THE SURREY COUNTY COUNCIL (VARIOUS ROADS IN WAVERLEY) (PROHIBITION OF STOPPING OUTSIDE SCHOOLS) (NO. 1) ORDER 2008 (AMENDMENT NO. 9) ORDER 2079 THE SURREY COUNTY COUNCIL (VARIOUS ROADS IN WAVERLEY) (PROHIBITION OF STOPPING OUTSIDE SCHOOLS) (NO. 1) ORDER 2008 (AMENDMENT NO. 9) ORDER 2019 SURREY COUNTY COUNCIL in exercise of their powers under Sections 1(1) 2(1) to (3) and 4(2) of and Part IV of Schedule 9 to the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 (“the Act”) and of all other enabling powers and after consultation with the Chief Officer of Police in accordance with Part III of Schedule 9 to the Act hereby make the following Order: 1. THIS Order may be cited as “The Surrey County Council (Various Roads in Waverley) (Prohibition of Stopping Outside Schools) (No. 1) Order 2008 (Amendment No. 9) Order 2019” and shall come into operation on 30 September 2019 2. (1) In this Order “the Principal Order” means The Surrey County Council (Various Roads in Waverley) (Prohibition of Stopping Outside Schools) Order 2008 (2) In this Order the expression “enactment” means any enactment whether public general or local and includes any order byelaw rule regulation scheme or other instrument having effect by virtue of an enactment____________________________________________________ (3) Any reference in this Order to any enactment shall be construed as a reference to that enactment as amended applied consolidated re enacted by or as having effect by virtue of any subsequent enactment (4) Unless the context otherwise requires any expression used in this Order which is also used in the Principal Order shall have the same meaning as in that Order______________________________________ 3. WITHOUT prejudice to the validity of anything done or to any liability incurred in respect of any act or omission before the coming into operation of this Order the Principal Order shall have effect as though: (a) For the word “Fridays” in Article 3 there was substituted the word “Sundays”_ (b) For the First Schedule to the Principal Order there was substituted the Schedule set out in the First Schedule to this Order_______________________ (c) For the Second Schedule to the Principal Order there was substituted the Schedule set out in the Second Schedule to this Order FIRST SCHEDULE (First Schedule) SCHOOLS St Cuthbert Mayne Catholic Primary school St Nicholas Avenue, Cranleigh Park Mead Primary School Park Drive, Cranleigh Fettes Road, Cranleigh Beacon Hill Community School Beacon Hill Road, Hindhead Woolmer Hill Technology College Woolmer Hill Road, Haslemere Shottermill Infant School Lion Lane, Haslemere Shottermill Junior School Lion Lane, Haslemere St Bartholomews C of E Primary School Derby Road, Haslemere Grayswood C of E Infant School Lower Road, Haslemere Witley C of E Infant School Church Lane, Godalming The Chandler C of E Junior School Middlemarch, Godalming Rodborough School Rake Lane, Godalming St Marys C of E Primary School Petworth Road, Chiddingford Wonersh and Shamley Green C of E Infants Guildford Road, Shamley Green St Johns C of E Infant School Barford Lane, Farnham All Saints C of E Infant School Tilford Road, Farnham St James C of E Primary School Thursley Road, Godalming South Farnham Community School Menin Way, Farnham The Abbey School Menin Way, Farnham St Polycarps Catholic Primary School Waverley Lane, Farnham