I ; : / ---’-:—”^7 t and tion for during July, August September. felony shall not disqualify a Ij witness from CROSS-WORD PUZZLE S. B. No. 417—Remitting for a pe- testifying in civil cases. H- B. *17—Providing that elevators StcpsJbur COUGH FIRST I ] riod of 25 years taxes in Cameron SPRING shall be MRS. with a FERGUSON equipped de- patented Each Ingredient of tide stan- county. vice for protection of passengers. is a S. B. No. dard family remedy recog- 209—Taking Fayette coun- H. B. 295—Regulating the practice of nized medicine far from First healing ; ty Supreme Judicial District optometry. and throat irritations. and coughs 10RLD SERIES’ SIGNS 158 BILLS placing it in the Third district. H. B. No. 161—Regulating the employ- ♦ Senate Concurrent resolution No. 8—. ment of children under 15. ► t the amendment to ..—-. ( Rejecting proposed Be Sure It’s ; the federal constittuion regulating and labor of under 18 GAME ON TODAY Important Changes in prohibiting persons Try a Classified Ad years of age. •v PHAMBERIAIN’O House bills—H. B. No. Authoriz- Statutes Enacted by ---—- UCOUGH REMEDY U the Rio Grande & Eagle Pass Rail- * CONTAINS NO NARCOTICS ing } -5 ..i ■... Legislature road to abandon Minefa station as its Sold Everywhere Senators to Put _ Regulars western terminal. Into at Palm H. P No. owners of Line-up Tl,e Associated Preset 116—Authorizing oil end gas permits and leases issued AUSTIN, Tex., March 10.—More Beach; All Seats Sold thanr on University of Texas land »o sell or 150 for First Clash bills passed by the present legisla- transfer ownership. ture have been signed and are either II. B. No. 440—Refunding bonds of now operative laws or will become so the prison system amounting to $750,- (By The Associated Press.) in due course. Gov. Miriam A. Fergu- j 000. i NEW YORK, N. Y., March 10.—Palm son had placed her name to exactly 158 1 H. B. No. 2—Abolishing the markets Beach’s baseball park is sold out for the bills and resolution up to the end of j and warehouse departments. start of the spring "world series" with last week, more than 100 being local! H. B. No. 14—Providing for the or- bills and other of cotton and the prospect that Zachary, who won two local measures, follow* J ganization exchanges Senate bucket f games over the New York Giants in bills—S. B. No. 1—Approprlat-1 grain exchanges and prohibiting for • the 1024 series, will be among the pitch- ing $125,000 mileage and per diem shops. of n-v B. No. for ers for the Washington Senators against members. H. 20—Providing appeals AY(ie Nehf for the Giants in the first S. B. No. 2—Appropriating $40.000; from orders granting motions for new for trials. old "shoes”— of 13 exhibition games today. Nehf will contingent expenses of Thirty-ninth Those legislature. • t H. B. No. it facie be aiJed by Jack Scott and ; Virgil 80—Making prima Barnes. S. B. No. 62t—Vesting title of the evidence of intent to defraud for the steel of a without sufficient take them With the exception of Ruel behind the rails of the Texas State Railroad writing check off! to tha funds !n the rank to it if re plate, it was understood to be Manager exclusively State of Texas. prKcct S. B. No. stitution is not within 15 Harris’ intention to start the same 7.—Adopting the revised mode days. penal code and code of criminal proce- H. B. No. 18—Creating navigation tepm against the Giants that fought will Youngsters fight shy ot .hisj j» ‘t<. 'n> please. dure. districts for the conservation of inland short glance its a world last way tp championship crossword puzzle when learn the they 46. Double. S. B. No. 67—Remission taxes to and coastal waterways. year. A1 Schacht, who shares the word in 42 horizontal. of, QtfEat the old tires 47. Hunting dogs. Galveston county for a period of 10 H. B. No. 230—Authorizing tjt>e sale role with Nick Altrock, is the HORIZONTAL comedy 40. Promoted. years. of the American Legion Memorial Sani- on car will show latest holdout at the Tampa club of the 1. To your exaggerate. 50. Scoffs. S. B. No. 112—Changing method of. torium at Kerrville to the United V Senasote.^ BraMdent Griffith says he 7. Female heir. it is time to 53. To supply fooJ. protesting bank depositors from the States. you why isn't worrying much about A1 and is 13. Ranges. 54. Fluid in plants. fund to the H. B. No. 47—Regulating the time on his sense of humor to guaranty system bonding with depending 14. Exist.* 55. To equip Dunlops. attempt. system. j property shall be valued for taxation. bring him around. 