TheDAVI^^SONIAN FOR A BETTER DAVIDSON Vol.XIII DAVIDSON COLLEGE,DAVIDSON,N.C,OCTOBER1,1925 No. 3 WIN OVER WOFFORD PRECEDES CLASH WITH BAPTISTS Garrity and Younger Training Elevens I HONORARY FRATERNITY | Hendrix Scores Lone Touchdown in 7-0 "j COUNSELORS~~~~~~~~ "j for Big Battle in Charlotte Saturday : The following■ are the 10 fratcrni- : Victory Over Fighting Terrier Eleven : ties invited to join the newly organized ■ " Wake Forest Gets With Victory Wildcat : council of honorary fraternities: Recovers Off Decisive Over Carolina— A. Holllnggworth O. D. K. ! Wildcat Machine Smashes Wofford Defense AfterMcConnell Forwards Outweighed Over Ten Pounds Each— Baptists Have \ H. Fumble— Terriers Sweep Field Twice But Passes Intercepted Wonder Backs— Both Teams Fast \ R. ». Parker Alpha Phi Epsilon j — Grey Stars Vance and Richie : J. J, Earnhardt.Gamma Sigma Epsilon : With I!. Biology Club The \ E. Miller \ Sweeping around the Wofford right end [or touchdown in the second quarter, eyes of North Carolina football fa ns are centered this weekupon Coach Hank G Smith 1'i Kappa : a I F. Delta the to their eighth consecutive victory over the Garrity and Coach Monk Younger as each primes his eleven for the classic of the E, Jim Hendrix led Wuvidson Wildcats . | J. Moore 1. R. Club j Terriers. day Saturday. The clash on Wearn Field in Charlotte is the second gridiron battle | C. E, Houton Philosophy Club j between Again generaliship won a football game. The two teams had exchanged nine punts Carolina's youthful coaches. But th ic battle will be quite a different thing from = I.. and the B.Huie Scabbard Blade I with Dick Grey besting Fulk. of Wofford, by a few yards each kick. Hcndricx played last between Davidson and Wake Fores t. Those were the days of weakness among : W. Sigma : R. Graves l'i Sigma came a and victory. All both Baptists and Presbyterians, and the 6-0 1 victory that Wake Forest rang up in l{)23 "" for a break and when the break he played it for touchdown : S. \V. Brown Sigma Upsilon game calling brought little honor to the Baptist team. in all. Hendrix played the more like a seasoned quarter than a halfback ij signals. However, this year it is another story. i Having smashed the championship hopes of I Makei MUtake Quips Honorary Deep in their own territory in the first the Tar Heels for the second consecutive and Cranks Staff Fraternities Hundred year, the Wake Forest crew is sailing One Candidates half the Wofford quarter made the fatal Plans Larger Year Book Organize for lateral which through North Carolina for another cham- Council Try Out for Glee ClubImistake of calling fur a pass, pionship. Coach Garrity has sent the going wild was scrambled for In vain till vet- GeorgeShaddock Chosen to Succeed Control of Activities eran Fetzcrs to the shelf as football coaches, Joe McConncll covered it on the Wofford KennethHarris as Head of Art Extensive Southern Tour Planned and the people of the state are today watch- Singers 25-yard line. Then Hendrix gathered his Department for in Addition to Special 1 ing him and Younger. New Council to Eliminate Former Entertainments team for the final plunge to victory. Black Coach Conflicts in Bidding Among made a scanty yard over center, but Grey Garrity showed the world that he H.L. Shaw, the editor-in-chief of the 1926 can refill great gaping holes HonoraryOrganizations men, forty clipped off 14 oil n reverse play. Then Black in his line with- Quips and Cranks, announces that the entire Ono hundred upper classmen team, hit the line again for a short gain. The out injuring his for last year his vic- already and sixty Freshmen, including nineteen of staff is hard at work, and expects to came the tory over Carolina was by only a single The Honorary Fraternity Council, an or- last year, tried out for (lie Glee Cluti oil master stroke when Hendrix faked put out an annual that will surpass any ever same reverse instead drove through the point, while this year a touchdown was the ganization honorary Wednesday evening, September 23. Mrs. K. but published at Davidson. The new year book in which the fraternities eight yards margin. In Riley and Daniels he has two Daughterly, by 1). (I. Wilson, Icenter of the line for and first will be essentially the same in size, but will on the Hill each have a representative, was II. assisted aggressive ends, while idown on Woffqrd's one-yard line. limmcrson at center be superior in material ;also, a radical change president of thr club; Frank Hudson and T. and Ellerbc at formedlast week. This council is the same The great defensive team that Rip Major tackle are among the state's will be