C Christian Congregation in Introduction Brazil, Congregação Cristã no Brasil The Christian Congregation in Brazil (CCB) is the oldest and second-largest Pentecostal Rubia R. Valente church in Brazil. Established in 1910 through Marxe School of Public and International Affairs, the missionary work of an Italian American Baruch College – City University of New York missionary named *Louis Francescon, the church (CUNY), New York, NY, USA has grown significantly over the last century expanding to all Latin American countries, as Keywords well as Europe, North America, Asia, and Africa Christian Congregation; Classical (73 countries total; Congregação Cristã no Brasil Pentecostalism; Louis Francescon; Brazil 2016). According to the 2010 Brazilian census, the church had 2,289,634 members (IBGE 2010) and approximately 20,000 congregations spread Definition across Brazil. The vast majority of members are concentrated in São Paulo, Paraná, and Minas The Christian Congregation in Brazil (CCB) Gerais. is the oldest, second-largest Pentecostal church CCB beliefs are set forth in the 12 *Articles in Brazil and the largest Pentecostal church in of Faith which include the belief in the whole the state of São Paulo. Part of the first Pentecos- Bible as the infallible word of God and belief talism wave in the country, the church is defined in the Trinity, water baptism, and speaking in by scholars as a classical Pentecostal church sui tongues as a sign of baptism of the Holy Spirit. generis and sectarian with little susceptibility to The church is classified by scholars as a classical external influences. Members are referred to as Pentecostal church. “crentes” meaning “believers” as opposed to “evangélicos” or evangelicals. The national (and international) headquarters of the church is at American Roots Brás, São Paulo. The church is apolitical and does not use media for proselyting, and all minis- Louis Francescon was an elder at the First terial and appointed positions are unpaid. Presbyterian Church in Chicago (Prima Chiesa Presbiteriana Italiana di Chicago) when he felt # Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2018 H. P. P. Gooren (ed.), Encyclopedia of Latin American Religions, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-08956-0_500-1 2 Christian Congregation in Brazil, Congregação Cristã no Brasil that baptism required full water immersion Ernesto Finotti were soon ordained as the groups’ (as opposed to aspersion). He was baptized first elders. by water immersion and left the Presbyterian The church flourished among Italian Church with a group of members who adhered colonies in Brazil, especially in the southeast to this belief, giving start to a small religious regions of São Paulo and Paraná, and the Italian community in Chicago that would later services were conducted in Italian until 1938. be called “Assemblea Cristiana Italiana di Chi- For many years the church did not have an official cago” (Toppi 2007). A few years later, in 1907, name, some referred to them as “o povo do he witnessed the Pentecostal movement at the Glória” (the people that glorify), and the church Baptist Church of Chicago at 943 W. North was informally called “Assemblea Christiana” Mission (Araújo 2007), where Pastor William or “Congregazione Cristiana.” Around 1921 Durham preached about the baptism with the the church started to be called “Congregação Holy Spirit. When Francescon stepped into that Christã,” but it was only in 1936 that the church church for the first time, God told him, “This adopted officially the name Congregação Cristã is my work” (Francescon 2002). Francescon, do Brasil, later changing it to Congregação Cristã his wife, and members of the Italian group he no Brasil. led started to attend this mission and were Francescon maintained frequent contact baptized with the Holy Spirit speaking in with the members in Brazil. Between 1910 and tongues. Francescon dedicated himself to spread- 1948, he traveled to Brazil ten times, staying ing the message of Pentecostalism among Italians for more than a year on most trips (Francescon and on September 15, 1907, was invited to 2002). At the time of his death on September 7, preach at the Tuscan Church. After he exhorted 1964, he was the senior elder of the Christian the church to seek the baptism with the Holy Congregation Church in Chicago. In 1980, Spirit, a great manifestation and revival occurred, Miguel Spina and Vittorio Angare, who were marking the start of the Pentecostal Italian senior elders of CCB, visited the United Movement in Chicago and the inception of the States at the invitation of Miguel’s nephew, Joel Unorganized Italian Christian Churches of North Spina, and participated in the assembly that America in Chicago (CCNA 1977). established the Christian Congregation in the United States through the unification of three churches: the Buffalo Christian Congregation, the Italian Christian Assembly of Alhambra, and Start in Brazil the Christian Congregation in the United States in Chicago. These churches all had roots in In 1910, Francescon traveled to Brazil and the “Unorganized Italian Christian