Spellenverzameling Mel Update 15/03/2009 Spel Min.# Spelers Max.# Spelers Min

Spellenverzameling Mel Update 15/03/2009 Spel Min.# Spelers Max.# Spelers Min

Spellenverzameling Mel update 15/03/2009 Spel Min.# spelers Max.# spelers Min. leeftijd Merk (minuten) Duur Auteur 1 3D Domino 2 3 JUMBO 15 2 A Game of Thrones 3 5 12 Fantasy Fligth Games 180 Christian T Petersen 3 Ab durch die Mitte 2 4 4 KOSMOS 15 Heinz Meister 4 Abalone 2 9 5 Abenteuer Menscheit 3 4 10 KOSMOS 75 Klaus Teuber 6 Acquire 2 6 12 Schmidt 90 7 Acquire 2 6 12 Avalon Hill 90 Sid Sackson 8 Action Man Spyweb 2 8 MB 25 9 Adel verpflichtet 2 5 12 FX Schmid 60 Klaus Teuber 10 Affen raffen 2 6 6 Gold Sieber 20 Michael Schacht 11 Afrika 2 5 10 999 Games 60 Reiner Knizia 12 Age of Renaissance 3 6 12 Avalon Hill 180 13 Agora 10 Pion d'or 14 Agricola 1 5 12 999 Games 30-150Uwe Rosenberg 15 Ahoy 2 5 5 Cwali 30 Corné van Moorsel 16 Airlines 2 4 12 Avalanche Press 17 Al Cabohne 2 12 Amigo 60 Uwe Rosenberg 18 Alea 2 8 Das Spiel 30 Geoffrey Hayes 19 Alexander de Grote 2 5 10 Phalanx Games 75 Ronald Hofstätter 20 Alexandros 2 4 12 Winning Moves 45 Leo Colovini 21 Alhambra 2 6 8 Queen Games 60 Dirk Henn 22 Alhambra 2 2 6 8 Queen Games 60 Dirk Henn 23 Allemaal Instappen 244 MB 15 24 Alles im Grif 2 6 6 AMIGO 20Ferrini 25 Altamira 3 5 12 Zoch Spiele 75 Peter-Paul Joopen 26 Amon-Ra 3 5 12 999 Games 90 Reiner Knizia 27 Amyitis 2 4 12 Ystari 120 Cyril Demaegd 28 Andromeda 3 5 10 999 Games 60 Alan R Moon 29 Angkor 2 4 8 SCHMIDT 30 Knut Happel 30 Anno 1503 2 4 10 KOSMOS 60 Klaus Teuber 31Anno 1503 : Aristokraten und Piraten 2 4 10 KOSMOS 90 Klaus Teuber 32 Anno 17012 2 10 KOSMOS 60 Klaus Teuber 33 Anti-Monopoly 2 6 9 Hanky Panky Toys 120 Ralph Anspach 34 Anti-spel 2 6 13 Hanky Panky Toys 75 35 Aqua Romana 2 4 8 Queen Games 60 Martin Schlegel 36 Architekton 2 8 Queen Games 45 Michael Schacht 37 Arena 2 4 8 JUMBO 60 38 Ariel, the little Mermaid 2 4 5 JUMBO 30 39 Arkadia 2 4 10 RAVENSBURGER 60 Rüdiger Dorn 40 Armada 2 4 10 Eurogames 120+ Philippe des Pallières 41 Arne 2 4 7 15 42 A-Team 2 4 7 Clipper 45 43 Atlanteon 2 12 Fantasy Fligth Games 45 Reiner Knizia 44 Atlantic Star 2 6 10 Queen Games 60 Dirk Henn 45 Atlantis 2 4 8 Parker 46 Aton 2 10 Queen Games 30 Thorsten Gimmler 47 Attack ! 