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This document is archival in nature and is intended Le présent document a une valeur archivistique et for those who wish to consult archival documents fait partie des documents d’archives rendus made available from the collection of Public Safety disponibles par Sécurité publique Canada à ceux Canada. qui souhaitent consulter ces documents issus de sa collection. Some of these documents are available in only one official language. Translation, to be provided Certains de ces documents ne sont disponibles by Public Safety Canada, is available upon que dans une langue officielle. Sécurité publique request. Canada fournira une traduction sur demande. CANADA Rert of the ROYAL CANADIAN MOUNTED POLICE Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 1966 Down. debeiongicithe tor t'ne aue docent desobtaineee d retie %)pe aulhonien intended use: appeennent &pee peent contenu Vésent ediis auteg. du 1.es e.tat.loute %lee\ potote pas eee zee» I eceent dANAbA Report of the ROYAL CANADIAN MOIJNTED POLICE OP.- 1210',,Y 1..13 VAE SCY.ICT,OR MIN■SIRY Oi Se 29 18-1 Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 1966 9578.9-i CONTENTS . • • PAGE ORGANIZATION.. • ' . - . • • - . . . . 9 Operational and Service Division Chart • . . 8 . Headquarters Organizational Chart 10 CRIME • - 11 Conditions in.Doukhobor Communities . - 11 Counterfeiting . , 13 Federal Statutes 13, . Customs 'Act 14 •Excise Act ' 14 . ' Income Tax and Estate Tax Aets • . 16 . Canada Shipping Act ' . 16 . Narcotic Control Act ' • - " 16 Controlled Drugs ' " " — ' - ' ' 19 Lysergic Acid Diethylamide . 20 Citizenship and Immigration 20 Provincial.and Municipal Laws 20 . Municipal By-Laws 20 Parking Violations 20 OTHER DUTIES AND SERVICES 21 Visits of Distinguished Persons 21 International Criminal Police Organization 21 Police Service Dogs 21 National Police Services 22 RCMP Gazette 22 Crime Detection Laboratories 23 Identification Branch 24 Telecommunications 26 "Air" Division 27 "Marine" Division 28 Northern Work 29 Sleigh Dogs 31 ADMINISTRATION 33 Strength 33 Establishment • 33 Marriages 35 3 PAGE Training 35 First Aid Training 37 Band 37 Health 37 Personnel 37 Commendations 38 Long Service Medal 38 Apppintments 38 Marlcsmanship 39 Musical Ride. 39 . . SERVICES AND SUPPLY . 40 General Supplies.. and Equipment 40 Moto. r Transport .. 40 Uniform's ' - — . 40 Quartera 41 Finances . ' 41 CONCLUSION " ' 44 APPENDICES 47 Appendix A—List of Detachments Maintained by RCMP 47 APPendix É—List of Municipalities Policed by RCMP 53 To His Excellency The Rt. Hon. Roland Michener, Governor General of Canada MAY IT PLEASE YOUR EXCELLENCY: The undersigned has the honor to submit to Your Excellency the Report of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police for the year ended March 31, 1966. Respectfully submitted, L. T. PENNELL Solicitor General and Minister in Control of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. 5 95789-2 ROYAL CANADIAN MOUNTED POLICE To: The Honourable L. T. Pennell, P.C., Q.C., Solicitor General and Minister in Control of the R.C.M. Police. Sm: I have the honor to submit the following Annual Report of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police for the year ended March 31, 1966. 7 95789-2à ROYAL CANADIAN MOUNTED POLICE 00 ORGANIZATIObi HEADQUARTERS DIVISION ROYAL DIVISIONS OPERATIONAL CANA 1 I I I I DIA licIt hj 41? „ E „ der fir EIDU itoff die J Sly Ur B.C. Alta.. Sask. Man. SW. Ont. W. Que. Que. N.B. N.S. P.E.I. Nfld. N.W.T. N M OUNT NW. Ont. NE. Ont. Labrador Y.T. ED PO LI CE SERVICE DIVISIONS 1 . I "N” Division "Depot" Division "Marine" Division "Air" Division (Training) (Training) Annual Report of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police ORGANIZATION Headquarters of the Force is located at Ottawa and is headed by the Com- missioner and two Deputy Commissioners. The operational and administrative machinery is broken down into five directorates as indicated in the chart on page 8. The Force is divided into 12 operational and four service divisions which are designated either alphabetically or by name, as shown in the chart on page 10. The operational divisions carry 41 sub-divisions which in turn administer to 637 detachments. With the exception of "G" Division, with Headquarters in Ottawa, each division has a headquarters located within its geographical boundaries. "N" and "Depot" Divisions, at Ottawa and Regina respectively, are training centres, and provide facilities for