TEWKESBURY BOROUGH COUNCIL rs L::< Council Offices, Gloucester Road, TEWK.ESBUR Y, G L20 5TT W.W . STRACHAN Telephone TEWKESBURY (0684) · 2950 10 B.Sc., M.Sc., M.R.T .P.l. This matter is being dealt with by ....• '.:.~~.: ...~ .~.~ ~.~. ~~.~.. ••........... Ext . .....~}.~ .~---···· Borough Planning Officer Your Ref. Our Ref. JW/RJC/T G.2 775/ K 20t h February , 1987 ~-.. < For information Highnam Court, Highnam ) Outline application for the erection of a retirement village, hotel and opera box including the Highnam Court House and gardens. Construction of a new vehicular and pedestrian access. The above application was considered by Committe on 17th February, 1987. i-, , . Members resolved, after considerable debate, to accept the ' proposals in principle and NOT REFUSE the applica .t i on subject to the application being advertised in the press as a material departure from the provisions of the County Structure Plan and the Gloucester North Environs Local Plan. Proposals will, after advertising, need to be referred to the Department of .the · Environment before any formal determination . • The Department of the ;,. .. ( Environment can either call in the application for their determination or allow the Authority to determine as they see fit. You will be notified when a final decision has been made. ' ~. i )._· Cr-/--~ · ,, [f-~ Agenda Item 4(d) ' Planning Committee . 8' 17th March,1987 . REPORT OF CHIEF OFFICERS MANAGEMENTTEAM ~:' (INITIATED BY BOROUGHPLANNING OFFICER) HIGHNAMCOURT: PROPOSED-RETIREMENTCOMPLEX (Tfr.2775/K) STATEMENTOF BOROUGHCOUNCIL'S SUPPORT . El- Background On 20th February,1987 the Borough Planning Committee elected not to refuse an outline application for the erection of a retirement village, hotel and opera box at the above site. .' . ) In accordance with the Town and Country Planning (Development Plans) (England) Direction 1981, ~he application has been advertised in the local press as representing a major !_,_:· departu_re from approve-ct County Structure Plan and Local Plan policy. ~ I ~ ~-.. tJ l· Relevant Policies :' _ The County Planning Officer for Gloucestershire has advised that the proposal ~s contrary to the housing policies of the County f' Structure Plan (H4. Area Policy H20) and to the intentions of I Policy L2. It is also considered that the proposals are L . l:_ I' contrary to Policy H4 of the Gloucester North Environs Local Plan (adopt~d 1983) which does not provide for any new residential development at Highnam other than by infilling within the existing village. L 1.:. Reasons for Local Authority support Whilst recognising that the present development plan framework r: :-< does not provide for a development of this type and scale at \- Highnam, the Borough Council wishes to support the application -.- for the following reasons: •:· ,_,. (a) The Borough Council considers that the proposed site l: provides a unique opportunity to develop facilities ', . for the elderly in an attractive setting without ,.l. any detriment to existing residents in nearby !" . Highnam village. While similar schemes have been developed . abroad, it is believed that the proposals could represent I one of the first to take place in this country and the Borough Council welcomes the opportunity to see such a . development in the Borough of Tewkesbury . I. ' (b) The Borough Council does not consider that the existing policy framework is rele_,vant to the proposals submitted . It considers that such proposals are worthy of being treated exceptionally and judged on their individual merits. The Borough Council does not consider that such ~ exceptional treatment should necessarily be regarded ~ as representing a major change in policy outlook and does not .see its support for the application as c:·eating a general precedent for similar developr.:ent in the future. P 1 ( 1 ) f . r . L. {c) In addition to the reasons above, the Borough Council . regards the application as offering a considerable ~. opportunity for planning gain since it includes proposals to restore Highnam Court (a Grade 1 List~d Building) and its Gardens (Grade 11* gardens), both being in very poor condition at the present time. The Borough Council would therefore seek to enter into a Section 52 agreement with the developers . to ensure that the refurbishment of the house and 8. gardens was carried out prior to or in association with the residential and commercial development. '. • el (d) Finally, the Borough Council considers that a well ' designed and laid out complex of buildings can be • successfully integrated into the parkland setting of Ll.' Highnam Court without destroying the essential ) char-acter of the area. To this end the Borough Council is endeavouring to seek further information and details from the developer which will assi~t in assessing the jmpact o~ the proposals and also which will provide a satisfactory basis for ffi detailed submissibns. ~ Conclusion The Borough Council hopes that in the light of the above, the i Secretary of State will see fit to refer the application k~i,: . (TG.2775/K) back to the Borough Council for decision. I, I ) ',. I. /, ti fl ·:;.. I'. Ii. Pl (2) P(Pl)SWlO/JBA Departments of the Environment and Transport South West Regional Office Room 3/08 Tollgate House Houlton Street Bristol 8S2 9DJ Direct Line 0272-218 Telex 449321 7 Switchboard 0272 -21 sat~ GTN 2074 Your reference Mrs S Humble 62 Maidenhall Our reference Highnam Gloucester SW/P/5228/219/15 Date GL2 8DL k'-; March 1988 + Dear Madam _ "'--- TOWNAND COUNTRYPLANNING ACT 1971 APPLICATIONFOR THE ERECTIONOF A RETIREMENTVILLAGE, HOTEL, OPERA BOX ANDASSOCIATED DEVELOPMENT AT HIGHNAMCOURT, HIGHNAM,GLOUCESTERSHIRE I am writing on behalf of the Secretary of State about the above-mentioned application which has been referred to him in accordance with paragraph 4 of Schedule 11 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1971. You recently wrote expressing views on the works proposed. The Secretary of State has appointed an Inspector to hold a local inquiry into the application and he will attend for this purpose at The Highnam Parish Hall, Highnam, Gloucestershire at 10.00 am on Tuesday 12 July 1988. The inquiry will provide the opportunity for all those concerned to put their views to the Inspector, and your best course is to attend or be represented there. If you cannot attend or be represented and still wish the views expressed in ~ your letter to be considered, you are requested to inform the Department as soon -..._ - as possible whether you are willing for them to be disclosed to both parties. Any views given in writing are liable to be read out at the Inquiry. If you are not willing for this to be done the Secretary of State cannot in fairness to the parties take your views into account. R MILLER 100% .
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