DOCUMENT RESUME ID 102 286 CS 002 680 TITLE Employment in the Broadcasting Industry--1973. INSTITUTION Federal Communications Commission, Washington, D.C. PUB DATE Jan 74 NOTE 598p, EDRS PRICE NF-$ 1.08 HC-$29.83 PLUS POSTAGE DESCRIPTORS American Indians; *Broadcast Industry; Employment Level; Employment Patterns; *Employment Statistics; *Females; Males; *Minority Groups; Negroes; Spanish Americans; State Surveys IDENTIFIERS Oriental ABSTRACT The 1973 broadcasting industry employment report consists of State reports, organized alphabetically according to community or city, from broadcasting stations with more than 10 full-tipe employees. Information has been compiled from the annual employment profile report (Federal Communications Commission Form 395), required of broadcast licensees. Separate entries are included for numbers of full-time, part-time, women, andminority group employees (Negro, Oriental, American Indian, and Spanish-surnamed Americans). Job categories are condensed fol.:(1) higher pay (officials and managers, professionals, teclAnicians, sales workers, and skilled craftsmen) and (2) lover pay (office andclerical, semi-skilled operatives, unskilled laborers, and service workers). For comparison purposes, 1971'and 1972 totalemployment figures for each station are listed below the 1973 totals. At theend of each State listing, there is a State summary of unitswith more than 10 employees. (EA) . A .0 ,N,A.t.L.4; as I , , 1 b.:3. ."Z twiptoymnitm:TH OCASTI:.;:.. .1973 t:eiP1' " . ;x1, talicy,i,v, . VoA CO :);!)1111;'; '4t^ 4r.1-fo , . A Ike ,.7c4.4rgy . I FR A, : \ Is, 4 n . - . w 1- .1. : .:4.-::'.1....tTiA. .''L;;;; he. .t J.14 ,.;i' , . .-%, r14(,..".,, !vs:: MINTR7 1973 60Witt All broade,vt licentiet.s having 5 er more fulltime employees arerequired to file an annual employmentprofile report (FCC room 395). This report includes separate entries for the number of full-timeand part-time um- ployees and shows the number of women and minority groupemployees (Negro, Oriental. American Indian, and Spanish-surnamed American).Employees for each group are further described by the following nine job categories: Officials and Managers, Professionals, Technicians, SalesWorkers, Office and Clericals, Craftsmen (Skilled), Operatives(Semi-skilled), Laborers (Unskille:l) and Service Workers. The reports for each broadcast station are in the rCC's public reference room at1919 M Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. In the summaries that follow, the nine Job categorieshave been condensed to two as follows: Hieher Pay, includes Officials and Managers, Professionals, Technicians, Sales Workers and, Craftsmen(Skilled); Lower Pay, includes Office and Clerical, Operatives(Semi skilled), Laborers (Unskilled) and Service Worlers. Employment in 1973 for broadcast 'nits having 5 or morefull-time employees is compared to 1972 as follows: Number of Percentage of Employees Total Employees 1973 1972 1973 1972 Total Male and Female 136,960 130,656 100% 1OCZ Female Only 33,001 30,064 24.0% 23.0% Minority groups (male and female) Negro 10,296 8,724 7.5% 6.6% Oriental 902 689 0.6% 0.5% American Indian 570 532 0.4% 0.4% Spanish-surnamed Americans A;571 4,028 3.1% 3.0% Total