Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC November 1961 Daily Egyptian 1961 11-10-1961 The gE yptian, November 10, 1961 Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_November1961 Volume 43, Issue 16 Recommended Citation Egyptian Staff, "The gE yptian, November 10, 1961" (1961). November 1961. Paper 4. http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_November1961/4 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1961 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in November 1961 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The 'T ypica!' SIU Coed As Seen By: Her Father Her Professor Her Boyfriend Posed by Susan Pennington, a seniot drama ffio jor from Urbana, who was featured in the SOlithpl'n Pla ,\'el's production THE EGYPTIAN of ··Ca t On A Hot Tin Roof." YOlo 43 - NO. 16 Friday, November 10,1961. About 1.000 parents will begiD arn d ng on cam..,ous today 10 be­ com t' th(' central fIgures in South­ ern IlI lnol'; Unive rsit\··s 11th annual Part'nt"s Day which ~\ ill take place Saturday. ~1 r. a nd Yt rs. Donald Haskins of )Ola n on. III. and Mr. and Mrs. Dou!;l... ~ J ones 01 902 S. J ohnson, CJ I"I JIOndd. le . III. have b('e n se!ecled Pan.· nls of the DCiY a nd will be hvn.ll·ed at Ihe vanous activit ies. The Haskms 8f"e the parents of I )I<lnd Has kin!>, a sophomore bome l' vo nom lCS major. The Jone.ses are the parents of Doug Jones, a fresh­ Ol..!.n .nrc-- med major. Parents are r equested to regist\:!" ~nd secure a pl"()gram. upon a.r-. rI \,.d . a t Ule University Cen ter near tht! !nfurmat,on des k. bel\\een 9:00 a .m. ~nd noon Nov. 11 . The P:lI'C' nts W ill begin the day Wll h a tour of the camp us, from 9:00 to 10 : 30 a.m ., starling in front uf the o ld student un ion. A l''O und-Llble d lscu::':'l()n with the deans. facult y ad\"isor ~, a nd fac ulty nwmbf"rs IS scheduled for 10: 30 a .m. In the U01 \'e rS !ty Center Ba/}.. room wher.:' coffee V.·II] be served. At 1: 30 [l.m., the parents will g et a taste of 51 U football, when the S<.I lukls tangle with the Wisconsin Stri te Co llege Wildcats. The Par­ ent " of Ine Day will be imroduced at hal fti me. Afte r the game, coffee will be p:ace to .s erved at all lIving areas. stay away frOm." The e\ enlOg will gel under way M other: ,, ' bet he know.s my with a buffet d inner in the ball­ JOHN ANDERSON ch:ld perwnally." rOOm a t 6: 00 p.m. P resid ent OeJyle Will Speak Here F athel': " He's probably count­ ;\-1 \lrris will present the Parents of ing all my money right now." the Day at the dinner. Dinne r w ill be served also at Anderson was elected to Congress the various residence halls, where iD November 1960. 'Ow 'Bout That meal tickets tor parents may be The rookie representative has a Thea tre Ou tlook of England, a purchased. background which includes college leading British r~rtory com­ Silver trays v.i.U be presented IiO teaching, law pra cti ce, and a tour pany now touring the United the Parents of tbe Day a t the in-­ of duty wit.b the Army in World Sta tes, v.ill perform the 181h cen­ formal da nce to be beld in the ...or U. tury comedy "The School of Scan­ ball room fro m eight to m idnig bL Anderson graduated from the dal." in a free public appearance Ford Gibson's band will provide the University of Illinois in 1943 with Saturday 00 the Southern Illinois music. The d ance is fr&e and open il.B. and J .D. degrees. He also campus, Curtain time y.m be 8 p. to anyone. bolds a L.M. degree (rom the m . in Shryo ck Auditorium. H arvalOd Law School. While attend­ "The School for Scandal," by ing Harvard, he served on ths Richard Br insley Sheridan. is con­ faculty of Northeastern University's sidered one of the three great Welcome School of Law in Boston, M ass. plays of {he 18th century and one The student body. faculty and of the best of all time for pure staff, and the publ ic are invited to theatricality and brilliant d ia­ attend this meeting. logue. ParentS Page 2 