S7052 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 30, 2015 (d) SUBMISSION OF STRATEGIC PLAN.—Not The senior assistant legislative clerk ‘‘(2) the minimum wage applicable to later than 180 days after the date of the en- read as follows: American Samoa under section 6(a)(1) of the actment of the Act, and not less frequently Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 (29 U.S.C. A resolution (S. Res. 266) designating Sep- than biennially thereafter, the Chair and 206(a)(1)) shall be— tember 2015 as ‘‘National Kinship Care Vice Chair of the Commission shall jointly ‘‘(A) the applicable wage rate in effect for Month.’’ submit, to the appropriate congressional each industry and classification as of Sep- committees, a written strategic plan that in- There being no objection, the Senate tember 29, 2015; and cludes— proceeded to consider the resolution. ‘‘(B) increased by $0.40 an hour (or such (1) a description of prioritized actions for Mr. MCCONNELL. I ask unanimous lesser amount as may be necessary to equal the Commission for a period of time to be consent that the resolution be agreed the minimum wage under section 6(a)(1) of specified by the Commissioners; to, the preamble be agreed to, and the such Act), beginning on September 30, 2015, (2) a description of any changes the Com- motions to reconsider be considered and on September 30 of every third year mission considers necessary with regard to thereafter, until the minimum wage applica- the scope, content, and timing of the Com- made and laid upon the table with no ble to American Samoa under this paragraph mission’s annual report; intervening action or debate. is equal to the minimum wage set forth in (3) a description of any changes the Com- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without such section.’’. mission considers necessary with regard to objection, it is so ordered. (b) GAO REPORTS.—Section 8104 of the Fair personnel matters; and The resolution (S. Res. 266) was Minimum Wage Act of 2007 (29 U.S.C. 206 (4) the Commission’s funding requirements agreed to. note) is amended— for the period covered by the strategic plan. The preamble was agreed to. (1) in subsection (a)— (e) PENDING ISSUES.—The strategic plan re- (The resolution, with its preamble, is (A) by striking ‘‘September 1, 2011’’ and in- quired under subsection (d) may identify any serting ‘‘April 1, 2017’’; and issues or proposals that have not yet been re- printed in the RECORD of September 22, (B) by striking the second sentence and in- solved by the Commission. 2015, under ‘‘Submitted Resolutions.’’) serting the following: ‘‘The Government Ac- (f) IMPLEMENTATION OF PERSONNEL PROVI- Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I countability Office shall submit a subse- SIONS AND ANNUAL REPORT.—Notwith- suggest the absence of a quorum. quent report not later than April 1, 2020.’’; standing section 204(a) and 205(a) of the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The (2) in subsection (b), by striking ‘‘the study International Religious Freedom Act of 1998 clerk will call the roll. under subsection (a)’’ and inserting ‘‘any re- (22 U.S.C. 6432b(a) and 6533(a)), the Commis- The senior assistant legislative clerk port under subsection (a)’’; and sion is authorized to implement provisions (3) by adding at the end the following: related to personnel and the Commission’s proceeded to call the roll. ‘‘(c) REPORT ON ALTERNATIVE METHODS OF annual report that are included in the stra- Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I INCREASING THE MINIMUM WAGE IN AMERICAN tegic plan submitted pursuant to this sec- ask unanimous consent that the order SAMOA.—Not later than 1 year after the date tion. for the quorum call be rescinded. of enactment of ‘An Act to amend the Fair (g) CONGRESSIONAL OVERSIGHT.—Upon re- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Minimum Wage Act of 2007 to reduce a sched- quest, the Commission shall— objection, it is so ordered. uled increase in the minimum wage applica- (1) make available for inspection any infor- ble to American Samoa’, the Government mation and documents requested by the ap- f Accountability Office shall transmit to Con- propriate congressional committees; and AMENDING THE FAIR MINIMUM gress a report on alternative ways of increas- (2) respond to any requests to provide tes- WAGE ACT OF 2007 ing the minimum wage in American Samoa timony before the appropriate congressional to keep pace with the cost of living in Amer- committees. Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I ican Samoa and to eventually equal the min- SEC. 5. AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS. ask unanimous consent that the Sen- imum wage set forth in section 6(a)(1) of the Section 207 of the International Religious ate proceed to the immediate consider- Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 (29 U.S.C. Freedom Act of 1998 (22 U.S.C. 6435) is ation of H.R. 2617, which was received 206(a)(1)).’’. amended to read as follows: from the House. (c) EFFECTIVE DATE.