, THE RD HERD STUDENT PU~llCATION Or- CENTRAL ~IGW SCWOOL THE EAR AND EYI OP CENTRAL HIGH --------------VOLUME 40 ----------------------------------------FLINT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAY 31, 1963 NUMBER H.: Students of the .Flint School system need Seniors Prepare the support of the 7¥2 millage proposal. For Grad Events As th~" e-nd of t h c sc-hf)ol plrk up 1h~'l r diploma<. ~twet>n year approaches. 573 grollua l· If) nnrJ 12:00 a.m. at th~> tlrkr·t The request for 7¥2 mills will not increase ing se-niors arc- awnltlng th(' r,( firI' . Honors Asse-mbly. BaccnlaurC'­ 1\llhough r f'quirNI IQ tum In nt e and Commt'ncrment f"-cr·r· th,lr r;tp<~ a n rJ l!'riWn". tllP the tax rate-it asks voters to approve a clscs which signify Commcnrc· "f"n ior<. ran kf'r•p lhf'ir taS-~1 mt'nt W~k. il'l a ~>:.. mbf11 fJ f gratJuatifJn Ilcadlng lhC' early artlvltl"'> t mm C'cntral If thry so cJ 1;ire. continuation of the 7¥2 mills expiring June will be tht' llonorl' 1\s.<.c•mbly. which will ta ke place at the First Presbyterian Church on Vance Gets 30, 1963. Wednesday, J u n e 5, at 7:.30 p.m. Preceding this will be the Honors Re hearsal. a n d the New Prize A "yes" vote keeps Flint's schools pro­ seniors will pick up their caps Adding dt<ollnrtlon and honor In him.s,.lf and hlc; vhool. Cen­ and gowns at 1 :45 p.m. the tral jUnior \'ance ~l arsh.all same day. c-ame 8\\ ay from the :'\auonal gressing. Vote "Yes" June 4, 1963~ The seniors will assemble in . 'c tenc-c Fatr of ~l ay &-10 at ca p a nd gown In the First Albuquerquf", :-: c w ~t exic-o, Presbyterian Church for the with a major a ward. Baccalaureate ceremony at 9:30 The awa rd. gi\·en by the . - ~Assembly To Recognize Honors a.m. on Sunday, June 9. L'. S. Army in recognition ot After receiving graduation First Presbyterian Church iary Medal, America n Society Award. Drama Awa rds. Gold Vance's project. 'Atom Smash­ will host the Senior Honors of Metals Scholarship, Student Seal Music Award, S tate Fcsti· instructions in t h c cafeteria £>arlv on Tuesday, J u n e 11. l:'r-Electrostatic Parucle Accel­ Assembly June 5 at 7:30. Council Good Citizen Award, val Awards. Stevenson I n­ <'rator," entitles \'ance to an Seniors who have attained West Flint Kiwanis Citizen­ strumental Music Trophy and seniors wiJI be cxcus£>d for the rest of that day. expenses-paid tnp this summer High Distinction and Distinc­ ship and Scholarship Award, the Dr. Robert E . Ande-rson <o a mtlitary research facility. tion will be honored, as will Sixth Annual Mathematics Health Trophy will be pr c~c nt· On Wednesday, June 12, a t the Valedictorians and Salu­ Award, National Merit ed to de.se:rving students. 7:00 p.m .. the seniors will take Accompanying the awa rd is n. tatorian. A program, presided Awards, National Council of The Central High School Or­ part m the traditional proccs· c-crti firat.? of achie,·ement ove1· !2)' . Philip. H. Vercoe, Teachers of English Award, chestra. under the direction of sionai ma rch in Atwood tadi­ from the- Army. A duplicate principal, will consist of Elks Scholarship, Rensselaer Bruce Robart. and the Girls ' um. Earlier in the day they of 1 his ~'rt 1fica te is on display ""'i awarding senior and specia! Polytechnic Institute-Mathe­ Glee Club, directed by Miss w ill rehearse the march. in the _econd-floor trophy case. honors. · matics and Science Medal, Louise Doetsch, wUl provide Finally, on Friday, June 14. Tllis achievemcnl marked Assisting Mr. Vercoe in the Tom McAnn L e a d e r s h i p music for the assembly. the graduating seniors w iII the third major prize taken presentation of the senior hon­ by the Centralitc. He took ors will be Mrs. Luella Conk­ first place in the Flint Sci­ lin. These awards are: Stella ence Fair. and was also award· K. and Frederick S. Loeb cd a summ£'r I\a,·aJ cruise for Scholarship, John E . Well· his presentation in the Flint wood Scholarship, Grace Pinel Fair. Scholarship, Florence E. Rid­ The awards ccremonv at Al­ dell Scholarship, University buquerque on l\Iay 10 ·marked of Michian Regents Scholar­ the end of a bus,- week for ship, Michigan State Presi­ the Central junior: He arriv­ dential Scholarship Citation, ed at the fair on :\londay. ~l ay Michigan State Scholarships, 6. at 3:00 p.m.. aboard a DC-7. Welch Foundation Scholar· He registered and started set­ ship, Albion College Scholar· ting up his project only to ship, Alma Scholarship and find his main poster board Junior College Scholarships. missing. Howard Auer, assistant He found