September 20, 1977 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 30027 receiving medical services from the insti­ a copy thereof) shall be retained by the in­ operate pursuant to, the provisions of the tution, but only to the extent that- stitution with the information or in a form Renegotiation Act of 1951 as amended "(A) the institution has provided notice to which permits inspection by the individual through September 30, 1976. the individual, in accordance with subsection upon request for at least five years or the life (3) The Renegotiation Act of 1951 shall (c) (1), that such disclosure may be made, of the information, whichever is longer. The again become effective only when: and individual may at any time revoke such an (a) The President finds that a nat ional "(B) the individual, or his authorized authorization with respect to information emergency exists in accordance with the representative, has not notified the institu­ not ye~ disclosed. terms of 90 Stat. 1255 or pursuant'to: tion of an objection to disclosing part or all "(2) A medical-care institution shall ( 1) The outbreak of war declared b y or of such information. maintain, with respect to such an authoriza- against the United States, or "(6) LAWFUL JUDICIAL OR ADMINISTRATIVE . tion for disclosure of personal medical infor­ (2 ) The initiation of an overt military ac­ PROCEss.-A medical-care institution may mation, an accurate accounting of (A) the tion by or against the United States, or disclose personal medical information per­ date, nature, and purpose of each disclosure (3) The outbreak of a major insurrection taining to an individual pursuant to a law­ made pursuant to the authorization, and (B) with the United States, or ful judicial or administrative summons or the individual or entity to whom the dis­ (4) The emergence of some other situation subpena, and if such a disclosure i"' made the closure is made, shall retain such accounting endangering the security of the United institution shall, for at least five years or with the authorization, and shall permit the States; the life of the information disclo ~ ed (which­ individual providing the authorization with and ever is longer), retain the summons or sub­ the opportunity to inspect and copy such ac­ (b) The PTesident makes a determination pena with the information and permit in­ counting." . that the operation of the Act is necessary to spection by the individual upon request. (3) The amendments made by paragraph meet the national emergency declared ac­ "Contents of Authorization Form; Retention (2) (B) shall apply to services provided by cording to the provisions of Subsection 1. of Copy of Form medical care institutions, under the pro­ ( 4) Upon such finding and determination, "(g) (1) A medical-care institution shall grams established under titles XVIII and the Renegotiation Act shall become effective not disclose personal medical information XIX of the Social Security Act, on and after as amended to the date it becomes effective. pertaining to an individual pursuant to an July 1, 1979. ( 5) It shall remain in effect for one year authorization of the individual unless such By Mr. VOLKMER: following the date of termination of such authorization- S trike out paragraph (2) (that is, lines 12 national emergency." "(A) is in writing and is dated, through 14 on page 105) of proposed subsec­ H.R. 6796 "(B) (i) is signed by the individual, if the tion (p) of section 1903 of the Social Security By Mr. GARY A. MYERS: individual- Act, and redesignate succeeding paragraphs On Page 23 after line 7, insert the following .. (I) is not a minor and is not legally in­ accordingly. paragraph: " Provided, That prior to the competent, or Page 105, strike out lines 12 through 14, obligation of any funds authorized pursuant "(II) is a minor and is not legally incom­ and redesignate succeeding paragraphs to this Act for re.search, development, assess­ petent and the information relates to any of accordingly. ment, evaluation and other activities at the the services that are described in subpara­ H.R. 595 Barnwell Nuclear Fuels Plant related to graphs (A) through (D) of subsection (a) By Mr. STEERS: alternative fuel cycle technologies, safeguard (2) and are sought by or provided to the Strike section 2(a) and insert the systems, spent fuel storage and waste man­ minor; or following: agement, a program plan be submitted to "(11) is signed by a person lawfully au­ the Committee on Science and Technology "SEC. 2. TERMINATION AND RE-ESTABLISHMENT of the House of Representatives and the thorized to act on the individual's behalf, if OF THE RENEGOTIATION BOARD Committee on Energy and Natural Resources the individual is- (a) Section 102(c) of the Renegotiation of the Senate for their approvals. The Ad­ "(!) legally incompetent or Act of 1951 (50 U.S.C. App. 1221(c)) is ministrator is