spotlight europe # 2007/07 – October 2007 A Chance for Wise Men Matthias Chardon Center for Applied Policy Research, [email protected] Dominik Hierlemann Bertelsmann Stiftung, [email protected] Sarah Seeger Center for Applied Policy Research, [email protected] The general orientation of the European Union can be reshaped by a committee of wise men. At least that is what Nicolas Sarkozy thinks should happen. If such a committee of wise men is to be a success, it will be of the utmost importance to prevent it from being instrumentalized in the political arena. Furthermore, what in fact is needed is a true European debate and not merely the development of specific strategies behind closed doors. French President Nicolas Sarkozy has once I again caused a stir among European poli- cymakers. On 27 August 2007, in his keynote speech on foreign policy, he sug- What is the point about a gested the appointment of a committee of committee of wise men? wise men whose task would be to think # 2007/07 about the future of the European Union. Sarkozy’s proposals and his implicit criti- Sarkozy believes that the committee, cism that there is no debate about the fu- which will consist of ten or twelve highly ture have touched a raw nerve in the respected personalities, should present a European Union. Although originally initi- plan for the development of the EU until ated by the Commission with “Plan D”, the the year 2030 in time for the European debate has simply not taken place. It is elections in 2009. It would refer to both true, of course, that the conflicts associ- geographical issues and matters of con- ated with the European Constitution meant tent. If the committee was to be instituted, that the subject of political power in Sarkozy would be prepared to give up his Europe caused some commotion. However, opposition to the EU’s ongoing accession in the final analysis a discussion of how negotiations with Turkey. Europe should look like in the future po- spotlight europe litically failed to materialize. The question to which extent Europe should be deep- At the same time she made it quite clear ened and widened still is not answered. A that, whilst questions relating to enlarge- committee of wise men could take this as ment were certainly going to be discussed, its starting point and then proceed to de- they would not only be about Turkey. fine the path the EU ought to pursue. The President of the EU Commission, José As is demonstrated by a recent Bertels- Manuel Barroso, has also welcomed the mannn Foundation survey which was con- idea, though he emphasized that it would ducted between 18 and 22 September be wrong to undermine legally binding 2007, the majority of the electorates in agreements pertaining to accession nego- tiations. Neverthe- less, it was impera- tive to continue to think about the EU’s political mission and identity. Finally, representa- tives of the European Parliament have lashed out at the proposals, which they 2 consider to be a kind of relapse into meth- page ods employed in the 1960s and 1970s. They believe that, in- stead of appointing a committee of wise men, the EU ought to have a new conven- Germany, France and the United Kingdom tion with broadly-based parliamentary and A Chance for Wise Men is in favour of appointing a committee of civil society participation. Far-reaching wise men. 65 per cent of German inter- decisions concerning the future of the viewees and 67 per cent of French inter- European Union, the critics believe, should viewees support Sarkozy’s proposals. In not be reached behind closed doors. It is the case of the British interviewees, those also noticeable that neither the current in favour (47 per cent) also have a slight Portuguese Presidency nor many of the lead. The results of the survey are also of member states have commented on the interest with regard to the responses given # 2007/07 French proposals. Many would simply like by different generations. In Germany and to ignore them altogether. the United Kingdom 74 and 61 per cent respectively of interviewees under 29 are in favour of a committee of wise men, whereas in France interviewees over 60 (71 per cent) support the idea. On the other hand, the political response to the proposals has been mixed. At the Franco-German summit in Meseberg on 10 September 2007, German Chancellor An- gela Merkel indicated that she was basi- spotlight europe cally in favour of a committee of wise men. II plicitly devoted to the EU’s Lisbon strategy had political consequences. The Sapir Re- port (2003), which was compiled at the Important Precursors behest of the Commission, and the Kok Report (2004), which was commissioned In recent European history there have by the European Council, led to a revision been several examples of committees of of the Lisbon strategy. wise men or reflection groups which were instituted in order to create renewed mo- Not all of the reports published by these mentum at critical turning points. Thus in high-level strategic councils produced im- 1956 the Spaak report paved the way for mediate results. However, most of them the Treaties of Rome. In 1975 the then Belgian prime minister, Leo Tindemans, adopted a new methodology, compiling his re- port on the future of the Commu- nity after inter- 3 viewing politi- cians, academics page and interest groups. There was another spate of reports in the 1980s. 1984 saw the publication of Spinelli’s draft for a European A Chance for Wise Men constitution. The Adonnino report (1985), which was supposed to strengthen Euro- pean identity, was followed by # 2007/07 the Padoa- Schioppa report (1987), which made a profound impression in the long was devoted to economic policy. Finally, term and had a lasting influence to Euro- there was the Delors report (1989) on eco- pean integration. Thus, although it proved nomic and monetary union. impossible to implement the Fouchet plans in 1961/62, they formed the starting point Recently, in 1999, there was a noteworthy for the Franco-German treaty of friendship. report on the ramifications of EU enlarge- The Werner plan, which as early as 1970 ment by a committee of wise men which suggested the establishment of a monetary included Jean-Luc Dehaene, Richard von union within ten years on the basis of a Weizsäcker and Lord Simon of Highbury. three-stage plan, initially went unheeded. spotlight europe Furthermore, two reports which were ex- However, the Treaty of Maastricht subse- quently laid the foundations for the Euro- III pean economic and monetary union. In the past, three positive factors have Conditions for success governed the fate of specialist groups and today councils of experts: Additionally to the experience of previous • The probability of success or at least the committees, five challenges currently fac- political leverage of committees of wise- ing European policymakers should be men increased if there was a likelihood taken into account if the committee of that the target was treaty reform or at wise men wishes to be a success. least a reform of the fundamental EU guidelines governing matters of content. • First, the heads of state and government Furthermore, the proposals had to be cou- should ensure that Nicolas Sarkozy cannot rageous and innovative. Even if the instrumentalize the committee of wise Werner plan for a monetary union was not men in order to achieve his political goals. immediately implemented, it resurfaced If the European Union wishes to retain its years later, as did Spinelli’s proposal for a credibility, the question of the geographi- European constitution. cal boundaries of the EU and in particular the subject of Turkey must not be allowed • Groups of specialists or experts should to dominate the work of the new commit- not be appointed along political lines, and tee. At the start of the accession talks with 4 thus it would be advisable to eschew par- Turkey in December 2005 the EU commit- ity, proportional representation and politi- ted itself to an impartial process guided by page cal parties. A group consisting entirely of the Commission. The outcome of the nego- diplomats and elected politicians, as, for tiations should decide whether or not Tur- example, was the case with the Westen- key can join the EU, and nothing else. If dorp reflection group in 1985, will proba- the committee of wise men were to assume bly not come up with proposals which responsibility for the decision on whether might be relevant for a debate among the or not to admit Turkey, the authority of the general public. Commission as principal negotiator would suffer immeasurably. A Chance for Wise Men “No proportional • Second, the committee of wise men representation and no should concentrate on providing political political parties” orientation, even though it would be pos- sible to exert far more political pressure • The final report of a group of experts with proposals designed to implement in- had to go far beyond an analysis and de- stitutional reforms. In the past 15 years # 2007/07 scription of the current political situation. the legal basis of the European Union was Here it would be true to say that less is fundamentally reshaped on three occa- sometimes more. The general public sions by the treaties of Maastricht, Am- should to be included in the process in or- sterdam and Nice. The entry into force of der to encourage policymakers to think the Reform Treaty would constitute yet about the proposals advanced by the com- another profound change in the institu- mittee of wise men.
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