Biographies 1317 ary 23, in 1741 or 1742; pursued classical studies in Eng- of Brookville in 1833; was a contractor and builder in Mis- land; returned to America briefly in 1764, but went abroad sissippi and assisted in the construction of a canal in that to reside, taking up his residence in London in 1771; moved State; returned to Pennsylvania; county judge of Jefferson to Paris, France, in 1776; appointed commissioner to the County about 1840; elected as a Democrat to the Twenty- Court of Tuscany by the Continental Congress in 1776, but seventh Congress (March 4, 1841-March 3, 1843); engaged was recalled in 1779; returned to America in 1780; pledged in agricultural pursuits; returned to Greensburg, Pa., in his large estate in South Carolina for the payment of war 1846 and died there on February 28, 1852; interment in ships to be used in the Revolutionary War; Member of the the Old Cemetery of the St. Clair Cemetery Association. Continental Congress in 1782 and 1783; elected to the United States Senate and served from March 4, 1789, to JACKSON, Alfred Metcalf, a Representative from Kan- March 3, 1795; served as President pro tempore of the Sen- sas; born in South Carrollton, Muhlenburg County, Ky., July ate during the Third Congress; one of the founders of the 14, 1860; attended the common schools and West Kentucky College of Charleston; retired from public life to the care College; studied law; was admitted to the bar and practiced; of his estates; died near Charleston, May 30, 1804; inter- moved to Howard, Elk County, Kans., in 1881 and engaged ment in the churchyard of St. James Goose Creek Episcopal in the practice of law; prosecuting attorney of Elk County Church, near Charleston, S.C. in 1890; judge of the thirteenth judicial district of Kansas Bibliography: American National Biography; Dictionary of American Bi- in 1892; moved to Winfield, Kans., in 1898; elected as a ography; Izard, Ralph. Correspondence of Mr. Ralph Izard of South Caro- Democrat to the Fifty-seventh Congress (March 4, 1901- lina, From the Year 1774 to 1804, with a Short Memoir. Edited by Anne March 3, 1903); unsuccessful candidate for reelection in Deas. 1844. Reprint. New York: AMS Press, 1976. 1902; resumed the practice of law in Winfield, Kans., and died there on June 11, 1924; interment in the Highland IZLAR, James Ferdinand, a Representative from South Mausoleum. Carolina; born near Orangeburg, Orangeburg County, S.C., November 25, 1832; attended the common schools; was grad- JACKSON, Amos Henry, a Representative from Ohio; uated from Emory College, Oxford, Ga., in 1855; studied born near Franklin, Delaware County, N.Y., May 10, 1846; law; was admitted to the bar in 1858 and commenced prac- moved with his parents to Gibson, Steuben County, N.Y., tice in South Carolina; served as an officer in the Confed- in 1854 and to a farm near Corning, Steuben County, N.Y., erate Army during the Civil War; resumed the practice of in 1862; attended the common schools; moved to Ohio in law in Orangeburg, S.C.; member of the State senate 1880- 1866; employed as a carpenter for several years and then 1890; elected by the general assembly judge of the first engaged in selling notions from a wagon; settled in Fremont, judicial circuit in 1889; delegate to the Democratic National Sandusky County, Ohio, in 1882 and engaged in the retail Convention in 1884; elected as a Democrat to the Fifty- dry goods and shoe business and later engaged in manufac- third Congress to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation tures; mayor of Fremont 1897-1901; elected as a Republican of William H. Brawley and served from April 12, 1894, to to the Fifty-eighth Congress (March 4, 1903-March 3, 1905); March 3, 1895; was not a candidate for renomination in was not a candidate for renomination in 1904; resumed man- 1894; again engaged in the practice of law in Orangeburg ufacturing interests in Fremont, Ohio, until 1922 when he until 1907, when he retired; died in Orangeburg, S.C., May retired; died in Fremont, Ohio, on August 30, 1924; inter- 26, 1912; interment in the Episcopal Cemetery. ment in Oakwood Cemetery. JACKSON, Andrew, a Representative and a Senator from Tennessee and 7th President of the United States; J born on March 15, 1767; in the Waxhaw Settlement in South JACK, Summers Melville, a Representative from Penn- Carolina; attended an old-field school; though just a boy, sylvania; born in Summersville, Jefferson County, Pa., July participated in the battle of Hanging Rock during the Revo- 18, 1852; attended the public and private schools of Jeffer- lution, captured by the British and imprisoned; worked for son County and the Indiana Normal School (now State a time in a saddler’s shop and afterward taught school; Teachers College) of Pennyslvania; taught school for six studied law in Salisbury, N.C.; admitted to the bar in 1787; years; studied law; was admitted to the bar in 1879 and moved to Jonesboro (now Tennessee) in 1788 and com- commenced practice in Indiana, Pa.; district attorney for menced practice; appointed solicitor of the western district Indiana County 1884-1890; appointed member of the board of North Carolina, comprising what