—This Act, and the ‘‘SEC. 207. AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The amendments made by this Act, shall take ef- ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—There are authorized to fect as of September 29, 2015. be appropriated to the Commission $3,500,000 clerk will report the bill by title. for each of the fiscal years 2016 to 2019 to The senior assistant legislative clerk The amendment was ordered to be carry out the provisions of this Act and sec- read as follows: engrossed, and the bill to be read a tion 4 of the United States Commission on A bill (H.R. 2617) to amend the Fair Min- third time. The bill was read the third International Religious Freedom Reauthor- imum Wage Act of 2007 to postpone a sched- time. ization Act of 2015. uled increase in the minimum wage applica- The bill (H.R. 2617), as amended, was ‘‘(b) AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS.—Amounts au- ble to American Samoa. thorized to be appropriated under subsection passed. (a) shall remain available until the earlier There being no objection, the Senate The amendment (No. 2706) was agreed of— proceeded to consider the bill. to, as follows: ‘‘(1) the date on which they have been ex- Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I (Purpose: To amend the title) pended; or ask unanimous consent that the Isak- Amend the title so as to read: ‘‘An Act to ‘‘(2) the date on which the Commission is son amendment at the desk be agreed amend the Fair Minimum Wage Act of 2007 terminated under section 209. to, the bill, as amended, be read a third to reduce a scheduled increase in the min- IMITATION.—In each fiscal year, the ‘‘(c) L imum wage applicable to American Samoa.’’. Commission shall only be authorized to ex- time and passed, the amendment to the pend amounts that have been appropriated title be agreed to, and the motions to f pursuant to subsection (a) if the Commis- reconsider be considered made and laid ORDERS FOR THURSDAY, OCTOBER sion— upon the table. 1, 2015 ‘‘(1) complies with the requirements set The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without forth in section 4 of the United States Com- objection, it is so ordered. Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I mission on International Religious Freedom The amendment (No. 2705) was agreed ask unanimous consent that when the Reauthorization Act of 2015; and to, as follows: Senate completes its business today, it ‘‘(2) submits the annual financial report re- (Purpose: To reduce an increase in the min- adjourn until 9:30 a.m. on Thursday, quired under section 208(e) to the appropriate October 1; that following the prayer congressional committees.’’. imum wage for American Samoa, to adjust the reporting requirements of the Govern- and pledge, the morning hour be f ment Accountability Office regarding the deemed expired, the Journal of pro- NATIONAL KINSHIP CARE MONTH proposed minimum wage increases for ceedings be approved to date, and the American Samoa and the Commonwealth Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I time for the two leaders be reserved for of the Northern Mariana Islands, and for their use later in the day; that fol- ask unanimous consent that the Judi- other purposes) ciary Committee be discharged from lowing leader remarks, the Senate be Strike all after the enacting clause and in- in a period of morning business for 1 further consideration of S. Res. 266 and sert the following: the Senate proceed to its immediate hour, with Senators permitted to speak SECTION 1. MINIMUM WAGE FOR AMERICAN therein; further, that the time be consideration. SAMOA. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without (a) MINIMUM WAGE.—Paragraph (2) of sec- equally divided, with the majority con- objection, it is so ordered. tion 8103(b) of the Fair Minimum Wage Act trolling the first half and the Demo- The clerk will report the resolution of 2007 (29 U.S.C. 206 note) is amended to read crats controlling the final half; further, by title. as follows: that following morning business, the VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:23 Oct 01, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00042 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A30SE6.009 S30SEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE September 30, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S7053 Senate then resume consideration of There being no objection, the Senate, IN THE ARMY the motion to proceed to H.R. 2029, at 6:36 p.m., adjourned until Thursday, THE FOLLOWING ARMY NATIONAL GUARD OF THE with the time until 1:45 p.m. equally di- October 1, 2015, at 9:30 a.m. UNITED STATES OFFICER FOR APPOINTMENT IN THE RE- SERVE OF THE ARMY TO THE GRADE INDICATED UNDER vided between the two leaders or their f TITLE 10, U.S.C., SECTIONS 12203 AND 12211: designees; finally, that notwith- NOMINATIONS To be brigadier general standing the provisions of rule XXII, the Senate vote on the motion to in- Executive nominations received by COL.
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