wkqu; wOHdmk wdh;k (AECs) AAT ,dhy; mq;fPfupf;fg;gl;l fy;yp epiyaq;fs; (AECs) ACCREDITED EDUCATION CENTRES (AECs) AAT Sri Lanka ikakduh fhdod.ksñka Tfí orejd AAT mdGud,dj meje;afjk mka;s i`oyd fkdñ,fha n`ojd .kakd njg flfrk ±kqj;a lsÍï fndfydauhla bÈßfha§ Tng ,efnkq we;' ie,ls,su;a jkakæ fufia fkdñ,fha Tfí orejd tu wOHdmksl wdh;kj,g n`ojd .ksñka fkdñ,fha mka;s mj;ajk njg ±kqï ÿkako" tjka wdh;kj,g Tfí orejd AAT iqÿiqlu iïmQ¾K lrk ;=re wOHdmkh ,nd fokakg fkdyels nj ;yjqre ù we;' Tfí orejdf.a wOHdmkh w;ru. weKysgjk tjka Wmldrl mka;s j,g orejd fhduq fkdlr" Tyq$weh AAT wdh;kh yd ,shdmÈxÑ ù we;s" AAT wdh;kfha wëlaIKhg ,lajk" my; i`oyka wkqu; wOHdmk wdh;k (AEC) j,g muKla fhduq lrjkak' ^my; w÷re meye;s fldgqj iys; fma<sfha olajd we;s “F” hkq mQ¾K ,shdmÈxÑh ,enQ wdh;k o “P” hkq mQ¾K ,shdmÈxÑhg kshñ; w¾O ,shdmÈxÑh iys; wOHdmk wdh;k nj o i,lkak'& ePq;fs; mt;tg;NghJ AAT ,yq;ifapDila ,yl;rpidia gad;gLj;jp> AAT fw;ifnewpapid ,ytrkhf fw;f KbAk; vd;w gy;NtW jtwhd jfty;fis ngw;Wf;nfhs;s KbAk;. mt;thwhd fy;tp epWtdq;fs; ,ytr fw;if newpfis elj;Jtjhf njupag;gLj;jpapUg;gpDk; ePq;fs; mit njhlu;ghf kpfTk; tpopg;Gld; ,Uq;fs;. cq;fs; gps;isfs; AAT jifikapid KOikahf G+uzg;gLj;Jk; tiu mt;thwhd epWtdq;fs; G+uz fy;tpr; Nritia toq;fKbahjpUg;gJld; mt;thwhd nghWg;Gf;fs; vitAk; mtu;fSf;F ,y;iy. vdNt cq;fs; gps;isfis mt;thwhd nraw;ghl;bw;F JizNghtij tpLj;J mtu;fis gpd;tUk; AAT ,yq;ifapy; gjpT nra;ag;gl;L mWkjpaspf;fg;gl;l fy;tp epWtdq;fspy; fy;tpapidj; njhlu topfhl;Lq;fs;. ,e; epWtdq;fs; AAT ,yq;ifapd; Neub Nkw;ghu;itf;F cl;gl;lit. (KOikahf gjpT nra;ag;gl;l epWtdq;fs; F vDk; FwpaPl;bdhYk; gFjpastpy; gjpT nra;ag;gl;L KOikahf gjpT nra;a vjpu;ghu;f;fg;gLk; epWtdq;fis P vDk; FwpaPl;bdhYk; epwe;jPl;lg;gl;l ngl;bapDs; fhl;lg;gl;Ls;sJ.) You may receive information, from time to time, using the AAT Sri Lanka logo that your child can be admitted to classes covering the AAT Course free of charge. Be extremely vigilant! It has now been discovered that although such educational institutes have made it known that classes are conducted free of charge. Those institutes are unable to provide education until your child completes the AAT qualification, and that there is no commitment to do so. Do not therefore direct your child to such “Support Classes” and instead, refer him/her only to the following Accredited Education Centers (AECs) ,registered with AAT Sri Lanka, coming under its direct supervision. (Institutions with full registration are marked “F” and those partly registered and expected to receive full registration are marked “P” in the shaded box) F Medium District - Name of AEC Address Contact No. P E S T Ampara F Institute of Global Knowledge No. 216, 1st Floor, Main Street, Nintavur 16 0777123289 / 0672251304 Ampara P London Business Academy No. 271, Main Street, Akkaraipattu - 02 0779935383 /0758216161 / 0672280123 P NMC- Nanasa Management No. 10, Jayawidu Education Centre, Ampara Centre Dehiattakandiya 0715595242 / 0711277493 P NMC- Nanasa Management DMH Higher Educational Institute, 08, Ampara Centre Siridammarathana Mw, Ampara 0715595242 F No. 561/87 N, Maitreepala Senanayake 0252234700 / 0771622777 / Anuradhapura JMC – Anuradhapura Mawatha, Anuradhapura. 