happiness is hearing "Afterglow" by the Suntones If you thought "A Touch of Gold" was the greatest barbershop record ever made, you were right ... until now. When you hear the fabulous Suntones, 1961 International Champs, in this brand new album, yOU'll have to agree that they've topped themselves an~ any other quartet you've ever heard. "Afterglow" combines the most·applauded tunes of their show·stopping repertoire, from modern moods to barbershopping at its best. So bend an ear, for happiness is hearing the Suntones sing; • HEY, LOOK ME OVER. PASS ME BY • All THE THltlGS YOU ARE • RIVER Of flO RETURU • AFTER YOU'VE GOUE • HELLO. DOllY • WHERE OR \'JHEf~ • flO NEW TUNES Ofl THIS OLD PIANO • ruw GAtlG ON THE CORflER • COHAfl MEDLEY • SOUTH • IF YOU CAIl'T TElL THE WORLO SHE'S A GOOD LITTlE GIRL Send check or money order 10: ~25 Sunrise Records ~~~~:IGJ 75 N.E. 150 STREET MIAMI, FLORIDA COMBINATION OFFER: If you missed the Suntones first album "A Touch of Gold," order it and the "Alterglow"alburn for only $8 and save SOc! IAll//I/. LIGHTER 111/""': • STRONGER • QUIETER CHORAL RISERS • Weighs r~-FULL48" ·1 only 43 pounds I J, • Compact for travel.. .. .. ... I and storage I The Books "SONGS FOR MEN" .,..." as well as the loose leaf arrangements publisheJ b}' the Sodc·!}', arc engraved and printed bl' CALL OR WRITE 000 WENGER BUllDltlG OWATONNA. MINN. 55060 2801 1'1. 47T1I SI. • CIlICAGO 32, ILLINOIS 507·451·3010 May-June VOL. XXVI 1966 No.3 1t--f...----1t-"',r-\,--hr#-i"'-fH .I-ll\:t--t-~'----t--=-h~---II International Board of Directors /1IIef1Jf1/iollal OfficerJ President. R«die Wright, Arden Parms Co., 1900 W. SlauKlo, Los Ansdes, California - 90054 THE HARMONIZER is Ihe official publicuion ot the Society fOI Ihe Ptuervllion and Immediate Put President, Alben 1. Smith. Jr., P. O. Encouugcment of 8ar\>(( Shop Quautr Singing in Ameriu, Inc. Ie is published in Ihe Box 11194, Pon Wouh, TCJ.':l$· 76110 months of J~nuuy, March, May, July. Sepeem\>(1 and Nov:m\>(r ae 631S· 3rd A~tnue, 1st Vice President, Jamn Slctdman, 616 Ddawart Ktn05ha, Wisconsin, }]141, and emcted as second-class .mal.ttr at Iht ~e. office. 11 ROJd, Ktnmorr, New YOlk - 1422} Kenosha, Wisconsin. under rhe Acc of March 3, 1879. EdlComl and Ad,·cru.SIn8 offlccs Vice Presidtnl, Frt<! S<egcH, Jr., 1}5 \'('eIC Wells .are ae lnlfrnalional He~dquaflcts. NOIice of changc of address should be: submmed to the Suec!, Milwaukee, Wisconsin - H203 cdilOrial officrs of THE HARMONIZER, 631} THIRD AVE., KENOSHA. WISCONSIN. Vice Fa'sidelll, Welir Meiee, P. O. Box 9671, SIn H141, ar leasl Ihi~[y dall before the nexe publicalioo duro Subscfiplion price is $2.00 Diego, California· 92109 )'ruly and '.}O an mue. Vice President. Sam Stahl, R.R I, 108 Woodford A,"c., Dcr~. Kentucky. 4040) Trwurer, HuSh Palmer, 46 \\;'iIIiam St!~t. Orillia, Onluio, Canada Execuli,'c Director, n.mic Den. 6315 Third h,"cnue, FEATURES Kenosha, Wisconsin· )3141 A Nigbt ill Camegie Hall _ .. __ .. _._ ... 2 Board MemberJ Now A'llailab/e-tlW'orldJj GreateJt BaHJJ... __ . .. .. ._. ~~__ 3 Cardiaal, William Twy, P. O. Box 10}, log.anspoH, Indiana· 46947 How 10 LOIe FrielldI alld Ill/ttriale People _..._.. _.