The Pilgrims Way School Weydon Lane, Farnham Weydon School Weydon Lane, Farnham St Peters C of E Primary School Little Green Lane, Farnham The Bourne Community School School Lane, Farnham Folly Hill Infant school Coniston Drive, Farnham Hale School Upper Hale Road, Farnham Weybourne Infant School Knights Road, Farnham William Cobbett Junior School Weybourne Road, Farnham Badshot Lea Village Infant School Badshot Lea Road, Farnham Loseley Fields Primary School Green Lane, Godalming Broadwater School Summers Road, Godalming Farncombe C of E Infants and Nursery Grays Road, Godalming School Godalming Junior School Hallam Road, Godalming Busbridge Infant School Hambledon Road, Godalming St Edmunds Catholic Primary School The Drive, Godalming St Marks C of E Primary School Franklyn Road, Godalming Bramley Infant School Birtley Road, Bramley Potters Gate C of E Primary School Potters Gate, Farnham St Peter’s C of E Primary School Little Green Lane, Farnham St Catherine’s School Station Road, Bramley ASH Royal Junior School Hazel Grove, Hindhead Stepping Stones School Tower Road, Hindhead Highfield South Farnham Primary School Pyle Road, Farnham Grayswood Church of England (Aided) Lower Road, Grayswood Primary School SECOND SCHEDULE (Second Schedule) List of Plans Drawing No Date Rev’n Date Rev’n Date Revn Date Rev’n Date Rev’n Date Revn Date Rev’n Date Rev’n Date Drawn Revn Rev’n Revn Revn Rev’n Revn Revn Rev’n 32821WAV/24001 03/07 A 10/09 B 06/10 C 10/12 D 10/12 E 11/13 F 06/15 G 08/17 H 11/18 32821WAV/24002 03/07 A 01/08 B 11/08 C 10/09 D 06/10 E 10/12 F 11/13 G 01/16 H 08/17 3282NJAV/24003 03/07 A 09/11 B 06/75 C 08/17 D 1 1/18 3282,WAV/24004 03/07 A 09/11 B 06/15 C 11/18 3282ANAV/24005 03/07 A 11/13 32821WAV/24006 03/07 A 11/13 32821WAV/24007 03/07 A 1 1/18 32821WAV/24008 03/07 A 06/10 B 06/15 C 08/17 3282fNAV/24009 03/07 A 01/08 32B2ANAV/2401 0 03/07 3282M1AV/24011 03/07 A 01/08 B 10/09 C 09/11 D 08/17 E 11/18 3282M1AV/2401 2 03/07 32821WAV/24013 03/07 A 10/09 B 11/13 3282M1AV/24014 03/07 A 01/08 B 11/08 C 06/10 D 09/11 F 11/13 F 06/15 G 08/17 3282ANAV/24015 03/07 A 01/08 B 06/10 C 09/11 D 11/13 F 06/15 F 08/17 G 11/18 32821WAV/24016 03/07 A 09/11 B 06/15 3282PSVAV/24017 03/07 A 01/08 B 10/09 C 09/11 D 11/13 2 06/15 F 08/17 3282ANAV/24018 03/07 A 01/08 B 10/09 C 10/10 D 09/11 E 11/13 F 06/15 G 08/17 32821WAV/24019 03/07 A 01/08 B 10/09 3282/WAV/24020 03/07 A 01/08 B 10/09 C 06/10 D 11/13 F 11/18 3282/NAV/24021 03/07 A 01/08 — 3282/WAV/24022 03/07 A 01/08 B 11/13 32821WAV/24023 03/07 A 07/08 B 10/09 C 10/10 D 09/11 2 11/13 F 06/15 G 08/17 3282ANAV/24024 03/07 A 01/08 B 1 0/09 C 10/10 D 09/1 1 2 11/13 F 06/15 G 08/17 3282,WAV/24025 03/07 A 01/08 B 10/09 C 09/11 D 11/13 2 08/17 F 11/18 3282iWAV/24026 03/07 A 01/08 B 06/15 3282ANAV/24027 03/07 A 01/08 B 09/11 C 11/13 D 08/17 3282NVAV/24028 03/07 A 01/08 B 10/09 C 09/11 D 1 1/13 2 06/15 F 08/17 3282tNAV/24029 03/07 A 01/08 B 10/09 C 06/10 D 09/11 E 11/13 F 06/15 G 08/17 H 11/18 32821WAV/24030 03/07 A 01/08 B 10/09 C 06/10 D 09/11 F 11/13 F 06/15 G 17/18 32821WAV/24031 03/07 A 01/08 B 09/11 C 06/15 (0 I N-C) C) (0— 0 — OCD 0 ‘ — (0 (DC) CD — 0 00 0 U U U WW LL C) N-CD N- 10 C) C) C) 0) (0 CD —(0(0 (0(0— ‘-— —00 00- —— —.-,—— 0(0 www www ww uw w N- 0)0) N- C) 0) CO CU CU CU C’) CU N- CD C’) (0 — C) — — — 0 00 — 0 0) 0r- CD 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