made in the cover. Professor Er- G. liarr, took charge of the try-out. From foremost to the honorary fraternities as the Pan-Hel- |has built came to life, stopped the next two linesmen. winla old class room Eu Hall has been the 100 aspirants for a place in the club 46 However, in plunges, but was swept off its feet when it's not his line that will receive turned over the staff be used as head- lenic Council is to the social fraternities. were retained as likely material. Tliis num- the attention, to to L raced around the end for the win- nor will it draw the crowd. quarters Each honorary fraternity that has been in-' ber is to he reduced within the week to -40, Hendrix for material. All the work possible ning touchdown. In the "four horsemen" Coach Garrity has a will be the quota of members set for the coming j done here. vitcd to be a member of the council has One of the most beautiful plays of the game crew that willbear more watching than any It is season. The clul> will lie slightly larger backfield the desire of the staff to make this selected a man to he their representative. had preceded all this, when Dick Grey, at- in the South Atlantic States, for book one that more than it has been in the past, only 32 having is distinctive, that is a punt, pass, hack Rackley, Greason, Ober and Karleskint are This man can represent only one organiza- made the trips in 1924-25. Regular practice tempting to missed the raced truer characterization of the college life at yards up wonders for speed and drive, while it was tion. will begin the first of October. to get the ball and booted it for 53 Davidson, rather than a portrayal of college about game pulled Chackles, long famous on High the field. Later on In the Grey the Asheville life in general. It is to be a printed repro- The main purposes of the council arc to Mrs. Coral Baker will again direct the team, who scored against a hair-raising play when he snatched a Carolina. duction of the Wildcat spirit as it is seen in formulate a practical meeting schedule for chorus. Mrs. Baker, who is from Charlotte, Younger Wofford pass off the hands of several Ter- Monk is strengthening his team the all the organizations; heretofore several of has contributed greatly to the success of the different student activities. Itis to be the riers and Wildcats. He caught a pass, he for the Wake Forest clash by sending Brassy the meeting have conllictd and a man wcho organization for the past two years, and the culmination of the year's work of The Da- steadily hooted the ball for long punts, he Baker back to tackle, where he won his has a member of several of the fra- officers feel that they arc in secur- vidsonian in that it will be the greatest shock been fortunate the ends, and once he stood alone be- berth on the All-State team last year, while ing C, raced from the "livest wire on the hill." ternities has been unable to attend all the her services. T. liarr will havecharge and touchdown. Grey, Red Grey goes to right guard. The change meetings. regular day tween Wofford a (Continued on page 5) A hid will also be de- (Continued on page 5) with Hendrix, vied for honors the back- is necessitated by the injury of Red Ander- cided upon and no fraternity will he allowed in son, who has been showing up unusually well to bid before this day. A regular place for field. Following the Davidson touchdown Wof- at tackle. meetings will also be decided upon, and all ford made a grand plunge down the field, The Wake Forest team has not suffered a " matters that concern the honorary fraterni- .iM,, ",■'- ■'■ ■ (Continued on page 8) (Continued on page 3) Si 1 ties mutually will be considered. Davidson College has long felt the need of an organization such as this, but all at- ::;:;.;:;:.:V Six Fraternities tempt to create this council before have Manhood Theme ' - -. '' «$* failed. R. B. Parker, R. W. Graves, and L. Talk Perfect Definite 1^ B. Huie arc the men to whom the campus is of Forceful indebted for the organization of this council. by Famous Orator Plans for Houses From the first, the heartiest endorsement of all concerned has been received. All the or- With the serving of notice to those Bishop Rondthaler, of Winston-Salem, fra- ganizations that have been invited to join ternties, which are now occupying halls noted divine of the Moravian Church, deliv- in have accepted. Representation on the coun- Oak and Elm Rows, by college, ered a highly inspirational address before the that cil is limited to those organizations which after the first year college 300 students and townspeople at the Y.
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