Union with Christ? Re-reading Calvin as Constructive Proposal for Korean Calvin Reception DISSERTATION Submitted in Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY of Stellenbosch University by SUNG RUAL CHOI Supervisor: Professor Robert Vosloo December 2015 Stellenbosch University https://scholar.sun.ac.za “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.” Galatians 2:20 (own emphasis.) “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever ─ the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you… On that day you will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you.” John 14: 16-17, 20 (own emphasis.) “Grant, Almighty God, that as thou hast favoured us with so singular a benefit as to make through thy Son a covenant which has been ratified for our salvation,─O grant, that we may become partakers of it, and know that thou so speakest with us, that thou not only shewest by thy Word what is right, but speakest also to us inwardly by thy Spirit, and thus renderest us teachable and obedient, that there may be an evidence of our adoption, and a proof that thou wilt govern and rule us, until we shall at length be really and fully united the thee(Almighty God) through Christ our Lord.─Amen.” John Calvin’s Prayer (Comm. on Jer. 31:34) (own emphasis.) Stellenbosch University https://scholar.sun.ac.za DECLARATION I, Sung Rual Choi, hereby declare that the work contained in this dissertation is my own original work and that I have not previously in its entirety or in part submitted it at any university for a degree. Signature: ……………………… Date: 14th April, 2015 Copyright © 2015 Stellenbosch University All rights reserved Stellenbosch University https://scholar.sun.ac.za ABSTRACT The starting point of this dissertation is the presence of a theological deficit regarding the reception of Calvin’s “union with Christ (unio cum Christo)” thought. It is argued that the notion of “union with Christ” should not be treated merely as a doctrinal theme within soteriology and the doctrine of the Sacraments but as having an inter- relationship with various other important doctrines in Calvin’s theology, thus functioning as a core thought. Hence this dissertation re-interprets and re-evaluates the original scope, content and meaning of Calvin’s use of the notion of “union with Christ,” attending in the process to the various metaphorical expressions and theological meanings associated with this notion. This research dissertation attempted to recover the importance of what is described as Calvin’s “union with Christ” thought in the following manner. Firstly, it examines the main causes for the reduction of the scope and importance of “union with Christ” thought in Korean Reformed theology and the American Reformed theology (or Calvinistic theology) that influenced it. Secondly, it also examines more concretely the various metaphorical expressions and theological meanings associated with “union with Christ” thought. Lastly, the study strives to verify systematically that the “union with Christ” thought (or ‘union with the Triune God’ thought) functions as a core thought in Calvin’s theology. This is done through the explication of the close inter-relationship between the structure of the Institutes and “union with Christ” thought, as well as by indicating the way in which “union with Christ” thought is interrelated with other important doctrines in Calvin’s theology. i Stellenbosch University https://scholar.sun.ac.za OPSOMMING Die vertrekpunt van hierdie verhandeling is die stelling dat daar in gereformeerde teologie ‘n reduksie ten opsigte van Calvyn se gedagte van die unio cum Christo (die eenheid of vereniging met Christus) bestaan. Die studie argumenteer dat “eenheid met Christus” nie alleenlik as ‘n leerstellige tema binne die soteriologie en die leerstelling oor die sakramente in Calvyn se teologie beskou moet word nie, maar dat die interrelasie van hierdie tema met ander belangrike leerstellige temas deeglik en duidelik verreken moet word. “Eenheid met Christus” funksioneer dus as ‘n kerngedagte in Calvyn se teologie. Daarom herinterpreer en herevalueer hierdie proefskrif die oorspronklike reikwydte, inhoud en betekenis van Calvyn se gebruik van die “eenheid met Christus”- gedagte, en in die proses word onder meer in fyn besonderhede aan die onderskei metaforiese uitdrukkings en teologiese temas wat met hierdie gedagte gepaardgaan, aandag gegee. Die navorsing poog in die proses om die belangrikheid van Calvyn se “eenheid met Christus”-gedagte te herontdek langs die volgende weë: Ten eerste word daar gekyk na die reduksie in reikwydte, betekenis en belangrikheid van Calvyn se “eenheid met Christus”- gedagte in Koreaanse gereformeerde teologie, sowel as in die Amerikaanse gereformeerde (of Calvinistiese) teologie wat so ‘n groot impak daarop gehad het. In die tweede plek word daar heel konkreet en in groot detail na die onderskeie metaforiese uitdrukkings en teologiese betekenisse wat met die “eenheid met Christus”-gedagte geassosieer word, ondersoek ingestel. Derdens poog die studie om oortuigend op ‘n sistematiese wyse aan te toon dat “eenheid met Christus” as ‘n kerngedagte in Calvyn se teologie funksioneer. Dit word gedoen deur aan te toon dat daar ‘n noue interrelasie tussen die struktuur van die Institusie en die “eenheid met Christus”-gedagte is, sowel as deur die noue interrelasie tussen hierdie gedagte en ander belangrike dogmatiese loci in Calvyn se teologie aan te dui. ii Stellenbosch University https://scholar.sun.ac.za To My Most Gracious and Beloved God and My Mother, Soon Duck Cha, and My Wife, Seon Young Kim iii Stellenbosch University https://scholar.sun.ac.za ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS As I have wrestled with this research dissertation over the last few years, there has always been a verse from the Bible in my head: “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me” (Gal. 2:20). This is also a text that reflects the basis of the “union with Christ (unio cum Christo)” thought, which is the theme of this research. I have proceeded with this dissertation by depending on Scripture and the Holy Spirit, together with prayer and meditation on the Scriptures. As a consequence, I have experienced the grace of God in writing this research dissertation from the beginning to the end. I lift up all glory, praise and thanksgiving to the living God, before everything else. The support of my family has been my solid prop during this time of research. How can I express my gratitude for all the great love and unceasing prayers of my aged mother, Soon Duck Cha (She is probably praying at the moment that I am writing this), and the ceaseless sacrifice and love of my beloved wife, Seon Young Kim? I offer endless thanks to my revered mother-in-law, Soon Im Gwak, who has prayed for and supported me. My deepest thanks must be given to my beloved sisters, Mi Sook Choi, Mi Ock Choi, and Mi Hwa Choi, who have supported and prayed for me ever since I was a child. I also want to thank very deeply my older brother, Sung Jin Choi, and my younger brother, Moses Choi, who have also supported and prayed for me since I was called by God. A word of special thanks must be given to Professor Dirk Jacobus Smit, who provided great favour and inspiration during the progress as I prepared the proposal for this research. I want to express my deepest thanks to my doctoral supervisor, Professor Robert Vosloo, who has undertaken the supervision of my research dissertation, and has indicated that this research is to be extended more systematically. I also want to give a special word of thanks to my proofreaders, Mrs. Felicity Grové and Dr. Manitza Kotze, who have patiently proofread and modified my dissertation’s insufficient English expressions, sacrificing their precious time. Also, I want to thank my reverend teacher and spiritual mentor, Doctor Kye Won Lee. If it was not for his teaching and encouragement, this dissertation might not have existed. I also want to thank sincerely Sydney Myung Sung Church and Rev. Dr. Choon Bok Lee, who offered me many opportunities, and also supported my university expenses. I express special thanks to Mr. Jae Il Lee and his family, and Mrs. Hyea Jung Oh of Sydney, Australia. Their prayers and financial support have been a great consolation to me during this iv Stellenbosch University https://scholar.sun.ac.za period of research. My sincere thanks to the Cape Town Korean Church and its members. My wife and I have been really very happy while serving in the church school with those precious people. I also want to express my special thanks to Rev. Joong Goo Kim, Rev. Jae Ki Lee, and Mrs. Jin Hee Han, Kyung Hee Park, Young Ah Kim, Jung Hwa Kwon, Kyung Ja Jeon, and Ms. Mi Jung Um, Eun Hyang Han, Ji Hyea Moon, Min Joo Park, Mr. Jong Joo Lee, Chang Jung, Kyung Duck Park, and Mr. Sung Il Cho and his wife, Jung Ran Moon. Undoubtedly, their prayers and encouragement have been a great consolation to me. I also express my sincere thanks to Mr. Gi Hoon Kim of Seoul, Korea, and Mr.
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