THE WASHINGTON TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 1915. 4VIMT Oim KimNITUltE UKPAriTMKNT "ACHOSJS TIIU TnUKT"0OOC090000000SOOO00000000VlSlT OUn PUIlMTUItU UBPAnTSIBNT --ACROSS Til 12 gTIttSKT'OOOOOOOOOOOgSOOOPOOOOOOSO OO Tomorrow's Remnant Sale Provides Extraordinary Values in Wanted Merchandise fiSTORE HOURS: Open at 8:45 A.M.; Close at 5:30 p.MJSHSsssssasEsaasHSHHsasHSHra G ffi ST1"?"rVTC ft Kimonos & Corsets kj Silks s "It to De-- JUL a rii.jLjjvjcyi o $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 Dross Goods, 59c Py 1 t lo4enbrtfV $2.00 Silks, 69c 40-in- col- 79c Long Crepe Kimonos, 55c RemnantB of Remnants of All Wool Poplin, Satin Prunella, a ored Crepo Meteor, 40-In- Colored Crepe do Imported Gabardine, French Serge, Grant to In white, with neat floral designs; SHOES a Chine, 40-In- Colored Satin Charmeusc, etc.: In Crepella, Silk and Wool Poplin. Storm Serge, neatly trimmed. a Urge assortment of colors; desirable lengths. etc. from 44 to 64 a Henrietta, Widths Inches. Shoes, g 36-in- Children's $2.00 $1.25 Silks, 49c Remnants of ch col- Batiste Corsets, 48c For hot a ored Taffeta, 38-In- Colored Silk Poplins. 36-In- weather use; medium and low and K TiPwnHtSrojy $1.00. Of vici kid and gun Colored Hatln Messallne, 36-in- Natural 36-In- 8vnth Pongee, 36-In- ch ru -- a. q al Stripe Messallne, Black bust, with embroidery edging; r i c:..r in . m 36-In- Mdeffs i r , 36-In- ...w,.iiihi'jii iii.-.w .ti ri y. Messallne. Black Duchesne, ch Men's and extra hooks on front clasp. Nearly Black Taffeta, 24-In- Vestlngs, etc. all sizes. Friday's Luncheon, 20c ru , to ii ana 1 1 vi 10 a. n Snlmon Snlnd, Sliced Tomntoes, Urend itnd nutter, Coffee 51 Young Men's Suits and Pnstrr. it A Friday Clean-u- p of Regular $10, Ribbon Remnants $12 and $13.50 Suits at Ready-to-We- ar Odd Lot Sale In Our Women's Section To A big accumulation of mbbon Remnants, in- cluding all the most favored kinds for hair bows. Birdies, and millinery trimmings, In Satins, Moires, Affect a Prompt Disposal of Taffetas, and Kancy Itlbbons. Complete assort- $5.85 ment of shades. Only 65 suits in the lot, comprising Former 5c Ribbons, 2Vc yd. the odds and ends and broken lines left Former 10c Ribbons, yd. from several special purchases sold at Suits, Dresses, Skirts and Waists 5Vc higher prices. Former 15c Ribbons, 9Vc yd. All are good fitting, well tailored Suits of All broken lines and small lots of Women's Tailored Suits, Cloth Dresses, Skirts, and Waists have been marked at deeply Former 19c Ribbons, 12 yd. all-wo- Vc ol fabrics, in dark mixtures, neat Btripes, icduced prices for quick selling Friday. For you it means an opportunity to purchase stylish spring apparel at browns, and grays. Two and throe-butto- n sack tremendous savings. Be on hand early Friday morning to secure first pick of these rare bargains. models, Borne with patch pockets. Two and three-piec- e styles, lined. Light-Weig- full and half ht Underwear Sizes in tho lot from 16 to 20 years and i I I I 83 to 40 only. $15, $18 and $20 jfctj $3.98 Cloth Dresses, $1.98 Women's 25c Vests, 17c Lightweight cot- j ton, low neck and sleeveless, also union suits, Men's $2.50 Trousers, $1.29 Of dark wor- D $5-9- j 8 low neck and sleeveless; laco trimmed or tight two pairs steds and fancy mixtures: one and of Spring Suits, Cloth Dresses, $2.98 knee pants; odd sizes. a kind; sizes 32 to 42. at Odd lot of about 70 fine Serge Dresses, In half a dozen chic styles. 93 now Spring Suits In this 'clearance sale, representing the re- - Materials consist of Frenoh and Storm Serge, in the smart Empire, $15.00 $22.50 $9.85 15 Men's Just ' navy Boys 25c Underwear, 17c Porosknit Un- to Suits. and malndors of regular stock and several recent special purchases of Zonavo. Tailored and Trimmed models. Choice of bluo and black, high-grad- e Suits, one j ' Hlzca misses and women. derwear, vests with low neck and short sleeves, Young Men's hand tailored maker's surplus lota and samples. "" pants; bleached ana two of a Kind; sizes 33 to 4t. Materials consist of Poplins, Herges, Wool Crepes, Gabardines, Former $3.98 values at II M knee and unbleached; all sizes. - Ij 93 values 12 91 Checks and Novelty Weaves and Mlxturos All the latest style fea- Former at Boys $7.50 and $8.50 Palm Beach Coats, $2.29. turos are shown In the assortment, In all the leading shades and com- - - 50c Union Suits, 35c Porosknit 28 Men's genuine Palm Beach Coats, left from blnatlons. Union Suits, low neck and short sleeves, knee suits, for hot weather and street wear. Sizes Sizes In the lot for misses and women up to 38 only. length pants; white only; sizes 24 to 34. up to 42. 