PORTLAND VOLUME III. PORTLAND, ME., SATURDAY MORNING, MAY 21, 1864. WHOLE NO. 68.", __ ___ PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, Important Testimony. Col. Lehm&now- ski gives his testimony, supported bis ex- JOHN by MISCELLANEOUS. BUSINESS MiILINEftY. T. OILMAN, Editor. ample and its results, in favor of the advan- _CLOTHING. CARDS^ MISCELLANEOUS. • tages of total abstinence. He : pabliahcd at Ho. 82* EXCHANGE STREET, b] says URADLEV, MOULTON A. ROGERS, “You see before you a man seventy-nine SPRING MILLINERY! SPRING & SUMMER OPENING! u. sTao-ao loanT WhOLBBALK DKALEBB IX If. A. FOSTER A CO. years old. I have fought two hundred bat- Hasting’s ATelodeons tles. 1 have fourteen wounds, and have often A. D. Taa Pobtlaxd Daily Panama published at 87 .OC lived on horse-flesh and the bark of trees. REEVES, Grain and MRS. if In Flour, Provisions, COLBY par year; paid striotly in advance. a discount ot the deserts of §1.00 will be made. Egypt I have marched for days, 88 Commercial street, Thomas Block, isnow opeulng at her spacious and attractive rooms, with a sun on TAILOR & FIRST NATIONAL RANK Single copies three cents. burning iny naked head, and DRAPER, ROBERT lABIJET fan M a imu RRALBT,) !%o »"S Free stats Puses is published every Thurs- thirst so tormenting that I have sucked blood o. m moulton, PORTLAND, ME. Street Block, ORli.US, HO. 98 EXCHANGE STREET, -OF [ JxS day morning,at 82.00 per annum, lu 8:1.26 A8 HOOD AS THE advance; from my own veins 1 Do ask how I sur- A. o. ROGERS. ) A rich BEST AMD CHEAP AS U within six and il you and fashionable stock of paid months; 82.60, payment he vive? Has just returned from Boston and New York with a xnaySdtf THE the Next to God, I owe my health and CHEAPEST. delayed beyond year. FBENtll 7ULLINERV vigor to the fact that I never drank a (iOODd. drop of RICH AND FASHIONABLE iPOIlTLA-ISn H are-room* N«*. 3 in life.” ), Tempi* IL, Hates of Advertising: spiritons liquor my Portland. April JO, 1364. nilwiodtf ASSORTMENT OF W. W. CARR & One Inch of tn of DESIGNATED UEPOSITOHV CO., PORTLAND. space length oolumn, constitutes Having taken the Fruit Store formerly occupied h; a "sqDABX." of pnrchnslng win and it for Cloths, Cassimeres and NEW M their.kP,*m S1.60 per square dally first week; 76 cents per week Vestings, -OF TBI- O. HAWYKR. ILLINERYI ndrnntagc to cell mud examine for themselves after; three insertions or leas, 81.00; ove- FOR A FEW WEEKS ONLY. Aw -TO OPM- mayidlm continuing Of every Variety and style, (including many of the ry other day after first week, 60 ceuta. No. 8 fiicliange most unique patterns of the season,) which he UNITED STATES. Street, ON HON DAY, APRIL 4th. Half square, three insortions or leas 76 oeats; one pur- jfTO chased Are to offer to the a The sulMcriber, leased the new wash, 81.00; 60 oents per week alter. for cash, and consequently can give an ele- prepared trade large and well 1flr*4 having store, JAMES Dader head of selected etock of No. 2i Free street, 2d door from Center EDMOND & COT Axossssan, *2 Oporfoaare per gant “fit out” at the St., week; three insertions or less, 81,60. has just received a due assortment of the COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Stboial Notioxs, 81.76 per first week, Great & This Bank in to for square Unreserved Sale LOWEST CASH PRICES ! prepared receive} subscriptions Foreign and Domestic Fruit l 13 LIBERTY •1,00 par square alter; three insertions or lew, (1.26; the new LATEST STYLES OF SQIARE, BOSTON half a thrae Wholesale and Retail square, Insertions, •1.00; one week, lie invites his old friends and and •1.26. -OF- customers, the C0LI* Gam, SPRING AND SH1HKR GOODS. Adrertieemente inserted in the Maiss Statu public generally, to call and examine his stock. Oruugen. Spruce Loxengea ness^^eno^knVS^** “TEN FORTY EOAIY,” which she is to manufacture to order and Pmase (which has a large circulation iu every of Having enlarged his store the removal of hie Lemasna. Unitary Seed, Caudle., prepared part by sell at the lowest cash pricks A the State) for 60 oents per lu addition to good assortment PI» square the UOOP work-room above, he has accommodations more ex- Llmra, Lrmaa Syrup, Haney, IRON, for eaob insertion. SklRTSt which is dated March at five above rates, 1.1*64, beariug interest Carsa Nnta. Alio, Lboal Notioxs at usual rates. tensive for the display of his goods. Prunes, Fig.. BAR. SHBBT.t BOILBR PL ATM per cent, a year, READY MADE BONNETS IROM, Tramsientedrertiaementsmustbe forln -AND- 8,1804. Cllrnn, Nnla, nil kinds. Halts, of paid ad. April dtf always on hand. English nnd Scotch Mnnnfoetnrc Vance Olives, Rulslns, Tobncee, Business Notice*, in columns, 12 oents PAYABLE in coin, IV O II R N I N G GOODS **** ^°* * •« reading Sardine., A rat r icari n per line for one insertion. No charge less than 6ity & Summer Stock Cigars. ^Brick° ^egnlarstippl y°o ^*^ FANCY GOODS! Spring Candles in store and made to order oents for each Insertion. redeemable at the pleasure of the Government alter Fnney of all description, ‘ WELCH HRE BRICK OT“Alloommuwoations Intended for the ootfi dtf Kmchn8rVmCOTCH- paper ten years, and payable in forty years from date. Having had eight experience in manufac* Should be directed to the “Jtditur the end years of Press,'’ Interest on Bonds not over one hundred dollars tnring goods. 