General State Archives of Greece Catalogue Historical Archives of Corfu έ"#$%& Kέ"#$"%: &'(')"%*+#ά -%"'.+ώ. &'$ 18'$ %+. '()*+,#&"$ *-ό /* 0%/'(1"ά M 3(4$ί* 6έ("7(*8 / 9$+1"ά 3(4$ί* /'7 6(ά/'78, %/' -:*ί%1' /'7 10'7 ;1$#+'ύ8 =7+$>(ί'7 01*+%#έ2 3"'45))ί45+2 4&1. 7%"&')"%*+#ή 9:1"'.';+ά /&8 <(+&"'(ή2 &12 =+5>.'ύ2 7%"&')"%*+#82 Έ.A412 (ICA) 01*+%#έ2 B5C.':')ί52 4&1 7%"&')"%*+#ή 9:1"'.';+ά, 6!("7(* 27-29 ?*@'7 2015. =7+$()ά%/&"$ & ABά>* C*(/')(*D1"ή8 6:&('+'B1ά8 /'7 3FG http://xeee.web.auth.gr/ICA-Heritage http://xeee.web.auth.gr/ICA-Heritage/Corfu http://xeee.web.auth.gr/ICA-Heritage/Corfu/Exhibition.html http://cartography.web.auth.gr/Cartoheritage-Group A1 *-$1"'+ί%$18 *+*Dέ('+/*1 %/18 H*('+ί$8 Corner, Marcello (-(ώ&+ Viaro), Darbaro, Vitturi "*1 %$ ά::$8 1>1'"/&%ί$8 A1 /'-')(άD'1 $ί+*1: $"/ό8 /I+ *+I+ύBI+, '1 Girolamo Semitecollo, Alessandro Ganassa ()1* /' έ()' /'7 I8 B&4*+1"'ύ %/&+ 6έ("7(* H:. %4$/1"2 %/&+ $()*%5* /I+ Molteni E., S. Moretti (2006) "Maps and drawings of Corfu in the library of the Museo Correr", e-Perimetron, Vol.1, No.1, 1-31 (http://www.e-perimetron.org/Vol_1_1/Molteni_Moretti/Molteni_Moretti.pdf) "*1 Costantin Rosa Sicuro ' '-'ί'8 )$++ή#&"$ (-1#*+ό+) %/& Jά"7+#', 1758 "*1 -έ#*+$ %/& K$+$/ί*, 1836. =-'ύ*%$ %/& =/(*/1I/1"E =4':E /&8 K$(ό+* "*1 *%4':E#&"$ B$ /* B*#&B*/1"ά "*1 /& %/(*/1I/1"ή $-1%/ήB&. L-1"$D*:ή8 >1'1"&/ή8 /'7 =,B*/'8 ?&4*+1"'ύ %/&+ Fά'H*. L1>1"ό8 %/* '47(IB*/1"ά έ()* (Varo, Ghioggia) he exhibition Corfu: 18th Century Planimetries of Baronies organised by the Historical TArchives of Corfu / General State Archives of Greece in the frame of the 10th International Conference Digital Approaches to Cartographic Heritage of the International Cartographic Association Commission on Digital Technologies in Cartographic Heritage, Corfu 27-29 May 2015 in cooperation with the Cartoheritage Group of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki http://xeee.web.auth.gr/ICA-Heritage http://xeee.web.auth.gr/ICA-Heritage/Corfu http://xeee.web.auth.gr/ICA-Heritage/Corfu/Exhibition.html http://cartography.web.auth.gr/Cartoheritage-Group The representations referred to the baronies Corner, Marcello (former Viaro), Darbaro, Vitturi and in other properties The surveyors are: some anonymous and the Girolamo