1 Boys' Underwear, 25c Lightweight cot- Men's $1.25 and $1.50 Vesta, 59c Men's $3.98 Cloth Skirts, $1.98 ' ton shirts with low nock and sleeveless, pants Washable Vests, of black and white figured ma- I I 63 women's Tailored Cloth Skirls, fashioned of all wool Mannish kneo length; all sizes; white only. terials; sizes 34 to 40. fit 1 5Cll Serse, In the new circular effect with pockets. Black and navy blue. JJJ (f .1 Sf Oddments from regular stock reduced to 11.98 for prompt clearance. Women's Union Suits, 50c Envelope style, XUvl 3J)X5 W aiSXS) low neck and sleeveless, lace or shell and 0V pants; trimmed Continuation of our salo of now Summer Waists at 69c a maker's silk taped; all sizes. styles 11.00 overproduction of fresh, new, and charming mad,e to sell at Women's $1.00 Vests, 50c Silk lisle, with yokes, Petticoats Lingerie L hand crochet low neck and sleeveless; Materials consist of fine quality Cloth. Batiste, Lawns. U) -- kllJK. oKlftS. silk taped; white and pink. Striped Voiles, Embroidered Voiles ailCia , 50c Petticoats, 39c Colored satine petticoats, Voiles and Ratines, and Woven and A .orter.ng of K7 Mffon t9rC)8.1k Skirts. In green, king's blue, navy blue, brown, Ratines. Plain and Embroidered Or.andl... and other sheer materials. , fW ftf tT. Women's 25c Vests, 12 'je "Cumfy" cut, neatly plaited Scores of brand-ne- styles to select from, showing all tho new sleevo Nearly al! lengths. re- - low neck and sleeveless; lisle or cotton; taped cerise, and black. Made with waist bands and skirt Final clearance of 4 flounce. and collar effects malndors of Ifi 00 Black Taffeta Silk Skirts at $2 98. necks: sizes to 9. lamum0imimmmmimmm0mmimimi n J ' --... Women's Vests, 12i2c Gauze Vests, low neck and sleeveless, taped npeks; round or V Boys' Wearables shaped necks; regular and out sizes. 3 50c Shirts, 25c Boys' Neckband Percalo A Big Timely Dozen Shirts, blze 12'j neck band only. Purchase of 500 Men's Furnishings $4.00 Suits, $2.95 Boys' Navy Blue Serge Norfolk Suits, with full lined Knickerbocker 35c Underwear, 16c Balbnggan Under- pants; sizes 6, T, 8, 14, 15, and 16 years only. wear, Bhlrts with short sleeves; ankle length pants: made with double seat. $1.00 Straw Hats, 25c Boys' and Chil- Quality Hats, of designs Hats 50c and 75c Negligee 35c dren's Straw all sorts and Fine Untrimmed Shirts, Men's shapes, suitable for small children. Negligee Shirts, various patterns; laundered cuffs. $3.00 Suits, $1.90 Boys' Fancy Cassimere Yoke Norfolk Combination Suits, with two pair 75c Union Suits, 44c Plain Madras, full ponts, 6, 7. Named of cut and Lowest Prices Ever cut full Knickerbocker sizes the sizes: sleeveless length At and knee styles; S j cars. ps.tent .closed crotch. As the result of this big underpricc purchase of high-cla- ss Un- 89c Pants, 55c Boys' Fancy Cassimere trimmed Hats, representing the season's overproduction and surplus 75c Underwear, 33c Gauze cotton and bal-brlgg- peg shape und peg top Bloomer and Knicker- white and ecru colors; shirts with bocker Pants; sizes 6, 7, 8, II, 14, and 16 years lots of two of New York's leading manufacturers you arc offered the short sleeves, drawers with full double seat, only. length. greatest values ever known. You may choose from thousands of the ankle Subject to slight Imperfections. $5.00 Suits, $2.69 Small lot of Juvenile season's newest and most becoming styles, in fine quality Milan $1.00 Union Suits, 69e "Otis" lisle thread, Suits, In vestee, party, Kusslan belted, Sailors, quarter and full length sleeves, ankle length Dutch and other styles; of serge, cassimere, Hemp and Plain Hemp Straws at prices that represent but a small pants, closed crotch. velvet and tweeds; sizes 2i to 8 years of age. but not of each style. fraction of the original value an event that should bring every 12'jc Hose, 6jc Black and plain colored Boys' Suits, $8.498 Long Trouser Suits, shrewd shopper to Goldenberg's Millinery Department tomorrow to Maco Cotton, double reinforced hoel and toe. of fancy tweed suitings and navy blue serge, select a new hat for midsummer wear. two button form fitting coat, athletic cut vest and cuff bottom trousers, sizes 15, 16, and 17 years. We Will Trim Any of These Hats Free of Charge $8.00 Suits, $5.50 Boys' Extra Fine Navy Hosiery Blue Suits, Balkan patch pocket and Norfolk If the Materials Are Bought Here Women s 25c Hose, 15c Mercerized Lisle styles, with knlckerbocker pants; sizes 8, 9, 10, Hose, foot, sole, high spliced 12, and 14 years.
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