Churches of established the First Pentecostal Church among North America,” which Francescon helped estab- the Italian communities in the states of Paraná lish in 1927 (CCNA 1977). CCB has expanded and São Paulo. Francescon performed the first to countries in all continents as a result of water baptism in the city of Antonio da Platina the missionary work of many Brazilian members. in the state of Paraná on April 20, 1910, baptizing This expansion created an international fellow- 11 people. In São Paulo, he was invited to preach ship of congregations sharing the same faith, at the Presbyterian Church at Brás and caused doctrine, and liturgy. The CCB headquarters a schism among members. In addition to the is located at Brás in São Paulo, Brazil, and over- members of the Presbyterian Church, a few sees the ministry of all Christian Congregations, Baptists, Catholics, and Methodists also accepted in Brazil and abroad. his message in São Paulo, and a total of 20 people were converted and baptized, “some being healed, others being baptized with the gift of the Holy Spirit” (Francescon 2002). Felipe Pavan and Christian Congregation in Brazil, Congregação Cristã no Brasil 3 Organization, Ministry, and Other position but an appointed position given to the Positions member who presides over the young peoples’ services. The Christian Congregation follows an organiza- A prerequisite to become an elder or deacon, tional model of kinship and patriarchy (Nelson besides having a good testimony, is being 1992). Leadership is ranked by seniority rather baptized with the Holy Spirit, i.e., speaking in than charisma or competence, and all ministerial tongues. The ministry at CCB does not have any roles are unpaid. At the very top of the organiza- theological training; some do not even have tion hierarchy is the “president elder” who over- a bachelors’ degree. They all have different sees the church and presides over the Annual professional careers outside of the church, and Assembly at Brás, São Paulo. The presidency everything they do in their ministry is unpaid only ends in case of physical or mental debilita- and volunteered. Yet there is a great congrega- tion; otherwise, it is a ministry for life. The current tional respect for what they preach or say, because president elder is Claudio Marçola. members believe they are guided by the Holy The president elder is chosen from the “council Spirit. of elders,” a group of about ten elders who are The hierarchical system of organization strictly the oldest and/or most influential elders in the centralized at Brás still reflects the Italian commu- church. All decisions (e.g., the ordination of new nal kinship traditions. This organizational struc- ministers) and teachings come from the council ture has contributed to maintaining the church of elders. They are not only in charge of the intact to religious, cultural, and social changes congregation in Brazil but also of congregations that have impacted most Pentecostal churches abroad and preside over the general meetings and in Brazil. assemblies in other countries. These meetings are Other volunteer (i.e., unpaid) church positions not open to members; only the ministerial body include: (elders, deacons, and cooperators) can attend. Below the “council of elders,” are the regional Orchestra conductors: The directors of the elders, who are in charge of different regions church’s orchestra are trained musicians of the country and typically oversee all ministers who are appointed to oversee the musical within their region and the local elders of individ- performance during the services, coordinate ual congregations. Elders are ordained by the and direct the music school, and preside imposition of hands during a special service. over musical rehearsals (both local and Under the elders, there are the deacons, who regional). Regional conductors oversee local oversee the work or “piety.” The same patriarchal conductors. The CCB orchestra was instituted structure applies to the deacons; leadership by Francescon in 1932 with the goal of helping is ranked by seniority; the oldest deacons are the members sing hymns. The orchestra is the most respected, and younger deacons assist composed by modern symphony orchestra them in their ministry. There are also the “sisters instruments ranging from the violin to the of piety,” who are women of good testimony that tuba, but no percussion instruments are are chosen to help the deacons. The functions allowed. of the sisters of piety include visiting members Musicians: Members who qualified to play in of the church (particularly the poor), praying the orchestra during the services. Any member to receive revelation of any financial need with a “good testimony” who desires to play among church members, and making recommen- an instrument can go to the music school for dations to the deacons based on these revelations. free at their local church. In order to become Below the elders and deacons are the local an official musician, however, there are several cooperators who preside over services.
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