Jamas Madison University Monday, Octobar 29,1964 Vol.82 No. 16 Eight - floor dorm may be constructed reason, 420 housing spaces would be By Mark Millar large parking lot on the south side of The building would allow the assistant news editor Port Republic Road. university to expand its freshman eliminated. class from 1,650 to about 1,850. If the new dorm is constructed, Permission to build an eight-floor, The cost, location and design of Dr. Harold McGee, vice president the Hillside dorms will probably not 450-student dormitory at JMU may the dorm are only tentative, said for administrative affairs, said, "I be used for housing. About 70 be requested from the Virginia Fred Hilton, university spokesman. would expect they'll generate a need students live in those dorms. General Assembly in January. The money for the project would for a new dormitory." He said even without a larger in- come from students' housing fees He said a new facility would be coming class, there is a need for The JMU Board of Visitors rather than from the Virginia general necessary to keep the university's more housing. Transfer students recently voted to investigate the need fund. for a new residence hall on campus. policy of guaranteeing housing to in- currently can't be guaranteed univer- Hilton said the university needs coming freshmen for four years. sity housing .although many request The proposed dormitory would it. cost about $7 million. permission from the General There are several reasons a new Assembly to use student fees for dorm is needed, McGee said. "We don't have any excess It would be similar in design to construction. Two housing facilities, Wine-Price space," McGee said. Eagle Hall and located near The state's general fund, which Building and Presidential Apart- William Merck, vice president for Newman Lake. comes from taxes, is used only for ments, are leased by the university. business affairs, said conducting a Also included in the project is a academic projects. If the leases are not renewed for any See BUILDING page 2 ► ^». Staffaim photopnoio byny STEPHENsicrncn JAFFEMrr VJ OI flQ Up "— Bart Padalt and hit workers from Barnstormers Alrahow In Richmond prepare the Domino's Inc. balloon Sunday for the grand opening of the naw Domino's Pizza on Terrt Drive. PSrkiriQ About 20,000 student parking fines **»«~J M|Air Perform In Calhoun's I ] problems •***»*. 3nO pISy nMtaurant beginning Friday. ^J \ aaa Paae 2. Th« Br««ze. Monday, October 29, 1984 Building *> (Continued from page 1) financial feasibility study is the next step for the project. The study will consider all related costs of the project — including con- struction, maintenance and salaries for a head resident and resident ad- visers — as well as the additional in- come which would result from a larger class. If the study shows a need for the residence hall, the results will be sub- mitted with the proposal to the General Assembly at the GQHOf(?-©(g>©®©©0 (^ 0 January /February session. Merck said the project most likely will be approved and proposed. "I can assure you it's feasible," he said. Student housing fees will be in- creased to fund the building, but on- ly slightly, he said. The money for the project will be borrowed from a construction ac- count in Richmond, and the univer- sity will have 20 years to re-pay the loan. The first year the dorm is used, students will be charged a small fee — perhaps $5or$10, Merck said. He could not estimate how much housing fees would be raised after Sliced Bacon I Roast Bed I that, but said it would not be a » ■ . .. -^ dramatic increase since the universi- Oscar Mayer franks I Potato Salad 79° ty has a long time to pay back the • p 0 (8 Produce Specials p 0 p m.AC1 l WHTf loan. CHJCH M 12-02 BTLS. KGIXA* If the dormitory is proposed and Philco 12" Mushroomsl Grapefruit Budweiser approved in the the 1985 session of TVSet Beer the General Assembly, construction 39 could begin as early as spring 1986 & and possibly be completed by fall 1987. Merck said. 59" 'mMMMfsP He said these are only rough Yellow Onions 5.. 