www.ukrweekly.com I Hh fPubl'shed ЬУ the Ц^аіпіап National Association Inc., a fraternal non-profit association! Ukrainian WeeklV Vol. LX No. 18 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MAY 3, 1992 50 cents Fund in support Ukraine's President Kravchuk prepares for U.S. visit by Marta Kolomayets are scheduled to be signed during Mr. the responsibility of being a part of the Kiev Press Bureau Kravchuk's visit. former Soviet Union. It is not Russia of Ukraine's These include, most imporantly, an that we have a commitment to; we share KIEV — "This visit will change the economic trade agreement, which will equal responsibility," noted President nature of relations between the United open the door for the United States to Kravchuk. missions created States and Ukraine," said Ukrainian grant most-favored-nation trade status He added that the 46 tactical nuclear President Leonid Kravchuk during a to Ukraine, as well as documents on the missiles that do not fall under the JERSEY CITY, N.J. - The Co­ press conference for U.S. journalists on Peace Corps, ecological-environmental guidelines of the START agreement ordinating Committee to Aid U- the eve of his working visit to Wash­ aid; scientific, technical and economic would be handled by an additional kraine has created a separate founda­ ington - his first as the democratically cooperation; as well as humanitarian accord. That problem deals with fi­ tion whose sole purpose is the finan­ elected leader of Ukraine. aid. nances, and Mr. Kravchuk explained cial maintenance of Ukraine's Em­ "Until now, the United States viewed that Ukraine would look for assistance bassy and other diplomatic repre­ During the 90-minute press confer­ from the West to eliminate not only Ukraine through the prism of Ameri­ ence held on Tuesday morning, April sentations in the United States. can policy toward Russia. I understand, warheads, but also the carriers, which 28, Mr. Kravchuk said that he hoped are filled with dangerous fuels. Funds collected by the Founda­ via telephone conversations with Pre­ that prior to his departure for the sident (George) Bush and Secretary of "But there are also political problems tion in Support of Diplomatic Mis­ United States, a protocol agreement we must face; there is the problem of sions of Ukraine will be used for the State (James) Baker, that today, the between the free nuclear powers of the U.S. views Ukraine as a new, democra­ national security. As a nuclear-free rent, purchase and maintenance of former Soviet Union — Ukraine, Rus­ country, we would expect to lose some Ukrainian diplomatic buildings. tic state, an independent state," said the sia, Belarus and Kazakhstan—could be Ukrainian president, who sets off for of our security. The problem is espe­ signed, although he could not issue any cially acute in a situation if our neigh­ With the Russian .Federation Washington on May 5. guarantees. claiming all buildings, properties and bors make territorial claims," Mr. One act that will strengthen ties "In principal, we have solved our Kravchuk said. assets of the former Soviet Union, between Ukraine and the U.S. will differences on the ratification and the remaining republics face the "Therefore, we have to address the include the opening of the Ukrainian signing of the START treaty," said Mr. international community with a request daunting task of purchasing or rent­ Embassy in Washington. Temporarily Kravchuk. All four republics and the ing appropriate diplomatic offices to provide guarantees for the national housed in an office building in down­ United States will be signatories to a security of Ukraine," he said. and residences for their countries' town Washington, the embassy will protocol confirming the START treaty Mr. Kravchuk, who has been attack­ representatives worldwide. soon be staffed by 12 people. Ambassa­ negotiated between the U.S. and the ed over the past two months for his flip- dor Oleh Bilorus, 52, arrived in Wash­ USSR. The foundation's top priority is to flop policies on the removal and des­ ington on Tuesday, April 28. secure an office and residence in Until recently Russian Foreign Min­ truction of nuclear weapons, reported Washington for Ukraine's ambassa­ According to Dr. Bilorus, an econo­ ister Andrei Kozyrev had insisted that that Russian President Boris Yeltsin dor to the United States, Dr. Oleh mist by profession, who once chaired Russia sign for all four republics. and he did indeed sign an agreement to Bilorus, who arrived at John F. the International Management Institute "But the status of Ukraine is that of a resume the transport of nuclear weap­ Kennedy International Airport on in Kiev, five very important documents non-nuclear state. We must undertake ons from Ukraine to Russia for destruc­ April 28. The offices of the Ukrainian tion. Embassy are currently, albeit tempo­ "Our basic political objective was to rarily, housed in downtown Wash­ Ukraine's ambassador to U.S. arrives control the