__________________ 5 Cenual Slales, RO\>(1( Gall, 12106 Mar·Bee Trail. IndclJ(ndcnce, Missouli • 640}2 Howe Sounds in Europe .. .. _ ..__ .. _.. _.. 6 Dixie, Mdvin J. Hallis, }901 Ashlon Dli\·e. Char· loue, Nonh Calolina . 28210 W'e're Part 0/ a Dedicaled Team .. _._. .. .____ 8 E"ergl«n, J. H. L~bo, ROUle 2. Box }}O, Creswdl. Oregon·97426 /Jarbertboppillg-Mall)' TbillgI 10 Mall)' People . 10 Far Western, Don Galvin, P. O. Box }02, Man· hallan Ikach, California • 90268 Tbe Yallkee God/alber .. .__ .. 12 lllinoisr Don Summeu, }}O} Nonh Stephen Drive, PMCJ1, Illinois· 61614 Johnny Appleseed} D.uwin M.au, }80 Slafford Dci\·e. DEPARTMENTS Elyria, Ohio 4'1038 Sbare Tbe W'eallb .__ .. .. 16 L3nd O'Lakes, (10 \>( elected in July). Michigan, Al BUlgcssJ. 53} RobbinS Road, Grand Ha\"en, Michigan. 'b·t17 Tbe HiIlo";all'I Cbair .. ._ .. 18 Mid·Atlantic, Harold M. SchullZ, 310 Crown View Oli\'e, Alexandria, VirAinla . 22314 DowJ/ Memory Lane .. ...._. ._ 19 Nouhealtccn, Richard Hawes, 120 Fain'iew Road, Ncedh.am, Ma5S3chulC[(S . 02192 NewJ About QuartetI _~ .__ .. _. __ ...__ ..... _. ... _. 20 Ontario, Sidney Pyper, 470 Elwood Road, BurlingtOn, Onluio, Canada I See From Tbe /JIII/elim .. .. 23 SentCll bnd, Huold Carlson) 207 MOnloc StrCCl, Wuren, Pcnnsyh'ania - 16)u} Mail Call From Harmoll)' Hall .. ... 28 Sourhweslern, Chules E. Abernelhy, )00 Em Grand, PonCll City. Okl.ahoma - 7,1601 Sunshine, Roberl Dollison. H81!J VilOlia A"cnur, MISCELLANEOUS Wintcr Park, FJolida • 32789 Cbicflgo C01lt1entioJJ-EventI Scbedu/e-Trave/ FactJ- Alld PaJI 11l/ewa/iol1ttl PresidenlJ TV RegiIlralio" __ 4 ExeClI/itle Director Two M.,. Added 10 Sial! _ ..... .... 11 BARRJn nEST LogopedicI COIIJribll/iom ._________ 13 Admil1iJ/rtt/ive AuiJ/ant "RenegadeJ JI Scbedlf/e on ","fike Doug/aJ Showl! ... __ .__ ..... __ .. .. 21 D. \VJLLlAM FITZGeRALD 1965 Fillallcia' SlalemelllI 26 Direc/or of Public Re/a/iom HUGH A, INGRAHAM Ba,.berJboppers Bargain BaJement _. __ .. __ . .. __ ._ __ .. __ ._._ 27 Director of Mmical Ac/ivi/ieJ Celllttr)' Clttb __ 27 ROBERT 0, jOlINSON Comilll{ Events . ..... ._. ... .. __ ... .. __ 27 Adminis/ra/ive Fie/d RepreJellftlJiveJ CHESTER N. Fox LLOYD D. STEINKAMP Manager oj Membership RecordJ ON OUR (OVER ROBERT J. MBYER The floar picrured on our cover srarred Out ro be a publicir}' project Office J"fd1lt1ger and ended up a first.prize winner in rhe "Club Class" of rhc annual S[. FRED SORDAHL Paul \'(Iintcr Carnival Parade. Mal1flger of Spech,/ Elfel1/J Greater St. Paul Area Barbershoppers built rhc 17' high, 10' wide, 55' CHARLES A. SNYDBR long showboat with beggcd or borrowcd marerials, including a semi· fIdilor trailer rruck to build ir on and an airplane hangar to build it in. Over LEO \Y.!. PODART 1,000 man-hours wem imo building, painting and decorating (sruffing 32,000 pieccs of colorcd paper imo 400 running fecr of chicken wite) rhe In/eflltllioJ/al Office (Joa( at a toral expense of $200. 