Volume 87, Number 84$1.00 WEDNESDAY, MOUNT PROSPECT_ JUNE 21, 2017 CARRTLOT 0039A"C071 MT PROSPECT PUBLIC LIBRARY 10 S EMERSON ST STE 1 MT PROSPECT, IL 60056-3295 0000060 JOU lilliiiimilmililigiligull...1.1111.11111.1111111 ILI Financial Outlook Remains Bleak For Dist. 57 MP Schools Near `Critical Point' By RICHARD MAYER Assistant Managing Editor Unless voters approve increasing property taxes, Mount Prospect El- Sounds Of Summer ementary School Dist. 57 may be faced Members of the Mount Prospect Community Band got with a new round of cuts by the start of outside for some live music Monday night at the Lions the 2018-19 school year. Park Bandshell. From right to left, French horn players "We can increase fees, but only to a John Reschke (first chair and board member), Kelly Cala- point," said Adam Parisi, the district's brese and Jill Mihailovic.Right:Monty Adams, conductor assistant superintendent for finance. and music director, during the piece "Pass the Pickles" "Property taxes are our biggest local by Grace LeBoy. Monday's program was entitled "Guys revenue generator." and Dolls" and featured the music of Karl King, Jacques By August, when he presents the Offenbach, Giacomo Puccini and George Gershwin district's next tentative budget, Parisi among others. (Shawn Clisham/Journal photos) said he would have a better idea on which election would be better for a possible tax referendum. Should the district choose the March 2018 election, (Continued on page 10A) PH Parks Gauge trict residents are encouragedJune 15 in randomly selectedComprehensive Master Plan.statistically valid results. to take survey seeking publicresident's mailboxes. A random sampling of resi- In addition, the district in- Public Interest input on community recreation The park district has commis- dents will be invited to take avites all residents to provide needs. Invitation survey post-sioned a Needs Assessment assurvey and these responses willfeedback and input through Prospect Heights Park Dis-cards began arriving Thursday,part of an effort to develop aprovide parks officials with (Continued on page 10A) INSIDE (31 Elmhurst Rd. Green White New Sports Interchange: Soccer Goes Facility Opens Any Day NowTo Germany In Biz Center See Travel Section Page 6A » Page IAA » Page 2B Page 2A I Wednesday, June 21, 2017 I The Journal www.journal-topics.com Youth Basketball, to, Ballet, Art Classes, ST41% afI\ Rentals & Morel ar. Visit our website 4 www.GMPD.org Golf Maine Park District 847-297-3000 Packed house hears from Dist. 59 Supt. Art Fessler during special board meeting Thursday night at the district administration center in Arlington Heights. (Journal photo) Neighbors Demand Better Student Performance To Boost Property Values board member. Dist. 59 Officials Defend Plans For Fessler said throughout the SERVING THE. Progress While Residents Near meeting that the PARCC test SUBURBS FOR has been changed every year (<, OVER 60 YEARS! Low Say Enough Isn't Being Done for the past four years, so it has been difficult to have success- 9785 W. Higgins, Rosemont ful scores from students who Phone: 847-292-0100 Fax: 847-292-0019 By COLLEEN KANT Dr. Arthur Fessler, Dist. 59are already behind on grade - www.romanosrestaurant.net Journal & Topics Reporter superintendent, held a Power -level learning. Point presentation highlighting Other Dist. 59 employees OE FOIL SERVICE BAR OAILY SPECIALS OVER 3 MILLION PIZZAS SERVED More than 60 upset commu-the low income, ethnic groupsspoke of the district's work to nity members living within Ju-and English language learnerimprove not only test scores but liette Low Elementary Schoolrates at district schools. Heoverall teaching and learning boundaries packed a specialnoted that the district's demo-at schools. They noted hav- Elk Grove Township Dist. 59graphics have greatly changeding a plan in place to improve School Board meeting heldin the last 15 -plus years, with aacademics and outreach to low- Thursday, June 15 to discusscurrent 54% of families quali-income families to increase concerns about real estatefying as low income, and 70%early intervention. values amidst poor studentof incoming kindergarten stu- "It is sometimes dishearten- performance at the school. dents speaking other languagesing that we can't get families Almost as soon as the meeting at home. who need it the most, involved," began, one resident interrupted By the time many of the stu-Luedloff said. the board to announce that thedents enter kindergarten, they One woman said she was audience had a lot to say, andare one -to -three years behindconcerned that the majority that they weren't just there totheir grade level, Fessler said.of Juliette Low students will listen to a presentation. In third grade, students beginsoon not be primary English "I very much hope you aretaking PARCC tests, which reallanguage speakers. prepared