removal of weapons from ington, and larger accommodations our territory because the important are being sought. thing is not to control the weapons, but to annihilate them. Whether the weap­ The building which houses the St. ons are on our territory, or on another, Sophia Religious Association in their numbers do not decrease," he Washington is being considered for concluded. the official residence of the ambas­ "Yes, we insist on having control of sador, as the idea of exchanging a the non-use of nuclear weapons tem­ building in Washington for a build­ porarily stationed on Ukrainian'soil. If ing in Kiev has sunk into bureaucra­ we proceed from another concept, we tic mire. In New York, the executive would have to recognize that we have board of the Ukrainian Institute of occupation troops and strategic forces America is considering housing the located on Ukrainian territory, con­ Ukrainian Mission to the United trolled from another state. Nations in its building. "Who will bear the responsibility in The Foundation in Support of case of an accident?... We jointly Diplomatic Missions of Ukraine is created nuclear weapons, we should registered with the Justice Depart­ jointly bear the responsibility for their ment as an agent of a foreign go­ non-use. We are the co-creators of vernment and will be incorporated in nuclear weapons, so shouldn't we be the the state of New Jersey. Initial co-successors of the nuclear arsenals? executive board members of the "And thus, we must take on the foundation are Dr. Stepan Woroch, commitments of the former Soviet Roman Halibey, Damian Korduba, Union. I must be totally assured that Marta Shmigel and Bohdan Stus. a Kuzmowycz/Svoboda my .actions would block any activities Dr. Oleh Bilorus (left),Ukraine's ambassador to the United States, and his of any leader that would think other­ Contributions to the foundation wife, Larysa, are welcomed to the U.S. at Kennedy International Airport in wise," he concluded. are not tax deductible. Checks may New York by Viktor Batiuk, Ukraine's ambassador to the United Nations. He expressed his annoyance with be made payable to the Foundation Upon his arrival on April 28, Ambassador Bilorus met with Ambassador Ostankino, the television channel, of the in Support of Diplomatic Missions Batiuk and Roman Lubkivsky, Ukraine's ambassador to Czecho-Slovakia Commonwealth of Independent States, of Ukraine and sent to Damian (who is now visiting the United States), at Ukraine's Permanent Mission to which had incorrectly reported that Korduba, 209 В Grand Ave., Ruther­ the United Nations. The next day, Ambassador and Mrs. Bilorus; flew to U.S. Secretary of State Baker had ford, NJ 07070. Washington. (Continued on page 15) 2^ THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MAY 3, 1992 No. 18 UNA grant supports rebirth Newsbriefs of Kiev-Mohyla Academy on Ukraine Executive Committee Auditing Committee was represented at the meeting by Stefan Hawrysz. reviews activity ^ KIEV — The Ukrainian minister ^ KIEV - The April 18 issue of Supreme treasurer's report for the Chornobyl clean-up, Georgy Pravda Ukrainy published new data JERSEY CITY, N.J. - The Ukrai­ Gotovchits, said at an April 22 press from the Ukrainian Ministry of Statis­ nian National Association's Supreme As is customary, the first officer to conference that between 6,000 to 8,000 tics: 49.3 percent of Ukrainian school­ Executive Committee voted to support deliver his report was the supreme deaths had resulted from the Chornobyl children are being taught in Ukrainian, the rebirth of independent education in treasurer. accident, considerably more than offi­ and 5 percent are being taught in Ukraine by donating S 10,000 to the Mr. Blahitka noted that during 1991 cial figures at the time or Western Russian. In the Western oblasts, be­ University of Kiev-Mohyla Academy, a UNA assets had grown to nearly S66 estimates. He appealed for more inter­ tween 91.8 and 97.6 percent of children private university seeking to revive the million — more precisely, 565,903,466 national aid to overcome the conse­ are taught in Ukrainian, while in the traditions of the famed Kiev-Mohyla — a gain of SI,263,796. The principal quences of Chornobyl. (RFE/ RL Daily Luhanske, Donetske and Crimean Academy of the 17th and 18th centuries. reason for this growth was an increase Report) oblasts between 93.3 and 99.96 are in sales of annuity certificates, which taught in Russian. In Kiev, 30.9 are The donation will be made from the brought in 5796,699. Meanwhile, in­ taught in Ukrainian. About 83 percent UNA Fund for the Rebirth of Ukraine come from dues decreased by 5152,436. e KIEV - Because of IMF demands of children in village schools are taught in accordance with a decision of that for fiscal stringency, the proposed state Income on investments also decreased in Ukrainian and about 66 percent of fraternal organization's executive offi­ by 5125,025.
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