THUNDRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE THUNDRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON MONDAY, 8TH MAY 2017 AT 7.45PM IN WODSON PAVILION, COLD CHRISTMAS LANE, THUNDRIDGE PRESENT: Cllr R Parkins (Chairman), Cllr S Bosson, Cllr B Hawes, Cllr J Spackman, Cllr M Spackman, Cllr B Taylor, Cllr C Brigden, Cllr B Shearman. Clerk: Belinda Irons HCC & EHDC Cllr David Andrews PUBLIC: 3 17.37 Election of Chairman: PROPOSAL: That Thundridge Parish Council herewith agree to reappoint Cllr Russell Parkins as Chairman. PROPOSED: Cllr Hawes, seconded Cllr Shearman. AGREED AND RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY. 17.38 Signing of Chairman’s Declaration of Acceptance of Office: The Chairman signed the Declaration at the meeting. 17.39 Apologies for absence: none. 17.40 Declarations of Members Interests (pecuniary, non-pecuniary, personal) Cllr Bosson: Planning: Glebe Field, North Drive: resides in North Drive personal Canterbury Park personal Cllr Hawes Planning: Glebe Field North Drive: resides in North Drive: personal Canterbury Park personal Cllr Taylor Glebe Field, North Drive: member of High Cross Church personal 17.41 Election of Vice-Chairman: PROPOSAL: That Thundridge Parish Council herewith agree to appoint Cllr Steve Bosson as Vice-Chairman. PROPOSED: Cllr J Spackman, seconded Cllr Hawes. AGREED AND RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY 17.42 Minutes of the Previous Meeting: 13th March 2017. Minutes of the meeting were agreed as a true and correct record of the meeting and were duly signed. 17.43 Public discussion: limited to 15 minute: Ware Business Park: parking outside premises: A parishioner commented that the Police had attended and more cars were being parked on the road, but some are still 1 Chairman’s signature.................................................................... Date: 12th June 2017. THUNDRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL parked on the footway. The parishioner suggested that the owner of the business park could be asked why vehicles are not parked in the car park below the building. The parishioner also commented that delivery vehicles cannot get into the site due to the manner cars are parked, and fork lift trucks have to cross the road to unload lorries. This is a dangerous situation, and it is unlikely the fork lift trucks are insured to travel on the public highway. Sewage smells are still evident on the road outside Hanbury Manor and the Sow & Pigs. The hedge is overgrown and encroaching the footway between the Thundridge Business Park and The Firs. New litter & dog waste bins: a parishioner asked when they will be installed. Public Right of Way near Swangles, Cold Christmas: part of the route is classified as ‘permissive’. A parishioner thought this to be incorrect and asked the Parish Council to investigate. A parishioner and resident of North Drive raised a complaint that residents of Riversmead Housing Association in North Drive are parking their vehicles on the green area outside their homes. To access the green space they remove fencing that is left accessible for the grass cutting vehicles to access. The resident wondered if this access point could be made secure so that only EHDC vehicles could access the green area. On occasions the resident has witnessed vehicles driving circles needlessly around the green. 17.44 Planning: Planning applications: 3/17/0734/HH 37 Ermine Street, Thundridge Planning application New bay window and porch roof, relocate window to side elevation: no objection 3/17/0976/HH Bonnets, High Road, High Cross Planning application Single storey rear extensions incorporating glazed link to garage: objection: overdevelopment of the site. 3/17/0838/HH 2 Hazeldown Villas, High Road, High Cross Planning application Extension to existing vehicular access: no objection 3/17/0251/FUL Land at North Drive, High Cross Decision awaited: amendment: comments by Erection of 21 dwellings with associated 15th May parking, landscaping and access: no further comment will be made as the amendments are considered to be very minor. 3/1228-13 Application for the variation of condition 1 (Time Limit for Commencement) and 2 Chairman’s signature.................................................................... Date: 12th June 2017. THUNDRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL condition 25 (Restoration) of planning permission 3/1228-13 to extend the life of the sand and gravel extraction and restoration via landfill and to amend the restoration details at Westmill Landfill Site, Westmill Road, Ware, Hertfordshire, SG12 0ES: due to go to public consultation 3/16/2194/FUL HC Motors, High Road, High Cross Decision awaited Demolition & rebuild of existing fire damaged garage/ workshop 3/17/0054/LBC The Feathers Inn, Cambridge Road, Listed building Wadesmill 3/17/0053/FUL Erection of external lighting, replacement of Decision awaited cellar doors, creation of patio area to rear, removal of and replacement of tarmac to front and landscaping works 3/17/0047/LBC The Feathers Inn, Cambridge Road, Listed building Decision awaited Wadesmill Retrospective application for the alterations of existing doors on the 1st floor 3/16/2833/LBC The Feathers Inn, Cambridge Road, Listed building Decision awaited Thundridge Alterations to 1st floor window at the rear to create a doorway fire escape. Addition of metal walkway fire escape platform across a single storey roof and metal stairway to the ground floor storage area. Section of existing parapet wall removed to allow for new fire escape route. 