If you have issues viewing or accessing this file contact us at NCJRS.gov. :<~, ", . H, t;:I~.~~ ", 't:)\,_,~ ":'~' ... ~*-~",. ,:\1'; ;.::;':" This mi croUch e Wa1S, pro ~IJ ced;'~H,ol11dtlt:'IJ.~l'its r eell lve d fo r \ ' inclusion irt':' Ue MCJRS d~ta ba$';~:i'Si'l1Ce NCJRScannot exercise .' control ove.r the physi,cal condition of the ~iUl!lments S8B~mittedl the individual frame qu~my will vary. The resolution chrt on this fu,m~ may be used to evalutlli the document q~llmy. THE/~JtJDICIAL COUNCIL l iI' I ~ OF I I 1.0 ! Ilil~ j ~ i - tfHE SUPREME COURT ',1~ lIill 1.25 ilili. LA, 111111.6 ~. , OF , 1 , ~ MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL OUREAU OF STANC,\!iDS·1953·A .LOUISIANA Mitrofilmnng 'foce~uns usd to crnh this fiche comply with , '~ .. the Shii~iUds set hrth in 41tFR t01·11.504 IPllIilllh of 16i~w or IlIpij~hlU stated in this document aUi . ' thou ~f t~(O auttliorlsl and do not represent ttle official .l' posithrn 9T policin D'f the U.S. Depllftment o~ Justin. 'ANNU AL REPORrr, :\ '; '.~'", .. - Wi tIl / u.s. DEPARTMENT Of JUSTICE ./ LAW ENFORCEMENT ASSIS·TANCE ADMINISTRATION 1975 STATISTICS NATm~A( CRIMINAL JUSTiCE REfERENCE SERYICE AND RELATED DATA WASHI~GION; D.C. 20531 ! j~/2/76 "'\........ /jl' . ,,'!: ":~~.;,' , ----~~----------~-~---------------------------=---------------~~--------~~~--------------------------~~~f~~ :', i:, , .. ----------- • • • TABLE OF CONTENTS • 1975 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE JUDICIAL COUNCI L II , , ! SUPREME COURT OF LOUISIANA 301 Loyola Avenue New Orleans, Louisiana 70112 Eugene J. MUrret Judicial Administrator Page Letter of Transmittal •••• I •• I ••••• , ....... I' •••••• il • 5 Report of the Judicial Administrator ••••• I •• I •••• I • , • , 7 Membership of the judicial Council I • , I • •• • • • • • • • • • • .' ~ • I • • 8 THE LOU!SIANA JUDICIARY Supreme Court ...................................... 11 Courts of Appeal ..•....... .. ..... 13 District Courts ..................................'. 15 City Courts ........... .............. ~'.............. 21 STATIST'CAL SECTION Introduction . • . ..•........•..............'. 24 Supreme Court ............................•....•.... 25 Courts of Appeal .......•........ : ..•............' . .. 28 District Courts •...................................... 32 Family and Juvenile Courts . ............................. 54 City Courts . • . • . • . .. 58 ~1tVt"t1ttt Q}tr:ttrt STATE OF LOUISIANA ~.ehr ®:r1.eaus CHIEF" JUSTICE \:,. 70112 ;,' ' ..JOE: W. SANDERS (504) 527-5253 ASSOCIATE JUSTICES F'RAN~ W. 6UMMEI"!s AL.ElERT TATE, .... R • ..JOHN A. DIXON, .JR. PASCAL. F. CAL.OGERO,..JR WAL.TER F. MARCUS, .JR. .JAMES L.. DENNIS "\':\"; (~,\': JUOICIAL AOMINISTRATOR EUGENE..J. MURRE:T March 1, 1976';:":: To the Members of the Suprp,me Court of Louisiana and the Board of Governors of the . Louisiana State Bar Association Gentlemen: In accordance with the provisions of subsection (e) of Section 5 of Rule XXII of the Revised Rules of the Louisiana Supreme Court, I am pleased to submit herewith the twentieth annual report of the Judicjsl Council of the Supreme Court of louisiana. , .. With respect to the work of the Supreme Court, the number of appeals filed in­ creased by 52% over the previous year and writ applications increased by 22%. The court acted on 1,838 matters in 1975,cpmpared to 535 matters ten years ago. A total of 514 opinions were handed dowr{'~'v~raging 73 opinions per justice/ an increase of 27.% over the previous year. We have been able to keep abreast of the increasing workload by additional hearing cycles, scheduling additional cases for argument each cycle, and holding an additional conference each week. With respect to our adminstrative activities/ four initiatives were t.aKen. The first was the appointment of a Special Committee to Study Court Reporting Problems, with Judgfl Morris Lottinger, Jr. as Chairman. Implementation of the recommenda­ tions in its final report, filed last month, holds promise of speeding up the process o·f SUPREME COURT OF LOUISIANA appeal record preparation and lodging. Seated left to right: Post-conviction habeas corpus petitions have drasticall'1 increased during recent Justice Frank W. Summers, Chief Justice Joe W. Sanders, years. ~n many instances, the ptHitions represent an abuse of the judicial process, un­ " ' Justice Albert Tate, Jr. " : ~ justifiably burdening the courts as well as the taxpayers, who bear the costs. The sec­ Standing left to right: ond initiative was to charge the Supreme Court Continuous Rules Revision Commit­ Justice Walter F. Marcus, Jr., Justice John A. Dixon, Jr., tee, headed by Associate Justice Albert 'Tate, Jr., with the responsibility of drafting Justice Pascal F. Calogero, Jr., Justice James L. Dennis rules for post-conviction remedies. Chief Judge G. William