15. oT rent again. S. B. No. H. B. No. fhe use of at St. 57. To resist authority. 114—Requiring banks to 23—Regulating In the New York Yankee camp 16. Preposition. 59. Wither. give additional security where deposits headlights on automobiles. And will Petersburg the injury which has put 17. Small Dunlops open pie. exceed six times the amount of the H. B. No. 63—Providing that co Babe Ruth out of action for ten 60. Line where two pieces are sewed. days 19. Inspired with of fear. _____*_ stick for a feeling 63. •» capitilization. with you at least is the topic. The home run Born. 21. Accomplish. S. B. No. 11 C5. To err. 101—Appropriating funds for marvel has a broken finger on his left 22. Electrical ftr long time because particle. C)H. Pronoun. the maintenance of the judicial depart- hand, a very necessary hand to the '=^1 24. Revolves on axis. ment of the state Yankee’s outfielder. 71. Mother. governmeht. ’* they keep cool. 26. Light brown. S. B. No. 149—Creating the 102nd Johnston has Jiqimy replaced Johnny 27. Imitates. judicial district. Mitchell as shortstop in the Brooklyn SIMMONS VARNISH STAINS 29. Covered with wax S. B. No. 37—Making unlawful the regular line-up at Clearwater and Big Answer 30. iFnished. Yesterday’s making of false statements regarding! Dick Cox remains in the outfield, while 31. Female sheep. the condition of financial institutions. Tommy Griffith is hitting harder for SAVE MONEY 33. Free. S. B. No. 56—Requiring railroads to the second team than he ever did before «L 34. Machine for changing air cur- place bridges not less than 22 feet from 5 in spring practice. Dazzy Vance has rent. the top of rails. -■> TIRES flot and Burleigh Grimes re- signed 35. Laymen who superintend church’s S. B. No. 123—Creating a lien in- i.iains a hold out. Service First spiritual interests. favor of any person or firm furnish- Walter Henline, star catcher of the FRONTIER LUMBER COMPANY 38. Declines. ing material or apparatus to contractors Philadelphia Nationals, has been ap- Ye Bell Service Station 40. Melody. who contract for public improvements. of the team, reports pointed captain 41. Foggy. S. B. No. 77—Authorizing towns to Brownsville—Phone 985 from the at Bradentown, training camp 41. Foggy. establish municipal bands and appro-! M Fla., said. President Baker visited the * 42. An oil chilren don’t like. priate funds for that, purpose. % camp yesterday and saw the Yannigans 45. Alluvial deposits at mouth of S. B. No. 6—Making unlawful the use. trounce the 8 to in a nine regulars 4, river. or making of false statements. contest. Pierce and Carl- _ Ring, inning 48. By means of. S. B, No. 46—Revving water control: son were on the mound for the Yanni- 49. Yellow matter from a sore. and improvement district law. ■"gans and Vines; Knight and Wolf for the 51. Form of precipitation. S. B. No. 214—Appropriating funds_ regulars. 62. Tart. for the State Board of Pardon Advisors. JANE S the Phila- MARY Continued improvement iq S. B. No. 64. Holy person. 351—Permitting catching of! American was delphia players reported 56. Garden earth. sucker, shad, buffalo, and carp in Bur- from their at Fort Flor- camp Myers, 68. Perched. net, Williamson and Lampassas counties. ida. The game yesterday was six in- 59. Those who dissipate property. — .. nings, the regulars defeating the sec- MERRY 61. String fence used in tennis. onds 8 to 4. 62. Neuter pronoun. Homers, hits, errors and boners have 63. Pinches (verb). IN THE iNCHHa marie their season dehute at the Cata- 64. Organs of sight. Island camp of the Chicago Cubs lina 66. Part of the verb to be. n"d the Shreveport Bailiwick of the Dresses- 67. Winding part of a stairway. ! White Sotj ) 69. To do wrong. i.-. i Most of the has been done ■ pasting by 70. One who aims. I. the Cubs. In af- [ yesterday’s six-inning 72. Saluted. faid between the regulars and Sand 73. Sleeping powders. drives were Weiss Ensembles Dubs, civcuit made by VERTICAL Barrett and Kearns of the scrubs and 1. To satisfy. Gi'gsby and Miller of the regulars. i Jane 2. To march in a body. Mary ■ In honor, of Commissioner Landis’ 3. Second note if) scale. visits to the White Sox camp yesterday 4. Dine. Wanted johnny Mostil lifted one of the longest 5. Monarch. : drives ever seen in that neighborhood t 6. A maker of heudgear. «Coat It went 380 feet before it was stopped 7. Warmed. hv a small post at the top of a 25 foot i >■ 8. Angers. Like the score board. high 9. Scarlet. 10. Hebrew name for God.
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