2 6 10 Eagle Games 240 48 Attacke 3 5 8 FX Schmid 30 Reiner Knizia 49 Attika 2 4 10 999 Games 60 Marcel-André casasola Merklé 50 Attila 2 5 10 999 Games 45 Karh Heinz Schniel 51 Auf Achse 2 6 10 FX Schmid 90 Wolfgang Kramer 52 Auf der Pirsch 3 4 8 Phalanx Games 30 Gunter Burkhardt 53Auf der Reeperbahn nachts un halb zwei 2 12 KOSMOS 30 Reiner Knizia 54 Augsburg 1520 2 5 12 Alea 75 Karsten Hartwig 55 Australia 2 5 10 RAVENSBURGER 90 Wolfgang Kramer 56 Avalon 2 12 KOSMOS 45 Leo Colovini 57 Axis & Allies 25 12 MB 100+ 58 Axis & Allies Pacific 2 3 12 Avalon Hill 180 Larry Harris 59 Babel 2 12 999 Games 60 Uwe Rosenberg 60 Babuschka 2 4 8 RAVENSBURGER 30 Al Newman 61 Babylon 5 248 TM 60 62 Bakerstreet 2 10 RAVENSBURGER 45 Mercle 63 Bali 3 4 12 KOSMOS 60 Uwe Rosenberg 64 Ballonrace 2 5 12 RAVENSBURGER 90 65 Balloonrace 2 8 999 Games 30 Stephen Glenn 66 Bambuti 2 12 Adlung 20 Hartmut Kommerell 67 Bananas 2 4 7 Gold Sieber 20 Johannes Tranelis 68 Bang ! 4 7 10 Da Vinci Games 40 Emiliano Sciarra 69 Bang ! High Noon 4 7 10 Da Vinci Games 40 Emiliano Sciarra 70 Baron 2 5 10 Tilsit 60 Franz Gaudois 71 Barricade 2 4 6 RAVENSBURGER 25 72 Basari 3 4 10 FX Schmid 45 Reinhard Staupe 73 Batman forever 2 4 6 PARKER 60 74 Battle Lore 2 10 Days of Wonder 60 Richard Borg 75Battle Lore : Goblin Marauders 2 10 Days of Wonder 45 Richard Borg 76 Battle of Britain 2 4 10 Berwick 60 77 Battlemist 2 6 12 Fantasy Fligth Games 300 Christian T Petersen 78 Battlespace 2 6 14 Descartes 360 Chris Hartford 79 Battletech 2 12 Fasa 120 80 Bazaar 1 6 10 3M 60Sid Mayer 81 Bedriegers bedrogen 2 6 8 999 Games 30 Lutz Stepponat 82 Beer Money 2 4 12 Atlas Games 20 Charlie Wiedman 83 Beestenveiling 3 5 8 University Games 30 Reiner Knizia 84 Beleggingsspel 28 14 ESP 120 85 Beowulf : das Spiel zum Film 2 4 10 Fantasy Fligth Games 60 Reiner Knizia 86 Beursplein 5 2 6 12 RAVENSBURGER 90 87 Bhrama 1 8 HABA 88 Big City 2 5 10 999 Games 75 Franz-Benno Delonge 89 Big Shot 2 4 10 RAVENSBURGER 45 Alex Randolph 90 Biggen 2 X 12 MB David Moffat 91 Bison 2 4 10 Phalanx Games 90 Wolfgang Kramer 92 Blokus 24 8 Hodin 20 93 Blue Moon 2 10 999 Games 30 Reiner Knizia 94 Blue Moon City 2 4 10 KOSMOS 60 Reiner Knizia 95 Blue Moon De Aqua 2 10 999 Games 30 Reiner Knizia 96 Blue Moon De Flit 2 10 999 Games 30 Reiner Knizia 97 Blue Moon De Khind 2 10 999 Games 30 Reiner Knizia 98 Blue Moon De Mimix 2 10 999 Games 30 Reiner Knizia 99 Blue Moon De Pillar 2 10 999 Games 30 Reiner Knizia 100 Blue Moon De Terrah 2 10 999 Games 30 Reiner Knizia 101Blue Moon Gezanten & Inquisiteurs I 2 10 999 Games 30 Reiner Knizia 102Blue Moon Gezanten & Inquisiteurs II 2 10 999 Games 