![(Middlesex.] Hornsey. 608 Post Office](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
(MIDDLESEX.] HORNSEY. 608 POST OFFICE Haywood Jobn, baker, High ~tr.-et Prime Henry, baker, Queen'~ road ' - Haywood John, linendraper, Hi~h street Robins John 1 japanner, High ~treet Haywood John, tobaceoui•t, Brid~e street Rowe Elizabeth (Mrs.), haberdasher, Brookshy's walk Haywood Thomas, grocer & post office, High street Rusk Charles William, hairdresser. parjsll clerk, & agent- Hill Thomas, leather seller, High street to Alliance insurance company, High street Homerton College (the trainillg- institution of the Congre­ Rust John Michael, beer retailer, High street gational Board of Educatiou, Rev. William Jordan Unwin, Shaw Edward, surgeon, High street M .A. princi1)al), High street Shaw John Buchanan, nurseryman, Brooksby's walk Hunn James, grocer, Water lane Short Thomas, bootroaker, High street Huntley James, baker, Queen's road Skivens Francis, 'lJuhe of York,' Queen's road Keeble William, tobacconist, High street Smith Jonah, 'A dam ~Eve,' High street Kyberd John, greengrocer, l\Iorning lane Smi1h Samuel, booksell{'r, High street Larter 1\-laria (Mr!1.), cowkeeper, High street Spurgeon Mary (Mrs.), beer retailer, Wick road Larter Thomas, bricklayer, Hig-h street. Stantord Thomas, clJPmist, High street Lee Robert, farmer & pound keeper, 1\Iarsh gate Stevens George, ' Spread Eagle,' High street Lee William, fruiterer, High street ~Hevens Elizaheth (Mrs.), cowkeeper Ill farmer, High street Livet William, grocer, Bro >k~b~ 's walk Stieb Lewi:~ William, tob~:~ccouist, High street Livin~ston David, 'Stag.' Brooks by's walk Stone John, !lurgeon, High street Low Abraharo, farmer, Mar!'h IJill Taylor William Henry, pawnbroker, High street Low William, cattle dealer, High street T<'mple Eliza (Mrs.), ladies' boarding school, Milford house, Martin Mattbew1 grocer, High street Upper Homerton Marval Eugenie, profe~sor of languages, High street Thomson Peter, egg merchant, Shepherd's lane M iller Thomas, grocer, High street Tous!!aint George, architect &c. 4 Homerton row 1\-Ioseley Jo;~eph, beer retailer, College Rtreet Trevallion Jolm Edmund, grocer, Hi~h street 1\lumford John, grocer & coal dealer, Brunswick street Truckey George, 'Plough,' High street 1\luncey Charles, bootmaker, High 10treet Upham Samuf'l, tailor, Morning lane Neale Thoma", beer retailer, Morning lane Wakefield Sarah (M r~. ), hoot & shoe maker, High street Newell Joseph, carpenter & undertaker, High street Warren John, butcber, High street Oldfield George, rope manufacturer, Keutoo road Watt~ Hammond, coTII chandler, Bridge street Orme Thomas, butcher, High street .. Webo William, carpenter, 6 Lower Homerton terrace Parry James, green~rocer, High street Wells William, razor strop maker, Bridge street Pierpoint Joseph, agent to County fire office, High street Weston Joseph, plumber & glazier, Bridge street Potter Maria (Mrs.), groeer, Hid1 street Wharton Thomas, ~tationer & library, High street Prime Augustus, grocer, Queen':~ road Wil•on Jame~, beer retaiJer, Hi(!h street Pulley Charles, solicitor, Ruperintendent registrar, & clerk WoodwardJo:;eJ>h, plumber & glazier, High street to Board of Guardians of Hackney Union, High street PosT OFFICE.-'I'homas Haywood, High street. Letters 1 Ram's Episcopal Chapel. High street, Rev. Thomas dispatched ~ past 9 a.m. i past I :i past 4 & 8 p.m Griffith, M.A. minister; Rev. Francis John Spitta, M.A. INSURANCE AGENTS:- assistant mini<ter . Alliance Fire~ Life, Charles Wm. Rusk, High street PUBLIC ScHooLs :- County Fire, Joseph Pierpoint, High street Homerton College., High street (tbe training institution of Royal Exchange Fire~ Life, Wm. Frith, Homerton row the Congregational Board of Education), Rev. William PUBLIC EsTABLISHMENTS:- 1 Jordan Unwin, M.A. principal East London Union (in course of erection) l Congregational Board o.f