recruit training, advanced training, Canadian Police College courses and Musical Ride training. "Air" and "Marine" Divisions, with headquarters at Ottawa, are service divisions which provide transportation and llied services in addition to handling enforcement duties. "Air" Division operates 20 aircraft from 17 detachments while "Marine" has 57 boats that patrol both coastal waters as well as numerous inland lakes and waterways. There is a detachment near Innisfail, Alta., for the training and breeding of Police Service Dogs. This detachment, formerly located at Ramsayville, Ont., was moved in October 1965. The breeding and raising of horses is carried out at Fort Walsh, Sask., a detachment of "Depot" Division. This makes a total of 656 detachments. Following is a list of permanent detachments opened and closed during the year: Detachments Opened Detachments Closed Sparwood Natal CT), Blue River Essondale GCE! Buffalo Narrows Ramsayville Training McLeod Lake ‘‘E,, Kennels Quebec Harbour Point Pelee CCU, National Battlefields Park "C" Manyberries “Kr The Pas Tabusintac iGre Prince Rupert "Air" Mica Creek ‘‘E,, Innisf ail Training Kennels "K" Cape Dorset CV, Wesleyville &Tr Neguac CT> Gold River 9 1•■•■ ROYAL CANADIAN MOUNTED POLICE o HEADQUARTERS ORGANIZATION COMMISSI,ONER Departmental Secretary Officer i/c Equitation Department of Finance -Treasu ry Planning Bran ch Central Registry Headquartérs Liaison - Branch DEPUTY COMMISSIONER DEPUTY COMMISSIONER F (Operations) (Administration) Inspection- Team 1- Regulations and Orders iSection Tel'écomniuni" cations B ranch "C" DIRECTORATE "I" DIRECTORATE "A" DIRÉCTORATE "M" DIRECTORATE "S" DIRECTORATE Criminal Investigation Security & Intelligence Organization and Marine Services & Supply Personnel Services Crime Detection Inter-Di rectorate Administration and Laboratories Liaison Section Adjutant's Branch Research Branch - - . Criminal Investigation Central Research' Personnel Branch Central and Supply Branch Branch Training Branch Branch Emergency Planning Visa Control Estimates and Branch - Financial. Branch 1 Identification. • Branch Property Management - Branch Branch 1 Preventive Service Branch- Stationery and BranCh Printing Branch - Traffic' Branch Branch Purchasing tt6,, Branch Branch CRIME Offences investigated by the Force during the year totalled 512,080, up 5.15 percent over last year, but somewhat less than the increase experienced during the last three years. Criminal Code investigations were up 15.14 percent, offences involving property such as theft, safebreaking, and breaking and entering increased 9.6 percent and offences against the person increased by 11 percent. Murder, attempted murder and manslaughter investigations increased from 92 to 121. Conditions in Doukhobor Communities The Doukhobor situation was again relatively quiet durin e the year, only five depredations known or suspected to have been caused by Svobodniksb or their sympathizers: On January 1, 1965, a CPR crossing signal relay case, situated at Dewdney, B.C., was completely destroyed by a charge of high explosives, with damage estimated at $4,000. On April 24, 1965, an independent Doukhobor village was completely destroyed by lire at Ootechania near Brilliant, B.C. This village consisted of a large brick residence, an unused frame residence and a series of smaller buildings including an older barn. Total damage was estimated at $7,000. On May 10, 1965, an attempt was made to burn a shack in the Svobodnik Camp at Agassiz, B.C. Coal oil had been poured on the floor and ignited. The fire was extinguished by neighboring Svobodniks. On May 28, 1965, a wooden workshop was destroyed by fire at Krestova, B.C. At the same time a wooden shed four feet away caught fire and was gutted. The value of each building and its contents was $1,000. On July 18, 1965, two radical fanatics deliberately set fire to the home and outbuildings of a non-Doukhobor at Rutland, B.C. This fire caused damage in the vicinity of $3,500. Thirteen charges were laid against Svobodniks under the Social Insurance Act for failing to register, but ten were subsequently withdrawn. The remaining three persons pleaded guilty and were each given a six-month suspended sentence and placed on $200 bond. There were no demonstrations or petitions during the court cases, although the usual delegation of women was in attendance. There are 41 male inmates in prison with two females in Kingston Penitentiary. All but three have
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