Loudspeaker system New distortion criterion Liquid crystals Australia SA1.25 Canada $1.75 Denmark Kr. 11.00 Germany Dm. 4.50 Greece Dr. 47.00 Holland MI. 450 Italy 1100 New Zealand SNZ1.50 Norway Kr.11.00 incl. moms Singapore M 53.25 Spain Ptas. 80 00 LI S A S1 65 www.americanradiohistory.com the difference is that it measures amplitude measure hum, distortion, modulation depth and all against frequency (instead of time). This comparatively sorts of things to an accuracy impossible on a 'scope - small change has led to our instrument being called a even on signals which 'scopes show as being 'pure'. "Spectrum Analyser" which, in turn, has caused oscilloscope users to believe it's for a completely different Our special digital store and television display job, "they are complicated things used only by boffins system gives you a steady 'infinite persistance' picture on and people concerned with light waves or something ". which you may also compare your ideal waveform with your actual live image. The graticule But - excuse us - that's is electronically generated - so no where they're wrong. Our TF 2370 parallax errors - and you can move AMPLITUDE FREQUENCY is easier to use than many it up and down, or sideways, or oscilloscopes, it has a frequency expand it, all at the twist of a knob range from 30 Hz to 110 MHz and or two. gives much, much more information about waveforms of nearly all types Whether you are involved in than does a 'scope. And it has a design, production, calibration, built -in digital frequency meter and maintenance or indeed virtually any sweep (tracking) generator of its application where oscilloscopes are own so you can check amplifiers used, you will find that the TF 2370 and filters too. TIME Spectrum Analyser will provide a faster, easier, more informative and Signals are displayed with the accurate answer to nearly all your fundamental, harmonics, sidebands \, questions. and spurious content all clearly THE OSCILLOSCOPE THE SPECTRUM ANALYSER DISPLAYS THE SUM Of DISPLA S THE DIS RETE THE FREQUENCY FREQUENCY COMPONETS. If you're a ask us indicated and quite distinct from COMPONENTS. still sceptic each other. You can see the for literature or, better still, ring waveform as it really is and us for a demonstration. 1111 MARCONI INSTRUMENTS Marconi Instruments Limited Longacres St. Albans Hertfordshire England AL4 OJN Tel: (0727) 59292 Telex: 23350 Marconi Electronics Inc 100 Stonehurst Court Northvale New Jersey 07647 USA Tel: (201) 767 -7250 Twx: 710 -991 -9752 Marconi Instruments 32 avenue des Ecoles 91600 Savigny- Sur -Orge France Tél: 996.03.86. Télex: 600541.E Marconi Messtechnik GmbH 8000 Munchen 21 Jörgstrasse 74 West Germany Tel: (089) 58 20 41 Telex: 5 212642 WW-001 FOR FURTHER DETAILS A GEC -Marconi Electronics Company www.americanradiohistory.com Louáapeakcr system New distortion criterion wireless Lq Wd crystals world ELECTRONICS /TELEVISION / RADIO /AUDIO MAY 1978 VOL 84 NO 1509 Examination by polarized light for residual strain in the glass foot of a television picture tube. Photograph courtesy Mu!lard Ltd. 35 Thoughts from the drawing -board IN OUR NEXT ISSUE Mobile radio channels - a new way of using them. 36 A new distortion measurement Proposing a channel by R. A. Belcher bandwidth unit to be used on its own for speech or in multiples for data. 42 A novel approach to switching regulator design by D. M. Divan V. V. The Morsemaker. A and Ghate portable instrument which produces a con- tinuous and random 45 Liquid crystals string of Morse numbers by J. C. Varney or letters for teaching purposes. Radiating cables. Coaxial cables deliberately de- 47 Books received signed to couple with their surroundings are used in tunnels and 48 Letters to the Editor buildings, where aerials Traffic information broadcasting are ineffective or radiate Audible amplifier distortion Direct perception of radio waves too widely. Current issue price 40p, back issue 52 Loudspeaker system design (if available) 50p, at Retail and by Siegfried Linkwitz Trade Counter, Paris Garden, Lon- don SE 1 By post, current issue 55p, back issues if available) 50p, order and 57 Cassette tape programmer -2 payments to Room 11.. Dorset by Evert Olsson House, London SE1 9LU. Editorial & Advertising offices: Dorset House. Stamford Street, London SE1 9LU. 63 Stereo power and phase meter Telephones: Editorial 01 -261 by C. T. Hodgson 8620 Advertising 01 -261 8339. Telegrams /Telex: Wiworld Bis - nespres 25137 BISPRS G. 68 Circuit ideas Cables. Ethaworld, London SE1 Feedforward amplifier Subscription rates: 1 year £7.00 C.m.o.s. touch switch Simple noise generator UK and $23 40 overseas (S24 USA and Canada). Student rate: 1 year, £3.50 UK and £4.50 overseas (S1 1.70 USA 73 The Viewdata computer-2 and Canada). by S. Fedida Distribution: 40 Bowling Green Lane, London EC1R ONE Telephone 01 -837 3636. 