LEE COUNTY HOME GROWN HULLS: WE PREPARES TO THE LOCAL BOAT CELEBRATE THE BUILDING INDUSTRY CONSTITUTION V" -,' ••-.. - 18 -*•• \ — 8A": SEPTEMBER 10 1987 VOLUME 15 - . - . island NUMBER 13 - - . 2 SECTIONS. 52 PAGES SANIBEL AND CAPTIVA, FLORIDA County promises $800,000 for Captiva beach plan Another $1 million may be available, say commissioners r By Steve Cason ;; ~ ounty funding to bt-lp pay for Ciptiva's'\'. new beach was virtually assured last . Cweek when three county commissioners Volrtl to earmark $S0O,000 in surplus Sanihcl .. Causeway funds for .the project. -:; o:--*'"" Thu three commissioners, sitting; as tlie'coiiniy's financial conditions committee, also promised to try to come, up with another $1 million. The coin- . mittcf's recommendation will be votvi on by the county commission Sept. 17, With the barking already of commissioners I'orier Goss. Charles IMgelow and Mary Ann Wallace, ils {iassagi? ap- pears almosUcertitin. And.CEl'boffkials are ehiU'd.'"\Vi-*n: happy," said Captiva Erosion Prevention District chairman ••Paul GitFvey. "Things are going well." •*• ••£•- The committee's positive, reaction lo the CEI'IfV request, coupled with the plan's seemingly over:s. whelming support by properly.owners, brings a .^November referendum one stop closer to realiiy. _ The CEPO Ringed impWmenlation o' \\iv proposed prSjpct on obtaining at feast $1,3 million from the - county. "We really need thu money if the project is goiiifr'o Ko through," Garvey said Thursday- "•''' The 5800,000 will come from Captiva's four per- cent share of the causeway surplus, an amount ex mised Caplivii 51 million then, but the project was budgeted S.1Q0.000 for impr(fvi-ments p : pected to reach $857,000 by the end of next delayed. Thu<; the county's newrst promise is a • Drive, ttiakinfi; the package worth a grand twtal of September. The committee was not certain where $2.1 million, the same amount the CKI'D originatjy ^it would obtain the additional $1 million, but a . reconfirmation of the previous commitments "The ; , likely source is the proposed refinancing of the county fell it should honor that earlier promise.'',"- ••asked for: =-'•.-• ; . ' •:.,•: . ""• * said Dr. William Strongt. the CEPD's economic - In return f«r its ni'tnty, (he county will realize. - causeway in 198'J. The couiity first planned Io(, .; : refinance the causeway back in'19^5, and had pro- consultant. • " ... >• - • improvements 10 Tt;m'T ikacn.and ine ani.ill .-. Oh top of thc$i.S million, .the e.tmmiltct' also ! _ • •please see page 5A Gulf counties take regional approach to save coastal resources .iioucH-.'s, he iatd..,, ^••- ". ./-- Goal of new research center V'ailin hit paid"a ptan io manage suriate;water is "to coordinate data gathering .on Sapib£l is ihc most 'mportahl plan in city y^or^n Ivriiis ol ma'mV.a\nmg ft\sat W tatts iW island anibfancf.1-'"- "''• :' . .-' - . By Malt Pprez . ; ^ \ :; Wawlavwttvi;\\w. c\ia\\\.^- n\ ttc«,\v*'aVcr and -IV".. saltwater is part of thai plan. •., t a time when the City of Sanibol ; s, ; is preparing a water management plan - "\Vater quality atfects us greatly," said Lind- ,ihal Mayor Fred Valtin calls the most : blad. "Collecting isn't the biggest problem .wit hV important of its kind, finally (here is a regional; protecting our shell population. Water quality is." research initiative of Southwest Florida counties v Also, wildlife, wetlands and public health hre ~ that could help Sanibel and Captiva maintain their directly affected by water quality. •'.'_. ; _. quality of life.: ... '•- "We're not isolated,": said Sambei-Captiva Con- servation Foundation executive direcior Erick ]• ': Lindblad Tuesday in Sarasola. He was the only; People do not flock to Sanibel-Captiva island representative atttrdin? : Lee County to enjoy the " -\ the inauguration of Southwest Florida Coastal.; T amenities of Lehigh, Cape Research Center near Longboat.Key. ; -: .. • Coastal Research Center is formed by par-- =;. Coral, Alva or Buckingham ticipating politicians, scientists, resource managers ... they come because of and naturalists in a dozen gulf coast counties from coaslai resources — Magee Levy south to Monroe. It's stated goal Is to coor- dinate scientific gathering*of information to pro-, teel and enhance coastal resources. „ •; •; . Water qiiaiity was continually nirpliopfd hyf; In addition, Lindblad alluded to learning a some oi.the state's most prominent politicians and lesson from the recent baltlr with city counrii *' natnraiists as an important watu^managemeRt,; - ; over protecting gopher tortoises. He sftid a conti- issue affecting all coastal com m tin it it-:;. •-. ... .': ' nuing problem with environmrftlai iniiiati\f;s is1-- _ the lack of research ioj>ack up warnings apainst-." Stn. La>?to»i Chilivs, in his keynote address in- : augur'ating ihe new lesr.'arc'h farilitv ;it Mtilc \i ;' overVleveioprfi.enU-pol^itiQfi or ftihcr harsrds. .. ^All buoyed up Marine Laboratory, pointed to water-quality pro-1 •'•••Youciia'i n?ht the hAtUe" with Ihwdaia,"1 said .: 'blems which post.'