Swift, Jr., President of the District Judges Association has likewise established a post-conviction procedure Com­ mittee to develop remedial rules and legislatioo. This committee is chaired by Judge Elmo Lear of the Nineteenth Judicial District COllrt in Baton Rouge. These two com­ mittees are coordinating their work. 4 5 MEMBERSHiP OF THE JUDICIAL COUNCIL OF THE SUPREME COURT OF LOUISIANA Honorable John J. HCiilnkel, Jr. State Representa1tive Honorable Edgar G. Ml:luton, Jr. Honorable Joe W. Sanders, Chairman .. State Senator Chief Justice, Supreme Court of Louisiana Mr. Ronald C, Martin, President Honorable Frank W. Summers, Vice-Chairman Louisiana District Attorneys Association Associate Justice, Supreme Court of Louisiana Mr. Madin Risinger, Jr. Honorable James E. Bolin, Judge Attorney at Law Second Circuit Court of Appeal, Chairman, Conference of Court of Appeal Judges MI'. Clyde Webber, Jr., President louisiana Clerks o'f Court Association Honorable L. Julian Samuel, Judge Fourth Circuit Court of Appeal Mr. Joe D. Smith, Jr., Publisher Alexandria Daily Town Talk Honorable Bernard J. Bagert, Criminal District Court representing President, Louisiana District Judges Association Honorable J. Cleveland Fruge Retired Judge, Third Circuit Court of Appeal Honorable G. William Swift, Jr., Judge Fourteenth Judicial District Court Honorable Albert Tate, Jr., ex officio Associate Justice, Supreme Court of Louisiana Honorable Oliver S. Oslery, Judge, New Orleans Traffic Court President, Louisiana City Judges Association -··· Honorable John A. Dixon, ,Jr., ex officio t,,!, Associate Justice, Supreme Court of Louisiana Honorable Thomas B. Pugh,Judge, East Baton Rouge Family Court d" ",_,~" t President, Louisiana Council of Juvenile Court Judges -- ! Honorable Pascal F. Cal(.lgero, Jr., ex officio Associate Justice, Supreme Court uf Louisiana • -<": Mr. Robert G. Pugh, President Lou isiana State Bar Association Honorable Walter F. Marcl·ls, Jr., ex officio Associate Justice, Supreme Court of Louisiana ";,.' , Mr. Jacob D. Lal1dry, Chairman •i Young Lawyers Section, Louisiana State Bar Association Honorable James l. Der;nis, ax officio Associate Justice, Supreme Court of Louisiana Mr. James J. Davidson, President • Louisiana State law Institute I-" 8 9 .._---------------------_._-------_._------- r------------------------------------------------~----------.---------------~ <.; . THE SUPREME COURT OF LOUISIANA ,..-.~ ".... '"'\ '- -::J a 0 Domicile District c U en tel 'U l1l1I t:U - "'" .-:::.'I E ~ ·0 CHIEF JUSTICE 0 fJ 0- ·u a.. J -' 0. ·• :::I ~ . (J) I ,.• .---- Baton Rouge The Honorable Jo~ W. Sanders Fifth , 0 101 '1 II I ') '" , , ASSOCIATE JUSTICES Abbeville The Honorable Frank W. Summers Sixth Ville P~atte The Honorable Albert Tate, Jr. Third Shreveport The Honorable John A. Dixon, Jr. Second c:) <,:, "- New Orleans The Honorable Pascal F. C~\ogero, Jr. First ~ ~ New Orleans The Honorable Walter F. Marcus, Jr. !First ~ Monroe The Honorable James L. Dennis Fourth i4. c:) ~ CLERK O'F COURT 0 : ~ '-I.. The Honorable Harold A. Moise, Jr. ! -.J " ~ ~ The Honorable Frank W. Hawthorne, Associate Justice, Retired, has been assigned to ~r\le as a Judge in any court of record in the Fourth Louisiana Supreme Court District. 11 10 '~------------------~--------------------------------------------------------------~~~~~--~------~-------------------------------- THE LOUISIANA COURT.S OF APPEAL Domicile District ~ " FIRST CI RCUIT (Baton Rouge) Paul B. Landry, Jr., Chief ,Judge Port Allen First Frederick S. Ellis " Covington Third en C. Lenton Sartain' Baton Rouge Socond --a 0> «I) - Fred A. Blanche, Jr. Saton Rouge Second 'i: Q. Grover L. Covington Hammond Third a 0. ~ c <t a.-- Morris Lottinger, Jr. Houma First t c • Flven E. Ponder Baton Rouge Second , ' tit , 0 cO, " !. :J ~ , to Remy Chiasson Thibodaux First [ - iI, l". 0 $I} iW' I Wallace A. Edwards Covington Third I ...J ~'i f ~ ~ "- tI ~ .. -.--- :::l -:II Clerk: Michael H. Nelson - 0 0 ... '0 U SECOND CI RCUIT (Shreveport) James E. Bolin, Chief Judge Minden At Large O. E. Price Bossier City At Large Pike Hall, Jr! Shreveport Third Charles W. Marvin Minden Second A. Mulhearn Smith (Assigned) •/ Clerk: Hlrold L. Booth THIRD CIRCUIT (Lake Charles) John T. Hood, Jr., Chief Judge Lake Charles Second W. A. Culpeppet Alexandria First Minos D. Miller Jennings At Large Jerome E. Domengeaux Lafayette At Large Jack C. Watson Lak';l Charles At Lsrge Edmond L. Guidry, Jr. St. Martinville Third Clerk: Kenneth J. deBlane FOURTH CI RCUIT (New Orleans) L. Julian Samuel, Chief Judge Gretna First William V. Redmann New Orleans Second Harry T. Lemmon Hahnville Third James C. Gulotta New Orleans Second Edward J. Stoulig Kenner First John C. Boutal! Metairie first Patrick M. Schott New
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