Strait of Georgia Every Second Thursday & Online ‘24/7’ at Coastal Currents ~ Bridging The Gulf Since 1989 islandtides.com Canadian Publications Mail Product Volume 19 Number 18 September 5—September 19, 2007 50¢ at Selected Retailers Sales Agreement Nº 40020421 Tide tables 2 No to cell phones 2 Saturna notes 3 Much ringing 5 What’s on? 5 Regatta 7 Farmers’ stand 9 Bulletin board 11 Unsunny summer Environment Canada Metrological Service It will comes as a surprise to many summer sun-seekers that, in the Southern Strait of Georgia, this August’s weather was in the normal range. Many are complaining about the amount of rain, in spite of the fact that August began with a 10 day dry spell. Total rainfall was above normal (36.2mm, normal is 23.9mm), but, according to records, not in the top 10. More than half of the rain fell in one day. On August 19, localized rainfall on the Saanich Peninsula reached 26mm, breaking the old daily record of 19.1mm. The timing of other rainy days was Photo: john Jones less than ideal for work-a-day people—of the four weekends in August, only one Roosting birds watch the sunset over Plumper Sound was dry. The other three weekends had at Trust rejects north Denman plan Gulf Island potholes WEATHER, please turn to page 5 Patrick Brown Enlarging Squitty Bay The latest plan for residential development of bylaws and the courts to attempt to control its part of province-wide Park the northern portion of Denman Island has development. As part of enhancing the network of been quickly rejected by the Denman Local Most of northern Denman Island was dispute ~ Russ Searle protected areas in the Strait of Trust Committee. A motion to 'proceed no logged as early as the late 1800s. 3,800 acres of Georgia, the Ministry of Environment Many Gulf Islanders visitors have noticed that there further’ with the North Denman Lands it was owned by Weldwood, and was sold to the is working with the Lasqueti Island seems to be an inordinate number of potholes in our development application was passed John Hancock Timber Resources Group in May Nature Conservancy and the Islands roads this summer; residents have been aware of unanimously at the August 14 business meeting 1995. This was approximately one-third of Trust Fund to purchase 38.5 hectares axle-breaker potholes many months longer. of the Denman Island LTC. Denman Island. At the end of 1996, the of oceanfront property intended for The reason for this is that the workers of Mainroad Denman’s turndown of this extensive Denman Forestry Initiative was formed, an addition to Squitty Bay Provincial South Island Contracting, the company which proposal could be seen as a landmark rejection intending to purchase a block of land for a Park. The owners have agreed to sell maintains our roads in the Gulf Islands, have been on of large-scale real estate development by an community forest. But on June 30, 1997 the property for a price well below strike since May 22 (their collective agreement Island determined to maintain its valued rural Hancock sold the land to Mike Jenks’ 4064 market-value to have it preserved. expired November 30, 2006). Local employees are ambiance. Investments Ltd. The new owner inherited the Protecting the Tyler/Iversen reduced to working four hours a week to maintain The development proposal, submitted May obligation to covenant two areas, the Railway property will increase Squitty Bay essential services. Not surprisingly, this doesn’t begin 2, 2007 by 0736800 BC Ltd on behalf of North Grade Marsh and Komas Bluffs, for Provincial Park by four times, taking to cover the needs of our roads. Denman Lands Inc (NDLI), anticipated the conservation. it from 13 hectares to more than 51 When first contacted, David Zerr, president of development of 87 residential parcels, some 4064 Investments rapidly commenced hectares. The proposed addition Mainroad South Island Contracting insisted that his freehold, some strata, and some freehold ‘farm clearcut logging of second growth timber, would further protect the Coastal company is meeting all of its contractual obligations, lots,’ on land presently zoned for 22 residences. despite community protests and Douglas Fir biogeoclimatic zone, and that’s why they are continuing to receive regular In exchange, the developer offered the demonstrations. In August, 1997, the Denman including uncommon plant monthly payments from the Ministry of community, as amenities, lands for Forestry Initiative made a cash offer to ‘4064’ communities and foreshore habitats. Transportation. Subsequently, he has stated that the conservation, agriculture, and forestry. The for the forest, but ‘4064’ quickly rejected the Only 4.7% of Lasqueti Island’s land Ministry of Transportation has put his company on proposal included an extensive replanning and offer. Negotiations continued until August base is currently protected. notice that penalties may be levied due to scheduled rezoning of the northern