authorized to solicit proposals "(II) is a minor and is not legally incom­ amended by striking the entire subsection for any of the aforementioned activities. petent and the information does not relate and inserting in lieu thereof the following However, before any of these activities are to any of the services that are described in language : undertaken, the Administrator is required subparagraphs (A) through (D) of subsec­ "SEC. 102. (C) TERMINATION AND RE-ESTAB­ to transmit the plan containing a descrip­ tion (a) (2) and are sought by or provided LISHMENT OF THE RENEGO­ tion of such activities together with all per­ to the minor; and TIATION BOARD tinent data to such Committees and wait a period of thirty calendar days (not includ­ " (C) specifically authorizes that insti tu­ ( 1 ) The Renegotiation Board shall not ac­ tion to disclose information of a specified ing any day in which either House of Con­ cept any filings following September 20, 1976. gress is not in session because of adjourn­ nature to specified persons or entities for (2) The Renegotiation Act of 1951 (50 use only for specified purnoses and only for ment of more than three calendar days to U.S.C. App. 1211 et seq.) shall remain in ef­ a day certain) unless prior to the expiration a. specified and reasonable period of time fect for one year following the date of enact­ (which may not exceed one year), of such period each such committee has ment of this Section in order to clear or de­ transmitted to the Administrator written and, if information is disclosed pursuant to termine pending filings. During this one-year notice to the effect that such committee has such an authorization, the authorization (or period, the Board shall be governed by, and no objections to the proposed action." EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS ANTHONY R. PUSKARZ, SR., will be receiving. The Man of the Year member of the International Typo­ MAN OF THE YEAR Award is sponsored annually by the Pol­ graphical Union Local 679. ish-American Business and Professional In addition, Mr. Puskarz serves his Association to benefit their scholarship community in many diverse areas. He is HON. RONALD A. SARASIN fund. Over the years, the P ABP A has dis­ a director and corporator of the Burritt OF CONNECTICUT tril'uted over $23,000 in scholarships to Mutual Savings Bank and serves as IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES students of Polish heritage going to col­ chairman of the advisory board of the Tuesday, September 20, 1977 lege. The award serves to honor Polish Slater Road branch of the bank. More­ Americans who have contributed of their over, he has a strong commitment to so­ Mr. SARASIN. Mr. Speaker, on Sep­ time and effort in service to their local cial service as witness by the fact that tember 24, the Polish-American Business communities, and who also serve as fine he serves on the advisory board of the and Professional Association of New examples to young Polish Americans. New Britain Chapter of the Salvation Britain, Conn., will be honoring Anthony No one could. be more deserving of this Army and is a corporator of the New R. Puskarz, Sr., as its 1977 Man of the honor than Anthony Puskarz, Sr. Cur­ Britain General Hospital. Year. I would like to take this opportu­ rently, he is president of Art Press Inc., As for civic organizations, he is cur­ nity to congratulate Mr. Puskarz person­ a commercial printing and lithography rently serving his 20th term as recording ally, and to inform all of my colleagues firm which he founded in 1932. At the secretary for the Polish-American Busi­ of the contributions and achievements of same time, Mr. Puskarz serves as chair­ ness and Professional Association. In ad­ this worthy individual who has done so man of the printing craft committee of dition to this, he manages to find the much for his community and fellow E . C. Goodwin Technical School and is an time to remain active as a member and Polish-American citizens. active member of the Printing Industry past president of the Kiwanis Club of But first, I would like to tell you a lit­ Association of Connecticut and Western New Britain, and a member of Falcons tle about this honor which Mr. Puskarz Massachusetts. He is also a 35-year Nest 88, Fraternal Order of Eagles, Pol- 30028 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS September 20, 1977 ish National Alliance Group 2093, and Mrs. Carmen Ciddio Gallegos is certainly Whereas, to create a Federal organization the Polish Roman Catholic Union. experienced in her specialty. She has pro­ to oversee and duplicate the efforts o! the But, perhaps, Anthony Puskarz is best vided personal and concerned care to States in this area, such action can do nothing but add to consumers' costs and be known to most people for his music.
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