The Technical Bulletins of Dianetics and Scientology by L. Ron Hubbard FOUNDER OF DIANETICS AND SCIENTOLOGY Volume XVI 1980-1984 _____________________________________________________________________ I will not always be here on guard. The stars twinkle in the Milky Way And the wind sighs for songs Across the empty fields of a planet A Galaxy away. You won’t always be here. But before you go, Whisper this to your sons And their sons — "The work was free. Keep it so. " L. RON HUBBARD ii L. RON HUBBARD Founder of Dianetics and Scientology iii TECHNICAL BULLETINS 1980 - 1984 Contents 1980 HCOB 3 Jan.RA Purification Rundown and 3 Atomic War Purif RD Series 3 HCOB 12 Jan. "To Do a Montage . ." 5 Art Series 9 HCOB 11 Feb.R Illegal Pcs, Acceptance of 7 Addition Regarding Purification Rundown Purif RD Series 12 HCOB 14 Feb.R Research Data on Nutritional 8 Vitamin Increases on the Purification Rundown Purif RD Series 4 HCOB 29 Feb. The Purification Rundown: 14 Pregnancy and Breast-Feeding Purif RD Series 6 HCOB 7 Mar. Diet, Comments Upon 15 HCOB 13 Mar.RA Conditional Step after the 17 Purification Rundown C/S Series 109RA Purif RD Series 11 HCOB 5 Apr. Q&A, the Real Definition 19 HCOB 10 Apr. Auditor Beingness 20 HCOB 21 Apr.R Pc Examiner 27 HCOB 22 Apr.R Assessment Drills 29 HCOB 29 Apr.R Prepared Lists, Their Value and 37 Purpose HCOB 3 May Pc Indicators 42 HCOB 12 May Drugs and Objective Processes 48 iv HCOB 18 May R Start—Change—Stop Commands 51 HCOB 21 May Purification Rundown Case Data 57 Purif RD Series 5 HCOB 28 May RA Co-audit Defined 77 Co-audit Series 1RA HCOB 29 May RA Co-audits: How to Run Them 81 Co-audit Series 2RA HCOB 30 May RA Supervising Co-audit TRs 92 Co-audit Series 3RA HCOB 31 May RA Staff Co-audits 94 Co-audit Series 4RA Book June The Research and Discovery Series 100 HCOB 19 June The Auditor's Code 101 HCOB 20 June L1C Word List 103 HCOB 22 June Int RD Correction List Words 105 HCOB 23 June RA Checking Questions on Grades 107 Processes HCOB 23 June RA II Word Clearing Correction List 109 Words HCOB 28 June RA Student Correction List Words 111 HCOB 30 June RA Student Rehabilitation List Words 113 HCOB 12 July R The Basics of Ethics 115 HCOB 23 July R Confessional Repair List—LCRE 119 HCOB 25 July RA Course Supervisor Correction 126 List Word List HCOB 29 July Criminals and Psychiatry 128 HCOB 30 July The Nature of a Being 131 HCOB 2 Sept. Repair Correction List Words 133 HCOB 11 Sept. L4BRB Word List 135 HCOB 16 Sept.R PTS RD Correction List Word 137 List HCOB 17 Sept.R I L3RH Word List 139 NED Series 20R HCOB 17 Sept.RA II Green Form Word List 141 v HCOB 28 Sept.R III Confessional Repair List—LCRE 144 Words List HCOB 6 Oct. I General Staff Confessional List 146 Confessional Form 2R HCOB 6 Oct. II Supervisor Confessional List 151 Confessional Form 4R HCOB 23 Oct.R II Chart of Abilities Gained for 156 Lower Levels and Expanded Lower Grades HCOB 4 Nov. I PRD Confessional List 160 Confessional Form 10RA HCOB S Nov. I Returning