BOW WOW " No matter the structural faults, every dog's "heart" is conformationally cor- rect". 2006 MARCH. SHOW CHAIRS REPORT. Today I am a Man, Sort of. By Shelby Gomez Judges are all in place for conformation. I know that Linda has the Obedience judges in place. Today I reached a milestone, Found a person to do the Sanction match, so An important one for me. that is taken care of. instead of squatting like a girl We need a judge for Junior Handling Confor- I raised my leg to pee. mation, but think I have that under control. Wish to thank Deanna Scarlett and Joanna I really wasn't thinking Wein for taking on the job of Trophy Chairper- As I hurried past that tree; son, it is no easy job. But I know that both of It just cried out for marking, them will do a great job. By someone just like me. We have a very good contract with the Trout Creek Community Center and we are fortunate, It's really very easy; as it is getting harder and harder to find a Just lift and squeeze and squirt; venue for dog shows. But in all honesty some You can do it on a tree exhibitors have ruined it for so many, by not You can do it in the dirt. pooping and scooping, having a total disregard for one an all, this also applies to finding mo- It's there for all who may come by; tels, hotels that will accept dogs. It tells my own story; Have a new place to list for owners and dogs to It says this tree belongs to me; stay, recommended by one of the Briard Peo- It's my terri-tory. ple. We will be having a silent auction, but we will My mom got all excited; need members to look after it. But my sister Tramp just sniffed. We will be having a new caterer this year. Al '“Hey buster'“, she, seemed to say. and Nelly Bennett, heard very good things 'You think you got a gift?' about their catering, from other dog people whose clubs they have catered for. Looking She scratched the ground; forward to trying what they have to offer. She moved her butt; We have a judge coming from the west this And then proved me a liar; year Jan. Buchanan, so will probably be looking She raised HER leg and let it rip; for someone to pick Jan up at the airport. And hers was even HIGHER! Just think this year, we don’t have to worry about doing set-up and take down. Some of us I stared at Tramp in disbelief; are getting too old for this. I felt like such a fool. I am hoping that our show will be a success, She kicked some dirt right in my face; not only money wise, but to show others that Then walked away so cool. we as a club can put on a successful show, by being pleasant, helpful etc. this is hard some- And as she left she turned to me; times. But if all else fails, tell them to speak to Eyes glinting like a jewel. the Show Sec. The lesson to remember. Need one more ring steward, any volunteers? In all things. Chicks Rule! AnnG DECORATING WITH A PET. 1. Paw prints and nose smudges on glass doors and windows break up glare and soften the light in a room. 2. Dog crates, when stacked three high, can add height to a room and pull the eye up. If fastened securely to the wall, the top can provide a safe and dramatic place for exotic plants or statuary that other- wise might be molested by your pets. 10. Wall to wall carpet is a no no - buy those rub- An up light can make it a real focal point. Cats ber back throw rugs when they're on sale. Who love to inhabit the upper crates, leaving the lower cares if they don't match - this is where you use ones for the dogs. your flair for mixing plaids and stripes. 3. Old towels and blankets thrown casually on 11. So throw away those videos by Martha and upholstered furniture can add a wonderful homey, others, and express your own unique tastes. country-quilt look to an otherwise bland room. Your home should reflect what YOU like! 4. Common smooth upholstery fabrics can look ~~Author: Barb Cooke almost velvety when lightly textured with pet hair. 5. Vari-kennels, placed end to end and topped with plate glass can create an unusual coffee ta- What to do for a yeast infection of the ears. ble, one your friends will REALLY remember. Apple Cider Vinegar 6. Doggie beds, randomly placed around a room, Boric acid powder can add colour and texture, much as throw pil- A teaspoon (tsp.) lows do. Ear syringe/Cotton balls Make a half and half mixture of apple cider vine- 7. Shredded or chewed books and magazines gar and water. Flush the ears with this mixture send a message to guests that they are free to until the gunk is out. ( Best to do all this outside!) relax and feel at home. Once they have cleared up, you may only need to saturate a cotton ball to clean the ear out. 8. Dog crates can be slip-covered to match any Next, completely fill the ear canal with the pow- room decor. der, tamping it down in here with your finger. I use a teaspoon, hold the ear open wide and 9. There is absolutely nothing that makes a guest pour in about 1/2 a teaspoon at a time. Then feel as welcome as three friendly dogs hopping in stand back and let them shake. his lap as soon as he sits down. If you do this right..... normally you would do this 3 days in a row, then once a week for life. The vinegar makes a acidic environment that the yeast doesn't like and the boric acid powder dries them out. This is an old kennel remedy. You should re- member boric acid powder is poison, so keep it out of reach of children and don't put in on your dog where he might lick it off. BREEDER AND THE HOBBY KENNEL Name of Kennel? Chieftain A man owned a hobby kennel in Ohio. The State Why that name for you kennel? First boxers Wage & Hour Dept claimed he was not paying name was Chief, one day driving back from proper wages to his help and sent an agent out to Toronto , saw the Chieftain Motel at Orillia interview him. and thought that a good name How many dogs do you have at the present "I need a list of your employees and how much you time? Bitch's ( 7 ) Dogs ( 1 ) pay them," demanded the agent. Where do you dogs live? In the house. What breed clubs do you belong to? Na- "Well, there's my handler, who's been with me for 3 tional - years, I pay him $600 a week plus free room and board." Boxer Club Of Canada, Northern On- tario Boxer Club, CKC Provincial. NAME Anne McDougall What local Kennel clubs do you belong to? QUESTIONNAIRE NKC Did you have a dog/cat as a pet as a child? Dog (yes ) Cat ( yes ). Do you show in Conformation? yes How many Dogs? ( 5 ) Cats ( 2 ) not all at once. Obedience? occasionally Did your parents have a pet before you were born? Other. Yes ( ) No (x ) Do you attend your breed Specialities in the How many Dogs ( ) Cats ( ) U.S. or Canada? Yes How old were you when you had your first pet? Always remember having a dog Why? To meet other breeders and see What breed was your first pet as a child? Purebred what is out there ( x ) Mix ( ) elaborate please. If purebred what Do you show you dogs at a Speciality? Yes breed? BOXER Do you have a handler? Do it myself. Were there rules in the house concerning you What is your greatest achievement at a Spe- treatment of pet. Yes ( ) No ( x) ciality or in the Ring other than a Special- What were the rules? ity? Group second , grand sweeps win- Did dog live in house or outside? ner. Yes in the house, never remember having Do you do Obedience at a Speciality. No any rules, he was just a member of the fam- Other activities you do with your dog? ily Clean up after them:>) MEMBERS Do you attend lectures about your breed. Breed of Purebred dog/s you own now? Yes Boxers Disqualifications in your breed? Any other Why that breed? colour other than fawn or Brindle or Because I had one as a kid and loved him more than 1/3 white and when I could afford one as an adult it HEALTH PROBLEMS was a boxer What health problems do you have in your What attracted you to the breed you picked? breed? Heart, Cancer. temperament, looks, memories RESCUE How many other breeds have you had? Do you support Rescue of you breed? Yes one, a lovely black and tan coon hound. If you have rescued another breed, please How long have you been in Purebred dogs? state. No 20 years Have you ever driven, over kept a rescue dog overnight? No Ever adopted a rescue dog/s. No VACCINES Getting the wood was another problem. There's a ban on cutting local trees in order to Do you vaccinate your dogs? yes save the spotted owl.
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