77 News of the month Subscriptions: Oakfield House, Post Office facsimile service Perrymount Road, Haywards Government helps microprocessors Towards a world data network Heath, Sussex, RH 16 3DH. Telephone 0444 59188. Sub- scribers are requested to notify a change of address. 83 Audio power amplifier design USA mailing agents: Expediters of by P. J. Baxandall the Printed Word Ltd, 527 Madison Avenue, Suite 1 21 7, New York, NY 10022, 2nd -class postage paid at New York. 89 World of amateur radio IPC Business Press Ltd. 1978 ISSN 0043 6062 ibpa ABC 90 New products www.americanradiohistory.com 2 WIRELESS WORLD, MAY 1978 GenRad's TopTrio... ... a low cost /high performance range of pp -based bridges GenRad's new range of UP-based The 1657 Digibridge. bridges make full use of advanced Automatically measures R,L,C,Dand Q 0.2% Basic accuracy technology to meet tomorrow's ' Five -digit display for R, L and C testing needs today. Check the Four -digit display for D and Q Microprocessor- directed ranging list of features, and contact Selectable test frequencies of us for further information, 1 kHz and 120Hz (100 Hz) price and delivery. Series or parallel measurement mode selection Built -in Kelvin test fixture tests 1658 RLC Digibridge radial and axial lead components Automatically measures R,L,C, D and Q 1687 Megahertz LC Digibridge 0.1% Basic accuracy Automatically measures Ls & Q, 10 Bins for sorting Cs& D,Cs &Rs,Cp &Gp Autoranging 0.1% basic accuracy for C IEEE 488 bus /handler interface 0.2% basic accuracy for L option Automatic limit- comparison 110 Three test speeds bins) Selectable continuous, average or Autoranging IEEE 488 bus /handler interface single component measurements Three types of display option Two programmed bin limits, measured test speeds values or bin number Selectable continuous, average or single component measurements Five -digit display for R,L and C Four types of display - Four -digit display for D and Q programmed bin limits, measured test frequencies of 1 TM Selectable values, deviation measurement Hz Hz) 1657 Digibridge ( AL kHz and 120 (100 or measurement AC), or bin number Series or parallel Five mode selection -digit display for L and C * Under £1,000 Four -digit display for Q,D,R and G test fixture tests Built -in Kelvin Optional Kelvirf test fixture lead components tests radial and axial radial and axial lead components 1687 Megahertz 1658 RLC DigibridgeTM LC Digibridge 'm * Under £ 2,000 * Under £2,500 GenRad Ltd. Bourne End, Bucks. SL8 5AT Phone (06285) 2 6611, Telex 848321 GenRad WW078 FOR FURTHER DETAILS www.americanradiohistory.com WIRELESS WORLD, MAY 1978 3 LEVELL LOW COST PORTABLE INSTRUMENTS OSCILLATORS FREQUENCY 1 Hz to 1 MHz in 12 ranges. 0 to 1% fine control on TG200DMP. ACCURACY ± 1 .5% ±0.01 Hz up to 100kHz. ±2 %up to 1MHz. SINE OUTPUT 7V r.m.s. down to <200µV with Rs = 6O0ì DISTORTION <0.05% from 50Hz to 15kHz, <0.1% from 10Hz to 50kHz, <0.2% from 5Hz to 1 50kHz, < 1 % at 1Hz and 1 MHz. SQUARE OUTPUT TG200D, DM & DMP only. 7V peak down to <200µV. Rise time < 150nS. SYNC. OUTPUT >1V r.m.s. sine in phase with output. SYNC. INPUT ± 1% freq. lock range per volt r.m.s. METER SCALES TG200M, DM & DPM only. 0 /2V, 0 /7V & -14/ +6dBm. SIZE & WEIGHT 260 x 130 x 180mm. 4.3kg with batteries. TG200 TG200D TG200M TG200DM TG200DMP £75 £79 £91 £95 £99 FREQUENCY 3Hz to 300kHz in 5 decade ranges FREQUENCY 0.2Hz to 1.22MHz on four decade controls. ACCURACY ±2% ±0.1 Hz up to 100kHz, ACCURACY ±0.02Hz below 6Hz. increasing to ±3% at 300kHz. from to 100kHz. ±0.3% 6Hz <200pAL ±1% from 100kHz to 300 kHz. SINE OUTPUT 2.5V r.m.s. down to ±3% above 300 kHz. DISTORTION <0.2% from 50 Hz to 50kHz. SINE OUTPUT 5V r.m.s. down to 30 uV with Rs= 60052. SQUARE OUTPUT 2.5V peak down to <200uV. DISTORTION .<0.15% from 15Hz to 15kHz. SYNC. OUTPUT r.m.s. sine. <0.5% at 1 .5Hz and 1 50kHz. 2.5V METER SCALES 2 Expanded voltage &-2/ +4dBm. METER SCALES 0/2.5V &- 10/ +10dB on TG152DM. SIZE & WEIGHT 260mm x 190mm x 180mm. 5.6kg. SIZE & WEIGHT 260mm x 130mm x 180mm. 3.4kg. TG 66 B TG66A TG 152 D TG152DM Battery a MainsM & r Without model 195 hattery model %,21 Q meter £59 meter £75 LEVELL ELECTRONICS LTD. Prices are ex -works with batteries. Carriage and packing extra. VAT Moxon Street, High Barnet, Herts. EN5 5SD extra in U.K. Optional extras are leather cases and mains power units Send for data covering our range of portable instruments.
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