m ' 1 iiN* ill.. ,^!?r ' H Kl i 8—The Sidney Herald—Wednesday, February 24, 19S0 v s « ?.. J / REPUBLICAN SUMNER GERARD JO NOMINEE FOR U. S. SENATE COME IIV AM» HELP ES CELEBRATE »ER Rep. Sumner Gerard, 43-year I the Advisory Committee of the old Ennis cattleman, today filed Montana State University School * formally for the Republican U.S. of Business Administration. He ü 8TH Senate nomination. bas had extensive governmental The World War II veteran and experience on both state and na- IT m three term Madison County leg- tional levels. - islator became the first Republican The Senate candidate is a mem- nominee for the position now held ber of the Masons, Elks, VFW, v \ by 83-year-old Democrat James E. U.S. Marine Corps. Reserve, Mon- . Murray. tana Stockgrowers Association, £ Gerard said, “An effective U.S. Montana Reclamation Association, (7 v ■ f: w I: < Senator from Montana must work Montana Peace Officers Associa- ; 1 ■ first for things’ which will build tion, American Society of Ranch ; i :: W Montana. My platform includes Management, Montana Farm Bur­ eau Federation, Civil Air Patrol, III ■ * x;: ►< r :: 'S I / V? and Aircraft Owners and Pilots i ft Association. :? :> [* : j I 5 0k s I I 0 Proclamation $ % t ■:y i ■ Mayor Harold Mercer today signed a proclamation designating BI y&i Sunday, February 28, as Heart if Sunday in Sidney. )1 WHEREAS the nation’s most Q) t ^ J *** distinguished cardiologists have as­ IÎ7V ^ I r sured the public that medical re­ search holds the key to the control "tÜlÿiii I i.j and eventual conquest of the heart and blood vessel diseases; % WHEREAS the American Heart l.\ OER NEW IIIILUIM. Association’s program of research, ; ; education and community service, supported by the Heart Fund, places major emphasis on the If search for new and improved m methods of diagnosis, treatment FREE FREE FREE t P! and control of these diseases; : \ WHEREAS the Heart Fund drive, which is now being carried 3 a on in Sidney, Montana, and which j$50 DOLLARS WORTH OF GROCERIES 1st PRIZE AND 5 LARGE Sumner Gerard makes this vital scientific effort possible, reaches its climax in a those things which I believe are one-day house-to-house collection FOR THE NEXT FIVE LUCKY CUSTOM- essential to Montana’s future as on Sunday, February 28; TENDER îf well as our national well-being. NOW, THEREFORE, I HAROLD MIDLAND HAMS The batle against inflation must MERCER, MAYOR OF SIDNEY, be won and reduced federal hand­ MONTANA, DO HEREBY PRO­ ERS. YOU MAY WIN. outs is a good place to begin. CLAIM THAT Sunday, February «« V Changes must be made in the 28, be officially recognized as ■ farm program. No one knows this Heart Sunday, and do earnestly better than Montana farmers, but request that the residents of this any changes must be gradual so as community heartily welcome Heart FREE SCHILLING COFFEE and 200-Miles-Fresher not to pull the rug out from under Sunday volunteers who call on Nothing to buy, re­ our economy. Removals of acreage them for contributions; . SNOWFLAKE DONUTS or SNOWFLAKE DELICIOUS allotments should be the first step. AND, FURTHER, I, HEREBY ' gistrant must be 16 Ü “The only way to peace is the formally express the appreciation maintenance of the defense ca­ and thanks of our community to j years or over. COOKIES Served AU Day Saturday, FEBRUARY 27TH. pabilities of the United States at a the scores of Heart Sunday volun­ level sufficient to deter any pos­ teers in this area who freely and | sible aggressor.” graciously contribute their time The 1959 House minority leader and engery to carry out this work OCCIDENT FLOUR 25 LB. CLOTH BAG $1.79 listed other points in his program in the interests of the general pub­ as economic growth of Montana lic welfare. WASHED 25 POUNDS 11 CHOICE GRADEil 20 LB. BOX » through free enterprise, develop­ Harold L. Mercer ' t ment of Montana’s natural resour­ Mayor of Sidney, Montana U. S. RED POTATOES . , . 69c DELICIOUS APPLES . $1.79 ces with due regard to conserva­ I it tion; free collective bargaining SIDNEY WOMAN'S CLUB LARGE SIZE —"Heavy With Juice FRESH BUNCH X for industry and labor, and reduc­ TO MEET MARCH 7 tion of wasteful government spend­ GRAPEFRUIT Ruby Red . 