Semitecollo, Alessandro Ganassa (for his engineering work in Corfu see the paper by Molteni E., S. Moretti (2006) "Maps and drawings of Corfu in the library of the Museo Correr", e-Perimetron, Vol.1, No.1, 1-31 (http://www.e-perimetron.org/Vol_1_1/Molteni_Moretti/Molteni_Moretti.pdf) and Costantin Rosa Sicuro who born (possibly) in Zante, 1758 and died in Venice, 1836. Educated in the Military College of Verona; dealt with mathematics and military science. Head director of the Corps of Engineers in Padova. Specialist in fortifications (Varo, Ghioggia) 1. A!"#$ό&#'(: L1"'+')(*D1"ή (Disegno iconografico) )*#+$,('ί /.#0&: H*('+ί* Corner 1%!+2: 4I(1ό ?*)'7:ά>$8 1+!+/345+2: Girolamo Semitecolo Έ+2: 1744 7#.',ά"#2: 135X76cm 89#$ό: 4*(/ί, *"'7*(έ:*, B$:ά+1 936-3(4$ί* N'B'ύ 6έ("7(*8, :3;"ί+& </;=3ί+> 7#.;"#3ί'"=2 ?. 1827, 5. 5, ';. 65, (3(4$1'#ή"& 1, %7(/. 1, *(. %4. 1) Representation: 0conographic (Disegno iconografico) Territory property: Corner barony Place: village Magoulades Surveyor: Girolamo Semitecolo Year: 1744 Dimensions: 135X76cm Material: paper, watercolor, ink 2. A!"#$ό&#'(: L-1-$>'B$/(1"ή (Disegno planimetrico) )*#+$,('ί /.#0&: H*('+ί* Marcello (-(ώ&+ Viaro) Tό!+2: 4I(1ό ?ά(B*(' 1+!+/345+2: Alessandro Ganassa Έ+2: 1787 7#.',ά"#2: 150X78cm 89#$ό: 4*(/ί, *"'7*(έ:*, B$:ά+1 936-3(4$ί* N'B'ύ 6έ("7(*8, :3;"ί+& </;=3ί+> 7#.;"#3ί'"=2 ?. 1801, 5. 183-184, ';. 41, (3(4$1'#ή"& 1, %7(/. 3, *(. %4. 16) Representation: Planimetric (Disegno planimetrico) Territory property: Marcello (former Viaro) barony Place: village Marmaro Surveyor: Alessandro Ganassa Year: 1787 Dimensions: 150X78cm Material: paper, watercolor, ink 3. A!"#$ό&#'(: T'-')(*D1"E (Disegno topografico) )*#+$,('ί /.#0&: H*('+ί* Barbaro 1%!+2: 4I(1ό 6*:*D*/1ώ+$8 1+!+/345+2: Girolamo Semitecolo | Έ+2: 1757 7#.',ά"#2: 81X52cm | 89#$ό: 4*(/ί, *"'7*(!:*, B$:ά+1 @%$$#&+: )*ί$8 /&8 H*('+5*8 "*1 $:$ύ#$($8 )*ί$8 A3ά'#&+: "*/*-*/&B!+$8 )*ί$8 936-3(4$ί* N'B'ύ 6έ("7(*8, :3;"ί+& </;=3ί+> 7#.;"#3ί'"=2 ?. 1864, .3. 3, 5. 45, ';. 125, (3(4$1'#ή"& 1, %7(/. 2, *(. %4. 