www.archden.org 106 Years of Service to the Gospel Volume LXXXI – No. 23 JUNE 14, 2006 SEEDS OF HOPE New $3 million Catholic school voucher program kicked off PHOTO BY JAMES BACA/DCR ARCHBISHOP CHARLES CHAPUT, O.F.M. CAP., an- nounces a privately funded voucher program to help low-income children attend Catholic schools. Behind him are John Harpole, chair of the Seeds of Hope Charitable PHOTO BY JAMES BACA/DCR Trust board of trustees, and St. Francis de Sales sixth- WHILE BEING PUSHED BY HIS COUNSELOR, Mike Varner, Danny Reck reads a road sign that seems to indicate a grader Milagros Soto. wheelchair's speed limit shouldn't exceed 10 miles per hour. The sign actually warns motorists to limit their speed PAGE 2 due to wheelchairs sharing the road. Varner and Reck were among the 152 Archdiocese of Denver Special Religious Education program students, who ranged in age from 7 to 62, and counselors who participated in Overnighter POPE PIUS XII 2006, an outdoor mountain camp experience held at Easter Seal Colorado Rocky Mountain Village in Empire, Colo., two weekends in May. Led by Father Roland Freeman and Sister Mary Catherine Widger, S.L., the annual outing of- Sense of urgency: fers students the opportunity to fish, hike, climb a 30-foot rock wall and horseback ride. The weekends included Mass and a dance. Knights of Columbus councils helped fund the weekends and members volunteered time. late pontiff’s supporters await progress on cause NO SPEEDING WHEELCHAIRS CNS PHOTO PAGE 3 FILM Nun puts out call for testimony A Father’s Day Tony Melendez defending controversial pope message on concerts to benefit PAGE 3 faith migrant relief WORLD/NATION PAGE 4 PAGE 7 Pope urges lay ARCHBISHOP’S CATHOLIC APPEAL movements to Seminary, diaconate formation among ‘Cars’ deemed ‘a family-friendly film with a full tank of humor’ work together vital ministries ACA helps fund CNS PHOTO PAGE 16 PAGE 8 PAGE 2 CATHOLIC LIFE BULLETIN BOARD ALL ARE INVITED TO CORPUS Rosary for Life; Healing Service; Greek Festival; Polish Bazaar; CHRISTI MASS, PROCESSION WITH Campus Alive Evening of Prayer; Pilgrimages; Mother Cabrini ARCHBISHOP Shrine Gala PAGE 3 PAGE 13 2 l JUNE 14, 2006 l DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER JOHN HARPOLE, chair- man of the board of trustees of Seeds of Hope, introduces Milagros Soto, a sixth-grader from St. Francis de Sales School, at a news confer- ence announcing the kick off to a Catholic school CNS PHOTO/ALESSANDRO BIANCHI, REUTERS voucher pro- POPE BENEDICT XVI arrives to lead the Pentecost vigil in St. gram. Looking Peter’s Square at the Vatican June 3. on are Father Ed Poehlmann, cen- At Pentecost vigil, Mass, pope urges ter, Archbishop Charles J. Chaput O.F.M. lay movements to work together Cap., Laurie BY CINDY WOODEN world is the work of the Spirit, the Vieira and creative force of God. Richard VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Pope While Pentecost is the feast of Thompson. Benedict XVI celebrated Pentecost the Church’s birth, he said, it is also PHOTO BY JAMES BACA/DCR with hundreds of thousands of the “feast of creation.” Catholics of different cultures, “The world does not exist on its races and languages who have dif- own; it comes from the creative New $3 million privately funded Catholic ferent ways of expressing and liv- spirit of God, the creative word of ing their faith. God,” he said. From the moment of Pentecost Recognizing that God created school voucher program kicked off and throughout history, he said the world, he said, means “we can- BY JOHN GLEASON during a June 4 Mass in St. Peter’s not use and abuse the world and ers, families must meet certain fi- Harpole added that, with the Square, the outpouring of the Holy matter simply as material for our A new, privately funded $3 mil- nancial eligibility requirements. announcement of the program, Spirit “transforms confusion into own actions and desires; we must lion voucher program that will The vouchers are good for one the next step is to look for more communion.” consider creation to be a gift en- enable low-income children to year, but may be renewed for up donations. The majority of people attend- trusted to us, not for destruction, attend Catholic schools was an- to four years. “What we want people to hear ing the Mass Pentecost morning but so that it would become the nounced by Archbishop Charles Calling Catholic education a about next is the input of new were part of a gathering of at least garden of God and, therefore, of J. Chaput O.F.M. Cap., June 8 at “formation for the whole per- donations,” he said. 350,000 people who had filled St. humanity.” Presentation of Our Lady School. son,” Archbishop