0702905301 F 561/B, 45/2, 4th Cross Lane, Sathosa Road, Anuradhapura CBS- Ceylinco Business School Anuradhapura 0252234352 / 0773650044 Badulla F Stargate Education Institute No. 315, Viharagoda, Badulla. 0702559669 / 0767676715 F APS - Academy of Professional 4th Floor, DFCC Bank Building, Main Street, Badulla Studies Bandarawela 0716130268 / 0719860014 Badulla F JMC – Bandarawela 645/5, Badulla Rd, Thanthiriya, Bandarawela 0575 679 764 / 0714 150 399 Badulla F Institute of ABM - (Shilpa) “Shilpa”, Miyugunagama, Mahiyanganaya. 0702559669 / 0767676715 Badulla F GCBT - Greenwich College No.18, Coco waththa Road, Badulla 0773413835 / 0552225655 www.aatsl.lk 1 F Medium District - Name of AEC Address Contact No. P E S T P NMC - Nanasa Management Badulla Centre Siksa, Puhulyaya, Mahiyanganaya 0715595242 / 0779114072 / 0711277493 Batticaloa F ABS- Acctecm Business School No. 16,Thamarakerni Road, Batticaloa 0777696168 Batticaloa F HBS College of Accounting No 07,Old Rest House Rd, Batticaloa. 0652059199/0776435333 No. 35 1/1, Advocate Abdul Cader Road, Batticaloa P IBC-Ideal Business College 0779690095 Kattankudy - 03. I.V.L Educational Services (Pvt) Ltd, 140/3/1 Baticaloa P IVL Education 0718248024 , Trinco Road Batticaloa AAT Sri Lanka Week-end 0112559669 / 0117559669 / Colombo Classes Wesley College, Colombo 09. 0777559 669 F AAA - Academy of Advanced No.249/2, Sheelananda Mw, Kotikawatte, Colombo Accounting Angoda 0112157280/0712531009/0722531009 F IAS – Institute of Accounting Colombo Studies No. 550, Havelock Road, Colombo 06. 0112505483 / 0112552758 / 0718212522 F No. 65/2A, Sir Chittampalam A. Gardiner 0112430451 / 0115755600 Colombo JMC - Colombo 02 Mawatha, Colombo 02. 0714150400 Colombo F JMC - Kaduwela 50/1, New Kandy Road, Kaduwela. 0113156323/0112571001/0714150405 Colombo F JMC - Maharagama No. 104, Dehiwala Rd, Maharagama. 0112160090 / 0714115498 Colombo F Sipway Institute 119/1, Highlevel Road, Maharagama 0112842121/0773608504 F BEST- Britannia Education 53/1, Nalaka Somawardena Mawatha, Colombo Services & Tuition Kotikawatta. 0773516559 / 0112549623 No 145/1, Sipsara Higher Education Colombo F GEC-Genius Education Centre Institute, Colombo Rd, Wewala, 0772515055 / 0713320650 Piliyandala. F KBBS- Knowledge Base Colombo Business Studies (Pvt) Ltd No.1C, 2/2 Charlemont Rd, Colombo 06. 076-5309742 F ACA – Academy of Computing No. 29, Sri Bodhiraja Mw(Shoe Rd), Colombo and Accounting Kotahena, Colombo 13. 0717308075 / 0777308075 Sakya Academy of Higher 08, Pierterz Place, Kohuwala, Colombo F 0777583268 / 0112814908 Education (Pvt) Ltd Nugegoda Wales/Nethumina Higher Colombo F No.55,Willorawatte, Moratuwa 0759371101 / 0112650628 Education Institute MAC Professional Education No. 256, Galle Road, Rawathawatta, 0112641780 / 0763147028 / Colombo F Centre Moratuwa 0773278280 No. 7, Sangam Lane, Wellawatte, Colombo P VALAKAM Institute 0777382108 / 0113150268 Colombo 06 IMA – Sri Sumana Higher 0772258750 / 0362230170 / Colombo P No. 71/4, Yatiyanthota Road, Avissawella Education Centre 0776946152 Colombo P AOG Campus 139 B, Kolonnawa Rd, Kolonnawa 0777110580 / 0772278844 Colombo P Gurukula Institute Awissawella Rd., Nawagamuwa 0712520119 / 0772905662 Colombo P Science Centre No. 53/11 A, Horana Rd, Padukka 0726052233 / 0112830082 Colombo P Sasira Educational Centre No. 48, Maharagama Rd, Piliyandala 0714343785 / 0772910329 Colombo P K-Aims Business School No. 35/1/1, Upatissa Road, Colombo 04 0772555814 Colombo P Osis Education Centre No. 10, Alhena Rd, Maharagama 0714343785 / 0772910329 Colombo P Excel Educational Centre No. 568 3FL, Maradana Rd, Colombo 10. 