E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 108 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 150 WASHINGTON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 2004 No. 107 House of Representatives The House was not in session today. Its next meeting will be held on Monday, September 13, 2004, at 12:30 p.m. Senate FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 2004 The Senate met at 9:30 a.m. and was REMEMBRANCE OF SEPTEMBER 11, mom and dad died. But Tony went to work called to order by the President pro 2001 that day thinking just like we do, that noth- tempore (Mr. STEVENS). ing is going to happen. You just don’t get The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Under over that. the previous order, the Senate will ob- PRAYER We all feel a profound sadness for serve a moment of silence in remem- those who lost loved ones on that fate- The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- brance of the events of September 11, ful day. There is little we can say or do fered the following prayer: 2001. to fill the immense void in their Let us pray: (Moment of silence.) hearts. But we can hope and we can Infinite Spirit, You made heaven and f pray that one day the wounds of those Earth, the sea and all that is in them. LEADER TIME who still hurt may heal. Thank You for Your gracious right- September 11 impressed upon us that eousness that is the same yesterday, The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Under life is a precious gift. Every life has a today, and forever. Help us to find rest the previous order, there will now be a purpose. And I think we all have a duty and peace in You. Loose us from the period for the use of leader time. The to devote at least a small portion of chains of addictions that prevent us majority leader is recognized. our daily lives to ensuring that neither from doing Your will. Remind us of the f America nor the world ever forgets foolishness of seeking security apart REFLECTING ON SEPTEMBER 11, September 11. Something that Karyn and I did was from You. Make us a righteous Nation 2001 so that You will be our shelter and to take our three boys, our three sons, shield. Bless the Members of this body. Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, this morn- to New York City to visit Ground Zero Help them in the making of laws to ing we in the Senate honor the memory soon after the attacks. We wanted to execute justice for the oppressed and to of the victims of the September 11 at- sear in their minds a lasting and vivid set the captives free. Protect them in tacks. Tomorrow, all Americans will memory of the worst that evil can do their work and keep them from those take time from the regular course of in the world but at the same time the things that lead to ruin. their weekend to do the same—to re- best that we can do in America. Today we pause to remember the vic- flect in their own personal way on the Our Nation will, of course, always re- tims of September 11. Comfort their terrible events of 3 years ago. member the courage of the emergency families and friends and continue to be The essence of the tragedy of Sep- workers who rushed to Ground Zero on the shield of protection for America; tember 11, 2001, remains self-evident: that fateful day; who rushed to help in for You are our rock and our Re- The victims were innocent. They were Shanksville, PA; who rushed to the deemer. Amen. simply going about their daily lives, Pentagon just a mile from here. These working at their desks, answering heroes risked their lives, and many lost emergency calls, traveling on business f their lives, so that others may live—or or vacation. at the very least their families could All had families who loved them and live—in peace. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE still love them to this day. I think of Within 24 hours of when terrorists The PRESIDENT pro tempore led the Brenda Vandever of Farragut, TN. She crashed flight 77 into the Pentagon, 76 Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: lost her brother, Tony Karnes, in the members of the Tennessee Task Force 1 I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the attack on the World Trade Center Tow- were on the scene and were hard at United States of America, and to the Repub- ers. Brenda recently said: work. They were dispatched to rescue lic for which it stands, one nation under God, I got over the car crash that my other but soon discovered that their work indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. brother died in, and I dealt with it when my would be recovery. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S9047 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 21:52 Jan 29, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\2004SENATE\S10SE4.REC S10SE4 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY S9048 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 10, 2004 Ken Reeves, a Memphis Fire Depart- fort, strength, and answers in therapy The Smith Equipment Company in ment battalion chief, recalled: programs offered by the WorldTrade Watertown, SD, makes heavy duty I think everybody in the country was of Center Family Center at South Nassau torches. In the days after the attacks, the mindset, ‘‘Just let me have something to Communities Hospital on Long Island. their cutting supplies were in high de- do,’’ and we had something to do. The exhibit this weekend showcases art mand. So 175 employees at Smith Well, they sure did. Tennessee Task these children have created during Equipment volunteered to work around Force 1 toiled 16 hours a day for 9 their therapy sessions. the clock to produce tons of equipment straight days. They slept on cots in a With the permission of the children and rush it to Ground Zero. warehouse not too far from here, with- and their families, I would like to show A week after the Twin Towers fell, out air-conditioning. They often lost you some of their work. two men from Sioux Falls loaded up a track of time, devoting every second of This was painted by a 9-year-old son pickup truck with $20,000 worth of do- the day, every ounce of energy and at- of a New York City firefighter who died nated steel-toed boots, tube socks, and tention, to a task that was as difficult in the collapse of the towers. This is a work gloves, drove to New York, dis- and as gruesome as it was grueling. baseball diamond. In the outfield are tributed the protective gear to rescue September 11, 2001, drastically al- two huge crosses. The little boy who workers at Ground Zero, and then got tered the future course of our Nation. painted this picture said it is a picture back in their truck and drove straight It also profoundly changed our indi- of the moment he first realized how home. vidual lives. We will forever be touched much he missed his dad. He had just All across South Dakota, school chil- by the outpouring of compassion, the hit a home run; he was rounding the dren, Scout troops, church organiza- outpouring of charity, and the kind- bases and looked up to search for his tions, employees and customers of ness of millions of our citizens and peo- father’s face in the stands. small businesses, and countless others ple all around the world. Angels are a recurring image in the donated money for victims relief funds. Brenda Vandever said of what she children’s art. This angel looks like the At least one couple donated their tax- hopes for this and future anniversaries: Statue of Liberty. She is delivering a refund checks. People stood in line to ‘‘I just don’t want [Tony] to be forgot- message to heaven. donate blood. Some enlisted, or re-en- ten.’’ A month after the attacks, the chil- listed, in the military. People sac- To Brenda and to all of the families dren were asked to try to imagine how rificed. And they prayed for those who who lost their loved ones on that morn- they might feel about their loss over died, and the families they left, for the ing of September 11, 2001, I say this time. This series of paintings is a col- surviving victims, the rescue workers, morning: Your loved ones will not be lective effort by about 40 of the chil- and for our wounded nation. forgotten. We will remember them, we dren of September 11 to answer that Part of the sadness many of use feel will honor them, and we will cherish question. It is called ‘‘Seasons of as we approach this third anniversary them on this day, every year, for as Grief.’’ It shows four trees. The trees of September 11 has to do with how di- long as God wills this Nation to en- start out separate and alone. By the vided our Nation sometimes feels now. last panel, they are leaning toward dure. We cannot reclaim those we lost on each other, almost as if they are help- I yield the floor. September 11. But we can reclaim the ing to hold each other up. sense of unity and generosity that f Even in the depths of unspeakable their sacrifice inspired in us.
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