Chaput said, Also speaking at the press con- Peter’s Square and the broad The pope said it is no accident The archbishop said that the “We believe that this education ference was Milagros Soto, a boulevard leading to it the previ- that monasteries tend to be sur- Seeds of Hope Charitable Trust will allow students to fill a critical sixth- grader at St. Francis de ous evening for a papal vigil with rounded by gardens, because na- would offer 250 tuition vouchers leadership role in the life of our Sales School. members of lay movements and ture prospers where human hearts for the upcoming school year. Church, our community, our “I am on a Daniels Fund schol- communities. are in a correct relationship with Through the generosity of Seeds country and our world.” arship attending a wonderful At the vigil and Mass, Pope God. of Hope, a partnership between John Harpole, chairman of the school,” she said. “Because of Benedict called on the movements Unfortunately, he said, “over the the Denver Archdiocese and board of trustees for Seeds of Seeds of Hope I will be able to to work together with each other course of human history, the good community leaders, the archdio- Hope agreed, saying he was continue my education. People and with the Church to bring God’s creation of God has been covered cese can offer vouchers to stu- pleased that more ways are being have helped me a lot, making love to the world and to show with a massive layer of dirt which dents whose families have found found to help more and more sure I have what I need to go to modern men and women the makes it difficult, if not impossible, the cost of Catholic school tu- children. school.” beauty of a life lived for others. to see the reflection of the creator ition beyond their grasp. “Our donors specify how the Soto, who hopes to eventually “Human pride and selfishness in it.” “We want these parents to money is to be used,” Harpole attend J.K. Mullen High School, always create divisions, raising In Jesus, God became even more have an active choice in seeking said, “whether for immediate as- told the Denver Catholic Register walls of indifference, hatred and vi- visible, taking on human form and the best education for their chil- sistance or as an investment for that she enjoys all aspects of olence,” he said at the Mass. “The living among people, the pope dren,” Archbishop Chaput said. future opportunities through an school, but admitted she does Holy Spirit, on the other hand, said. “We are very grateful to Seeds of endowment … and we will con- have her favorite subjects. makes hearts able to understand “Now we know the Creator- Hope for providing the funds for tinue to depend on the steward- “I’m a pretty good student,” everyone’s languages because it re- Spirit has a heart. He is love,” he this voucher program.” ship and commitment of the she said, “but I like music and art establishes the bridge of commu- said. Children from low-income people of the community to offer the best.” nication between earth and heav- Through Jesus’ death and resur- families who are not currently educational opportunities to dis- Vouchers for the Catholic en. The Holy Spirit is love.” rection, the Holy Spirit brings life enrolled in archdiocesan advantaged children.” School Voucher Program are ex- The Pentecost vigil, which lasted and freedom to all who follow him, Catholic elementary or high Later, Harpole told the Denver pected to go fast. Applications more than six hours, brought to- Pope Benedict said. schools are eligible for the Catholic Register that the aim of may be picked up at the Office of gether members of Catholic Too many people today ap- vouchers, which are worth the vouchers is to eliminate con- Catholic Schools at the charismatic groups, lay move- proach their life and their freedom $1,500 or $3,000. Average tuition cern over tuition cost for needy Archdiocese of Denver Pastoral ments connected with religious or- like the prodigal son did when he at an archdiocesan elementary families wanting a Catholic edu- Center, 1300 S. Steele St., or at ders, traditional parish-based or- asked his father for his inheritance school is $3,300. Average tuition cation for their children. one of the participating schools, ganizations like the Legion of so he could wander the world free at a Catholic high school is about “We’re trying to take money or download online at www.arch- Mary, and new movements like of responsibility. $7,500. To qualify for the vouch- out of the equation,” he said. den.org. Communion and Liberation, the “In the end, he found himself Neocatechumenal Way, the taking care of pigs,” the pope said.
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