12) Representation: Topographic (Disegno topografico) Territory property: Barbaro barony Place: village Kalafationes Surveyor: Girolamo Semitecolo | Year: 1757 Dimensions: 81X52cm | Material: paper, watercolor, ink Red: Lands under barony authority and free lands Green: Lands downtrodden 4. A-$1"ό+1%&: L-1-$>'B$/(1"ή (Disegno planimetrico) 0>1'"/&%ί* )*1ώ+: H*('+ί* Marcello (-(ώ&+ Viaro) Tό'8: 4I(1ό 91*++2>$8 O'-')(2D'8: Alessandro Ganassa | Έ'8: 1787 ;1*%/ά%$18: 146X99cm | Q:1"ό: 4*(/ί, *"'7*(έ:*, B$:ά+1 @"3.B#*ί: )*ί$8 "*::1$()&/ώ+ @-,3#&+: "*/*-*/&Bέ+$8 )*ί$8 C+D: )*ί$8 /&8 $"":&%ί*8 3)ί'7 N1"':ά'7 /I+ 6*+*"ά>I+ 4I(ί8 /18 )*ί$8 -'7 $"4I(ή#&"*+ *-ό /& H*('+ί* I8 -*/(I+1"έ8 %/&+ $"":&%ί* A3ά'#&+: )*ί$8 ά::I+ $"":&%1ώ+ ή 1>1I/ώ+ 936-3(4$ί* N'B'ύ 6έ("7(*8, :3;"ί+& </;=3ί+> 7#.;"#3ί'"=2 ?. 1798, 5. 42-43, ';. 49 Representation: Planimetric (Disegno planimetrico) Territory property: Marcello (former Viaro) barony Place: village Giannades Surveyor: Alessandro Ganassa | Year: 1787 Dimensions: 146X99cm | Material: paper, watercolor, ink Brick red: Farmer lands Yellow: Lands downtrodden Purple: St Nicolaus Church lands Green: Churches and private lands 5. A!"#$ό&#'(: T'-')(*D1"ή (Disegno topografico) )*#+$,('ί /.#0&: H*('+ί* Vitturi | Tό!+2: 4I(1ό L-ί%"$R& 1+!+/345+2: Girolamo Semitecolo | Έ+2: 1751 7#.',ά"#2: 98X77cm | 89#$ό: 4*(/ί, *"'7*(έ:*, B$:ά+1 Kό$$#&+: 4I(άD1*, *B-έ:1*, $:1έ8 "*::1$()&/ώ+ @-,3#&+: $:$ύ#$($8 )*ί$8 /&8 H*('+5*8 A3ά'#&+: "*/*-*/&B!+$8 )*ί$8 C+9>Dί: )*ί$8 -'7 >$+ *+E"'7+ %/& H*('+5*. 936-3(4$ί* N'B'ύ 6έ("7(*8, :3;"ί+& </;=3ί+> 7#.;"#3ί'"=2 ?. 1841, 5.60, ';. 110, (3(4$1'#ή"& 1, %7(/. 2, *(. %4. 9) Representation: Topographic (Disegno topografico) Territory property: Vitturi barony | Place: village Episkepsi Surveyor: Girolamo Semitecolo | Year: 1751 Dimensions: 98X77cm | Material: paper, watercolor, ink Red: Farms, vineyards, olive trees owned by farmers Yellow: Baronies’ free lands Green: Trampled lands Leaden: Lands not owned by baronies 6. A!"#$ό&#'(: L-1-$>'B$/(1"ή (Disegno planimetrico) )*#+$,('ί /.#0&: H*('+ί* Marcello (-(ώ&+ Viaro) Tό!+2: F'/*Bό8 (-('ά%/1' 6έ("7(*8), %/& #έ%& Arcocefalo 1+!+/345+2: Alessandro Ganassa | Έ+2: 1785 7#.',ά"#2: 51X73cm | 89#$ό: 4*(/ί, *"'7*(έ:*, B$:ά+1 936-3(4$ί* N'B'ύ 6έ("7(*8, :3;"ί+& </;=3ί+> 7#.;"#3ί'"=2 ?. 1798, 5. 26-27, ';. 48 Representation: Planimetric (Disegno planimetrico) Territory property: Marcello (former Viaro) barony Locality: Potamos (by Corfu); site: Arcocefalo Surveyor: Alessandro Ganassa | Year: 1785 Dimensions: 51X73cm | Material: paper, watercolor, ink 7. A!"