1 trust 1 shall be able tc those of a business character to tho Publishers. millinery FASHIONABLE please all who mar favor me with their custom. BF*Joa Patanaa ot GOODS, and on all other Bonds semi- every description sxeoated -FOB- payable annually, F. M. A share of is most with dispatch. CARSLEY, patronage respectfully solicited. Fitzgerald & Hodsdon, annually. MALLV A. SKILLINGS F. Tracy, Traveling PANTALOONS AND VESTS. Agent. COATS, Bonds can be had in shes of £50, £100, £500, £1000. Portland, April 2,18C4. apr2 d2weod4w Purchased from the best assortments, for cash, in 166 Middle Me. CABINET MAKER Try one of Milier’i Potent Elastic Cnchion St., Portland, New York, and Boston, may be found WM. EDW. GOULD, 18G4. NEW Satanrday Morning, May 21, at mch31 dtf Cashier. AND MILLINERY STORE. thirteen rears of experience in the whole- the store of UPHOLSTERER, AFTERsale an* retail Fancy Goods trane, we are satis- So. 51 Union HATS! fied (ami coaanlt no that the best "Is WILLIAM C.BECKETT Street, New G oods! Galileo on others) policy Ion will like it. Fainting autl returns For >ils it Sculpture. quick and light profits.'' Acting on the BAILEY AND NOYES, prepared to do all kinds of CABINET JOB- the above we now offer our whole merchant a In a letter to the dated June policy, and entire Tailor, IBBING in prompt and satisfactory manner. A. ROBERTSON has taken the New Store, s h a Cigolo painter, stock, (with a lew at a HEALERS IN w m exception*) groat reduction MRS.No. 31 Free Street, corner and has , is a from our former NS 137 Middle Street. Book nnd Show Cues made to order. qf Center, 26,1612, discussion on the relative merits prices. selected a Superior Amortinent of apSOdlw 1MMIDDLBBTRF.LT. ol painting and sculpture. Galileo gives the CT*Farnitmre Made, Repaired and Varnished at Some of these Goods, which have been P APEW11 ATS GIN to recently GS, PENSIONS! preference painting. lie says: imported, differ much in color, texture and finish SHORT NOTICE. MILLINERY, BOUNTIES! from the Which she will be to offer to her “As to what nature styles that have continued in vogue for a Portland. May 39.1S6&. tf pleased friends -aao- sculptors argue, that purchase our Stock of Room from the and the on aud READ! READ!READ!READ! year or two past, and are considered very Paper public, after the 5th inst. molds men but does not 1 elegant. Establishments in the P. paint ihem, reply Besides these and other all the WE largest Manufacturing 8. A good assortment ol that she makes Goods,—comprising United Mates; carelully selecting from their large them not less by painting than varieties for fashionable wear, at the same place may tbo few PATTKILM0 such at are be found a of Standard stocks, o>ly,—and IRA Are obtained lor sculpture, because she both sculpts and colors good supply ttt rm*n, to this market. WINK, Agent, Woonded Soldiers (C lac barred * and adapted MOURNING °f —but that this is reneb, Kusli.h Broadcloth* and Use- d*ee"*‘l who are their aud a This year the and designs are beautifal, on totfUsd imperfection “The it Not I fikiwa. for genteel suits; together with of styles very INTO. 11 Union Constantly hand to the same which uelr&cts from Peerless,” Forget styles and we have a fine assortment, for St., t by" thing the value of sculp- selected with a view to suit all tastes appropriate every Is to famish hree or four good Milliners can receive Veatiaga of roow*. prepared steady ture; the larthcr are the means All the new for Gentlemen’s whether style employment by inquiring as above. deodtf BYRON D. because, by styles wear, We invite tho*# in want of ROOM PAPKRXo ap4 VEBBILL, which a is 120 Hoop*, on .75 for Dress Huits or a Business Outfits received in their thiug imitated trom the it- clasped every Spring, examine our before elsewhere. STEAM ENGINES and thing with patterns, pdrehasing BOILEBS, mod so much more seasons, together plates of the latest styles of of various siaee and Aliwifj foiisrllcr, u V n; 1MJ, self, the iutilaliou is marvel- *• “ “ “ They are bought here for cash, and we can afford to patterns, stmt, * * * 35 Cutting and Finishing ous.
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