the board on Tues· principal, and Dale Kildee, day, however , a nd spent most class sponsor, will award spe­ of that day setting his project cial honors. American Legion up. On Tuesday evening he Medal, American Legion Auxil- attended the opening cere­ FIVE TEACHERS LEAVING CENTRAL are (from left) Mr. Tho mas Jean, Miss Dorothy monies. Bradley, 1\'liss Ruth Reik, Miss 1\lary Lotridge, and Mr. Clyde Barnett (Photo by Bob Knox) Wednesday was highlighted 30Nominees by a tour to the Los Alamos atomic testing grounds, a nd later by the judging of the Hear Speech Four Teachers Plan RetireiDent projects. On Thursday, par­ Lowell Grant, Principal of Four Central teachers who leaving the staff in June are Miss Mary Lotridge, who ticipants went to Santa Fe, Whittier, recently addressed have devoted most of their the following: taught her first year here at New Mexico, for breakfast and then enjoyed a tour of Banda­ approximately 30 s t u de n t s lives to the instruction of stu­ Mrs. Suzanne Jackovich, Central as an English instruc­ chosen as James A. Welch who at the present time is a tor. Her National Park. This ex­ Foundation nominees. During dents will retire in June. Physical Education instructor. Mr. William Melzow, who is citing day was concluded by first hour Monday, May 20, Mrs. Luella Conklin teaches Mr. Thomas Jean, an in­ a counselor for intensive stu­ the presentation of the health Mr. Grant acquainted the stu­ homemaking to boys here at structor in history and Eng­ dents and also Dean of Coun­ awards. dents, who had been chosen C e n t r a I. She supervised lish. seling. He will assume new The young scientists gather­ because of special creative tal­ courses for several years and Mrs. Ann Kraft, an instruc­ responsibilities at Lowell Jun­ ed at Albuquerque, inspected ents, with the foundation and taught five years at Whittier tor in Home·economic courses. ior High School next fall. Kirkland Air Force Base on its aims. Junior High School before Friday during the day and The foundation works to moving to Central in 1935. then in the evening attended make scholarships available Clyde E . Barnett has taught the final awards ceremony for deserving young people. 39 years at Central. He cur­ Press Feast. Climaxes Year where Vance received his It also helps boys and girls rently teaches Bookkeeping I Prospectus and Arrow Head requiring at least 50 and 500 award. who nt-ed special asslstancl:'. and commerical arithmetic, staffs w i 11 climax the year merits, respectively, will be Speaking on the trip and While the students are in col­ but has covered a variety of with their annual press ban· presented also. his fut ure plans, Marshall re­ lege, the foundation foll.ows subjects during his career. All the members of the busi­ marked, "It was really an en­ their work and after gradua­ Miss Ruth Reik teaches quet on June 3, at the Mason­ ness staff of the Arrow Head joyable trip. This has proved ic Temple. ~ion r.elps the students get geometry and is a counselor and the Prospectus staff will an interesting project to me, JObs with their training. at Central. Before coming to Following a dinner will be receive school letters. and I am going to do further Th::-c.ughout the whole pro­ this school in 1930 she taught t h e presentation of awards. Among the honored guests work with it in preparation gram, the <>!fort is to steer the a year at Emerson Junior Five journalists from the edi· will be Philip Vercoe, principal, for next year's fair." I yo~u; through the type of High School and three years torial staff of Arrow Head will who will speak to the group, trammg and into the employ­ outside the Flint system. receive the International Quill and Kenneth Drake from Ed· Due to major repairs, ment to which his interests Miss Dorothy Bradley, who and Scroll award. wards Brothers Printing Com­ Central H.igh School's pool and abilities are best suited. teaches English, came to Cen­ Amy Ballantyne, junior, Bill pany. will be closed for the sum­ The general goal is to stem tral in 1943. Before coming to Hershey, Libby Hubbard, Lib­ Martha Parker, senior, will mer. The work will begin the great waste of talent in the Central she taught at Lowell by Steinbach and Wendell assume the responsibility of as soon as school closes, United StatE's which Is more Junior High School. Wellman, seniors, earned their Mistress of Ceremonies, and and the pool will again be and more deplored by educa­ • • • Quill and Scroll pins this year.
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