6 for 39c RADISHES or GREEN ONIONS — 5c a The Sidney Women’s Club will f« ing. 1 A Madison County rancher, meet at 7:30, March 7 at the home f* ( Gerard is married and the father of Mrs. Harry Mikelson with Mrs. LARGE SIZE FRESH RED 12 OZ. or OVER ♦ of one son and four daughters. He John Harnish and Mrs. Beatrice owns and operates the Bar 7 Kreis assisting. Mrs. Lloyd Dela- California Avocado’s Each 5c Ripe Tomatoes — per tube 23c ranch on which he has lived since more chairman of the Youth Com­ 1948 southwest of Ennis. mittee will present the program. There will be special music under Gerard has served the Republi­ ♦ \ can Party as precinct committee- the direction of Mrs. Mikelson. state committeeman and as Chair­ The Sidney Woman’s duo is Carnation Royal Scot man, state committeeman and as planning to attend the local Dis­ •1 :| I trict Court March 2nd with the MILK /ft Chairman of the Montana Republi­ Culbertson Woman’s Club as our ! i* MARGARINE i can Fniance Committee. He was an guests. ! TALL CANS alternate delegate to the 1946 con­ / vention which re-nominated Pres­ i'll for 97c 5 LBS. for 85c ident Eisenhower. He is a member The high cost of living so-called J Schilling 6 of the Board of Trustees of the is not as important as the high cost r COFFEE Montana Historical Society and of ' of bankrupting the Government. SPECIAL .. V ss^Si-S PAK Krafts Introductory Offer §/SlJl,0BARS for Savings Accounts 49c 8 Oz. Bottle French Dressing Both c 1 cf ' 8 Oz. Bottle New Roka Blue Cheese Dressing For To enjoy a harvest you must first plant the seed. Wishing won’t lb. 67 39 get it, but saving will. Invest in Savings with our friendly help. SIDNEY NATIONAL BANK 1 i <P Markets--Weather at a Glance <r KRAFTS FAMOUS VELVEETA CHEESE 2 LB. Box - 79c > ét SIDNEY CASH GRAINII Sunshine Krispy Crackers 2 lb. - 53c Sunshine Hi-Ho’s .... 1 ib. - 35c KS \ o "MARKET REPORT" Farmers Merc, and Occident YELLOWSTONE LIVESTOCK Wednesday Noon Quotations: COMMISSION COMPANY Dark Northern Spring Wheat: Total Cattle Receipts Today , .....700 No. 1, 60 lb. test, . $1.77 Total Receipts Last Week.... —..812 17 % Protein : __ ,00 16% Protein: . KRAFTS PURE GRAPE JELLY \ .07 20 oz. jar - 28c Total Receipts Same Week Year Ago .................................. .796 15% Protein: __ .05 14% Protein : __ .03 CATTLE 13% Protein: .... .02 X Gd. to Ch. Fed Steers .24.00-25.00 12% Protein: .01 K Med. to Gd. Fed Steers ....23.00-24.00 Winter Wheat: I I» Gd. to Oh. Fed Heifers . ..22.50-23.50 No. 1, 60 lb. test ...... $1.66 .... 3 dozen -85c MORNING FRESH GRADE A LARGE EGGS ., t Med. to Gd. Fed Heifers 21.00-22.00 16% Protein; __ 00 Common to Medium Fed 1‘5 % Protein: .... .07 « Steers & Heifers ... H~..19.00-21. oo 14% Protein :__ .06 1 Young Heifer Type Cows 1750-19.00 13% Protein :__ .05 Utility & Com. Cows 14.50-16.00 12% Protein: __ ______ .03 Canner & Cutter Cows ...12.00-13.00 Durham, No. 1 .... ............ $1.93 Bulls .... ................. .17.00-19.00 Barley: No. 1 ____ J 5 STALEY’S WAFFLE & PANCAKE SYRUP. large 1 Gal-$1.49 Shelly Canners .9.00-11.00 Oats: No. 1 ........ 55 REMAR.KS: Fat steers and heifers Flax1 No 1 _____ ..... 2.52 steady to 25 cents higher. Butcher fp cows 50 to 75 cents higher. Bulls Other Wednesday Markets steady. £ STOCKERS & FEEDERS cream; No. 1, per lb. b-fat ... $ .60 if Snare Time Frozen Beef-Turkey-Chicken Pies Mix or Match5Pfegs.—S1 .(K) l Top Hogs, 190 - 230 lbs. ..$13.00 i Gd. to Ch. Steers .. .„...24.00-25.00 Heavy Hogs, 230- -270 lbs. Med. to Gd. Steers .......22.50-23.50 ..$12.00 Com. to Med. Steers .......19.00-21.50 Lt Wt. Sows, under 300 lbs.......$ 9.50 V Gd. to Ch. Heifers .. ...... 22.00-23.50 il Med. to Gd. Heifers .. ..... .20.00-21.00 THE WEATHERii PILLSBURY’S CHOCOLATE CHIP, or PINEAPPLE LEMON or. T Q e( Com. to Med. Heifers ...... 18.00-19.00 Gd. to Oh. Steer Calves ....28.00-30.00 East Brancto Exp. Stn. & KGCX ORANGE ANGLE FOOD CAKE MIX AnV lw0 ° ** Common and Medium Max. Min. Pep Steer Calves .25.00-26.50 Feb. 16 ........... 34 15 .02 SB ■ W Gd. to Ch. Heifer Calves 25.00-26.75 Common and Medium Feb. 17 30 6 .07 p Heifer Calves ...23.00-24.00 Feb. 18 7 -8 11* Stock & Feeder Cows ....15.00-17.50 Feb. 19 16 -7 tr. Our *YF]ea t ^t)epartment Fleshy Feeder Steers (2 Way) .. .....................21.00-23.50 Feb. 20 15 4 .02 . REMARKS : Stock steers and Feb. 21 10 -10 heifers steady with a week ago. Feb. 22 17 -3 I Steer and heifer calves steady to Midland Empire — None Finer 2 lb. pkg. Morrell's Pride, Boneless, Cooked Canned—6 lb. tin Midland Empire, Smoked, Boneless Lb. 50 cents higher. Light-weight cal­ Feb. 23 17 -1 .05 ves in very good demand. 160 head Total Pep. to date .0.57 of outstanding Hereford cows on Normal for same period ....0.61 29 sale next Wednesday.
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