#$ό&#'(: L-1-$>'B$/(1"ή (Disegno planimetrico) )*#+$,('ί /.#0&: H*('+ί* Marcello (-(ώ&+ Viaro) | 1%!+2: 4I(1ό S1*-2>$8 1+!+/345+2: Alessandro Ganassa | Έ+2: 1786 7#.',ά"#2: 148X129cm | 89#$ό: 4*(/ί, *"'7*(έ:*, B$:ά+1 936-3(4$ί* N'B'ύ 6έ("7(*8, :3;"ί+& </;=3ί+> 7#.;"#3ί'"=2 ?. 1799, 5. 26-27, ';. 42, (3(4$1'#ή"& 1, %7(/. 3, *(. %4. 15) Representation: Planimetric (Disegno planimetrico) Territory property: Marcello (former Viaro) barony | Place: village Liapades Surveyor: Alessandro Ganassa | Year: 1786 Dimensions: 148X129cm | Material: paper, watercolor, ink 8. A!"#$ό&#'(: T'-')(*D1"ή (Disegno topografico) )*#+$,('ί +#$+!έ*=&: B'+ή8 <$%))5:+4;'? &A. E%&6.A. 1%!+2: 4I(1ό Ά1'1 G$ό>I('1 S$7"ίBB&8 1+!+/345+2: 2)+I%/' Έ+2: 1821 7#.',ά"#2: 66X100cm | 89#$ό: 4*(/ί, *"'7*(έ:*, B$:ά+1 936-3(4$ί* N'B'ύ 6έ("7(*8, :3;"ί+& </;=3ί+> 7#.;"#3ί'"=2, F>,ά ';έ*#., ';. 25, (3(4$1'#ή"& 3, %7(/. 2, *(. %4. 13) Representation: Topographic (Disegno topografico) Plot property: Annunciation Monastry of the Latins Village: Agioi Theodoroi, Lefkimmi Surveyor: unknown Year: 1821 Dimensions: 66X100cm | Material: paper, watercolor, ink 9. A!"#$ό&#'(: L-1-$>'B$/(1"ή (Disegno planimetrico) )*#+$,('ί /.#0&: H*('+ί* Barbaro | 1%!+2: 4I(1ό 6'7"+1"ά>$8 1+!+/345+2: Girolamo Semitecolo Έ+2: 1757 7#.',ά"#2: 95X52cm | 89#$ό: 4*(/ί, *"'7*(!:*, B$:ά+1 Kό$$#&+: )*ί$8 /&8 H*('+5*8 @-,3#&+: *>1ά#$/$8 )*ί$8 A3ά'#&+: "*/*-*/&Bέ+$8 )*5$8 936-3(4$ί* N'B'ύ 6έ("7(*8, :3;"ί+& </;=3ί+> 7#.;"#3ί'"=2 ?. 1864, $,;. 2, 5. 3, ';. 120, (3(4$1'#ή"& 1, %7(/. 2, *(. %4. 10) Representation: Planimetric (Disegno planimetrico) Territory property: Barbaro barony | Place: village Kouknikades Surveyor: Girolamo Semitecolo Year: 1757 Dimensions: 95X52cm | Material: paper, watercolor, ink Red: Lands under barony authority Yellow: Lands undistributed Green: Lands downtrodden 10. A!"#$ό&#'(: L-1-$>'B$/(1"ή (Disegno planimetrico) )*#+$,('ί /.#ώ&: H*('+ί* Barbaro 1%!+2: 4I(1ά 37:1ώ/$8, 9*(+ά>$8 "*1 K'7+1ώ/$8 1+!+/345+2: Girolamo Semitecolo Έ+2: 1757 7#.',ά"#2: 97X52cm 89#$ό: 4*(/ί, *"'7*(έ:*, B$:ά+1 936-3(4$ί* N'B'ύ 6έ("7(*8, :3;"ί+& </;=3ί+> 7#.;"#3ί'"=2 ?.
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