30 Reiner Knizia 103 Bluff 3 6 12 JUMBO 30 104 Boggle 2 8 8 Clipper 10 105 Bohn Hansa 3 5 12 AMIGO 90 Uwe Rosenberg 106 Bohnaparte 3 6 12 AMIGO 90 Uwe Rosenberg 107 Bonte Bloemen 2 4 4 RAVENSBURGER 15 Rothschild 108 Boomtown 3 5 10 Face 2 face games 30 109 Boonanza 3 5 12 999 Games 45 Uwe Rosenberg 110 Borgia 3 5 12 Phalanx Games 90 Alexander S Berg 111 Buffalo 2 8 Piatnik Alex Randolph 112 Bunny Hop 2 4 5 RAVENSBURGER 15 113 Burps 2 4 10 Fun Connection 45 Harald Bilz 114 Bushi 2 12 Clipper 20 115 Business 3 7 10 Standaard / Trends 120 116 Byzantium 2 4 13 Warfrog 180 Martin Wallace 117 Caesar & Cleopatra 2 10 999 Games 40 Wolfgang Lüdtke 118 Café International 2 4 10 MATTEL 40 119 Cairo 2 5 8 SCHMIDT 45 Günter Burkhardt 120 California 2 5 8 Abacus Spiele 60 Michael Schacht 121Call of Ctulhu - Premium Starter Set 2 12 Fantasy Fligth Games 60 122 Campaign 2 4 12 Waddington's 123 Can't Stop 2 4 10 Clipper 30 124 Capitol 2 4 10 SCHMIDT 60 Alan R Moon 125 Caprice 2 4 10 Gold Sieber 30 Rötgers 126 Caracalla 2 6 12 ASS 40 Herbert Schützdeller 127 Carcassonne 2 5 10 999 Games 60 Klaus Jürgen Wrede 128 Carcassonne : De Draak, de Fee en de Jonkvrouw 2 6 8 999 Games 45 Klaus Jürgen Wrede 129 Carcassonne de Burcht 2 10 999 Games 60 Reiner Knizia 130 Carcassonne De graaf 2 5 10 999 Games 60 Klaus Jürgen Wrede 131 Carcassonne de uitbreiding 2 6 10 999 Games 60 Klaus Jürgen Wrede 132Carcassonne Jagers en Verzamelaars 2 5 8 999 Games 45 Klaus-Jurgen Wrede 133Carcassonne Koning en Verkenner 2 5 10 999 Games 60 Klaus Jürgen Wrede 134Carcassonne Kooplieden & Bouwmeesters 2 6 8 999 Games 45 Klaus-Jurgen Wrede 135 Carcassonne Overzee 2 5 8 999 Games 45 Leo Colovini 136 Carolus Magnus 2 4 12 Winning Moves 45 Leo Colovini 137 Carré 13 2 4 10 Jolly Jeux 30 138 Cartagena 2 5 8 Winning Moves 45 Leo Colovini 139 Casanova 3 5 10 FX Schmid 60 Christian Wolf 140 Cash 'n Guns 4 6 10 Repos Production 30 Ludovic Maublanc 141 Cash 'n Guns Yakuza's 6 9 10 Repos Production 45 Ludovic Maublanc 142 Castel 2 5 11 Descartes 30 Serge Laget 143 Castello 2 4 8 999 Games 45 Leo Colovini 144 Catan : De val van Rome 3 4 10 999 Games 90 Klaus Teuber 145 Catan : Die Siedler von Hessen 146 Catan Candamir 2 4 12 KOSMOS 120 Klaus Teuber 147 Catan Das Buch zum Spielen 148Catan Elasund die erste Stadt 2 4 10 KOSMOS 60 Klaus Teuber 149 Catan Het kaartspel 2 10 999 Games 75 Klaus Teuber 150Catan Het kaartspel Handel & Wandel 2 10 999 Games 75 Klaus Teuber 151Catan