Cruising Map of the Lichfield Canal including Ogley Junction Huddlesford Junction Former and Proposed Routes Route 38M5 Map IssueIssue 117 55 Notes 1. The information is believed to be correct at the time of publication but changes are frequently made on the waterways and you should check before relying on this information. 2. We do not update the maps for short term changes such as winter lock closures for maintenance. 3. The information is provides “as is” and the Information Provider excludes all representations, warranties, obligations, and liabilities in relation to the Information to the maximum extent permitted by law. The Information Provider is not liable for any errors or omissions in the Information and shall not be liable for any loss, injury or damage of any kind caused by its use. BBCNCN 1133 BBCNCN 1133 LLICHICH 0011 LLICHICH 0011 This is the September 2021 edition of the map. See www.waterwayroutes.co.uk/updates for updating BBCNCN 1122 to the latest monthly issue at a free or discounted price. HHATHATH 0033 Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right. All other work © Waterway Routes. Licensed for personal use only. Business licences on request. 49.3K 30.6M 3L 0B 11.5H AAngleseynglesey AAngleseynglesey WWharfharf BBasinasin m AAngleseynglesey WWharfharf BBridgeridge AAll re 55.. BBurntwoodurntwood RRoadoad BBridgeridge a 000m0m ddyy In m DDereere In ((16'5"16'5" llii sstt c t a BBCNCN AAngleseynglesey BBranchranch - lllele T ) o d PProposeroposed bbee I MM66 To Inf nf T il o le llll d 2 d D AAq D 2 LLockock 8 eerere .50.50 q Der ue D er m e D eerr llictict 33..1 d eerre eelictlict 22.50m.50m ((8'2")8' ((8'8' u e 22")") c e llict 2.50m (8'2" t ge llictict 22.90m.90imct ((9'6"29.'560"m (8'2" id 8 Br 0m0m (10'2" OOgleygley 11stst th ee uctct (10'2" Fr edu FFlightlight ((8)8) qu iddgge LLichfieldichfi C A Brri y Aq n ProposedProposed Routeoute lwwaa to 2") ) ai dleet 4 RaisedRaised on Old Alignment R id ) 3 M ) 2 1 7 eld AAngleseynglesey BBridgeridge B 22.50m.50m ((88'2") De 6 a 5 WWarr rrrar C 33.50m.50m BBCNCN SSloughlough 22.70m.70m ar ac on Old OOgleygley JJunctionunction r c a BBranchranch eenn k '2") D nalnal 9 s A LLichfieldichfield CCanalanal Hou L ( 1. 46.9K 29.1M 3L 0B 11.0H ( o 1 88'10")'10") u 11'6")'6" Daerelict e 40m ssee ne rrelicelic RRestorationestoration e A BriBr ) Derel iBBridg lignment t - To (4'7") BBridgeridge PProposedroposed DDee i rid d T ggee o g RRailwayailway r bbe eelictli R e e ct ccoo Propo BBridgeridge c eepp P t llacac ro m p e narr LLockock e o nar idggee T m ssed sed r E e e r ge y BriB d n d ows id S BBCNCN WWyrleyyrley & t ws Brri ilwwaa e rree SSloughlough s a g R qquireduired k’’s B d R rriid RRailwayailway eecc Old B W EEssingtonssington CCanalanal B aalll eersrs B BBridgeridge BBridgeridge eells op P Co M m PPierier SStreettreet FFootbridgeootbridge RRailwayailway HHarrisonsarrisons JJollyolly CCollierollier BBridgeridge BBasinasin BridgeBridge m 44.6K 27.7M 3L 0B 10.5H BBCNCN SSandhillsandhills AArmrm CCatshillatshill JJunctionunction AAnchornchor BBridgeridge 30.5K 18.9M 17L 0B 9.5H CClayhangerlayhanger 45.3K 28.1M 3L 0B 10.7H via WEC m BBridgeridge 31.0K 19.2M 17L 0B 9.6H via DEB RRailwayailway