THE EG 'l'PTIAN Friday, November 10, 1961. Gymnastics Team Has Rough Slate IFits Smoothly Into Campus Life cbs=:ed B i~~gco~7e~ n~::n~~rsthe~ I%~ ~~~~ w~ at ~er~s:~bec ~ BI-Ind Student Scores Dois University's 1961-Sl gymnas· ?U tfi t promises to an tics team appears to be headed Interestmg Intra-squad meet. At Southern toward the most successrul season The oom plete schedule folJows : By UNDA BAlLOU in the scbool's history, Dec. 1-2. Midwest Open at Chi· Discussing current c1o t.b.ing styles In addition to meeting Ind iana, cago; Dec. 16, at Indiana; Dec. is among' the favoi te pastime of Minnesota, Iowa, Michigan State 26-31, National Gymnastics Clinic B ill Pointer, 2 1 -year~ d sophomore and IJI ioois of tbe Big Ten, Coach at Sarasota, F la,; Jan. ll, Minne­ sociology major from East $1. S ill Meade's squad will face In- 9Ota; J an. 19, at flIinois State Louis. For 8il1, this is truly a case of ~:t~~~~~~rnf7~nc:i~i~~i~ 1~ ~~~~b~a3~ ' a ~B ~ ~~tt:rn F~ ~ " fashion at his fingertips." Bill is Western rujnois in dual matches. J IG , a t Iowa; Feb. 16, Michigan blind. He shops .....; th t h ~ aid of a pe~th;;:te ~~ y:r~e~-~t~~ State; Feb. 17, U. Of I. (Chicago parent or a fr iend whom he feels has good taste, then chooses items opens its season Nov. 21 when Branch); Feb. 2-4 ,,.. Weste rn llli­ for daily wear oomplt!tely by the junior and senior sq uad m em bers nois; March 17, a t Illinois. feel of the ga nnent's texture and design. 1 Distinguish.in g the colors of twO items with the same textile pre· sents no p roblem for Bill, as he LUNGWITZ JEWELER has .... ·orked out his own system of r t! moving the manufacturer's tags PARTS FOR ALL WATCHES, TIMERS in such a way lhat he can differ· PARTS FOR ALL SHAVERS entlate between the color.s of the two garm t: nts. (24-48 Hour Shaver Service) BORN BLIND Exp e rt Engraving a nd J ewelry Re pa ir Bill was born blind but e.\plalOs -Guarant eed Se rvice- tha t he did not reaJ lz.e he could not see un U] he " 'as about fiv e 611 S. ILLINOIS PHONE 7·8084 years old. One bl ock North of Campus "~ I was as aCI1Vt' as an yone ,'''iii;::===::========:::::;::::::::::====:::::~ -- - -- 1 jumelseped" , hea nd.expla playedins. li"k1e ran'th l": n'Sandl I:~} . iee::~:. d~r' ;e~~~,~; l O ~~';~:: I had 1<.) ha\'e m v lefl ('~f.' J' l mo\ed. M0 VI E H0 UR II thInk Lt wa, ' abou t lht'n thaI I I fi'::~th~e:~~Z('dl3i:l "~~~e ~~~~1. '~ t' h ' )() I S FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10 ' for blind students such as the I Ill inoi s Braille a n~ Sight Sa v m~ FURR AUDITORIUM, UNIVERSITY SCHOOL I~~~~ : r~ J~~~:~7~~=i ~~~~i~~~ i O~ 3 Shows: 6:00 . 8:00 . 10:00 P.M. , ...... h J(:.h he hns a l[f' nded that is not spe/' lfkaJJy dt"s igned for the blind. Adm. Adults SOc. Students 25c with Activity CArds : When asked .... hy he chose 51V , Bill replied: "Y1any blind students ~ attend hpre a nd tl10ugh there is no specific program for us, our ' problrm s are understood beth·r.·· ... j RAR ELY GET S LOST "'- He also explained that the lat'ge campus ofr ers a chaJlenge \0 him. ~l ~~p~~;~r~S s ~';ca~o~~jg~.l e~a~ ~~~n ~e~~~~ntl~ b~ l ~a v:~~h P=~t~~~~~: He rarely gets los t, and finds his _ _ _____ _ way around campus by esta blish· . ., . ing la nd m ark...; . These landmarks of ~rso na l! ly they have, SImply Idoes . not r eall y corulder hi mself I rna)' be anything from smells or by [he. words they : peak. ... hc:~d lc a .p~d . b) h i!' lack . of S. ::~~ l. sounds a ~soci al ~ d \.o,; ilh a particular Bill attends rt:'g Ula.r .cla.s ..,es . at At fale :l~.es I f('e) blll:' r, ne area \0 a specif c numbe r of tu rns Southern. lake:s notes to Br~ tJle, I ("~:mfcsses, 'hke whpn I meet a and bP nds In a side\\alk. WIt? Ihe a id of a small spe.claJly ~ J r l I would li ke 10 t:lke o ur . but Snow or rain presents 3 proo- d{>~l gn('d .dev ce, a nd does hIS as- I f l~ d that "she dot. .!'n ·!. under.,tand Ilem .
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