3/17/0198/ADV HC Motors, High Cross Permission granted 1 x internally illuminated fascia & 2 x non- illuminated panel signs (retrospective) 3/17/0150/HH 26 Cambridge Road, Thundridge Permission granted Proposed single storey side extension 3/17/0251/FUL Land at North Drive, High Cross Decision awaited Erection of 21 dwellings with associated parking, landscaping and access 3/17/0276/HH 2 Anchor Lane Cottages, Anchor Lane, Permission refused Wadesmill Two storey front extension 3/17/0283/FUL High Cross Service Station High Road High Retrospective permission granted Cross Alteration to shop front including shutters - Retrospective 3/17/0289/HH South Lodge Youngsbury Lane Wadesmill Permission granted Single storey rear extension 3/17/0351/LBC 2 Cambridge Road Wadesmill Listed building permission granted Demolition of conservatory. Erection of single storey rear extension (amendment to previous approval 3/16/2245/LBC) 3/17/0257/HH 1 Woodland Cottages Cold Christmas Lane Permission granted Thundridge 3 Chairman’s signature.................................................................... Date: 12th June 2017. THUNDRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL Single storey front extension 3/17/0503/FUL Land adjacent The Bungalow, High Road, Decision awaited High Cross Change of use of former builders yard to residential comprising the erection of 3 detached dwellings: 1 x 2 bed, 2 x 3 bed Other planning matters Ware North: Councillor meeting 22nd April 7pm Wareside: update The Chairman reported that a meeting with Wareside PC was undertaken following a meeting with Ware Town Council and EHDC, where both Parish Councils felt under- represented and under pressure to allow Ware Town Council to include parts of the Wareside and Thundridge Parish in the Ware Neighbourhood Plan. It had emerged at the meeting with Ware Town Council and EHDC that a ‘Master Plan’ was being made for Ware Town North Development. Wareside have requested an explanation from EHDC regarding how the ‘Masterplan’ will interact with the ‘Neighbourhood Plan’. The response from Claire Sime to Councillor Bob Brunton was that in terms of the status of a masterplan and a Neighbourhood Plan, a masterplan would be a material consideration in the planning process whereas a Neighbourhood Plan would contain planning policies which would have greater weight in the determination of a planning application. A meeting with Parish and District Councillors for Wareside and Thundridge is to be considered to ensure the correct Neighbourhood Plan boundary has been submitted. 3/17/0251/FUL: Glebe Field: Cllr Bosson reported that this application is likely to be decided at the June EHDC DMC meeting. Following discussion, Councillors agreed that if there is sufficient interest, a coach will be ordered to help take parishioners to the meeting, as this is the most effective method of demonstrating the depth of local feeling to planning applications. PROPOSAL: That Thundridge Parish Council herewith agree to fund the provision of a coach to transport parishioners and Councillors to the EHDC DMC meeting where application 3/17/0251/FUL 21 new dwelling on the Glebe Field, will be decided, with a maximum budget of £400 (four hundred pounds). PROPOSED: Cllr Taylor, seconded Cllr Shearman. AGREED AND RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY. The Clerk will seek quotes. ACTION: CLERK 17.45 Thundridge Parish Neighbourhood Plan Report by the Chairman of TPC NP: The meeting scheduled for the 5th May was postponed to the 15th May. Report by the Treasurer of TPC NP: 4 Chairman’s signature.................................................................... Date: 12th June 2017. THUNDRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL The first grant application final paperwork has been completed, and TPC needs to refund the unspent balance of £ 2,399. A follow on grant application is underway, and the intention is to apply for £ 6,399 being the remainder of the £ 9,000 available under this scheme. Housing survey: update: no further update available Public meeting update: no further update available Councillors discussed the Neighbourhood Plan and noted that the Project was in budget and appeared to be running on time. Councillors agreed that more involvement in the advisory group meetings is now required to show support and more importantly to ensure this project remained on budget and in time. Councillors agreed that monthly Parish Council meetings were necessary to ensure the Neighbourhood Plan timeline is achieved. The Parish Council agreed to hold a meeting on the 12th June. 17.46 Working parties update: Wodson Pavilion: Cllr Bosson will lead this group. No funds have been identified at this time. However, it is important to be ready to take advantage of any funds which may be forthcoming. To this end, quotes relating to a future new building will be sought.
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