224 S.Afr.l.Bot., 1992, 58(4): 224 - 230 The plant communities of the undulating grassland of the Vredefort - Kroonstad - Lindley - Heilbron area, northern Orange Free State E.R. Fuls, G.J. Bredenkamp and N. van Rooyen Department of Botany, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, 0002 Republic of South Africa Received 23 October 1991; revised 31 March 1992 An analysis of the plant communities of the undulating grasslands of the northern Orange Free State is presented. Releves were compiled in 107 stratified random sample plots. Care was taken to avoid sampling of severely degraded areas. A TWINSPAN classification, refined by Braun-Blanquet procedures, revealed six distinct plant communities. A hierarchical classification, description and ecological interpretation of the plant communities are presented. 'n Analise van die plantgemeenskappe van die golwende grasveld van die noordelike Oranje-Vrystaat word gegee. Releves is in 107 gestratifiseerde ewekansig gekose monsterpersele saamgestel. Erg versteurde gebiede is deurgaans vermy. 'n TWINSPAN-klassifikasie, verfyn deur Braun-Blanquet-prosedures, toon ses duidelik onderskeibare plantgemeenskappe. 'n Hierargiese klassifikasie, beskrywing en ekologiese inter­ pretasie van hierdie plantgemeenskappeword aangebied. Keywords: Braun-Blanquet classification, grassland biome, synecology, TWINSPAN. Introduction ing on, the study area are Kroonstad, Heilbron, Vredefort, The northern part of the Orange Free State is one of the Lindley and Koppies. The area covers approximately most important agricultural regions of southern Africa, both 750 000 ha. The study area forms part of the Highveld in terms of intensive crop production and extensive stock inland plateau and consists predominantly of smoothly farming (Schecpers 1975; Mentis & Huntley 1982). The plained or gently rolling land surfaces of the miocene age widespread ploughing of arable land concomitant with livestock grazing pressure resulted in the destruction of large portions of pristine vegetation in the area. Further­ more, since the broad vegetation classification and mapping 2~E 2nO'E 2BOE presented by Acocks in 1953 (A cocks 1953, 1988), very ,ps -1-------::7"7/"777777:77"::"77777"7"".,-'-'---,-27'5 little advance has been made towards a more detailed classification and description of the vegetation of the area. In view of the predicament of the natural vegetation of the study area, it is imperative that future land-use planning, management and conservation strategies are based on sound plant ecological principles. To facilitate optimal resource utilization in general, and to assess the conservation status 2]030'$ 27l30'S of the vegetation in particular, a detailed identification, classification and mapping of the vegetation of the region has been undertaken. The physical environment and major plant communities and the vegetation of the rocky outcrops of the study area are described by Fuls et al. (1992a) and Fuls et al. (1992b), respectively. In this paper, the plant communities and asso­ ciated habitats of the undulating grassland of the Vrcdefort - Kroonstad - Lindley - Heilbron area of the northern Orange Free State are described. This study forms an integral part of the ultimate goal to compile a comprehensive syntaxonomi­ 21"5 ~ 15"S. 23' 2 J10 \\I\Aomm:S~E1 21 OS Namibia cal synthesis of the grasslands of southern Africa (see also Transvaal I Bredenkamp et al. 1989; Kooij et al. 1990). 25" ~ ~ I 25' i U/ -. swo< " o~ t I ~L __ -';_~- ~ /Orangef. /' Natal Study area N : Free~h o 29" \ South Africa \~~a~:V_'. 29" The study area comprises the eastern part of the 2726 \ Kroonstad map (1 :250000) (Land Type Survey Staff 1984), Cape Province within the climatic climax grassland biome of southern 33°S ~ 33°S 19' 23' 35'E Africa (Mentis & Huntley 1982). The area is situated between 27°11' and 28°10' E longitude and 27°00' and Figure 1 The study area (hatched) in which the plant commun­ 28°00' S latitude (Figure 1). Towns situated in, or border- ities of the undulating grassland were analysed. S.AfrJ.Bot., 1992,58(4) 225 (Mentis & Huntley 1982) and is situated between l300 m 1979) was applied to the floristic data set in order to derive and 1700 m above sea-level. The topography comprises a a first approximation of the vegetation types of the area. Re­ mosaic of flat, slightly undulating and undulating terrain finement of this classification was done by means of Braun­ (Land Type Survey Staff 1984). Isolated hills and ridges are Blanquet procedures (see also Bredenkamp et al. 1989; encountered occasionally. The area covered by the undula­ Kooij et al. 1990). ting grassland comprises more than 90% of the total study area. Surface rocks are generally absent in the undulating Results grassland. A diagrammatic presentation of the hierarchical classifica­ tion and associated environmental interpretation of the six Methods plant communities is presented in Figure 2. The vegetation Releves were compiled in 107 stratified random sample of the undulating grassland (Table 1) can be broadly classi­ plots. However, care