BurkeBurke Wellbeing Page 10 SpookySpooky StringsStrings Follow on Twitter: @BurkeConnection on Twitter: Follow News,News, PagePage 77 Strings teacher Stephanie “Transylvania” Trachtenberg with performers Rachel Eom and Jas- mine Gao in the 33rd annual Spooky Strings Concert at White Oaks Elementary School in Burke on Wednesday, Oct. 31. Classified, Page 18 Classified, ❖ Sports, Page 17 ❖ Fairfax Votes ‘Yes’ Entertainment, Page 14 On Bond Package News, Page 8 Area Votes for Obama, Kaine, House Incumbents News, Page 3 Photo by Eric Piccirelli www.ConnectionNewspapers.comNovember 8—14, 2012 online at www.connectionnewspapers.comBurke Connection ❖ November 8-14, 2012 ❖ 1 THE NUTCRACKER presented by The Burke Civic Ballet SPECIAL GUEST ARTISTS, Sharon Wehner and Koichi Kubo, Principals with the Colorado Ballet will perform Sugar Plum and Cavalier Order online at www.buffas.com Saturday, November 17th at 2:00 & 6:00 p.m. & Sunday, November 18th at 1:00 & 5:00 p.m. NVCC- Annandale Campus Adults - $27 • Children/Seniors - $20 For organized groups (10+) and ticket questions, e-mail [email protected] 2 ❖ Burke Connection ❖ November 8-14, 2012, 2008 www.ConnectionNewspapers.com Burke Connection Editor Kemal Kurspahic News 703-778-9414 or [email protected] Photo by Deb Cobb/The Connection Photo Photo by Deb Cobb/The Connection Photo Reaction to the announcement that President Barack Obama has been re- U.S. Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-11) helps a Greenspring resident find elec- elected at the Fairfax County Democrats Victory Party on Nov. 6. tion officials at the Greenspring Polling Station to determine whether he can vote in the election. Area Votes for Obama, Kaine, House Incumbents Sheraton. “They don’t want more rabid, President Barack Obama wins second term, partisan rhetoric as a substitute for real so- Kaine wins Senate seat, Moran, Wolf, lutions to real problems.” Connolly said he was honored “to have Connolly re-elected. been reelected, by my widest margin ever, and to have received the thrust of our vot- Ross/The Connection by Victoria Photo By Victoria Ross Elections, Obama won the County with ers to represent them for the next two years. The Connection nearly 60 percent of the vote. On their behalf I will fight for the values we share while seeking common ground to n a bitter and historically expensive move our country forward.” battle, President Barack Obama de- Kaine Wins Senate Connolly also displayed his trademark wit Ifeated Gov. Mitt Romney, winning a Seat when he told the crowd he had another second term Tuesday after grabbing announcement: “CBS News just called it for the key swing state of Virginia after mid- It was one of the most competitive and Tim Kaine. … Not so fast, Tea Party!” night. closely-watched Senate races in the nation, With the addition of the Commonwealth’s but after 17 months of brutal campaigning, 13 electoral votes—as well as those of Colo- former Virginian Governor and DNC Chair The 10th District: rado, Iowa, New Hampshire and Wiscon- Timothy M. Kaine grabbed the seat of retir- sin—Obama sailed over the electoral cliff ing U.S. Sen. Jim Webb from former Gov- Wolf with the critical 270 electoral votes he ernor George Allen. Kaine won 51.85 per- U.S. Rep. Frank Wolf (R-10), the most needed for victory. cent of the vote over Allen’s 47.97 percent senior of the 11 members of the House of Ron Wiersma of Springfield and More than 200 Democrats gathered at the with 100 percent of the state’s 2588 pre- Representatives from Virginia, won his 17th Caroline Smith of Reston cel- Tysons Sheraton Tuesday evening—some cincts reporting, according to the Virginia consecutive term on Tuesday. This year, Wolf ebrated with other Democrats at cautiously optimistic, some nervous—about State Board of Elections. faced a challenge on two fronts: Democrat the Sheraton on Tuesday. “Look the Democrats’ chances of another four Kristin Cabral and Independent Kevin around you. This is America,” years for Obama in The White House. Chisholm fought hard to take his seat. Smith said. “Black, white, Asian, Mondana Nicksolat, an Obama volunteer The 11th District: Wolf won 58.71 percent of the vote Latinos, men and women, young from McLean, said she was so nervous about (194,817 votes) compared to Cabral’s 38.38 and old. This is our America.” Obama’s chances for victory, “I feel like I’m Connolly percent of the vote (127,355 votes) with getting ready to take a final exam. I’m U.S. Rep Gerry Connolly (D-11) knows 192 of 195 precincts reporting at 1 a.m. opponent J. Patrick Murray with 63.42 per- nervous. I’m not sure he will win,” Nicksolat how close a race can be on election night, Wolf sits on the powerful House Appro- cent (174,974 votes) of the vote over said. But as the evening wore on, Nicksolat beating challenger Keith