,. dsin I ' '011- · Jack Rule of .' nder par 66 Serv .•ng The State University of Iowa gnd the People of Iowa City top the field Chamber of ol( , Tourua· " I 3-under par ound, fired, a Byrnes Park Ing to post a I strokes un· ). Hc collect~ one bogey on lhree ranking tann, Daven. Spirit La~e, to ee rinnell-qua!i. National Jay. lurnament at Birdwatchersl Here's a Rare Specimen. ·25. Red ·Forces' )() shotmaker OXFORD. England IlI-Oxlord ourth appear· University students cbectcd Har· JayCee meet. rJ Truman in Latin Wednuday ,n last year's MoYe:tallecf night. lanta. Ga .• . , As the fOx·Presldent welkfd be· I for the ' na. JliCath som~lnclowll In NeYt' Col· ·72-71·215. Nor· lege •• If P of students IcatlCd Hl-216 and 'Propaganda': Out' and ye ; 2·218. • "Harricuml Harricum ' " WASHINGTON 111- Admini tra· BRANDENBURG. East Germany WIlen Truman lookcd up tIley Uoa 0I1lclals -.ld WedDctldlay the t l:U- lA"I-The Russians began their ad· shouted: Ualted ItateI mllit DOW review _ vertlaed withdrawal of 33.500 Sov. "Give 'em heU. Harricum," aDd pubapI lllarply re\~ _ IU iet servicemen from German soU policy of IUppott lor Yu ~Ollavla. Wednesday with a propaganda TMy MId this reappraisal Is neces. show aimed at the West. Eng,·neel,·ng sary because of the much tighter "We cballenge the Westem Pow- collaboratJon Jpat m.bllshed with ers to follow the example of the RuuJa by NanbaJ T1tAt. Soviet Unloa and disarm," was the Studen'ts' rAA. a.y The ebaIIce tI a ctmpWte cutoff theme of Communist speeches and '" of Arqerican ec:ooomic and mUltary banners at a C('remony marklng .1eI wu dJICowIted by informed oJ. the departure of an . air division E ( ' B A ' flclals In .pite 01 tome prt'ssure to from Brandenburg. arn .' . S thIIt cad ta Coaareu. About 125.~ persons. Includlug PendlnI eomplf'tion of lhe- re. factory workers. school children. A new 5-year opt.!onal program view, aid will be continued as farmers and housewives. marched for englneerln. students leading to usoal _ .~ the current ) ate oC or rode In truck convoys to the air· bachelor's degrees In both Uberal about t5 million dolll1'l a year. " (AP WI,.p.. t.) fleld to witness the farewell. arts .nd· a brench of engineering In the State Department'!. view. THREE CIVIL AIR BOARD AVIATORS, center b.ck,round, •••mlne The Reds Injeeted a 'blt oC myst· will start at SUI next fall. r. cut..off ml,ht force T1to Into · f,.~m.nts of wreckage and tlothing w~h:h was brought to Ellt River cry in an air show that followed The prbgram. designed to bettcr cloeer ~r.t1on with lhc Soviets liJer lNedneld.y from area where Venezuelan alrpl.ne. plun,ed Into the speeches. prepare engineers for executive than he .hJmaeU bas chosen to de. Atlentie Ocean carrying 74 person. to their deaths. The pl_ ex­ After 28 MIG 11s new by In for· and .other .t:es~Sibill~les. was an· velop. p)"" whll., dumping its g'50line as It returned to New V'"' wlttt mation. an I1JIidenUfied' RusslU Jet nounced \\ edneSday by Dean F. M. The Amerkau policy of support ·-iti en,ln~ dead,. buzzed tile 'reviewing stand In a Da,,!,80n of !he SUI College of En· dales r-m lMi wbcn til'! Stnlln reo whOOllblng dip tbat ~med to be at g!necl'ln,. .,. sppersonic speed. Rllsslan officers 'TOO dooble-dearee Pfogram pro· glmc In M~ brokc with Tilo be· only smiled when c()rrespondents vjdes that at least 98 of the total cause he WOIIId not bow to • talln's asked thellJ what type plane It was. of 171 semester·hourl required for dlctatea on all poillta. Hi\ survival Ground troops are scheduled to the two diplomas will be earned a,aloat Stalln's oppo ilion provcd , .". p 14• Bodies After ~y Hunt begin departure today fro m In the College Of that a break could be carried orr. o~ ~Iberal ~.rts. .' Soviet army ba6CS at' Magdeburg these 96 or more credits. about The Western Po\l'cr, gave !.1m sup· and Weimar. , two·thirds. depcnai8( upo~ the ., ,.. port. partly to the hope oCher So- 'AY .' branch of . engineering. will be viet satellites would let' UIC po&I. Plane Dives· into ·Sea NeJt~er R\lS8Ial1 nor Ea~t Ge~· earned in courscs prerequisite 10 t, blllties for Independence. ~d man ' s~akers at .the Brandenburg or related to engineering-mathe· (00111 I ..... , ..... " BIll NdH.. R~stabllshmCnt of cia rela. I Will .NEW YORl< IM-Rescue vessels grappled in 120 feet oC water Wed· !e·time rail>: said how many airmen were malics. physics and chemistry. for Uons with Tlto became a primary nesday. seeking the shattered Venezuelan airliner that carried 74 ' !>Ce· Illaymg Wednesd!lY' Instance. STRETCHING OUT to !lrab _ dud tree 11mb i, Miki Whitney, _n employe .. MeC ...