part of Denman Island 1998, but no agreement was ever reached, while The ministry has secured a work not being done. in order to accommodate the additional logging continued. The Denman LTC then conditional agreement to purchase Over the past ten years the transportation workers residences. passed Sustainable Forest Practice Bylaws the property if the community can who work on our roads have seen their wages Discussion at the LTC meeting followed which established Development Permit raise $250,000 by the end of increase by less than 4%, while at the same time they presentation of a comprehensive preliminary requirements for forestry on Denman, taking October. As, Lasqueti residents were forced, in 2002, to take an overall cut to their report on the proposal prepared by Landworks effect May 13, 1999. number about 350 souls, they will be benefits package. The net result of all of this is that the Consultants for the Trust. In addition to the 4064 Investments continued logging, by the needing help from all lovers of coastal workers lost 8% j10in 2002. Statistics Canada motion to halt consideration of this proposal, end of April having taken an estimated 172,000 scenery and ecology up and down the informs us that the BC consumer price index rose by the LTC indicated its willingness to consider a cubic meters of timber. Bylaw violation coast—and further afield. more than 17% between 1996 and 2006. Obviously, more modest application which would complaints were filed, and Denman residents Opportunities for preserving the now the people who maintain our roads have seen their specifically include transfer of specific lands for occupied Woodham Road to block logging. fragmented Coastal Douglas Fir quality of life diminished by wage and benefit cuts, conservation and affordable housing, and the ‘4064’ filed a SLAPP suit (Strategic Lawsuit biogeoclimatic zone are rare—and while the company contracted to maintain our roads provision of trails between protected areas. against Public Participation) against the this is one. is still being paid by the government, and is not protesters. The Islands Trust filed for a At press time the standing of the Background keeping up with the job. Supreme Court injunction against 4064 fund was not available but more Over the past twelve years, much of the The Ministry of Transportation says that it is Investments, which was upheld by Mr Justice information about the Squitty Bay northern part of Denman Island has been sold, monitoring the situation regarding the payment of Pitfield on May 31, 2000. campaign can be found on the Islands flipped, logged, and flipped again. Throughout fees to Mainroad South Island Contracting, and that this period, the Islands Trust and various Denman’s bylaws were struck down by the Trust Fund’s website at more money will be made available next year for ✐ groups of residents have worked through www.islandstrustfund.bc.ca. DENMAN PLAN, please turn to page 2 POTHOLES, please turn to page 10 We are reorganizing and adding to our Archives—visit often to get the news and background to current hot topics. PDF articles are easy to read and email to friends and colleagues. wwwwww..iissllaannddttiiddeess Page 2, ISLAND TIDES, Sept 6, 2007 New Denver says no to cell phones Health risks from cell phones and antennae have led concerned tissue, not on possible microcellular effects. Yet Magda Havas of citizens of New Denver to try to prevent a cell phone antenna Trent University’s Environmental and Resource Studies faculty from being installed in this small Canadian village, says New says, ‘This assumption is not correct. Adverse biological effects AT FULFORD HARBOUR Denver Healthy Housing Society (HHS). Citizen efforts led to a have been documented at levels below federal guidelines and SEPTEMBER public meeting with telecommunications corporation Telus, there are no federal guidelines for non-thermal effects, nor are which stopped construction temporarily to consider its options. there guidelines for long-term exposure.’ Day Time Ht./ft. Ht./m. Day Time Ht./ft. Ht./m. The situation recently made news headlines around the world. The Healthy Housing Society (HHS) and other concerned 0517 2.0 0.6 0557 9.2 2.8 However, despite more than 250 of 512 residents signing a citizens have done a formidable amount of research on the 5 1418 10.5 3.2 13 1132 5.6 1.7 ‘no cell phones’ petition, Telus announced that it will be health hazards of cell phone antenna and phones. Typical WE 1909 9.5 2.9 TH 1755 9.8 3.0 ME 2133 9.8 3.0 JE proceeding with the installation. New Denver village council has conclusions of many such studies, was this one by Dr George written to Health Canada regarding citizens’ health concerns and Carlo, Chairman of the Science and Public Policy Institute, 0625 2.0 0.6 0018 4.6 1.4 6 1509 10.8 3.3 14 0654 9.2 2.8 has asked Telus to delay its installation pending a response.
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