0714343785 / 0772910329 Colombo P Syntax Education 62/8, Kolonnawa Road, Kolonnawa 0772381981 Landmark Management 0772456880 / 0727456880 Galle F No. 133/3/B, Wackwella Road, Galle Consultants (Pvt) Ltd. 0912235622 ACBS- Advanced Centre for No. 21/01, 1st Lane, Thaladuwa Rd, Gampaha F 0772471192 / 0719999643 Business Studies Negombo 0332229122 / 0335629764 / Gampaha F JMC - Gampaha No. 136, Yakkala Road, Gampaha. 0714114794 Gampaha F JMC - Kiribathgoda 392/1/1, Kandy Road, Kiribathgoda. 0115755609 / 0714884633 24/8, First Lane, Thaladoowa Road, Gampaha F JMC - Negombo 0314922125 / 0772217133 Negombo 2 www.aatsl.lk F Medium District - Name of AEC Address Contact No. P E S T 538/3, 38 Mile Post, Malwatta, Gampaha F JMC - Nittambuwa 0332291031 / 0714150404 Nittambuwa IPS- Institute of Professional Gampaha F 185/A, Thaladuwa Road, Negombo 0775775256 / 0724399039 Studies SBS - Synergy Business No 44, Old Minuwangoda Gampaha F 0717077998 School Road,Gampaha LPEC - Lanka Professional No. 94/2/19, Udayacity Building, Makola Gampaha F 0112907429 / 0770380740 Examination Centre (Pvt) Ltd. Rd, Kiribathgoda CPMS - Centre of Professional Kelani Higher Education Institute, No. Gampaha P 0759365036 / 0777921176 Management Studies. 216/3, Kandy Rd, Dalugama, Kelaniya Velocity Higher Educational No. 3M/24C, National Housing Scheme, Gampaha P 0112911192 / 0771897290 Centre Kiribathgoda, Kelaniya Gampaha P NMPI - New Montana No. 05/B/02, Ja-ela Rd, Gampaha 0719680595 / 0719301271 Science Centre Educational “Science Centre, Udammita, Gampaha P 0711512630 Institute Veyangoda PASS - Professional Gampaha P Accounting Selection for No . 71/1/4, Yakkala Road, Gampaha 0776519317 / 0770150479 Success Benedict XVI Catholic No. 465, Minuwangoda Rd., Gampaha P Institute of Higher Education 0312224422 / 0711262475 Bolawalana, Negombo Private Limited 0312231515 / 0717556255, Gampaha P Negombo Wisdom College No. 35/3, St. Lazarus Road, Negombo 0727573709 “Sisumina”, Jayamaga Usas Adyapana Sisumina Higher Education Hambanthota F Ayathanaya, Kachcheriyagama, 0715345185 Centre Thissamaharamaya Hambanthota P DISAPA AAT CENTRE Palliyawatta Road, Thissamaharama 0715534806 JCUD – Jaffna College Jaffna F No. 464, Hospital Road, Jaffna. 0212223382 / 0212229149 Undergraduate Department IBM - Institute of Business No. 01, 2nd Lane, Power House Road, Jaffna P 021-2227770 / 0777633915 Management Jaffna IBM – Innovative Business Jaffna P No. 61, Palali Rd, Jaffna 0777836653 / 0772264643 Managers BHEI – Buddhi Higher No.24/1, Janapriya Mawatha, Kalutara F 0382230549 / 0777753889 Educational Institute Panadura. Kalutara F JMC – Kalutara 30, Kettarama Road, Kaluthara South 0345629764 / 0719762607 IPC- Institute
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