July 24, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7253 President Trump, his America is an Mr. Speaker, does the word ‘‘patriot’’ I was pleased to both cosponsor and America where Congress does not in- come to mind when you think of a man vote in favor of the United States- clude Native Americans, Latinos, Afri- who dodged the draft time and time Israel Cooperation Enhancement and can Americans, Asian Americans, or again, or does the word ‘‘patriot’’ come Regional Security Act and the resolu- LGBTQ Americans. His vision for to mind when you think of a man who tion opposing the efforts to America is one where people like my answered the call of duty and bled for delegitimize the State of Israel and the parents and grandparents are not wel- our great country? Global Boycott, Disinvestment, and come. Mr. Speaker, I tell these truths to re- Sanctions movement targeting Israel, What I find ironic about Donald mind us all why the United States of two important legislative priorities, Trump’s anti-immigrant vision for this America is great: We are a country of because I believe Israel’s safety and se- country is it contradicts his own fam- brave and beautiful American citizens curity is critical to our own safety and ily’s history. Donald Trump’s grand- and brave and beautiful immigrants security. More importantly, it is the father, Friedrich Trump, moved to the from all over the world who contribute right thing to do. United States in 1885 for many reasons, to the greatness of our great Nation I have shared with my colleagues on including to escape poverty. Today, every single day. the House Foreign Affairs Committee President Trump is hurting our reputa- May God bless the diverse and beau- that Israel holds a special place in my tion by denying entry to asylum seek- tiful people of the United States of heart. As a college student 40 years ers who are fleeing many of the hard- America, and God bless the United ago, I had the opportunity to spend a ships his very own grandfather was es- States of America. semester in Jerusalem and get to know caping. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Mem- the people and cultures. I developed a bers are reminded to refrain from en- In 1905, after making his fortune in unique appreciation and understanding gaging in personalities toward the the United States running a brothel, for the struggles they face on a daily President. Grandfather Trump attempted to go basis. back to Germany, only to be denied f As many of us know, the BDS move- entry for failing to complete military REPEAL THE MEDICAL DEVICE ment exists solely to delegitimize service in his own country of Germany, TAX Israel’s very existence, and I am proud something that apparently runs in the The SPEAKER pro tempore. The of the House of Representatives coming family. Chair recognizes the gentleman from together on a bipartisan basis with a After attempting to appeal the denial Utah (Mr. CURTIS) for 5 minutes. unified voice that we will not stand in a flattering letter to the Prince of Mr. CURTIS. Mr. Speaker, I rise idly by while one of our closest allies is Germany, addressing him as the much- today to speak against the medical de- targeted and vilified. The path to peace loved, noble, wise, and righteous sov- vice tax. between Israel and Palestine will not ereign and sublime ruler, Friedrich Utah has earned a reputation as a be hindered by that kind of blind ha- Trump’s request to return to Germany thriving hub for innovation in life tred. was denied for a second time. sciences, leading the Nation in tech- Although this BDS resolution sends a My father and mother moved to the nology breakthroughs. Each year, med- critical message, it falls short of what United States in 1946 seeking a better ical device manufacturers in Utah pio- is ultimately needed to address the life for their family because they heard neer new, exciting medical tech- long-term challenges. I am hopeful of the promise of the United States of nologies that help patients live longer that the House will consider stronger America, that if you work hard and and more productive lives. legislation with actual binding policy play by the rules, you can succeed and Unfortunately, the culture of col- provisions to help the United States your children can have a better life. laboration and innovation has been stand with Israel against BDS. I stand before you today an Amer- threatened by the medical device tax, a I am prepared to work with my col- ican-born citizen and a Member of the tax on device manufacturers that has leagues on both sides of the aisle to ad- United States Congress because my stalled medical technology investment dress these issues and those facing our parents worked hard and played by the across the country. allies. rules. I wasn’t handed a fortune like Although Congress has come to- f President Trump. I was taught the val- gether on a bipartisan basis time and ues of keeping my word, being kind to time again to delay its implementa- b 1100 tion, the continuous threat of heavy, others, and working for what I earn. RECOGNIZING APOLLO ENGINEER Mr. Speaker, this President would onerous taxation has stifled job growth MARION JOHNSON like us to believe that he is more patri- among medical technology innovators otic than the Congresswomen he has and has delayed cutting-edge research The SPEAKER pro tempore. The repeatedly attacked, not because of that could potentially lead to break- Chair recognizes the gentleman from anything he has done for this country, throughs in patient care and treat- Georgia (Mr. CARTER) for 5 minutes. but because he believes that this coun- ment. Mr. CARTER of Georgia. Mr. Speak- try’s rights and protections only apply As it stands today, this tax will come er, I rise today to recognize Ms. Marion to the privileged, like himself. into effect January 1, 2020. The impact Johnson for her contribution to land- Honor and patriotism exist in some would be devastating in Utah, where ing a man on the Moon 50 years ago more than others. My brother-in-law, the med tech industry employs thou- this month. Hector, who was born in Mexico and is sands of Utahns and contributes ap- A product of the First Congressional now a citizen of the United States of proximately $5 billion to the local District of Georgia, Ms. JOHNSON used America, answered the call to serve our economy. One local company estimated her love of math to break barriers great country, when Donald Trump the tax would cost them over $7 mil- throughout her life not only in math avoided service time and time again. lion, money that would otherwise be and science but also for women and While Donald Trump was dodging the reinvested into workforce and tech- people of color. draft five times, my brother-in-law, nology development. With a math degree from Talladega Hector, was serving the United States As we approach this January dead- College, Ms. JOHNSON took a risk and of America in Vietnam. line, I call upon my colleagues to come applied to become one of the first fe- While Donald Trump was ripping off together and finally repeal the tax on male and/or minority engineers at Boe- small businesses right here at home, innovation once and for all. ing. She was accepted. By chance, it Hector was shot while serving his coun- OUR RELATIONSHIP WITH ISRAEL happened to be around the same time try in Vietnam. Mr. CURTIS. Mr. Speaker, I rise that President Kennedy announced the My Mexican-born brother-in-law has today to highlight our critical rela- national mission of sending a man to served this country honorably, and if tionship with Israel, an alliance not the Moon. Donald Trump had his way, Hector only important to our two countries, At Boeing, she worked on a team of would never have had the chance to but to the tectonic plates of global geo- engineers with the specific mission of serve our great Nation. politics. putting a man on the Moon. VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:51 Jul 25, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JY7.012 H24JYPT1.
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