4923 and Bolton Bailway Act, 1846, and to authorize respect of the said intended. branch railways, and the Blackburn, Darwen, and.Bolton Railway Com- other works before mentioned, and to grant exemp- pany, to make and maintain the several branch tions from the payment .of such tolls, rates, and railways hereinafter mentioned, with all necessary duties, and also to purchase and take by compul- works and conveniences connected therewith re- sion, or otherwise, lands, houses, and other build- spectively, that is to say, ings for the several purposes aforesaid, or some of A. railway commencing by a junction with the them, and to vary or extinguish all existing rights said Blackburn, Darwen, and Bolton Railway, at or privileges connected with such lands, houses, and or near a field numbered 165, in the township of other buildings, or which would in any manner Turton and parish of Bolton-in-the Moors, on the impede or interfere with the execution of the several plan of the said railway referred to in the first purposes aforesaid, and to confer other rights and mentioned Act, and terminating: at or near a field privileges; and also to enable the said Blackburn, called the Brows, belonging to the Earl of Derby, Darwen and Bolton Railway Company to raise a and in the occupation of Edmund Hardman, in the further sum of money for the purposes aforesaid, and township of Elton and parish of-Bury, all in the for .the general purposes of the said undertaking. county of Lancaster, there to form a junction with And notice is hereby also given, that maps, plans, the line of the Liverpool and Bury Railwny, which and sections of the said intended new railways and said intended railway, and the works connected works, and of the lands proposed to be taken for therewith, will pass from, in, through, or into, or the purposes thereof, together with a book or* refer- be situate within the several parishes, townships, ence to such plans, containing the names of the and extra-parochial or other places following, or reputed owners, lessees, and occupiers of such lands, some of them (that is to say) Turton, Edgeworth, will be deposited for public inspection on or before Quarlton, Bradshaw, Bolton-in-the-Moors, Totting- the thirtieth day of November in this present year, ton Lower End, Elton and Bury, all in the said with the clerk of the peace of the county of Lan- county of Lancaster. caster, at his office at Preston in the said county, A railway from and out of the said last mentioned and that a copy of so much of the said plans, sec- intended railway, commencing at or near to a field tions, and books of reference as relates to each of numbered 163 on the said plan, in the township of the parishes in or through which the intended works Turton and parish of Bolton-in-the-Moors, to form will pass and be made, will be deposited for public another junction with the said Blackburn, Darwen, inspection with the parish clerks of those parishes and Bolton Railway, at or near to another field at .their respective places of abode, on or before the numbered 158 on the said plan, all within the same thirtieth day of November. township of Turton, in the parish of Boiton-in-the- Dated, the 9th day of November 1846. Moors, in the said county of Lancaster. Robinson and Perfect, Solicitors., Blackburn. A railway from and out of the first mentioned intended railway, commencing at or near a field Blackburn, Darwen, and Bolton Railway Acts' called the Five Acres, belonging to the Earl of Amendment: diversions of line in the parishes Derby, and in the occupation of John Bridge, in of Blackburn and Bolton-in-the-Moors. the township of Elton and parish of Bury, to form OTICE is hereby given, that application is another junction with the said line of the Liverpool N intended to be made to Parliament iti the and Bury Railway, at or near a field called the Big next Session for an Act to alter, amend, extend, Meadow, belonging to the Earl of Derby, and in and enlarge, and to repeal .some of the powers and the occupation of Edmund Hardman, all within provisions of" The Blackburn, Darwen, and Bolton the township of Elton, in the parish of Bury, in the Railway Act, 1845," and the Blackburn, Darwen, said county of Lancaster. and Bolton Railway Act, 1846, and to authorize A railway commencing by a junction with the the Blackburn, Darwen, and Bolton Railway Com* said Blackburn, Darwen, and Bolton Railway, at pany to make and maintain the several alterations or near a field numbered 85 on the plan of the or diversions hereinafter mentioned in the line of said railway referred to in the said first mentioned the railway as authorised by the said first-men- Act, in the township and parish of Blackburn, and tioned Act, (that is to say)— terminating at or near to a certain place, called An alteration or diversion to commence from and Bank Top, in the same township and parish, the out of the main line of the .same railway at or tiear whole of which said last mentioned intended rail- a field numbered 302 in the township of Over way will be in the said township and parish of Darwen, in the parish of Blackburn, on the plan of Blackburn, in the county of Lancaster. the said railway referred to in the said first-men- And it is also intended by such Act, to take tioned Act, and to terminate by a junction with the power to stop up, alter, or divert, whether tempo- said main line at or near to afield numbered 43 on rarily or permanently, all turnpike and other roads the said plan, in the township of Entwisle and and highways, railways, tramways, aqueducts, parish of Bolton-in-the-Moors, which said intended canals, streams and rivers within the aforesaid alteration or diversion, and the works connected parishes, townships, and extra-parochial or other therewith, will pass from, in, through, or into, or places, or any of them which it may be necessary be situate within the several parishes, townships* to stop up, alter, or divert by reason of the con- and extra-parochial or other places following, or struction of the said intended works, or any of them. some of them, (that is to say,) Blackburn, Over And it is further proposed by the said Act, to Darwen, Entwisle, and Boltou-in-the-Moors, all in authorize the said Blackburn, Darwen, and Bolton the snid county of Lancaster. Railway Company to levy tolls, rates, and duties in An alteration or diversion to commence from and.
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