Education, Samuel 1\Iorley, . Hackney Union, fnr Hackney & Stoke N ewing-ton esq. treasurer; William Rutt, esq. boo. secr!:'tary . · ·parishes, Higll street, Charles Horton Pulley, esq. clerk Rnm's Episcopal (for boys), Durham grove, Edward · · to Guardians; William Bruce, master ; 1\Ir:~. Rebecca Popkins, ma,ter Bruce, matron Ram's Episcopal (for girls), Retreat place,Miss Elizabeth Superintendent Reg-istrar, Charles Horton Pulley, esq.; Bellringer, mistress offices, Upper Homerton & Parish house, Hackney Ram's Epi-~copal (for infant~), College lane, Mrs. Caroline PLACES OF WoRSHIP:- Copping, mistress St. Barnabas Church, High street, Rev. John Charles Training School for Boys (infants), Homerton row, Daniel, M.A. incumbent; Rev. John Peregrine Lascelles Thomas Brockwau, master; Miss Hannah Kerry, Infant Fenwick, 1\l.A. curate mistress Baptist Chapel, Homerton row,Rev. Wm. Palmer, minstr HIL:LINGDON.-See UXBRIDGE. HO:L:LOWAY, UPPER. AND :LOWER..-See "LONDON DIRECTORY." HOBl\TSEY, CR.OtTCB END. MUSWEL:L HI:LL, was 795. There are some fine views from the upper part and STROU'D GREEN. of Muswell hill, particularly from the Grove, in the occu- HoRNSEY is a suburban parish, 5 miles from London, in pation of W. Block, Esq., and which is remarkable as Ossulstone Hundred, Finsbury division, Edmonton Union, having been visited by Dr. Johnson; the grounds were and the jurisdiction of the Central Criminal Court and laid out by his favoured companion and colliterate Top-· Metropolitan Police. It is picturesque, and contains many ham Beauclerk, and to this day one of the walks retains villa residences lying on the New River. 'fhe acreage the name of Dr. Johnson's Walk. At the foot of this bill is 2,895 and the population,- in 1851, was 7 ,135. The is also pointed out the cottage where lived and died Bishops of London anciently had a palace here, at which Abraham Newland, cashier to the Bank of England, a Edward V. and Henry VII. received the homage of the dwelling made more renowned in after years as having citizens of London on their accession. The church was been tenanted by the author of " Lallah Rookh," and restored or rebuilt in 1832,except the ancient tower, which where it is stated Mr. Moore penned the poem. Miss is of stone. The ltving is a rectory, with a gll:'be house, Anne Jane Barbara .Moore, a daughter of the poet, is -valued £493 per annum, in the patronage of the Bishop buried in the churchyard. The living is a perpetual of London; the Rev. Richard Harvey, M.A., is the rec-tor. curacy. The first incumbent was the present Bishop of The church is pleasantly situated in a vale, and the Lincoln; at this time the Rev. James Bowell, :r.t:.A., is the interior contains some haudsome monuments and tablets. incumbent. HARRI:NGAY, tl1e residence of Edward H. Chapman, Esq., CROUCH END is a hamlet adjoinin~ Hornsey to the­ close to Hornsey, is pleasantly situated on the New River. south. A number of houses have been erected here in On the north side of the hills several feeders of the Colne May11ard-street. Here are a chapel of ease arid a Congre­ rise. At Hornsey, near the church, there is a station of gational cl1apel. the Great Northern railway, with an hotel adjoining. STROUD GREEN is a hamlet on the south, near Tol- MuswELL HILL is a hamlet of Hornsey, adjoining it lington Park. Dale House aud Hornsey Wood House are to the north. The district church is dedicattd to St. near Stroud Green. Wood Green is half a mile north. James, and was built in 1842. The population, in 1851, I FORTIS GREEN is another hamlet of Hornsey. GENTRY. Answorth Rohert, e!lq. Fortis green Baker Charles, esq. Crouch hill Aldridge Napoleon, esq. Crouch hill AttenboroughGeorge, esq. Grove lodge, Barker Alfred, esq. New rd.Croucb end .Angell Wm. S:mdel, e~oq, Tottenham la Muswell hill Barker Jabez, esq. Fortis green .
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