. EMPLOYEES' SPARDI GRAS RED CROSS THE NOBLEST MOTIVE THE PUBLIC GOOD SCHEDULED QUOTA MET FOR MAY 26 Goal Surpassed by $ 1 3.1 5: Chairman Appoints Totals Reach $22 1 3. 1 5 Committee Heads College employees surpassed Committee heads for the annual their Red Cross goal by $13.15, Spardi Gras, to be held this year when the total contributions on May 26, have been chosen by reached $2,218.15 following dons- tons made yesterday, according Chairman Hugh Johnston and his to Chairman Mel Wright. assistants, Jeanne Wright and Milt Several more contributions are Levy. FRIDAY, MARCH 17, 1944 Number to be turned in VOL. XXXII SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, 103 today, says Mr. Working directly under the Wright, bringing the total still three chairmen are the publicity farther above expectations. The student goal of $800 was heads . Phil Sykes, in charge exceeded by $89.24, making a total of posters; and Gerry Reynolds, of $3,102.39 raised by the college Music Recital Sunday heading press publicity. over the period of six days. Committees under Chairman FINE EFFORT Vright include Entertainment, "This fine effort was due in ENSEMBLE PROGRAM IN large part to the efforts of Jane with/1..eah Ilardcastle as chair- Ellen Curry student chairman, Allenian Book Drive man; Feed, under Jewel Davis; STARS and her commitees," says Mr. LITTLE THEATER Queen Election, Anna Mae DEMI; Wright. "Congratulations are def- Closes Today; Last and Costumes, Pat Cavanaugh. initely in order for such fine stu- WOMEN'S GLEE GROUP COMMITTEES dent spirit." , Working under Levy are Bar- The campus drive was officially musk to be presented-in the San Jose Chance to Donate The program of enilirnble bara Lee Rico and Bruce Duke, opened a week ago Wednesday State College Little Theater Sunday afternoon at 5 o'clock, will offer Today marks the end of the Al- Contests; Howard Riddle, Jack with an all-college assembly, at a variety of numbers from early American to obligatos by the string lenian hook drive which was con- Reiserer, and Jo Ann Sweeney, which Capt. Robert L. Howard of ducted on campus for one week Construction; Marge Howell and the Army Air Corps, and Miss ensemble. to collect books for men and wo- Jeanne Fischer, Prizes; and Pat Ann MeMechen of the Red Cross, Those performing for the evening's entertainment will be the men in the armed forces. Dunlavy and Betty Doyle, Jud- spoke to a capacity audience in Glee club directed by Alma Lowry Williams: the woodwind Women's "This is the last chance for all ges. the Morris Dailey auditorium. directed by Frances Robinson. Spartans to bring their contribu- "The above committee heads are Assisting Miss Curry in plan- AMERICAN SONGS tions and place them in the box- welt fitted for their respective ning the student part of the cam- Early American songs, sung by es, state Allenian members. jobs," says Johnston, "and they paign were Gerry Reynolds, Mar- Club-la-the first part _of __Boxes for the books are in the will be choosing people for their ilynn Willson, Milt Levy and Senior Council Lois the evening wilt include the fa- Science building in the Quad, in groups th1at next three Alton, mous song, "My Love Is Gone To front of the Morris Dailey audi- weeks." ORGANIZATIONS Members Will Sea," by Hopkinson, a signer of torium, in the Co-op, and in the A meeting will be held Mon- Five campus organizations con- the Declaration of Independence Dome Economics building. day at noon in the Student Un- ducted the drive for one day each, and the first person to write a Fiction and non-fiction books, ion to discuss the necessary foun- manning the collection both lo- Attend Party non-religious song. Also sung by magazines, textbooks, collections dation plans, says the chairman, cated between the library arch- members of Tonight will find the Glee Club will be "What of short stories, poetry, any books and all committee heads are ur- ways. First was Spartan Spears, council congre- the senior class Can A Poor Maidtn Do?" by that students themselves. would ged to attend. raising $271; inter-fraternity col- gating for a party given in their Horn. like to read may be put in the CONSTRUCTION lected $91.75; inter-society, $199; honor by Dr. James De Voss, dean Following the early American boxes. The -construction committee is A. W. A., $51; and Veterans of of the upper division, at his home songs, the woodwind ensemble will Now on display in the library already World War II, $174.67. anindvetshtiegaottihnegr gprroiceupss lorer in the eastern foothills. present a group of numbers in are two editions of books that Campus groups which contrib- All council members who plan which "Prelude and Minuet" by