*) .in intmeniii:.threat to tbcv I] =.-.Lindblad, :" -^ v .. -,. ",, . •/(• S. i'(tr>-z l/itfht -7- ,! <t liner. Everglades in ruct'til. years. " . ._$*% :!- ':! . Hesfi.ir<:h into water1 managcKienf.—; which in._. 77 : 5. finiln tnitli'-r'wtjl,, chides studying storm witter riraTftagtVjioliuiitJn'-. i'C it t / 1 at S• '-nil •fl" Oftu oniy has U> Innlt there, fur a n^rtindsr of.ibe <•)! (Is thi lir. Importance of mnidtainirg *?n«eLive waiiT !jU;:lt!.y '.--. ,-' .'.---'-.•'.,•- $ pleose see page 19A •/•• h the island eye BusCapade visits Sanibel as national tour winds down Can you guess what, ft took at vtatlctlc* that mman nothing... %i could follow an adver- manof(Jannel,anda • tising gimmick like-a Houi many people don't heue any Idea why small team oleditors . newspaper stand that r : ardrt-portersintrr- ' resembles those BusCapode comB to Sanlbel Island? viewtd each Mate's-. : friendly family . governor fora televisions? ' column. Ozachowski It could only boa portrayed them as •10-foot barnstorming round robin distils "•Blue Bin! motorbus sions.Two'^etsof bearing the USA : reporters conducted " TODAY banner. And - inanon-lhe- - it carried a team "of :." street interviews. newspaper people ; The Florida piece reporting perfectly was in Tuesday's positive perspectives. paper. - : His hoped that an And a 27-year old accurate and positavc bus driver named Joe! BusCapade USA Today message was received Driver. • - hyalieoficerneil. ,\ -And a mission to •; ... One (juestion ask questions to elicit remains: Because of positive messages ; thebus.didNeuharth about hometowns, have to pay a tax on hometown people and advertising services hometown things. after the bus crossed Like: What's your '' • Florida state iines?Q. ; favorite food; why are you glad to live in a . stale with different Sourca; , I moo Inot I on Bu Halt'P«r« . :, G. David Howard made rules; and how do you Richard Pryor look ..feel about lots of they'll be displaying newspaper stand •• last leg of the trip.,; : money? . *-. pictures of junonia-" Neuharlh had place . ( llerc's'what ' = ,\ like Mr. Rogers. - This bus thing is- finders in upcoming" on the 45 acre farm of di; another brainchild of issues. _.(? I' Lynn and Rosemary Gannet news release. ; By Steve Cason -, „ : Chadwkk's Lin- Cocoa Beach's Al Merrill. ^ Iy - " G. David Howard is' dbergh Hall Friday, ; Neuharth,lhe63- The BusCapade, as The stop on Sanibel "BusCapade USA a very funny man. A / Saturday and Sunday year-iSld mastermind Neuharih billed it,, followed a tour of the •' will attempt to find, bit deranged perhaps, nights (two shows behind USA TODAY, stopped in all 50 Fort Myers News- and present an ac-i _ but tunny each night), G. David "The Nation's - ."", states, including all ~ Press, which like USA curate reflection of nonetheless. Very Howard did more ,-. Newspaper," And we capitals, the largest TODAY is owned by .: places and people all . funny. What else than just knock 'em .' saw the brainchild on cities and little out-of- Gannett Co., Inc. ... * 'across the nation - ... could one expect from dead. He left them - \ Sanibel as it wound the-way places like Neuharlh was expec- what they are -''••'. ^ a man raised In Blue hurling,juslasthe down its nationwide our island. BusCapade thinking, doing and :] Bali, Ohio. Or who ; advertising flyers : ted to join the crew in" warned/ . - tour during a - -• started in the precise,., • Miami, said Paul wishing for them ;: 1 peddles a bumper stayover at Sundial population center of ••":• Czachowski, a '? selves, their com- ; sticker that reads: .. The two-hour show ' -• Beach and Tennis ^ the United Stales: 10 munitics and their ; "IJO( go of ray ears. I included a relentless correspondent who'. '"'. country." :."! -?••• Resort. ••'''.' miles northwest of came down from ,, know what I'm' assault on TV . ;•'. You just know Potosi, MO, at a Atlanta to travel the , Neuharth, chair- ...^ doing," evangelists. The • Appearing at -\.: routine included a~~ - FOCUS OtM: KD7H B.C. r- "It's heaven. In our ' weekdays. That's off hours, when we when she assists ...,-,. Coyne : finally get to relax.. .t two Fort Myers den- Think it's one of the tists with theif work. usy might be a most beautiful land- Work as a denlai good adjective scapes on Sanibel," assistant, or more B to describe shesaid. accurately, a resear- Beatrice "B.Z." Coyne describes - chersludying _ -_ , .Coyne. Stop by the the scene as deser- .. periodontal diseases, recently opened Tar- ted.onlymarkers gaveherreason to . : pon Bay Recreation, . along the shallow travel to Japan, ... Inc. concession at i bay indicating the... , Sweden and Swit- J.N."Dino" Darling. i presence of - zerfand a few years " Wildlife Refuge any t people. .,..' . .. ago, she said. She '.; weekend and see. ' . But she also- nods agreement to • Bright eyes -^ 11 speaksin favorof having lived a full life - , focused intently on a i change on Sanibel.
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