Fimian in 2010 by priations Committee, where he is the chair- Murray’s 31.5 percent of the vote (86, became more optimistic. a razor-thin margin, but Connolly handily man on the Commerce-Justice-Science sub- 910 votes). A senior member of the Ap- “Obama shouldn’t be called a politician,” defeated Republican challenger Chris committee. In addition, he is the co-chair- propriations Committee, Moran serves as she said. “He is a human being. He has a Perkins Tuesday night along with four other man of the Tom Lantos Human Rights Com- the ranking member on the Subcommit- lot in common with the American people. candidates: Chris DeCarlo (Independent), mission, a bipartisan organization made up tee on the Interior and Environment and We are not all rich; we all did not go to Mark Gibson (Independent), Joe Galdo of more than 200 members of Congress who also serves on the Defense and Military elite schools; some of us are immigrants and (Green Party) and Peter Marchetti (Inde- work together to raise awareness about in- Construction Subcommittees. Through- we’re Americans. Obama is with us.” pendent Green Party). Connolly received ternational human rights issues. out his two decades of service in the Close to midnight, the Sheraton crowd 60.05 percent of the vote, or 163,212 votes, House of Representatives, Moran has erupted in cheers, hugs and tears when compared to Perkins’s 36.22 percent of the championed regional transportation so- news networks projected the win for vote with 98,456 votes. The 8th District: lutions, the environment, women’s is- Obama. “Tonight our voters also sent a message sues, technology, fair and open trade, and “The country and women are safe for four about our politics. They want more func- Moran fiscal discipline. He is also well known for more years,” one guest shouted. tional government,” Connolly said, stand- U.S. Rep. James P. Moran won a 12th term his efforts to protect federal employees and According to the Fairfax County Board of ing with his daughter and wife at the in Congress, easily beating his Republican military retirees. www.ConnectionNewspapers.com Burke Connection ❖ November 8-14, 2012 ❖ 3 Military Notes Tony, formerly of All Trees, Shrubs and Perennials Send notes to the Connection at , 25% Off [email protected] or call TJ’s Barber Shop 7703-778-9416. Deadline is Friday. Dated announcements should be submit- has ted at least two weeks prior to the event. ¢¢ Fall Flowers Air National Guard Airman 1st relocated PansiesPansies 9797 Class Scott D. Myers, a Class of 1997 alum of Fairfax High School, graduated Are Here in from basic military training at Lackland to Fairfax. Air Force Base, San Antonio, Texas. The Reg.Reg. $1.89$1.89 Gorgeous Colors! airman completed an intensive, eight- Please contact week program that included training in military discipline and studies, Air Force him at core values, physical fitness, and basic warfare principles and skills. Myers 703-629-2943 earned distinction as an honor graduate. Midshipman 1st Class (senior) Zachary Patrick from Springfield was recently selected to participate in the 50-65%50-65% OffOff PotteryPottery Naval Academy Trident Scholars Pro- gram. Patrick, a 2009 graduate of West THIS IS “BUDDY” WashingtonWashington Area’sArea’s BiggestBiggest SelectionSelection Springfield high school and an honors Come and discover for yourself why this systems engineering major at the Naval adorable fella is named Buddy. If you’re Academy, will research how multiple looking for a best friend, look no further laser beams can be controlled in a di- than this sweet boy. Buddy is 3 years rected energy weapon. For more old, already housebroken, kid-proof and information about the Naval Academy, please visit: www.usna.edu. good with other dogs. He’ll be your JapaneseJapanese MaplesMaples walking pal, your sidekick and most R.R. Ties Navy Seaman Recruit Ajay importantly, your pillow on the couch Salwan, a 2006 graduate of Lake when the game is on. He has a white Braddock Secondary School, recently and tan coat with short hair. Rush to get $ 99 30%30% OFFOFF completed U.S. Navy basic training at 14. Recruit Training Command, Great your application in so you can come out and meet your Forever Best Friend! Over 200 Varieties Lakes, Ill. Attributes: Super & Up Over 200 Varieties Navy Seaman Shawn P. Barnes, Sweetie! son of Karen L. Barr of Shepherdsville, HUMANE SOCIETY OF FAIRFAX COUNTY Ky. and Patrick W. Barnes of Burke, was Hours: Monday-Friday 10-4 and Saturday 10-3 • 703-385-PETS recently promoted to his current rank upon graduation from recruit training at Adoptions: By appointment only. • www.hsfc.org Recruit Training Command, Great Lakes, Ill. Barnes is a 2011 graduate of Bullitt Central High School of Shepherdsville, Ky.
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