have gone around the world, prov- inot-in body, working out their primary plans:. to attend are asked to meet in Pessard is included. Those making ing that books received by the Alm, $50; Allenian, $75; Kappa All students interested in be- front of the Student Union at up the woodwind ensemble are servicemen are widely read, in- KIWI Sigma, $50; Delta Pi, $311; coming members of one or another 1-:1-k-rather4han_at_1:30 was th Childs, member of the San fortn the members. - Chi, $20; Sappho, $50; Spar- committee are asked to attend Zeta announced in yesterday's Daily. Francisco symphony and renown- Mem rsor the organizations tan Spears, ;11; and the fresh- the meeting-MOAdar-as commit- Those who have cars are urged ed for her talents in mastering are wearing lapel pins in the man class, $111.71. tees will be _chosen from those by class president Boots Prindi- the oboe; Edith Eagan, also on the shape of books to remind students present, according to Johnston. ville to bting them if possible. oboe; flutes, Dorothy Mae Weller that the drive is still going on, This will be the twelfth annu- Council members include, aside and Harriet Blue; clarinet, Wilma and that all contributions will be al Spardi Gras, a spring festival LA TORRE STAFF from Miss Prindiville, Jeanette Sabelman and Betty Barrington; appreciated. and Jewell Abbott, Tommy Alex- horns, Carol Purvine and Gene to which all students and facul- ander, Marge Bone, Gerry Rey- Chappell; bassoons, Louise Mau ty members come in costumes to MEETS AT NIGHT witness a nolds, Jean meinnes, Bee Lau- and Meroy Topham, and the bass Mary Post Co-Op variety of staged en- rence, Phil Sykes, Elwyn Deatoch, Ham- tertainment and society-managed clarinet played by Shirley Past members of the Mary Post TWICE A WEEK Rozelluh Ryan. concessions. ilton. Co-operative house are urged to Marilyn Richmond, Marian Ja- Night meetings twice a week OBBLIGATOS meet in room 39 of the Health cobsen, Gerry Hawkins, Carolyn will be the regular schedule for Accompanied by Mary Dickson wing today at 12:80. There will Book Exchange To Allen. Lois Bohnett, Frances La Torre staff members next on the piano, the Glee club's third be an important business meeting Jones. Jane Ellen Curry, Gerry quarter as they redouble their section of the program will con- at that time. Open Wed., Mar. 22 Wilkinson, Kay Matthews, and efforts to get the 1944 yearbook sist of songs with obbligatos. Miss Gertrude Mazette. out by the end of May. Dickson will also accompany Beth 10 To 4 O'Clock Double-time work is necessi- Childs who will play an oboe ob- USO Dances Opening Wednesday, March 22, tated since the printers must bligato "Song of the Shepherd" the Student Book Exchange will start photographing layouts a few BOARD HOLDS from "The Snow Maiden" by CRC be functioning for the remainder at a time if they are to com- (Continued on Page 4) Held Sundays MEETING of the week from 10 until 4 p.m. plete the book on schedule. ELECTION, Because of many requests from Last night the staff met again AT 4:15 IN ROOM 7 the central USO committee and Books will be sold the first for their third session this week. Student Council the recreation officers at Moffett week of spring quarter, with mon- The regular meeting of the Work on Senior pages began Tues- Field, the Student Union will be oy or unsold books to be turned board of directors of the College day and was continued in last Holds Last Meet open on Sundays beginning March over to students later on In the conference win be held night's meeting. There will be no Religious Quarter 19, for recreational evenings and quarter........--- night seisions during final week, at 4:15 today in room 7. Of The (lances. As a non-profit organization, the Election of officers will take but the_staff will convene during Student Council members will "After much discussion we feel Book Exchange operates for the place at today's meeting. Plans the regular scheduled time for hold their last meeting of the a need for opening the Student benefit of the students by buy- for Religious Efirphasis week in their final to do additional layouts. quarter Monday afternoon at 4 Union for games and dances Sun- ing and selling books at a nominal April will be reported upon. Students who have paid deposits o'clock, announces ASB President day evenings," states Mrs. Sa- sum, according to Virginia Fer- pay- Following the meeting, the stu- on yearbooks may make final Jane Graham. rah Wilson, adviser of the col- guson, newly elected chairman. Miss Owen dent group of the C.R.C. will have ments next quarter. At that time they will submit lege USO board.
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