Tours Confessional 165 Confessional Form 9RA HCOB 8 Nov.R C/S Series 53RM Long Form 169 Word List HCOB 12 Nov.R I Case Supervisor Correction List 171 HCOB 12 Nov. II Registrar and Sales Personnel 180 Confessional List Confessional Form 6RA HCOB 18 Nov.R I Auditor Correction List Auditor 187 Recovery Word List HCOB 18 Nov.R II Case Supervisor Correction List 189 Word List HCOB 23 Nov. Case Supervisor Confessional 191 Confessional Form 8RA HCOB 2 Dec. Floating Needle and TA Position 200 Modified HCOB 19 Dec.R Rehab Tech 202 HCOB 21 Dec.RA The Scientology Drug Rundown 215 HCOB 23 Dec.R I Executive Correction List 225 HCOB 23 Dec.R II Executive Correction List Word 235 List HCOB 25 Dec. I LRH Communicator Confessional 237 List Confessional Form 12R HCOB 25 Dec. II Flag Rep Confessional List 244 Confessional Form 11R vi 1981 HCOB 29 Jan.RA I FES Checklists and Summary 251 Auditor Admin Series 24RB HCOB 29 Jan. II HC Outpoint-Pluspoint Lists RB 271 Words List HCOB 13 Feb.R Dictionaries 273 Word Clearing Series 67R HCOB 26 Mar.R II Expanded Green Form 40RF 278 Word List HCOB 31 Mar.R "Heavy Drug History" Defined 280 HCOB I Apr.R II Interviews 283 HCOB 10 Apr.R Reach and Withdraw 289 HCOB 4 May RA Study Green Form 296 Study Series 10RA HCOB 5 May R Study Green Form Word List 310 HCOB 23 July Pregnancy and Auditing 313 HCOB 29 July R I Full Assist Checklists for Injuries 314 and Illnesses HCOB 15 Sept. The Criminal Mind 337 HCOB 6 Oct. Tech Films and Verbal Tech 341 HCOB 7 Oct.R Method 3 Word Clearing 343 Word Clearing Series 31RD HCOB 8 Oct.R III Word Clearing Method 2 347 Word Clearing Series 6RB Tape Course Series 9RA HCOB 12 Nov.RD Grade Chart Streamlined for 352 Lower Grades HCOB 13 Nov. What Tone 40 Is 359 HCOB 15 Nov.R The Sunshine Rundown 362 HCOB 29 Nov. Dianetics and Scientology Compared 363 to Nineteenth Century Practices HCOB 5 Dec.R Setting Up and Using a Reel-to- 364 Reel Tape Player Tape Course Series 7R HCOB 12 Dec. The Theory of the New Grade 370 Chart vii HCOB 14 Dec. The State of Clear 372 HCOB 15 Dec. New Grade Chart Pc/-Pre-OT 374 Programing HCOB 17 Dec. Post Purpose Clearing Revived 375 HCOB 26 Dec. Post Purpose Clearing for 377 Management Teams and Executives 1982 HCOB l9 Jan. II High School Indoctrination 381 HCOB 15 Feb. Freedom of Speech 384 HCOB 17 Feb. Prejudice 385 HCOB 20 Feb. Overts 386 HCOB 6 Mar.R Confessional Tech Policies 387 HCOB 8 Mar.R Confessionals and the 389 No-Interference Zone HCOB 10 Mar. Confessionals—Ethics Reports 391 Required Book Mar. Understanding the E-Meter 394 HCOB 20 Mar.R Standards 395 HCOB 25 Mar.R Objectives Not Biting 396 HCOB 31 Mar.R Basic Study Missed Withhold 398 Study Series 11R Word Clearing Series 68R HCOB 11 Apr. Sec Checking Implants 399 HCOB 13 Apr. Still Needle and Confessionals 402 HCOB 16 Apr. More on PTS Handling 403 HCOB 26 Apr. The Criminal Mind and 405 the Psychs HCOB 6 May The Cause of Crime 407 HCOB 10 May OT Levels 408 HCOB 11 July I Questionable Auditing 409 Repair List HCOB 11 July II Questionable Auditing 413 viii HCOB 10 Aug. OT Maxims 414 HCOB 25 Aug. The Joy of Creating 416 Art Series 10 HCOB 26 Aug. Pain and Sex 417 HCOB 28 Sept. Mixing Rundowns and Repairs 419 C/S Series 115 HCOB 13 Oct. Ethics and the C/S 423 C/S Series 116 HCOB 27 Dec. Training and OT 427 1983 HCOB 8 Mar. Handling PTS Situations 431 HCOB 12 Apr. List of Keeping Scientology 433 Working Series HCOB 3 May Who or What Is a "C/S"? 