Birds of Bahia Honda

Birds of Bahia Honda

LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004BIRDS LJL©2004 OF BAHIA LJL©2004 HONDA LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004(VERAGUAS, LJL©2004 LJL©2004 PANAMA) LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004Belkys Jiménez LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004& LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 Karla Aparicio LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004ABSTRACT: LJL©2004 The available LJL©2004 field LJL©2004 data and recent LJL©2004 observations LJL©2004 carried LJL©2004 out on birds LJL©2004 at LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004the Bahia LJL©2004 Honda coastal LJL©2004 zone, Pacific LJL©2004 side of LJL©2004 the Veraguas LJL©2004 Province indicateLJL©2004 a total LJL©2004 of LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004at least LJL©2004 128 species LJL©2004 from 18 orders LJL©2004 and 41 LJL©2004 families. 109 LJL©2004 species are LJL©2004 residents, LJL©2004 19 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004migratory LJL©2004 (breeding LJL©2004in North America, LJL©2004 wintering LJL©2004 in Central LJL©2004 and South LJL©2004America). Seven LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004“threatened” LJL©2004 species LJL©2004 were found: LJL©2004 two tinamous LJL©2004 (Tinamus LJL©2004major, Crypturellus LJL©2004 soui), LJL©2004one LJL©2004 duck (Cairina moschata), three cracids (Ortalis cinereiceps, Penelope purpurascens, LJL©2004 LJL©2004Crax rubra LJL©2004) and one LJL©2004 pigeon (Columba LJL©2004 cayennensis LJL©2004). There LJL©2004 occur nine LJL©2004 other “species LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004of interest LJL©2004 for conservation”, LJL©2004 among LJL©2004 them the LJL©2004 Bare-throated LJL©2004 Tiger-Heron LJL©2004 (Tigrisoma LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004mexicanum LJL©2004). Five LJL©2004 “restricted-range” LJL©2004 species LJL©2004 include LJL©2004 the Sapphire-throated LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004Hummingbird LJL©2004 (Lepidopyga LJL©2004 coeruleogularis LJL©2004), LJL©2004 Snowy-bellied LJL©2004 Hummingbird LJL©2004 (Amazilia LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004edward LJL©2004), Fiery-billed LJL©2004 Araçari LJL©2004(Pteroglossus LJL©2004 frantzii), LJL©2004 Black-hooded LJL©2004 Antshrike LJL©2004 LJL©2004 (Thamnophilus bridgesi) and Orange-collared Manakin (Manacus aurantiacus). The LJL©2004 LJL©2004first one LJL©2004 ranges from LJL©2004 western Panama LJL©2004 to northern LJL©2004 Colombia; LJL©2004 the second LJL©2004 ranges fromLJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004southwestern LJL©2004 Costa LJL©2004 Rica to eastern LJL©2004 Panama, LJL©2004 and the LJL©2004next three LJL©2004occur also fromLJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004southwestern LJL©2004 Costa LJL©2004 Rica to the LJL©2004 western slope LJL©2004 of the LJL©2004Panamanian LJL©2004 Pacific. Some LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004restricted-range LJL©2004 species LJL©2004 for Panam LJL©2004a were LJL©2004found as well LJL©2004 (lowlands LJL©2004 of the western LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004Pacific), LJL©2004 although of LJL©2004 wide range LJL©2004throughout America, LJL©2004 such LJL©2004 as the Ferruginous LJL©2004 Pygmy- LJL©2004 LJL©2004 Owl (Glaucidium brazilianum), Bronzy Hermit (Glaucis aenea), and the Mouse-colored LJL©2004 LJL©2004Tyrannulet LJL©2004 (Phaeomyias LJL©2004 murina) LJL©2004; also LJL©2004the Passerini’s LJL©2004 Tanager LJL©2004 (Ramphocelus LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004passerinii) LJL©2004 with range LJL©2004 in Western LJL©2004 Panama LJL©2004only. A highly LJL©2004 interesting LJL©2004 mixed nesting LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004colony ofLJL©2004 Great Egret LJL©2004 (Ardea alba) LJL©2004, Tricolored LJL©2004 Heron (Egretta LJL©2004 tricolor), LJL©2004 Cattle Egret LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004(Bubulcus LJL©2004 ibis) and LJL©2004White Ibis (Eudocimus LJL©2004 albus)LJL©2004 was found LJL©2004 on the LJL©2004Lerin islet (UTM LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©200417NMU LJL©2004 407576) at LJL©2004 Bahia Honda, LJL©2004 the latter LJL©2004 being a new LJL©2004 record for LJL©2004 the Veraguas LJL©2004 LJL©2004 Province. Other important species include: Yellow-margined Flycatcher (Tolmomyias LJL©2004 LJL©2004assimilis), LJL©2004 Great Kiskadee LJL©2004 (Pitangus LJL©2004 sulphuratus) LJL©2004 and LJL©2004 Palm Tanager LJL©2004 (Thraupis LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004palmarum) LJL©2004, all of them LJL©2004 new records LJL©2004 for the LJL©2004lowlands of southernLJL©2004 Veraguas LJL©2004 Province. LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004Records LJL©2004 of the Bronzy LJL©2004 Hermit (Glaucis LJL©2004 aenea) LJL©2004 and Passerini’s LJL©2004 Tanager LJL©2004 (Ramphocelus LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004passerinii) LJL©2004 update theirLJL©2004 presence LJL©2004 for this province, LJL©2004 since LJL©2004 they were LJL©2004last recorded LJL©2004 in LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©20041953 at LJL©2004 the Zapotillo LJL©2004 area. Lastly, LJL©2004 for the LJL©2004lowlands of LJL©2004 Veraguas isLJL©2004 confirmed LJL©2004 the LJL©2004 presence of four highly localized species: Band-tailed Barbthroat (Threnetes ruckeri), LJL©2004 LJL©2004Eye-ringed LJL©2004 Flatbill LJL©2004 (Rhynchocyclus LJL©2004 brevirostris) LJL©2004, Philadelphia LJL©2004 LJL©2004Vireo (Vireo LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004philadelphicus) LJL©2004 and BlackburnianLJL©2004 LJL©2004Warbler (Dendroica LJL©2004 fusca) LJL©2004, the latter twoLJL©2004 migratory. LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©20041 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004BACKGROUND LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 Enrique Arce was one of the first ornithologists to collect a good number of birds LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004in “Veragua” LJL©2004 (Ridgely LJL©2004and Gwynne, LJL©2004 1993), a LJL©2004region comprising LJL©2004 much LJL©2004 of what isLJL©2004 western LJL©2004 LJL©2004 LJL©2004Panama today LJL©2004 (including LJL©2004 Bocas del LJL©2004 Toro and LJL©2004 Chiriqui).

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