Murray State's Digital Commons The Ledger & Times Newspapers 5-23-1962 The Ledger and Times, May 23, 1962 The Ledger and Times Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt Recommended Citation The Ledger and Times, "The Ledger and Times, May 23, 1962" (1962). The Ledger & Times. 3965. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt/3965 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Ledger & Times by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. r, _ IOWA SI 3t leg Mt lIcoand Kentucky Community 22 1962 rIcw4spzt Plub Holds In reefing At Meet ake Hotel God, Cingulation In The City and Professional We • held a dinner Largest Kenlake Hotel •,n Trust ng at seven o'clock Circulation In Tott, president,v The County were elected who Mrs. Betty Vinson, United Press IN OUR 83rd YEAR International Murray, Ky., Wednesday NI UR I: A Y POPULATION Mary Louise Bak- Afternoon, May 23, 1962 10.100 Vol. LXXXIII No. 122 lent; Mrs. Freda ..cretary; Mrs. Jessie sasurer; Mrs. Mea- Court Cases Held n-responding secre- uring The Week was • centered with, 45 Die As Big t of red roses in a Decision To Go er. Mrs. B. Hughes Court cases tried in the court of Murray Kee were Judge Rofoert Miller during the ' the arrangements. Plane Crashes past week are as follows: at were Mesdames Wili A. Powell, Paris route two, Or Not Go To Be worth, Rebecca punlic drunkeness. Arresting oi. Idia Curd, Myrtle By GEORGE B. BROWN officials at the school said there ficer, the she: if. Fined $850 and Gillis Hester, B. CENTERVILLE, lowa 101 — A they had no records on him. costs of $20.50. >Ile Buie, Mildred Continental Airlines jet liner Covered Wide Area d Tuts Betty Vin- crashed in a violent electrical Discovery of the fuselage cli- Lowe:I R. Norwood, Paris, route Made Today 'ard, Ella Murray t storm Tuesday night, • taking the maxed a search by more than 700 one, failure to illuminate head- elan Hale and Huth lives of all 45 persons aboard. persons which ranged from a lamps. Arresting officer Trooper One of the passengers was res- point near here across the state- Guy Turner. Fin* $10.00 and By HEDRICK SMITH similar to Glenn's if all goes well. cued and lived for about 10 hours. • a • • • line and into Missouri, an area costs of $14.50. It will be rth-Jely five hours long Takehiko Nakano, 27, a native I niteil 1..10,14,91a...1 scattered with fragments of wreck- CAPE CANAVERAL in an orbit 100-150 miles high and of Japan, was pulled alive from age. lay's Sports James Etheridge, 412 South Launch crews today successfully at a speed of 17.500 miles per the fusee of the huge Boeing The search for bodies and Sixth, speeding and no operator's completed the first phase of the hour. But the 37-year old Navy 707 nearly eight hours after it wreckage was hampered by the Miss Jenny Johnson license. Arresting off Wee Trooper split-countdown for astronaut M. lieutenant commander will per- crashed he was ...rushed here from roughness of the terrain of for- Guy Turner. No opeatatoes license' Scott Carpenter's scheduled -orbi- form many new experiments for the tiny valley north of nearby ests, brush fields and farmland. charge diamissed. fined $10.00 Miss Wilma Hale tal flight Thursday and officials scientists who want to learn more Unioncille, Mo., where the fuse- The fuselage of the plane. Miss Deborah Elkins :o Plants Con- Jenny Johnson and $14.50 costs on speeding said the crucial "go" or "no go'' about the mysteries of space. lage was found, but died within tinental's Flight 11, bound from charge. decision would be made this eve- If Carpenter's mission is as bril- • two hours. Chicago for Los Angeles with a ning. liantly successful as Glenn's, it Officials said the 'bodies of the stop at KalltijS City, Mo.. rwo Are Named of Big Boy was If scientists decide to proceed, could lead to a longer space voy- other 44 vwtims had been found discovered by a farmer Wins Anion Terry Wayne Farris, Mtfrray in a small, the countdown will be resumed at age — possibly six or seven orbits and others. —41 of thorn trapped in the fuse- muddy -valley. route six, no operator's license 11:30 p.m. EST. —later this year by America's • Plants lage from which Nakano was res- Takehiko, trapped in the wreck- and reckless driving. Arresting As Faxon A spokesman indicated that $400 million man-in-space pro- cued and three from 1 to 1)2 age for about eight officer Trooper C. Stephenson. hours, was Award Here everything checked out perfect in gram. — 10* miles