was taken to restrict sample plots to fied as a Themeda triandra - Eragrostis curvula Grassland. undisturbed vegetation whenever possible. Severely de­ Other graminoids with a high constancy in all communities graded areas were avoided, but as the vegetation is widely include Cymbopogon plurinodis, Panicum coloratum. Cyno­ utilized for livestock production, the condition of the stands don dactylon, Digitaria eriantha and Eragrostis obtusa differed. Stratification was based on topographical position (species group K - Table 1). These graminoids have charac­ or terrain unit [where terrain unit 1 comprises crests of teristically wide ecological amplitudes and therefore occur undulating terrain; terrain unit 3 comprises slopes between widespread. The small karroid shrubs Felicia muricata and crests and bottomland; and terrain unit 4 comprises bottom­ Pentzia globosa are often encountered, even in relatively land but excludes watercourses (Land Type Survey Staff undisturbed grassland. The widespread occurrence of these 1984)] as well as soil form and geology. Plot sizes were hardy karroid shrubs is indicative of the expansion of the fixed at 100 m2 (Scheepers 1975). In each sample plot all Karoo biome at the expense of the adjacent grassland biome species were recorded, using the Braun-Blanquet cover­ (Acocks 1988). The Karoo biome expansion can be ascribed abundance values (Mueller-Dombois & Ellenberg 1974). to adverse micro-climatic conditions engendered by mis­ Taxa names conform to those of Gibbs Russell et al. (1985, management of the grass layer (Fuls 1992), which favours 1987). Environmental data recorded includes geology, topo­ the drought resistant karroid shrubs. The numerous forb graphical position, soil type and depth, soil texture, aspect, species often encountered in the grassland may also be the slope, rockiness of the soil surface, erosion, soil crusting! result of disturbance. Forb species which are commonly compaction and utilization by herbivores. encountered include Conyza podocephala. Geigeria aspera, Two-way indicator species analysis (TWINSPAN) (Hill Berkheya pinnatifida, Ifelichrysum rugulosum. Berkheya Undulating I grassland I - Dry -Moist - Terrain units - Terrain unit 4 1 & 3 - Mostly disturbed - Pristine or and degraded slightly - >35% clay in r-- degraded - r B-horizon -Sandy and - Deep soils -Mostly - Duplex soils shallow soils - >25% clay in clayey -Increase or - <25% clay in soil profile A-horizons invasion of soil profile - Relatively dry -Moist woody species -Dry I well­ to moist I - Mostly drier drained intermediately - Disturbed I drained J L degraded -Slightly -More -Slightly -Moist drier moist drier -Lower - Higher -Lower - Higher lying lying lying lying -More - Degraded degraded ~,.. ~,.. ". ~,.. ~,.. ,.. 1.1.1 1.1.2(a) 1.1.2(b) 1.2.1(a) 1.2.1 (b) 1.2.2 Figure 2 The hierarchical classification and associated environmental characteristics of the six plant communities. Numbers of plant communities correspond with numbers and descriptions of communities in the text. f:l Table 1 Phytosociological table of the vegetation of the undulating grassland of the northern Orange Free State 0\ Corrrnunity number 1.1 1.2 1. 1.1 1 • 1 • 2 1.2.1 1. 2 . 2 A B A B 10010101010001000111110011 10000000010010110010 1000001010001111100000000 00000010000 100000100010101 1110011101 Re I eve numbe r 19216321430120236062341913 45966851856803049359 0121042614343012447055080 80012913740 261194178864035 7882223475 90240841091337905263531486 00624270016619352401 8658912724894454232738384 15826501122 585497687976578 5201700872 --------------------------------------------------- Spec ies Group A Trichoneura grandiglumis I+R++RRRRR1RR++R + RRR+ I R Helichrysum dregeanum 1++ RR+ + 1 R11R++++R IR R + R Sporobolus discosporus IR+R R++ R1 + ++ RR+ 1 + R Lippia scaberrima IR RRR R RRRR R R 1 R R R oseeospermum scariosum IRR R +R+ R + R 1 R+ RI R R R Commel ina af'ricana 1 RR R + R R ++RI I + Eragrostis gummif'lua 1 + RR R RR RRI 1 R Triraphis andropogonoides 1 R RR + R RI I Bulbine abyssinica 1 RRR R R R 1 R R I R Ariseida canescens I + R A R + I 1 Brachiaria serraea 1 +R R R 1 I Ariseida dif'f'usa I R R R 1 1 R Species Group B Argyrolobium humile I IR R R + R RR R 1 R R 1 Hermannia coccocarpa IR IR R + RR R 1 R R R IR Eragroscis capensis 1 RI RR R ++ I 1 Digicaria tricholaenoides 1 R + 1 + + + + R 1 R 1 R Ziziphus zeyheriana 1 1 +R ++ RI I Species Group C Heeeropogon concortus IAR3RRB+A++ ARA+R + R1++RI RR R R +RR++ +1+ A R R +1 Anehospermum hispidulum 1 RR +RRR RR RRR RRI RR R R RRRR R R RI R R R R I Hermannia depressa 1 R R+ +R RR +RR+R+RR+ 1 ++RR R+R + ++ +1 R R I Species Group 0 Cyperus rupestris 1 + RRR RR RR RR +R IR R IRRRR RR R R R +R11 R +1 R Eragroscris superba 1+ +R R + R+ + R'RRI R 1R +1 R R R 1 1 Species Group E Elionurus muticus IA A++ABB AB3B+ RA +B++ IAAA 1++A3AAR3+ABABBBIA++B+1R1R+13+BBBA3A3B11 + + 1 R IR R + Vl Setaria sphacelata 1 RRA111111 1+1B1+A++AA +AAIR +RBR1R A+ AR+AR1+RIRR+ +R+ R+++1 ++ R 1R + RI RR R ++ + I BR ~ Ariscida congesta subsp.
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