lA - EVENING HEKALU, Sat., June 28, 1980 ..........^ T ... •V-: J' • > liannrpBtPr i \ MANCHESTER HAS I A Business directory guide for fl* C III ./ ) ...1 ____ ■■ MMAUrOTPn AMn piinnmiM niM O «/. f!i MANCHESTER AND SURROUNDING •• fc nVol. r r. XCIX, No. 231 — Manohester, Conn., Monday. June 30,1860 sine* 1881 * 38T | ^ VICINITY *HebronAMeX^astoiibury. lO lUinutei from Mancheiter s a f e s t Top Court tipholds ban FEATURING THIS WEEK .. Got A PaIntInB ProDlam? Wi ll Hilp! S#rvlc* 6tlll mtAn6 fOfn*thlf>o to u6 — tnd M rvtM n)#tn6 6p#ndlf>g BoougF CUNUFFE ttITO BODY . 7 Umt with you to h«lp yoti iBMct «>• right pBiht finlih for thit job you'rt plan- ROUTE S3 TALCOTTVILLE,CT. nlng. ut for pilot and itrvlc# whan you plan your ntit orolfct. 24 HR. TOWING oli fundinsi of abortions 643-0016 MJoAflso«PAlNTCQ\l WASHINGTON (UPlV,- The alternative activity in the ment argument that the Hyde right to privacy protects her right to •COMPLETE COLLISION REPAIR rOufl Supreme Court today uphelo'iej^e public interest." Amendment bears a rational an abortion. inoepl*<dent •FOREIGN AND AMERICAN CARS SEE DON WliLIS congressional ban on federal fiilOT- As it noyv^tonds, thC Hyde Amend­ relationship to its “legitimate in­ “’The Hyde Amendment’s denial of ■ . •RUSTY JONES RUST PROOFING B40mft1_ cing of most welfare abortions, m i ment allows'^fed^al finan^p^ of terest in protecting the potential life public funds for medically necessary said states are required to finai(ce abortions only to SFtveJbft-vroman’s of the fetus.” abortions plainly intrudes upon this FOR the operation only when federal life or in cases of pregnancy from But Justice William Brennan wrote constitutionally protected decision, phont funds are available. rape or incest that are properly for the dissenters that ‘‘the slate’s in­ for both by design and in effect it 763 646-0863 The majority said Congress’ fun­ reputted to authorities. terest in protecting the potential life serves to coerce indigent pregnant ALL YOUR • MAINS! '’AlthougiiHhe Constitution protects of the fetus cannot justify the exclu­ women, to bear children that they 3 ^ Broad St. ding restrictions, known as the Hyde 6 4 3 - 1 1 9 1 Amendment after its spohsor. Rep. citizens a ^ n st unwarranted sion of ^financially and medically would otherwise elect not to have.” Manchester Today’s ruling comes after four 191 Henry Hyde, R-Ill.. do not violate the governmental ihterference, Stewart needy women from the benefits to MancheitEf years of controversy over Congress’ Profesitonai Park MUFFLER MAIN ST >^ First or Fifth Amendments to the said, “ it does not confer an entitle­ which they would otherwise be en­ Suita 105 ment to such funds as may be titled solely because the treatment authority to ban free abortions. MANCHESTER ' Constitution. n s, me Belly Gallagher neccessary to realize all the advan­ that a doctor has concluded is It first arose in 1976 when Congress prop 6 4 3 - 1 9 0 0 “ Although Congress has opted to tages of that freedom.” medically necessary involves an limited the availability of federal NEEDS! subsidize medically necessary ser­ “To hold otherwise would mark a abortion.” funds for medically necessary abor­ drastic change in ojif understanding . Brennan said the court had WE SERVICE AND INSTALL INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL vices generally, but not certain tions. Every year since then. ALL SUPERIOR medically necessary abortions, the of the Constitution,” Stewart said. departed from its 1973 landmark Congress has p a s ^ a version of the AIR CONDITIONING - REFRIGERATION fact remains that the Hyde amend­ Stewart agreed with the govern­ ruling that a woman’s constitutional Hyde Amendment. MUFFLERS ment leaves an indigent woman with HEATING and SHEETi METAL at least the same range of choice in TAILPIPES EXTERIOR HOME CLEANING deciding whether to obtain a A COMPLETE SPRAY CLEANING SERVICE medically necessary abortion as she New England Mechanical Services, bic. Aluminum, Wood and Vinyl Siding would have had if ^ngress had Cummings hlasi^ Walsh -V 166 TUNNEL RO. EXllAUST PIPES FREE ESTIMATE & DEMONSTRATION chosen to subsidize nfjhealth care VERNON, CT. 06066 PHONE 646-2198 costs at all," Justice Potter Stewart •GENERAL^ REPAIRS' wrote for the majority. 671-1111 "l.rl 11.1 /irifr/tft'M itfi Miar homr loilny" o.n ballot ^dou " ^ ^ ^ T m ic k e%!mI5 ! e7 s •BRAKES AND FRONT Serving .Mancheiter over 50, yri. “We are thus not persuaded that the Hyde A m eii|^eit impinges on TEL petitions, and encouraging ( didates who obtained the petitions P A P a u t o ENDS protected By MARY KITZMANN the constitutionally protect do so. return them. But Joyner has said in PARTS •ENGINE IDIAGNOSTIC penttah* The Florist freedom of choice recognized in (a Herald Reporter ~,jCpmming8 called Joyner’s rebuttal order to return the petitions he, and "AUTO PARTS FOR LESS' prior court rilling).” MANCHESTER — Democratic 24 BIRCH ST. laSlTriday that he took the petitions others,, would need an assurance that \ HOURS WORK In a second 5-4 vote, the court said Town Committee Chairman Ted TEL. 643-8247 merely as protection, and a way to no other candidate takes the spqt.j 8 TO 8 MON.