QUQUQUEENSUEENSUEENUEENSEENEENEENSSS Volume 64, No. 164 THURSDAYTHURSDAY,, DECEMBERDECEMBER 6,6, 20182018 50¢50¢ LILIJudge LawyersLawyers Margulis Charged Charged UEENS WithWithLeaves DefraudingDefrauding Mark On Q ClientsClients for for Millions Millions CourtByBy Jonathan Jonathan Through Sperling Sperling QueensQueens Daily Daily Eagle Eagle TheyThey were were hired hired to to practice practice the the law law — — not not breakbreak it. it. ODAY MentalNow two recently Health disbarred lawyers and from a TODAY Now two recently disbarred lawyers from a T former Long Island law firm are facing multiple former Long Island law firm are facing multiple — DECEMBER 6, 2018 —— grand larceny charges and a scheme to defraud grandchargeCourtroom larceny for allegedly charges pilfering and a schememore Techthan to $7defraud million ««« chargefrom thefor settlementsallegedly pilfering of dozens more of than clients, $7 million Queens ««« from the settlementsBy David of dozens Brand of clients, Queens PARENTS IN DISTRICT 30 ARE District AttorneyQueens Richard Daily A. BrownEagle announced on PARENTSTRIAL IN BEGINSDISTRICT IN 30 ARE DistrictThursday. Attorney Brown Richard was appointed A. Brown to announced the case ason a FUMING OVER SCHOOL BUS ISSUES During his nearly seven years serving in Numerous‘OLD-FASHIONED’FUMING problems OVER SCHOOL with STICK-UP school BUS busISSUES CASE drivers have Thursday.special prosecutor Brown was by theappointed Office ofto Nassauthe case County as a Queens Supreme Court, Criminal Term, Justice parents ANumerous Queens and school problems man children heading with lookingschool home bus for drivers earlyanswers haveone in specialDistrict prosecutor Attorney by Madeline the Office Singas of Nassau in orderCounty to LongSaturdayparents Island and morning schoolCity. The children in incidents November looking were for 2016so answersbad hadfor theina DistrictIraavoid Margulis any Attorney conflict has leftMadeline of hisinterest. mark Singas on the in court. order to residentsfeelingLong Island he of wasDistrictCity. beingThe 30 incidents andfollowed. PS 384Q,were He so they wasbad heldforright. thean avoid Margulis,The any defendantsconflict who of was interest.— first 60-year-olds elected to Mitchellthe civil emergencyRonaldresidents Hortonof Districtmeeting testified 30 withand that PSthe 384Q, heDepartment froze they whenheld anofhe courtLenchnerThe bench defendants and in Corey 2003 beforeKaye,— 60-year-olds bothbecoming of Long a MitchellSupreme Island — Education,realizedemergency two accordingmeeting men were withto aboutABC7 the to. Department Inrob addition him steps ofto LenchnerCourtwere servedjustice, and Coreywith purchasedcriminal Kaye, both complaints brighter,of Long Islandstemmingenergy- — Queens Supreme Court Justice Gregory efficientfrom allegations lighting that for they his defrauded courtroom, 29 clientsintroduced be- skippingfromEducation, his stops,St. according Albans leaving home kidsto ABC7. atRead school. moreIn andaddition about dropping theto were served with criminal complaints stemming Queens Supreme Court Justice Gregory newtween chairs January for 2010 jurors and and May staff 2018 and at the set since- up a offtrialskipping kids on atpage stops, the wrong2. leaving stops, kids parents at school tell andstories dropping of a 5- from allegations that they defrauded 29 clients be- Lasak Honored at Retirement Breakfast tweenprojectorshuttered January andlaw 2010 100-inchfirm and of May Kayescreen 2018 &to at Lenchner.ensure the since- that If year-oldoff kids at giving the wrong his bus stops, driver parents directions, tell stories multiple of a 5- driversyear-old heading giving histhe buswrong driver direction directions, on one-waymultiple FromLasak left, Administrative Honored Judge of the Supreme at RetirementCourt, Civil Division, Jeremy Weinstein; Breakfast NYS Supreme Court shutteredjurors,convicted, attorneys law they firm face and ofa staff minimumKaye can & ofviewLenchner. one important year toIf a streetsdriversEASTERN andheading QUEENSone driverthe wrongGROUPS refusing direction ANNOUNCEto help on kids one-way buckle2018 FromJustice left, Gregory Administrative Lasak; Presiding Judge of Justice, the Supreme NY Supreme Court, Court, Civil Division, Appellate Jeremy Division, Weinstein; Randall NYS Eng; Supreme Queens County Court convicted,videomaximum evidence they of 25 face and years amaterials. minimum in prison. of one year to a seatstreetsFLUSHING belts. and “This one COMMUNITY driveris a crisis refusing for anyHOLIDAY to parent help kidswhoseDINNER buckle child JusticeSurrogate Gregory Court Lasak; Judge Presiding Peter Kelly. Justice, See NYmore Supreme coverage Court, on pages Appellate 15 and Division, 16. Randall Eng;Eagle Queens photo by County Andy Katz maximum