above minority groups 16.139 13,973 11.7% 10.6% A more detailed 1973 summary is givenon"page'593. In the State Reports that follow, only stationswith more than 10 full- time employees are listed. Each station is listed under its community name (which arealphabetical). Along side the call letters for each station is an abbreviation for the type of station asfollows: TV: Commercial television station AM; Commercial AM radi.station AF: Commercial AM/FM station filing combined report FM: Commercial FM station FA: Commercial FM station associated with an AMstation but reporting separately ET: Non-commercial television station ER: Non-commercial radio station HQ: Headquarters report BESTernY AVN II4111 .41.111 3 BEST COPY AVAILABLE At the end of each state listing is a state summaryfor all units wits more than 10 employees. For each television station, the name of its televisionmarket is given. For each radio station located in a standard metropolitanstatistical area (SNSA). thu panic of itH SSA is given. The most recent SMSA revision of the Office of nanagement and Budget was not used this year, sothat some of the SMSA designations are out of date. Code numbers for stations and markets may be disregarded. For comparison purposes, the 1971 and the 1972 totalemployment figures for each station are given below the 1973 totals. In some cases the stations had more than 10 employees for 1971 and/or 1972, but 10 orless in 1973; in these cases no 1973 figures are shown. All station reports were edited for arithmptic consistencyand a number of corrections were made without recheckingwith the stations. Therefore, stations should report tc' the FCC ar.apparent errorin this report, so that their basic data may be corrected in the computer file,for future reports. ,s% 4 mi43117y EMPLOYMENT REPORT FOR U S 84340CASTIOS SERVICES STATE12-27 73 BY STATES NUMBER OF EMPLOYEEST3TAL TOTAL NImLaITIESBEST COPY tIACLIA7144 AVAILABLE FEMALEfa6E EMPLOycal1 AkAt.AmAA4415.1:1LC`'mU41TYbihmA TV 1494 MARKET CRAMOSISTONOSO METRO AREA EMPLOYEES fENALEST3IAL---- -----NEGRO- ORIENTAL..AMAIMO.- maSPAS..... --- P:ATFULLFILLFuLLTIMEIlmf 41GriER'TEALTOTAL134ER PAY PAY 171631 21 01 01 0 0C 0C i4,197115721'i73AMTOTALT:1TAL:.76S F4PLZ,YEESEMPLOYEESEmPL:-YEES 202319 43 0I1 01 0 0C 0 'APTFULL1'9TIMETimE T3TAL4IGnFilTaTALLULA PAY PAY 161442 12 02 02 0 0C 0 ishmg.1S72197114,71LMTr.TALMTALl'al2 2u9 EMPLOYEESFMot.;;YEFS 151920 3 2 2 0 .00 0a PARTFULLFILLTM110FUPITIME T3TAL 134ERIOTA.ilGiER PAY PAY 131112 02 10 10 . 0C 0 0 SESSErIr,BAY 111%tTTFWI-CA19711s73AFT7;TALTOTAL4139 EMPLOYEESEMPLOYEES M3BILE123113 1415 32 61 61 0 0 0 111i0114:.11AMklyA;419711972A%TOTALT'1TAL24I0 EMPLOYEESEMPLOYEES SIRMI1GmAm135 . 1419 23 0 0O. 0 0 0 WAP1FIJLLFILLFULLTYTINEIlmETIME:318 -IIGHERTOTAL134ER PAY PAY 81AmIlGmA4 661551 IS126 63 63 0 0C 0C 197119721573PAFTTOTALT3TA1Tr.TALTM TOTAL EMPLOYEESEMPLOYEES St1107316 2324216 11S07 11S7 0 0 0 12-27 73 miN3AITY EMPLOYMENTBV STATES REPORTNUMBER FOR UOF S EsPviviESIIMIAC:Aso,,SERVICESif BEST COPY AVAILABLE Ma a STATECOPKUNITY MARKET CR METRO AREA EMPLOYEESTOTAL FEMALESTOTAL MINDOITIES------------ 1111C10214& - ------ FEMALE ElIFLOWEES1----- - kiAnAMA81Rm1bS,,Apblemt,FULLTvTIME1.304 41G4ER PAY 91135 ant %Nam 26 2 727ALi 4E6004 001fIlet0 galaSOD0 Mt5600 FULL1973PARTTIRETIMETrITAL TOTALLJWER EMPLOYEES PAY 383404 10971 651 6s1 0 0 0 116R(FULLLULL19711972TVTIMETOTALT:1TALC3E1 LOkER41GHER EMPLOYEESf4PL3YEES PAY Pre BIRMINGHAN 26S93534 IS69 4S7 457 0 0 0 FULLPAkTT1'ETIME TOTAL 93asis 25214 13112 13112 0 0 0 YAPS197215731971AFTcTALi:TAL9318 fqPt2TEESEMPLOYEES BIRMINGHAM 2491 25241 12132 122 0 0 01 PARTFeLLFULL1973727ALTimETIME T3TALTOTAL L3WERIIGIEREMPLOYEES PAY PAY . 