Het kaartspel Politiek & Intrige 2 10 999 Games 75 Klaus Teuber 152Catan Het kaartspel Ridders & Kooplieden 2 10 999 Games 75 Klaus Teuber 153Catan Het kaartspel Tovenaars & Draken 2 10 999 Games 75 Klaus Teuber 154Catan Het kaartspel Wetenschap & Vooruitgang 2 10 999 Games 75 Klaus Teuber 155 Catan Historische Szenarien II - Troja & Die Grosze Mauer 4 6 10 KOSMOS 90 Klaus Teuber 156 Cathedral World 2 10 Family Games 15 157 Caylus 2 5 12 Ystari 150 William Attia 158 Caylus Magna Carta 2 4 10 Ystari 75 William Attia 159 Celtica 2 5 10 RAVENSBURGER 45 Wolfgang Kramer 160 Charlemagne 3 4 12 999 Games 90 Gerard Mulder 161 Cheops 2 5 9 Hans im Glück 45 Klaus Paal 162 Chicago 2 4 12 Flying Turtle Games 120 163 Chicago Poker 2 6 10 Phalanx Games 45 Bruno Cathala 164 China Moon 3 5 12 Eurogames 30 Bruno Faiduti 165 Chinatown 3 5 10 QWG 60 Karsten Hartwig 166 Chinesische Mauer 2 5 10 KOSMOS 10 Reiner Knizia 167 Chizo Rising (+ 4 boosters) 2 4 8 999 Games 20 168 Choco 2 4 4 TacTic 45 169 Cijfers en Letters 2 6 10 Unica 45 Armand Jammot 170 Circus 2 4 6 JUMBO 20 171 Citadel 2 8 JUMBO 20 172 City 2 6 8 J JUMBO 173 Claim 2 4 10 JUMBO 60 Alex Randolph 174 Cluedo 3 6 8 Parker 60 175 Coggle 2 8 8 Clipper 10 176 Colditz 2 6 10 Clipper 120Reid 177 Colorado County 2 4 10 SCHMIDT 75 Reinhard Staupe 178 Coloretto 3 5 8 999 Games 30 Michael Schacht 179 Colossal Arena 2 5 8 Fantasy Fligth Games 60 Reiner Knizia 180 Colosseum 3 5 10 Days of Wonder 90 Wolfgang Kramer 181 Columbus 2 4 8 Selecta 45 182 Comme des Mouches 2 5 8 Lui-même 20 Philippe des Pallières 183 Commissario 2 5 10 Phalanx Games 30 Wolfgang Kramer 184 Condottiere 2 6 12 Eurogames 60 Dominique Ehrhard 185 Conquest of the Empire 2 6 10 Eagle Games 240 186 Conquistador 2 4 10 999 Games 90 Wolfgang Kramer 187 Contact 2 10 5 RAVENSBURGER 60 Ken Garland 188 Corruption 3 7 12 Descartes 30 Bruno Faiduti 189 Cosmic Encounter 2 4 12 Avalon Hill 120 190 Crazy Diamond & Karatino 2 6 8 Spezet 60 Bas Kesting 191 Crazy Race 3 4 12 Spiele aus Timbuktu 45 Michael Schacht 192 Cuba 2 5 12 Eggert Spiele 120 Michael Rieneck 193 Cyclo 2 4 7 Brand X 45 194 Da Vinci code 2 4 8 Winning Moves 15 Eiji Wakasugi 195 Danger 3 5 8 Queen Games 30 Thorsten Löpman 196 Dante's Inferno 3 6 12 Twilight Creations 197Dark World : Berg der Verschrikking 2 5 10 Selecta 90 Eamon Bloomfield 198 Das Amulett 3 6 12 Gold Sieber 120 Alan R Moon 199 Das Geheimnis

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