That ofcourtroom 25 years inTLC prison. Continuedreflects on Margulis’ page 7 is affected, and the city of New York and the mayor commitment to the criminal justice system in seatThe belts. “ThisGreater is a crisisFlushing for any parentChamber whose childof Surrogate Court Judge Peter Kelly. See more coverage on pages 15 and 16. Eagle photo by Andy Katz Continued on page 7 and the DOE need to be handling this as if it’s a his native borough. So does his work presiding Commerce,is affected, and La the Jornada, city of New Green York Earthand the Urban mayor crisis,” said City Councilmember Jimmy Van over cases involving defendants with mental Gardensand the DOE and St. need George’s to be handling Church willthis announceas if it’s a Bramer.crisis,” Parentssaid City said Councilmemberthat at their emergency Jimmy meeting Van Emptyillness, a role that Courthouse has given Margulis important Thursdaythe details night, of theit was 2018 established Flushing that Community any school perspective on how the justice system addresses withHolidayBramer. persistent Parents Dinner, issues said serving that would at theirhot get emergencyholidaya new bus meals meetingservice. to Empty Courthouse Thursday night, it was established that any school mental health. Themembers current of service,the local Grandpa’s community, Bus includingCompany, Justice Ira Margulis has upgraded the technology in his courtroom. Full of History releasedwith persistent a statement issues apologizing would get fora new the incidentsbus service. and By Clarissa Sosin familiesThe current in need service, on Dec. Grandpa’s 7 at 11 a.m.Bus OrganizersCompany, Eagle photo by David Brand Continued on page 7 assuringwill be joinedthat there by iselected a zero-tolerance officials policy and civicfor Full Queensof History Daily Eagle released a statement apologizing for the incidents and Inside the ByQueens Clarissa County Sosin Courthouse in Long lawbreakingleaders to encourage and leaving local children businesses in danger. to support They alsoassuring set thatup telephonethere is a hotlineszero-tolerance for any policy parents for Island City a janitorQueens cleaned Daily the Eagle second floor bathroom, experiencingthislawbreaking event with andissues: donations leaving 718-475-7585, children of food, in 718-475-7586,clothing, danger. They and a loneInside security the Queens guard watched County theCourthouse front door in while Long his andfunds.also 718-475-7587.set up telephone hotlines for any parents Islandcolleagues City a janitortook their cleaned lunch the breakssecond floorand abathroom, judge sat experiencing issues: 718-475-7585,««« 718-475-7586, New Grant Puts Queensborough Students on Roada chattinglone security to with Science guardvisitors watched on the the empty frontCareers doorbenches while of his his and 718-475-7587. colleaguescourtroom. took theirBy Paula lunch breaksKatinas and a judge sat QUEENSPOLL TURNS FINDS RURAL MAJORITY THIS WEEKEND OF chattingThe withdark hallways,visitors on normally the empty bustling benches with ofpeople, his Queens Daily Eagle NEW YORKERSFOR THE APPROVE «««COUNTY FAIR OF AMAZON courtroom.sat mostly empty during a lull Wednesday, leaving signs TheQUEENS annualresults TURNS Queensof a QuinnipiacRURAL County THIS Fair UniversityWEEKEND is coming poll to of theTheA building’s darkfederally-funded hallways, rich history normally outprogram bustlingin the open withthat for people, visitorshelps toQueensborough admire Community College students Floralreleased Park Wednesday Sept.FOR 22-23, THE are COUNTY and generating they’re FAIR bringing controversy a jam- sat mostly empty during a lull Wednesday, leaving signs moveThe on pillared to four-year façade ofcolleges the English so they Renaissance- can begin packedamongThe scheduleannualAmazon Queens of family-friendly opponents. County Fair rural isQuinnipiac activitiescoming toto of the building’s rich history out in the open for visitors the city. Hayrides, pie-eating, corn husking contests, tostyle toadmire pursue building careers sits overlooking in the biomedical Court Square field Park hasin surveyedFloral Park 1,075Sept. 22-23,New andYork they’re City bringingvoters abouta jam- Long Island City near the intersection of Jackson and carnivalpacked schedule rides, blue of family-friendlyribbon competitions rural activities and much to gottenThe pillared a big boostfaçade withof the the English renewal Renaissance- of a $1.6 whether they approve of “Amazon locating one styleThomson building Avenues. sits overlooking According Courtto a plaque Square outside Park inthe morethe city. will Hayrides, be available. pie-eating, “[The faircorn is] husking great for contests, all ages frontmillion door, grant, the constructionCity
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