awas from the wreckage. rescued after a searcher No operator's license charge dis- hoard the space vehicle in the first phase Tuesday night, technicians tank- Nakano at first was believed him moaning. missed. Fined $10.00 and costs Honor Students of the countdown, but launch con- ed the mighty Atlas booster with • miraculously spared in the crash 1 of $14.50 on reckless driving of Flats Stens of Math Jenny Johnson, graduating sen- ditions still were causing 120, tons of high-grade of the plane carrying 37 other charge. con- kerosene The tiny valley where the ma- ior of Murray College High was cern. fuel. In the final hours * doz. passengers and eight crewmem- before jor part of the wreckage Ws.' was the 1962 recipient of the Anon At a weather launch, crews will add bers. Lloyd Dale Todd, Murray, reek- briefing this liquid oxy- • a scene of death littered with Foundation Award for outstanding less driving and speeding. Arrest- Miss Wilma Hale and Miss Deb- morning. top officials of the gen to help burn ,the Ile was identified as a North- Na- kerosene in Peppers luggage, colorful vacation - type achievement in music. The an- ing officer Trooper B. Smith. orah Elkins have been named as tional Aeronautics and Space the void of space. western University student, but Ad- clothing, seats and other debru:. nouncernent was made at the an- Fined $10.00 and cost of $16.50. valedictorian and salutatorian re- ministration (NASA) said that The fuselage. with .wings. and noal Murray College High spring spestively for the 1961-62 class smoke from nearby forest and tail stripped off and its noise orcheatra concert of Friday even- at Faxon School. swamp fires "was thicker than we irley crushed in. appeared to have ing. May 18, by Dr. C. C. Lowry, Wilma is the daughter of Mr. had expected" at the launch area 35 Seniors At, plummeted Phils And almost straight down president of the Murray Lions and Mrs. Hollis Hale of Murray ti iday. into the valley. Club, sponsor of the award. ROTC -Honors route six. She has attended Fax- "A large forest fire across the orist There were not more than five Jenny, daughter of Mr. and on School for all eight years of Indian River from Cape Canaveral feet of Acid marks, Mrs. her elementary Orioles Murray High witnesses said. Jesse L. Johnson of Murray • school career. Out is almost directly upstream of the Win ••rth 4th Iowa Highway Patrol Sgt. Dan has played soloHach flute in the,Mur- Will Be Given of a possible 4.0 standing, she predicted wind" for the day of Foster and Patrolman John Heaps, ray Collese band and or- - attained a standing of 3:90. Miss the shot, meaning the smoke will $ who flew over the area chestra and has Hale has been a varsity • In Top Rating in sep- sung soprano in 11 cheer- Miss Phyllis Dowdy be blown directly toward Car- Opening Games arate planes, said they could eee the school chorus since entering leader for two years. president penter's launching pad, a spokes- bodies scattered one and one- College High in 1959. oniorrow of .the eighth grade class, presi- man said. half miles from the fuselage. Miss Johnson has also held dent of the 4-11 club, selected as - Today, the pad could not be Thirtyiive members of the sen- Authorities took membership Miss Faxon School. Phyllis Dowdy Tfie Phils won over over an empty in the Quad - State. and vice-presi- seen from the beach vantage the Indians ior class of Murray High School gage last r KIDS! at Unionville, about six Band, the Quad-State Chorus and , IA. Col. Joseph G. Fowler, Pro- dent of the Jr. Beta Club. pants where it is normally easily 9-2 night in the season opener have received letters of com- lessor of miles south of the spot where the the Kentucky All-State Chnrus. Military Saeinci Deborah is the daughter of Mrs. within view. Despite forecasts of in the Pony League and the Dodg- 14 AT FIVE ... mendation for their scoree on ers fuselage was found, for use as a announced that the annual ROTC l'atitine Elkins. of Murray route Wins Lion only three-mile visibility at low fell to the Orioles 8-4. CHANNEL Use college quinfication teats !act morgue ' awards day will be held at Cutch- three and Lestel Elkins of Mur- altitudes, space agency officials The spring given by the lirtiyeraine appeared the plane had tIls? in Stadrurn on May 24. A total ray" route six. She has attended lorwr in the first game saitr thestnoke haze would prob- marked up' of Kentucky.
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