De- expired. 79-12 by blue-collar workers and 77-14 by partment and a member of the union's The terms ofthe contract include raises Modulars under way white-collar workers. negotiating team. "The total package is of 7.72 percent for all employees for 1988. The crane lowers the boom as employees of Spacemaster Enterprises — Upon news that the township's offer good, and it addresses those at the lop of In 1989, all employees will receive a flat Eli Whitney, left, and Hugh Spinney — yesterday guided onto concrete piers had been accepted, Township Administra- the pay scale and the bottom." increase of $1,500 with the exception of pieces of the modular units that will add 18 classrooms to the Mah&la F. tor James A. Alloway said he thought that Mayor Noel "Britt" Raynor also said he 28 supervisors — 21 blue-collar and seven Atchison School on Sycamore Avenue in Tinton Falls in the next few weeks. everybody involved in the protracted suc- was very happy that an agreement had while-collar — who will get raises of cession of offers, accusations, charges and been reached. See MIDDLETOWN. Page 2A Long Branch woman tells of turbulent relationship with accused during trial while porcelain doll. the hospital Dec. 20 with massive that she was pregnant from a rape By NED KILKELLY "He got very angry with rrle be- internal bleeding. committed six months before by THE REGISTER cause he said I lied to him. He said Galloway, who had been baby- her cx-boyfriend. She said she had that he didn't trust me," Brazilian sitting the baby, was arrested and not told police, family or friends said. charged with assault after he con- about the sexual assault or that she A 22-year-old Long Branch was pregnant. Through repeated sobs, she said, fessed to police that he had vio- woman, in emotionally charged lently shaken and squeezed the Brazilian said'she told him "so testimony yesterday, said she and "I pleaded with him to believe me, they could break this off. so he but he wouldn't ... We were going baby. The charges were upgraded her former boyfriend argued and later. wouldn't get too involved." had planned on ending their to break it off, he was going to go After becoming upset. Galloway home." Brazilian said she met Gallo- suggested adoption and abortion relationship hours before he vio- way, a distant relative by mar- lently killed her 11-week old baby. Galloway is charged with mur- as options, but it was too late for der and endangering the welfare of riage, at a family picnic at her par- the former, Brazilian said. Diane Brazilian said that she a child after the infant — Stephen ents' Long Branch home on Labor On- Sept. 27, 1987, Brazilian and Steven Galloway had argued Anthony Brazilian — was taken Day 1987. They began a gave birth in the upstairs bath- Dec. 19, 1987, as to whether she off a life-supporting respirator at relationship about two weeks later. room of her parents' house to a was telling the truth when she said Monmouth Medical Center, Long After two dates, Brazilian said 7'/j-month premature boy. She a family friend had given her a Branch, Dec. 22. He was taken to she called Galloway to tell him See MOTHER. Page 2A Pay report creates furor in commission some borough insiders, that Commission day he asked Borough Auditor Stephen Gabcy BySEAMUS McGRAW Chairman George Hinklein intentionally un- to rummage through the commission's books THE REGISTER derbudgeted the commission last year, at least in November aAcr the commission reportedly partly in a bid to "embarrass." the fire depart- went about $3,0Q0 over budget. ment which then was locked in a bitter budget In a letter to Thompson dated Nov. 28. MATAWAN — A controversy is brewing battle with the Borough Council. And the Gabey reported that former Recreation Direc- over a report stating that as many as seven charges follow a police investigation into the tor William Newman and a committee includ- summer employees ofthe Recreation Commis- disappearance in August of about $200 of com- ing Hinklein and Joseph Bucco hired 13 sum- sion saw their salaries hiked last year above the mission money from a lakeside boathouse. mer employees at hourly rates ranging from guidelines set by the borough's 1988 salary and Hinklein has disputed the charges and con-$3.75 to $4.25. , wage ordinance. tends that former Recreation Director William Although in years past, the full commission THE REGISTER/CHET GORDON . Meanwhile, at least one former member of Newman sent pay vouchers for the employees would approve the hires, the commission min- the commission is charging that some of the directly to the Borough Treasurer, Nan Bucco, utes "do not reflect the hiring of these workers, Tightens up employees were paid for 40-hour work weeks without first seeking the approval of the com- their wage rates or the required number of when they put in only 20 hours. mission. Hinklein also maintains that the reve- hours to be worked daily." Shrewsbury fireman Bob Wentway tightens a hose cover on a And about $3,000 in unrelated vouchers lations are part of a plot by dissident commis- Paid in two installments, one in July and fire hydrant during a fire call recently at the Stiadowbrook were paid out last year without the approval of sioners to discredit him. another in August, the workers reportedly were" Restaurant, Shrewsbury. the full commission, The Register has learned. Councilman Joseph Thompson, former paid for 40-hour work weeks. According to Ga The disclosures come amid charges, made by council liaison to the commission, said yester- See SAURY, Page 2A THE BOTTOM LINE Picture proof , Award winner Small changes Evidence shows Ubya lieu Fair Haven resident Stanley The Board of Freeholders Ann Landers 8A Nation 6A when it claimed the two planes Meltzoff was given the Eric did little reorganizing at their Classified 10B Obituaries 4A that the U.S. shot down over Mitchell Prize for his analysis organization meeting, -Oomlos . ,,,......i.......... 7B—Opinion- ino IVTOOIIDI rnrreon osa wo of Florentine art. It carries a -reappointln-reappeintimgj moamost-efft offloialek s Crossword 8A Religion 8B unarmed reconnaissance $3,000 prize and Is given for a Director Harry Larrison Editorial 5A Sports IB aircraft, the Reagan first book by a "promising" began his 24th year on the Entertainment 7A Television 6B administration said.
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