BBridgeridge BBCNCN DDawaw EEndnd BBranchranch LLICHICH 0022 m RRailwayailway BBridgeridge BBlacklack CCockock BBridgesridges ((2)2) WWalsallalsall WWoodood BBridgeridge BBCNCN 1144 LLICHICH 0011 LLICHICH 0011 BBCNCN 1133 HHollandersollanders BBridgeridge BBCNCN 1133 HATH 03 BCN 12 LLICHICH 0022 18 3.0.00m (9'10")(9'10") Parartitially ReRestoreded Goonne - Neeww BBridridge ReRequirired Fosseway Lane BriBridge LLichfieldichfield CCanalanal 17 2.80m2.80m (9'2")(9'2") DDeerelictelict RRestorationestoration PProposedroposed 16 22.70m.70m ((8'10")8'10") Derelirelict d Flight (6) 15 2.90m2.90m (9'6")(9'6") DeDerelictelict 14 22.70m.70m (8'10")(8'10") Derrelielict OOgleygley 33rdr Flight (6) 13 2.60m2.60m (8'6")(8'6") DeDerelictelict WWaallll LLaane BBrridge LLichfiichfielldd CCananaall PProposedroposed RRouteoute OOldld RRoutoute - Abbananddoneoned LLichfieldichfield CCanalanal Shhawaw’s Briidgedge PPipipe HHiillll BBrridggee LLichfieldichfield CCanalanal RestorationRestoration PProposedroposed LLICHICH 0022 OOgleygley 22ndnd FFlightlight ((4)4) Gone - NNeew BBriridggee RReequirreed 12 2.90m2.90m (9'6")(9'6") DDeereelictlict 11 2.62.60m (8'6")8'6") Deerreelictlict CCooppice Lane BBrriddgge LLICHICH 0033 10 22.70m.70m (8'10")(8'10") Derelirelict BBCNCN 1133 MMuuckckley CCoorner Bridge LLICHICH 0011 or MMooat Bank Lane BBriridgdge LLichfieldichfield Canalnal DDerelicterelict - TToo bbee Innffillledled 2..770m ((8'10")8'10") 9 ProposedProposed Roouteute LLICHICH 0022 Licchfieldhfield CCanalanal AAbabanndoneddoned - Old RRouteoute WWaattlling SStretreet Bridridge ProPropoposesed WWaall LLaane Brridgeidge 9B 11..330m0m ((4'4'3")3") PPrrooposeposed LLichfieldichfield Canalnal RRestorationestoration Prroposoposeedd Access Liftft Bridridge PrProposesed New BBridridge ReRequired BoBoat BBrridgege Gone 9A 11..440m0m ((4'7")4'7") PropProposedsed 55..000m0m ((16'5"16'5") PProposeroposed LockLock 8 LLichfieldichfield Cannalal AAllreaddyy InInststallelled M6 Toll Aqueduct ProposedProposed Roouteute DDereerelliict - To bbee Innffilled 2..5050m ((8'8'22")") 8 RRaisedaised oonn OOldld AAlignmentlignment 7 2.50m2.50m ((88''2")2") DDeerrelicelict - TToo bbeeccoome nnarrarrowwss OOgleygley 11stst FFlightlight ((8)8) Barrraacks Lane BridBridge Proposseed 6 33.50m.50m (111'6")'6") Derelicterelict WWarrarreenn Houssee BBriridgege Reeppllacacement rreeqquireduired 5 22.70m.70m (88'10")'10") DDeereelictlict Lichfield Canal Restoration Proposed LLICHICH 0022 LLICHICH 0033 ute Ro l ed na os d Ca Prop Lichfiel PPaapperer Miillll Wharfharf Prooposedposed 1..80m80m (55''1111") 2299 CCOVOV 0011 BBAFAF 009A9M 20 TTAM 20 2288 PPrroopoposseed AA338 Bridge PProroposseed 2.70m ((88'1100") 28 Taamwmworrtth RRoadoad Briidgedge PProroposseed TTaammwowortthh Road Bridge Proposseed 2.7.70m (8(8'1'10") 27 2277 26 2.40m2.40m (7'10")(7'10") PPararttiallyially RestoredRestored amworth Frreeefoordrd Farm FFooottbbrriidggee TTamworth RRoadoad 25 3.20m3.20m (10'6")(10'6") ParPartiallytially RestoredRestored LLocksocks ((5)5) 2244 22.70.70m ((88''1010") Derelierelicctt (Beecomescomes Narrrows)rows) Lichfield Canal ProposedProposed Routeoute - LoweredLowered onon OldOld AlignAlignmmentent PProposeroposed 22.7.70m ((8'108'10") 2424 Cricket Lane Bridge ProProposseed LLichfieldichfield CCanalanal RRestorationestoration PProposedroposed Foootbtbrrididge GGaallllowwss Whharfarf PProroppoosseed SStt John''ss Briiddge or Londoonn Road BBrriddgge 2233 2.70m.70m (8'10(8'10") DDerereellict LLICHICH 0033 Shhortortbutts LaLane Bridgeridge 2222 DDeerelictelict Railailwaayy Briridggee 22 3.10m3.10m (10'2")(10'2") PrProoposedposed Birrmmiinghnghamam RoRoad BrBridgdge LLICHICH 0044 2211 LichfieldLichfield Canalnal CCOVOV 0022 BAFBAF 0808 LLICHICH 0022 2200 ProposedProposed Roouteute Saandndfields Brridgeidge Raiillway Brididge PrProposed "Tununnel ViVision AppAppeal" Birmingngham RoRoad BrBridgdge AlreAlready Installed LLICHICH 0033 Licchfieldhfield CCanalanal 21 2.50m2.50m (8'2")(8'2") PrProposedoposed AAbabanndoneddoned - Old RRouteoute 20 2.50m2.50m (8'2")(8'2") PPrrooposedposed 19 2.50m2.50m (8'2")(8'2") PPrrooposedposed Clayypipit Lane BBrridggee PProroposed 1199 SSanandfielldsds Locckk GGoone 18 3.0.00m (9'10")(9'10") Parartitially ReRestoreded Goonne - Neeww BBridridge ReRequirired Fosseway Lane BrBridge LLichfieldichfield CCanalanal 17 2.80m2.80m (9'2")(9'2") DDeerelictelict RRestorationestoration PProposedroposed 16 22.70m.70m (8'10")(8'10") Derrelielict d Flight (6) 15 2.90m2.90m (9'6")(9'6") DDeereelictlict 14 22.70m.70m ((8'10")8'10") Derelirelict OOgleygley 33rdr Flight (6) 13 22.60m.60m ((8'6")8'6") DDeereelictlict WWaallll LLaane BBrridge LLichfiichfieeldld CCananaall Proposed Route OOldld RRoutoute - Abanbanddoneoned Lichfield Canal Shaw’s Bridge LLICHICH 0033 BBAFAF 0088 BBAFAF 0088 CCOVOV 0022 CCoventryoventry CCanalanal CCOVOV 0022 LLICHICH 0044 LLICHICH 0044 TAM 19 BBrookhayrookhay BBridgeridge 8888 HHS2S2 37.5K 23.3M 38L 0B 14.5H BBearshayearshay BridgeBridge 8877 LLICHICH 0033 SStreethaytreethay BBridgeridge 8866 C D B G H SStreethaytreethay WWharfharf P H BBurtonurton RRoad,oad, LLichfield,ichfield, WWS13S13 8RJ8RJ B M CCOVOV 0011 0015431543 441414 880808 BBAFAF 0099 RRailwayailway BBridgeridge 885A5A wwww.streethaywharf.co.ukww.streethaywharf.co.uk M TTAMAM 2200 KKingsings OOrchardrchard BBridgeridge 8855 M R B KKingsings OOrchardrchard MMarinaarina HHS2S2 G R BBroadroad LLane,ane, HHuddlesford,uddlesford, WWS13S13 88SPSP E W B D 0015431543 443333 660808 P M wwww.kingsorchardmarina.comww.kingsorchardmarina.com 8844 SStoneytoney SSteptep BBridgeridge CCoventryoventry CCanalanal M M 48h M 24h HHuddlesforduddlesford 8833 PPloughlough BBridgeridge JJunctionunction 882B2B RRailwayailway BBridgeridge 35.1K 21.8M 38L 0B 14.0H PProposedroposed TTowpathowpath BBridgeridge 882A2A FootbridgeFootbridge LLichfieldichfield CCanalanal BBowmansowmans M BBridgeridge 8822 8811 CCheadlesheadles BridgeBridge CCapper’sapper’s BBridgeridge M Prroposop ed WWateryatery LLaneane BBridgeridge BBAFAF 0077 PProro Li osed Pr cchfihfieelld HHS2S2 BBridgeridge UUndernder cconstructiononstruction CCOVOV 0033 p PProro PPrr R o rooposedposed 1 d oouteute ssee p oopopo Ca 3300 DDarnfordarnford BBottomottom LLockock M d o a M ssee n F ssee a N Propose re P TaT l e 22.20m.20m ((7'3")7'3") DDerelicterelict e r a d w o mwomwor d PPaaper M D e 2
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