6315 THIRD AVENue KENOSHA, \VISCONSIN 53141 And did rhey get rheir publicit}·? Even though Ihe mercury dipped ro 414-654-9111 26 below zero, both radio and television (three stations) carried the Parade COll/fibuIOrJ live, and picrures and stories appeared in all the leading Twin City papers. Our thanks {Q Steve Shannon, Chapter PR Chairman, who provided rhe DARRIB DEST "CHUCK" liMING Don Duel'IAN \VIALTBR McALEAR pictllfC and srocy. GEORGB DOl-IN DnAN SNYDER Huml INGI\MIAM LLOYD TUCKER I'RINTBD IN U.S.A. 1 Alovelybeauty,ladytheI."SlIls"Mind Peter Lind Hay., Th WI !rge Lahk . e a ter lahko Ind fo 0, wife of men,b., International President Reedle famous "Chordelles" rn~erlY a member of the Wright (left) discusses Introduc­ siage with the "Bills:'. W 0 ung "L1d. Rose" on tory remarks for the show with Pel.r Lind Hayes. A N\GHl \N CARNEG\E HAll ~ radio,IntermlulonTV andtalksla9;e~~een:I Peter Lind Hayes Mld·AlmntlcExocutl 0Istrlct President WlI ~~ forog ve Vice· President Bob R bur Sparks and Ted Corcoran CBS TVIlUtlt:~~t~;who MC'd tho show: show'ObulId ) al a "cast pari ,~yc.e (left and rlghl P.R. Director 'of the John Kincheloe', Dawson, director of TV h LogopedIcs; Earl "Executive Director and Charles Wurth E s ow "Alumni Fun'" Wurth (left) of the Insllt between Charles ;~:I..~~:~;tll~;.~~:';;I;IU:; :!,. tl;.:~;~~~~~~,:~;;I'I~:~ th~ Barrie Best, In tho nliddttel and Barbershop's InstItute of Logoped! xecutlve Director of CBS.TV. e II Earl Dawson of Jones (rIght J' colly Ward (left l d wo of <S. .I::,,::::ili~' an Jimmy ~ , • •••' '... 4 • NOW AVAllABLE- "WORLD'S GREATEST BASS" ... Bill Otto Retires From Harmony Hall on May lst Probably no one has been more successful at combining a latcr some gentleman pur his hand on my arm and said, 'Hello! hobby with a business profession than Bill Ouo. And through You sound like you have a bass voice! Come over to my table ic all, singing as a Society member or working as a professional and join our group!' I did and sat around with eight or nine Barbershopper, he has retained the respect and high regard men who 'cncouraged' me to sing with them. Nobody looked both of his fellow employees and Society mem.bers. He has down their nose at my Jack of vocal training. As a matter of been unquestionably the most revered, honored and well·known fact, they seemed to think I was pretty good. I sang myself member of the headquarters scafT. hoarse, and Cliff and I harmonized all the way back to Pontiac." For onc to really know this man you must know of the And so Bill Otto became a Barbershoppcr, a member of the many talents in the Bill Ouo make-up. There is, for instance, Detroit, Mich. Chapter, where his talent for leadership and his a deep-seated musical talene which existed long before the ability to get along with people were soon recognized. He was l.te O. C. Cash .nd Iriend Rupert H.II decided to do something soon immersed in barbershop affairs, playing a vital leadership about the dearth 01 old-Iashioned role in the Society's growth. He barbershop quartet singing in our has been secretary and president country. Ie all staned in the Gay of the Pontiac, Mich.
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