313547 6917 402 402 0 0C 0 MOT19711972AFTOTAL2463 EMPLOYEES BIRMINGHAM 353811 1129 241 402 0 01 C0 C: PARTFULLrULL1973TIMETINET"TALTlul LiwER4161ERTOTAL EMPLOYEES PAY PAY IS132 5214 3021 20 C0 C1 0 FULLFILL1972AFTIMETOTAL2746 UWE,: 116FRFMPL3YEES PAYPAY BIRMINGHAM 14152 021 61 651 G0 061 &0 19711973PARTFull1972TOTALTIMETINE TOTALT3TAL EMPLOYEES 2122166 21 1210937 1210793 0 08 0C0 12 27 73 MINORITY EMPLOYMENTBY STATES REPORT - NUMBER FOR OFU SEMPLOYEES SROADCASTING SERVICES 'ACE 3 SUMC:mMUNITY MARKET OR METRO AREA EMPLOYEESTOTAL FINALESTOTAL MINORITIESBEST. COPY VINCLuOING AVAILABLE FINALE ENPLOYIESI ALAt.1mA0140116hA:4wERC AF 9351 135 22 I TOTAL2 NEGRO2 ORIENTAL0 Ana14110 AMNIASPAN0 PIS"!FILL1'73Ft LL TIMETOTALTICETIMETIPf 4IG4ER LZ.ERTOTALEMPLOYEES PAYPAY 283026 46S0 3S05 5S30 0 0 0 MSG:.FcLL14711472AM TOTALTIMETCTALCE76 HIGHEREMPLTYEFSEMPLOYEES PAY PREVIOUSBIRMINGHAM CALL> CALL> 118AC WC 23256 624 32 213 0 01 0 FoLLPARTFILL14'721',73 TIMETImE TIMETOTAL LONIERTOTAL imPLOYEESEMPLOYEES PAY 2732356 B891 340 230 0 01 0 4VOKFILL1471AR TOTALTIME1976 4IG4E2EMPLOYEES PAY BIRMINGHAM 306 17 101 01 0 0 0 1473FARTFtILfiLL1572 TTIMETCTAL707ELTM4F LOrLR TOTAL EMPLOYEES PAY 1S17116S 61S.f44 2131 2131 0 C0 0 WYDEFILL1471AM TOTALTIME1172 lIGHERLOWEREMPLOYEES PAYPAY 81 RMINGtIAN 20174 643 21 21 0 0 0 PARIFuLL147114721473 TIWETOTALTCTALT1fTCTAL TOTALT3TAL EMPLOYEESEPLOYEES 2628244 6077 230 230 0 0 0 DECATURliMSLFILLF MITV TILETIMECF33 ',IGOROwER PAY PAY HOTSVILLE.DECATUR210 22193 S23 201 10 0 0 0 PARTFULL1`x71147316:72 TINE7ImfTOTALTOTAL TOTAL EMPLOYEESEMPLOYEES 1924264 450 21 121 0 0 0 12 27 73 81%34ITY EMPLOYMENTSY STATES REPORT - NUMBER FOR OfU SEMPLOYEES BROADCASTING SERVICESBEST COPY AVAILABLE PAGE 4 SIATEupmuLITY MARKET OR METRO AREA EMPLOYEESTOTAL FEMALESTOTAL MINORITIES- (INCLUDING FINALE EMPLOYEES) ALAtAsusDECATURbihVFullAFT1mE1E54 -11GdER PAY 213 11 TOTAL NEGROORIENTALa MIERINA AnsaSPAN0 PARTFULL1573TIMETIPET7TALII "F TOTALLOWER TOTALEMPLOYEES PAY 141623 402 0CC 0oC 06 0 0 wPSLFULL157119'2As+ TIFFTOTAL9E33 HIGHER EMPLflTEESEMPLOYEES PAY 111715 043 01 01 0 0 0 1573PAPTFULLTOTALImtTPA(T1wE TOTALTOTAL LONEREMPLOYEES PAY 13121 1a 00 0 0a 0 0 OJIMANW1)4%FULLTR11$!114fTI0FE513 TOTALLlinR41G4ER PAY PAY DOTWA% 17152 321 0 0 0 0 0 PLAT197115721573TOTALTIME TOTAL E4PLLIYEESEMPLOYEESf4PL3VEES 23192 74S2 120 120 0 0 0 WTVYPARTFULLTV1141TImiTIPT114TG15I LlIOR4ILHEAT2IALTOTAL PAY PAY 03TMAN 4S3906 11056 0321 0321 0 0 0 1971I5723973TOTALVITALT:TAL EMPLOYEESf4PL3YEES 46434S 11IP8 3 3 09 0 0 dr.1GFULLF;:LLAATIME1373 TOTALLSwER4IGIER PAY PAY 12111 312 110 10 0 0 0 1573PART19711972Tr,TalTOTALinTALTImE TOTAL EMPLOYEESEMPLOYEES 1312142 30 120 2101 00 0 0 It 27 73 r1N3R1Ty ERPLOymENT611
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