99° Carrots 2.59° estimates because the project has not Whole or Crocked Baking Potatoes 39° Cabbage 5 $1 yet been approved and no dates have Wheat Bread been set for construction. The university also will request the 9 9 following from the General Assembly: • $250,000 to use in planning a *u mmints renovation of Burruss Hall. Bathroom • An additional $650,000 for the Jen o's renovation of Keezdl Hall. The pro- Tissue DOUBLE COUPOnS Pizzas ject already has been allocated $800,000. SAVE TWICE AS MUCH! • Approval to use private con- On Manufacturers Cents-Ott Coupons Valued !99* UptoSOC See Store For Complete Details' tributions to add seating and locker rooms to the Mauck Stadium/Long Field baseball complex. JI < VMVV Editor 1 lenetaneeWefcer "To Me an— MOM. Hijinni aa it is with Got a abases. Ma marta Is mtaabtea tf an the trium- • Emily Grun's name was Managing editor Osaen Farias phs whKh bare been earned ay raaaon and ■MMM manager Marian MaQaMMa humeerrt over erm end oepreeehii. " — James misspelled in the Oct. 25 issue of The Breeze. newstip? Neoa editor ■nuiniiyniiiiii Aaalatant newre editor Mart Mater Aaalatant newa adltor The treate la pubUehed Monday and Tnura- Feat urea editor CayFuNi day monanoa and dietrtbuted throughout JMU Aaalatant taaturaa adltor AMeenCota, MaMng address It The aVaata, Communica- Soon sad nor •oettTet*, tion Aria Department. JMU, Harttaonburg. va. Aaalatant •port adltor Kerry coriert 22807 • The Dads will play at JMU Editorial adltor Eat Ha—ati For advortlelng. call let tab* For editorial ol for the first time Halloween night Aaalatant adttonai adltor MKMtjH float, call SSM1Z7 Call 6127 Ptioto editor drag FMcHtr Commantt and complaints erould be (Wednesday). Incorrect informa- Wire editor "m.tpn directed to Corwtanaa WaiMv. editor. Production managar Je.Tneedo tion was given in the Oct. 22 issue of The Breeze. today! Administrative aaalatant DOftflM Prawn Aaalatant buainaaa managar OaomJtwraH Advisers Adt oaaign managar Tn#ra*M ■'••'■no FTMDeLuee Aaalatant ada daaign managa> IMnuMMf The Breeze, Monday, October 29,1984, page 3 Parking fines Ticket revenue goes to university funds By Sandy Stone night in addition to their patrolling not be give exact figures for how staff writer duties. many people appeal tickets and Following is a list of the In an attempt to have more con- how many are appealed. number of tickets issued and the Almost 20,000 parking tickets trol over parking regulations and This year there are about 2,750 amount of money collected were issued by campus police in to decrease the number of students parking spaces on campus, about from January to September of fiscal year 1983, generating more who have run up tabs of $200 and 600 of which are commuter spaces. 1984. than S 105,410 in ticket revenue. $300 for parking fines, campus The majority of tickets are issued The amount of money col- Like every year, the collected police now strictly enforce the to commuter students who park in lected does not decessarily cor- fines are put into the educational policy of towing a car after the unauthorized parking lots. respond, to the number of budget and general university sixth ticket. Commuter students complain to tickets because of the delay funds, said Alan MacNutt, direc- "We do a lot more towing. A police that there are not enough before fines are paid. tor of campus police. student can lose his parking spaces, but MacNutt said, "There Though 20,000 tickets might privileges after receiving his fifth has almost been no time where January — 1,689 tickets seem to be a large number to issue ticket for a semester, and the sixth there have been no spaces at the issued; $8,740 was collected. in one year, cadets and officers ticket means towing," MacNutt end of X-lot or Z-lot. It's just that February — 2,111 tickets have no quota they are expected to said. nobody wants to park there." were issued; $8,365 was col- meet, MacNutt said. "We don't see as many of those lected. "Because the money doesn't go students who have $200 worth of Because of the number of March — 1,644 tickets were into any budget that I control, we tickets because now, somewhere students who, instead of parking in issued; $11,620 was collected. don't get any benefit from it," he between the sixth and tenth ticket, X- and Z-lots, park in faculty lots, April — 2,002 tickets were said. their car is going bye-bye." "This year we're hitting the faculty issued; $16,705 was collected. "The only reason for parking A car receiving more than six lots real hard," he said. May — 516 tickets were fines is for control, not for tickets will be towed to X-lot, and '.'Faculty members complain issued; $8,890 was collected. revenue. There's no quotas, there's the student must pay the cost of that they'll come into a lot and June •— 325 tickets were no pressure at all, and it isn't a towing. find cars everywhere with student issued; $3,755 was collected. priority matter. If it was for If a car is parking in a towing decals — and they get angry July — 235 tickets were revenue, I'd have somebody zone, the car will be towed to a because they have a class to issued; $2,685 was collected.
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