to listen," the residentestate websites use to rank area "Is Juliette Low doomed? A L O F T said. schools. Are our kids doomed? What THE GLEN TOWN CENTER Despite Associate Superin-are your plans for Juliette Low tendent Tom Luedloff 's detailed in 10 years?" she said. By the Numbers overview of Dist. 59 homes "I think we have great plans that have sold in the last yearin place to address your needs," ALOFT APARTMENTS Here is the Dist. 59 compared to Arlington Heights Fessler said. "We're still in the demographic information Dist. 25 homes, communityprocess of implementing it. presented at the meeting: We're playing a lot of catch up Beautiful 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments 54: percentage of low- members were not convinced that the school's performance as well. There are a lot of things Walking distance to shops and restaurants income students 35: percentage of English hasn't been affecting their realworking against us. We are Language Learners estate values. They also doubtedspending a lot of time investing 43: percentage of the Ask About Our Custom Features that Dist. 59 homes sold at onlyin strategies to get kids to be largest ethnic group at the passionate about learning." schools (Hispanic) about 7.5% lower prices than 70-80: percentage of Dist. 25 homes. While district officials and Call us to learn more: 847-486-1234 students who are currently "We need to raise thatboard members repeatedly as- www.AloftApartments.com meeting expectations of (PARCC) score because thatsured the crowd of their plans growth in reading and math is what people look at. You needto improve schools, they also 40-50: percentage of urged the community members students who began the to say how you're going to raise year not achieving expecta- that score and how that's part ofto continue to volunteer ideas tions for grade -level reading the plan," one audience mem-and solutions. and math ber said. Dist. 25 also only has "It takes time, and I'm sorry 30: percentage of non- about 3% of its students living for that, but it's just the reality," IEP students the district's in poverty, which doesn't make Krinsky said. "...There's a current intervention delivery model is reaching it a fair comparison to Dist. 59sense of urgency and it's painful students, noted Janice Krinsky,that it can't be overnight." I www.journal-topics.com The Journal I Wednesday, June 21, 2017 Page 3A Good Deals Great Causes State Rep. Says Reuse Recycle Repurpose Public Auction 0 She Will Step Down Thursday June 29.4& July 13', 27* Before 2018 Election Starting at 5pm 0 Hundreds of housewares, sporting goods, figurines, collectibles, jewelry, art, coins, antiques, pottery, display fixtures, lamps, stereo equipment.... By TOM ROBB Northbrook, Wheeling, Palatine, Mount A portion of the proceeds will benefit one or more local charities. Journal & Topics Reporter Prospect and Prospect Heights. Attend a Dynamic Live Auction Flamm said the largest part of the (kb or) Preview the auction items June 2r 29th and July 12',13',26'",27' ottg After a decade and a half in the Illi-57th State House District is in Wheel- Noon - Spin or by appointment. nois House representing the North anding Township, giving Walker the most Northwest suburbs, State Rep. Elaineweighted vote. Walker's weighted vote Live auction to benefit area charities. Nekritz (D -57th) will not run for is followed by Kreloff and Free to attend and register for your bidder number Raise thousands of reelection in 2018 and will likely Flamm. Flamm said there dollars for your charity, resign the post before then. are only about four precincts sell in Lake County which Link school or house of "After 15 years, it's time for Empty your basement, attic, garage... would vote for. worship at no cost. fresh leadership," Nekritz told Accepting retail close outs and clearance lots Flamm said he suspects Call or email me for details now. the Journal this week. Get Paid Quickly! In a letter sent to Democratic three factors would be key Drop off your consignments 6/22, 6/24, 6/26 and 7/6, 7/8, 7/20, 7/22 MCYAF in Nekritz's decision for township committeemen in her Noon - 6pmor by appointment district and Democratic officials when to step down: if there in Lake County, Nekritz said, "I are ongoing special sessions 15% Buyer's Premium, cash or credit card. have worked diligently from the or other important business Many items offered with NO RESERVE ttriD=Auction day I was elected to represent going on in the House, if an a3iCitaDain the good people of this district Nekritz appropriate, qualified suc- and this state with humility and cessor were ready to step in, passion. But after careful thought, it isand any other personnel commitments time for me to step back and create anNekritz might have. Lot 14 Auctions, P.C.
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