·' T,... lurtery III pul'poIe of the Bul,anin.Khrush- sons to death In a f1amin~ Atlantic Ocean crash. • But exactly 8'7 ILl0 Stormovik The otb-:r thlrd of tbe liberal arts low. City. Whitney and other employe, are removln, hu,rdou. tree 11mb, 8fMI br.ne.... en tM trw- oIlev reelrne In flu lla more lhan a lEaIc $IIIIIIS :It was the worst disaster any place in the world in the historY of Ilropeller-driven fI&lJter·bombcrs credit, will be in such background· weat of E_.t H_U and north of the EI~trlcal Englne.rln, Ituildlntl In tM SUI Clmput. year *,0. Tlto has ,one alol1ll \Vilh SHY IAII$III rCC'llarly . scbeduled commercial ----. -------- tbo~ off..i fro.m ~c Brandcnb,:;g broadenin, . fields of study as IIt- • • tlIe Soviet ~. meanwhll .5' NPI£ ••Ea. a~lali9n. k ' .S · I !jerd aou ~lRged ellstward. llle cr.ature. languag~. social science The Weather sertinl the new Bclgradc·MOICOw TIle bi~. p1llne; e~plllde.t while I e S· p-eCIQ -' planes earry 174 Pf!rson!. and h1stotlcal-cultural ,ubjcct,s. liDIl ~"' Jtllect IalJ re:lations cllmplng ~ts gawhne as It returned • \;,S. ,ft'ltHthry ~tces In Frank· Students who elect to talce the "Ith the- Weal '* essentially dis. \0 New York with one of its fO,ur M D ' T .. k' furt said there probably will be at combined eourse wlU register 1n turll hll aelf·proclalmed IDdeptn- engInes dead. • s · a en least 4181000 SOviet ttoops remain· the College of Liberal Arts /or W dent CommUDllt position as be. 'Hours late. only three badly· • • ing in East Germany. ' They des· their earlier years. then re,lsler . arm tween East ud West. lIt\'NlCOc.. • smashed bodie$ had been recov· cribed todaY' • .wltlidr.wal as "jn· In the Colle,e of En,ineerlng for United Stat" orrlcials arc no ,.'j..-r:::11. ered and broushl to New York by 't;'\uty - signlCicant and nothing more than the remajnder of the 5-year perl. and longer cleat u to euctly what the -- a' Coast Guard vessel. Fro.m L7 I;lrOpaganda.'~ these ' In.tormants ad, at the eDd of wbich they will meaning of TJto·. Indcpencknce is But there was no urgency ' in the . said the So.vlet llltal of more than have earned degrees from both WASHINGTON III-French Foreign MJnlstcr Christian Pineau laid or what brMbt the Untted States t CARTOON salvage task. WASHINGTON 1.4'1 - Preslilent 400.000 ' compares with 200,000 SUI collegCll. Rain Wednesday Russia has started to raise Its Iron Curtain and the West now ,ets out 0( It. TbcIe ar!' amonl( 1st" Eisenhow(:r's doctors said Wednes· American troo,pl. 90.000 Brltlsb The SUI . CollegQ of Eogineerlng must encourage this by large.scale cultural-cconomlc contacts witll the questions the re-eva.1uation ord. , F~om ' the instant the plane hit FREEDOM day the chief executive continues troops and lfO.eoo French troops in bas had .Imllar arrangements in Communist countries. cred by Prelident Eisenhower must tbe water within sight of the lights to recover "very satisfactorily" West Germallt. the past with Loras. College in Du· He urged the United States lead the We tern world In such an "ex. Of New York. it was appareot that from his operation. The bulletin Is. The withdraW" is lIart of tbe So· buquc. Morpln,side College in perlment" because Russia's cur. answer. ~EWS - ('veryone aboard had perished in sued at 5:15 p.m. (EDT) said: viet Unlon's adnounced plan to de· Sioux City al\d wltb Grinnell Col. Anothcr serics of thunder· In major respecta Tlto has made one flaming moment o( impact with "Surgical residents who have mobilize 1.2 ItiIlUon men within · a iege ' In GrID~II . • storms and recurring showers Is rent leaders now arc "ready to Edu'callaon 'Alld It clear he IUppOrts or wm colla· tbl) s~a. been .on duty in tbe r~esi dent's year. "nre Colle,e of Liberal Arts Is predicted acrpss the state today make a certain number oC unavoid· borate wltb the Soviet Ualoo in . Twenty victims were Americans room on ~ix·hour round·th('-clock ·Amona tho8e on the reviewing happy to cooper:a~ with the Col· with Iowa City due to receive able sacrifices," IUCb ways u this: Communist m; "':'including a mother. fathu and shifts were relieved of that duty staDd were representatives ot the le,e of Engtn~rln, in this ne\\' scattered showers. France's 51.ycar-old foreign pol. • partJes 01 the two countrie will FRIDAY , two of their sons. othel's aboard today. three Mli~ ml\ltaty mls~lons ill engineering and llbera! arts pro· Little change In temperatures Ball T· .H cooperate cllrecU,: IIOvernmcntal included 24 Venezuelan school chilo "The special nurses and clinical Potsdam; tbe Joviet headqu~cn gram," said Dean Dewey B.
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