is now the State of of trustees of the Indiana Normal School in 1886 and by Tennessee, in 1788; held the same position in the territorial reappointment served more than forty years; chairman of government of Tennessee after 1791; delegate to the conven- the congressional conference for the twenty-first district in tion to frame a constitution for the new State 1796; upon 1896; elected as a Republican to the Fifty-sixth and Fifty- the admission of Tennessee as a State into the Union was seventh Congresses (March 4, 1899-March 3, 1903); was not elected to the Fourth and Fifth Congresses and served from a candidate for renomination in 1902; member of the con- December 5, 1796, until his resignation in September 1797; gressional delegation sent to the Philippine Islands in 1901 elected as a Democratic Republican in September 1797 to to inquire into the advisability of establishing civil govern- the United States Senate for the term that had commenced ment; resumed the practice of law; delegate to the Repub- March 4, 1797, and served from September 26, 1797, until lican National Convention at Chicago in 1908; died in Indi- his resignation in April 1798; judge of the State supreme ana, Pa., September 16, 1945; interment in the Oakland court of Tennessee 1798-1804; engaged in planting and in Cemetery, Indiana, Pa. mercantile pursuits; served in the Creek War of 1813 as commander of Tennessee forces; his victory in the Creek JACK, William, a Representative from Pennsylvania; War brought him a commission as major general in the born in Greensburg, Westmoreland County, Pa., July 29, United States Army in May 1814; led his army to victory 1788; studied law; was admitted to the bar and practiced; over the British in the Battle of New Orleans in January moved to Brookville, Jefferson County, Pa., in 1831 and 1815; received the thanks of Congress and a gold medal engaged in mercantile pursuits; division inspector of militia by resolution of February 27, 1815; commanded an expedi- for Westmoreland and Fayette Counties 1830-1835; sheriff tion which captured Florida in 1817; served as Governor 1318 Biographical Directory of the new territory in 1821; again elected to the United Law School, Connecticut; was admitted to the bar and com- States Senate and served from March 4, 1823, to October menced practice in Philadelphia, Pa., in 1821; moved to Mid- 14, 1825, when he resigned; chairman, Committee on Mili- dletown, Conn., in 1826; member of the State house of rep- tary Affairs (Eighteenth Congress); unsuccessful candidate resentatives 1829-1832; elected to the Twenty-third Con- for President in 1824; elected as a Democrat as President gress to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Samuel of the United States in 1828; reelected in 1832 and served A. Foote and served from December 1, 1834, to March 3, from March 4, 1829, to March 3, 1837; retired to his country 1835; unsuccessful candidate for reelection in 1834 to the home, the ‘Hermitage,’ near Nashville, Tenn., where he died Twenty-fourth Congress; again a member of the State house June 8, 1845; interment in the garden on his estate. of representatives in 1849; died in Middletown, Middlesex Bibliography: American National Biography; Dictionary of American Bi- County, Conn., August 17, 1874; interment in Indian Hill ography; Remini, Robert. Andrew Jackson and the Course of American Cemetery. Empire, 1767-1821. New York: Harper & Row, 1977; Jackson, Andrew. The Papers of Andrew Jackson. Edited by Sam B. Smith, Harriet Chappell JACKSON, Edward Brake (son of George Jackson and Owsley, Harold D. Moser, Sharon Macpherson, David R. Hoth, John H. brother of John George Jackson), a Representative from Vir- Reinbold, et al. 4 vols. to date. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, ginia; born in Clarksburg, Harrison County, Va. (now West 1980- . Virginia), January 25, 1793; attended Randolph Academy JACKSON, David, a Delegate from Pennsylvania; born at Clarksburg; studied medicine and commenced practice in Newtown-Limavady, County Londonderry, Ireland, about in Clarksburg; during the War of 1812 was detailed sur- 1730; immigrated to the United States and settled in geon’s mate, Third Regular Virginia Militia, at Fort Meigs, Edenton, Chester County, Pa.; attended Nottingham Acad- Ohio; member of the State house of delegates 1815-1818; emy at West Nottingham Township; was graduated from clerk of the United States district court in 1819; elected the medical department of the University of Pennsylvania to the Sixteenth Congress to fill the vacancy caused by the in 1768 and was an apothecary and physician in Philadel- resignation of James Pindall; reelected to the Seventeenth phia, Pa., 1768-1801; during the Revolutionary War was Congress and served from October 23, 1820, to March 3, appointed paymaster of the Second Battalion of Philadelphia 1823; declined to be a candidate for renomination in 1822; Militia December 3, 1776; quartermaster of militia in the died at Bedford Springs, near Bedford, Pa., September 8, field October 23, 1779; hospital physician and surgeon Sep- 1826; interment near Bedford, Pa.
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