435 C/S Series 117 HCOB 7 Aug. Robotic TRs 440 HCOB 8 Aug. I Cycling through TRs on a 442 Professional TR Course HCOB 19 Aug. OT III Course Posh-Up 444 HCOB 27 Aug. Words and Associations 445 Word Clearing Series 69 HCOB 10 Sept. PTSness and Disconnection 446 HCOB 23 Oct. Sec Checking: Note 450 1984 HCOB 3 Jan. III Radiation and Liquids 453 Purif RD Series 7 HCOB 10 Jan. The Use of Demonstration 454 Study Series 12 HCOB 16 Jan.RA I The Happiness Rundown 457 HRD Series 1RA HCOB 16 Jan. II Repair of Past Cramming 460 Cramming Series 17 HCOB 17 Jan. Happiness Rundown Basics 461 HRD Series 2 ix HCOB 18 Jan. How to Audit the HRD 464 HRD Series 3 HCOB 19 Jan. Happiness Rundown 469 Command Sheets HRD Series 4 HCOB 20 Jan. HRD Precepts Assessment List 516 HRD Series 4-1 HCOB 21 Jan.R I Happiness Rundown Repair 519 List (HRL) HRD Series 5R HCOB 21 Jan.RA II C/Sing the Happiness Rundown 524 HRD Series 6RA HCOB 21 Jan.R III Delivery of the Happiness 528 Rundown to Clears and OTs HRD Series 7R HCOB 23 Jan. Drug Rundowns and Radiation 529 HCOB 27 Jan. FSM Breakthrough, New FSM 530 TRs—Controlling a Conversation HCOB 1 Feb. How to View Art 534 Art Series 11 HCOB 25 Feb. Depth Perspective 537 Art Series 13 HCOB 26 Feb. Color 539 Art Series 14 HCOB 26 Feb. II Art and Integration 542 Art Series 15 Marketing Series 20 HCOB 28 Feb. Pretended PTS 547 C/S Series 118 HCOB 2 Mar.R O/W Write-Ups 550 HCOB 10 Mar. I Message 555 Art Series 16 HCOB 10 Mar. II Oils Can Go Rancid 556 Purif RD Series 8 HCOB 27 Mar. Stalled Dianetic Clear: Solved 558 C/S Series 119 HCOB 5 June R False Purpose Rundown 562 FPRD Series 1R HCOB 6 June I Rock Slams, More About 564 x HCOB 6 June II "Murder Routine" 565 HCOB 6 June III Missed Withhold Handling 566 HCOB 6 June R IV The "Lost Tech" of Handling 567 Overts and Evil Purposes FPRD Series 2R HCOB 7 June The Prior Confusion: New Tech 570 Breakthrough FPRD Series 3 HCOB 8 June Clearing Justifications 572 FPRD Series 4 HCOB 9 June R Auditing the False Purpose 574 Rundown FPRD Series 5R HCOB 10 June False Purpose Rundown 582 Commands FPRD Series 6 HCOB 11 June C/Sing the False Purpose 583 Rundown FPRD Series 7 HCOB 12 June False Purpose Rundown 588 Auditor Errors FPRD Series 8 HCOB 13 June R False Purpose Rundown 591 Correction List FPRD Series 9R HCOB 14 June False Purpose Rundown 603 Basic Form FPRD Series 10-A HCOB 15 June II False Purpose Rundown—Info 608 for Orgs and Missions HCOB 17 June Evil Purposes and False PR 609 C/S Series 118-1 Books Sept.
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