-FRI. states are not obligated to pay for—Ctf'mmings said today that state Rep. cover all the bets, as hypocritical. Joyner, and Elsie “Blz”.Swensson, 643-4444 S TO 5 SAT. A SUN. •AIR COtolTIONING F.T.D. medically necessary abortions for Robert "Skip” Walsh would be “That’s a frivolous statement,” seeking the GOP endorsement for the which federal reimbursment is not “plenty hurt” by petitioning to 307 E. CENTER ST. (REAR) SERVICE^ MSTR CHG Cummings said. “He doesn’t think state Assembly District 13 have said WORLD WIDE available. appear on the ballot line of presiden­ the voters are intelligent. But I don’t they will not return the petitions, or MANCHESTER AMER EXPRESir SERVICE - tial candidate John Anderson. •FRONT AkNMENT In the case of federal fundiqg for think they will respect a candidate file them shortly. There Is a BEHIND LENOX PHARMACY Continuing his criticism (A can­ SPECIALISTS abortions, Stewart said the Hyde who wants it both ways.” September deadline to file the MODERN JANITORIAL AND Amendment "places no governmen­ didates who obtained petltiuis to Secretary of State Barbara Kennel- petitions with the Town Gerk’s Of­ appear on both the party line and the FLO’S Cake DeCorating Supplies InC. tal obstacle in the path of a woman ty has pequested that all 114 can­ fice. HANDYMAN SERVICE •TUNEUP SPECIALISTS Big shoes Anderson line in t||{^ November elec­ 946-0231 S75-3252 who chooses to terminate her Name il and we’ll do III Fully Insured tions, Cummings said that Walsh, Cleaning service lor prolesslonel buildings Michael Sposito, 2, of Neipsic Road’in Glastonbury doesn’t pregnancy, but r ^ e r , by means of A COMPLETE UNE OF MLTONCAKEDEOORATIMS and others, took the pelllibha^ at Storms and screens removed and repdired FULL LIFETIME WARRANTY oh all exhaust work 'seem to mind the large shoes he has on w h il^ e strolls around unequal subsidization of abortion and 70 UNION ST. ■'their own peril.” Clogged sinks and toilets 161 CENTER 8T. other medical services, encourages MANCHEETER, CONN. ROCKVILLE. CONN. 1 at Eastbury Pool. (Herald photo by LavallMl- So^on asks Court^ |Air-condmoners installed and removed Walsh, of Coventry, is among Jour Mon. a Sal. 10-1 HOUR8 \ candidates tbat Manchester House watching, light moving and dump service Thum, 10-0 CLOSED TUE8. Estate and landlord service DON W IUlS GARAGE OAtiy 40-9 delegates are considering for the en­ Gutters, yards, windows, cOiiars, attics, garages dorsement to the state senate seat in Wedding Cakes A Specialty District 4. Manchester’s - endorse­ to stop line use 43-5747 643-0053 18 MAIN ST. SINCE 1939 ment is particularity im n^tant since OVER 45 Challenge e r^ d its delegation is the lalfast among HARTFORD (UPI) - Sen. WiUiam can give candidates a place on two MANCHESTER MANCHESl the eight-town district. Curry, D-Farmington, acting as "an ballots. i YEARS Althought the delegation has had aggrieved party,” today asked a Curm^dm the procedure allowing ServiceMASTFR — 649-4531— CO. EXPERIENCE presentations from the candidates no federal court to block candidates of candi)iates to lock a hold on the Jv decision has been made on an en­ other parties from using the John Anderson line for their particular of­ 'pp. Eaet Cemetery over GGP alternate dorsement, but it is expected soon. Anderson ballot line. fice violated the U.S. Constitution CALL 649-5807 Walsh has said that he took out the Curry, seeking re-election, filed a because it denied Anderson the right TOTAL CLEANIN8 SERVICES' QUALITY petitions to prevent Reputyicans suit in U.S. District Court charging to form a political party. H0MEAk|f)BUSINE88 HARRISON 8T. By MARY KITZMAN^ Leader Richard Bozzuto. The only way for the delegation or from taking advantage of the Ander­ the rush by candidates to be placed “It is an intent to deceive the Peter Sylvester, town director, alternate mak^-up to change is i He m o r i a l s MANCHESTER H e ra ld Reporter son line. However, Carl Zinsser, the on the line with the independent public and is unconscionable,” Curry CALL 649-3433 MERCURY TRAVEL expected to fill the spot of Shirley through a floor challenge at the con- frontrunner seeking the GOP presidential candidate was “ fun­ told a news conference > MANCHESTER — A challenge to Bjorkman, but then it was announced vention. Mrs. Stuka, who supports > Frank Amone nomination, has said he has no inten­ damentally unfair and deceptive.” He said the Anderson coalition EVERYTHING IN GLASS the Manchester GOP alternate that the alternate selection would be Bozzuto, said the selection was tion of seeking spot on the Anderson But the young lawmaker didn’t should have the zjght to select can­ "WE CAN'T HIDE BEHIND OUR PRODUCT" 6 4 9 - 7 9 0 1 delegation for the U.S.
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