MIIIH WK r Q ,,m spwiuiw MM if VOL. XXXIV. NO. 26. HOXnl.n.r, II. I" TUiKDAV, MAIM'll 2H, I MM -- HK.MI KliKI.V. WIIOMi NO. J05S. taken Slid thin all who weto In the wn- - lllet and Mill able l (ive4 were U.S. A. BOYS WIN MURDEROUS AFFAIR AT KAHUKU brought down to the JapaneM quart. SEMI -- WEEKLY. rrs Here the Japs wrra llnrtl up mid 8SUKU TUKSDAYS AMI KKIIIAYH. the work of selecting the ringleader nnd tho moot active, of tho murderers Twentieth Mantrj's Worlfc was started In. The lun.ts and whim W. N. AMSTOrG, EDITOR. knives, trcuifd hoes and club, and, It men from the mill, Manager Weight Is said, a few firearms. Tho Japanese Manila. How the Japanese Went at It for a Chtlioro able to pick out SUBSCRIPTION RATES: had Wn driven back to their quarter and tho wire twenty-thro- e Jnps who had been fore- - Tit Mokth . .80 by tho plantation men, but Insisted MuKTH, froKriiiM ..A In the utsatltt. All theso men I'll that their women and children should moit J'ik YAU .... ."' Massacre of the Chinese were placed under nriest. Is be- l' YAR, KOKIIUK fl.U) remain nt the mill for ft time. it THEY CHARGE INTRENCHMENTS lieved that the party Includes the gen-or- al Payable Invariably In Advance po This was tho situation when tho who rodo the white hrx the man The Investigation. lice first received notification of trouble who wielded the hammer with the two messago was Report W. PEARSON, at the place. Tho to the round ends nnd one of tho men who Town Tkn Losaos - Business Manager. effect that there had been some trouble did much stnbblng nnd slashing with From Gun. ldo' between tho races and that "seven or n knife. It Is settled In tho polloo de- End Is Near. Lofrln A. Thurston. Alfred W. Carter. eight men had boos laid out." Mar- KILLED THREE. jell till the entrance of tho Chlne' partment that the actually guilty men. & to scene pa-li- THURSTON CARTER. FATALLY WOUNDED ONE. house was reached. Then the wnr cries shal Brown sent tho the the ones who did the bloody work, shall of Walalua and Koolau, number- SERIOUSLY WOUNDED SIX of the assailants mixed with tho be punished If possible. MANILA, March 1C 5:50 p. m. ing in alt about n dozen men. Al tho ATTORNEYS-AT-LA- MBHCIIANT TEEN. screams of terror emitted by the dc An Inquest was held' on tho three The First Battiilion of tho Twentieth to Office. same tlmo ho over tho P.ill Street next Post WOUNDED ABOUT FIFTY. fcnsolchs men who had been fallen up started dead Chinamen. Then sixteen wound- Infantry Regiment advanced from Deputy Chlllingworth, Chas. CHINESE CASUALTY UBT. on with such force and suddenness and J. Faneuf ed men who required considerable med Paslg today, clearing the country to LYLE A. DICKEY. At I and Tom, the Japanese detective. twenty-thro- o , at such a decided, disadvantage. ical attention nnd tho Calntl, a village of 700 It na niitiA tnln In ttin --AVAIllnif L llditl was In ogre nil np " "" 1"'" ""- - " """ " Jnpanceo wero loaded on a train nnd Inhabitants live miles northwest of tho ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY KILLED NONE. Fining n """ .Marshal nrow-- was nuormcu mai uio brought to town The traju arrived foot-hill- s. Tho troops llrst encountered Public. 1. 0. Box 7SC, Honolulu, WOUNDED NONE. tho bulldltig In an Instaut, Tho clash had been a serious one and that C o'clock wus met at tho the rebel outposts In tho dense Jung'.ci H. I. King and Bethel Street. JAPANESE CASUAIrY LIST. Japanese swarmed the place and when about and there were signs of further hostilities. by cnormousVrowd. Both tho on tho banks of tho river. enemy their murderous work had been con- depot nn The Then the. chief of police organized n was dislodged after half an hour' W. R. CASTLE. cluded It looked as If a cyclone, wicked Chinese and the Japjuese weio taken Cowardly ns the most craven and force, found Mr. Dillingham nt church surgeoas onco lighting The Americans advanced in as an explosion of n powder mill, hid to Onlm prison, where at cruel as the most conscienceless were nnd chartered a special train of two gave wounded men proper care. splendid manner under a heavy flro ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY been at work till satiated. The effect tho tho Japaneso In their murderous war- - machos, with Harry Roberts ns con- Chinaman left until the) wero icady to volley the reb- Public. Attends all Court of the was exploding n eight-Inc- h shell The one wounded at faro upon the Chinese at Kuhuku plan ile Musgruvo as engi- els from tho trenches. Tho latter had Republic. Honolulu, II. I. on the deck of a sn'Ml gunboat. Tho ductor nnd Chas. tho plantation cannot live. Dr. Her- tation on Sunday afternoon last. Tho men wero picked from tho a great advantage and dropped a num place was wrecked, gutted, battered to neer. Ten bert Wood said that the trip to town Japanese were brutal and unfeeling as Capt. Splllncr ber of our men. Tho Americans PARKE. pieces, Inundated with a crazy mob, Mounted Patrol, under would only hasten the man's demise. CATHCARJ& tho wildest nnd ten from the foot police, under charged across the rice fields, making beast. hammered to llotsam and Jetsam, torn The poor Chliinmau has two stabs. KAAHU-tnan- u on enemy, who num ATTORNEYS AT LAW. 13 If the Filipinos at any lime were en- Lieut. Holl Cupt. Parker recruited tho They wero Indicted with n long dirk. four advances the to bits. It was a scene of carnage. It bered 1000 men, COO of whom wero In- Street. titled to sympathy, If at any time tho force. All this left Deputy Hitchcock Ono Is In front and ono Is behind. Both' was a shambles with tho furniture and trenched, In the face of n cross fire. Cubans were to bo commiserated, If as the ranking police olllcer In town. his lungs were cut and ho U bleeding tho Interior like, a condensed collapso Our troop carried tho town after WHITNEY & NICHOLS. the outrages inillctcd upon tho Ar- Attorney General Cooer, Deputy At- Inwardly. Tho greatest credit Is due of a grand stand on a gala day. There four hours' lighting and burned tho menians by the Turks send a cry to torney Goncrnl Atkinson, C. II. Norton Dr. Herbert Wood for his diligent and ROOMS ON FORT STREET. was blood everywhere. Tables, boxes. outskirts, tho rebels firing from the DENTAL Heaven; If these humane thoughts bo md a representative of tho Advertiser skillful services during this affair Ha Otllce In Brewer' Block, cor. Fort tins, bedding, trunks, wero broken anjj'1 windows and keeping up a running flro worthy, then those Kahuku Chinese who were passengers. At wuiaiua wero Walalua and Hotel Sts.; entrance, Hotel St. scattered. A herd of elephants stam- was on tho sceuo early from In the streets. Tho Americans then weio tho victims of Japanese ferocity plcked-u- p Manager Goodiile, an old only prompt withdrew In order to more am- peded could not have made a morc'per-fec- t and It was his attention obtain and mad force, demand tho pity cf nil friend of the manager of Kahuku, Col. that saved tho lives of three of tho munition. M. S. GRINBAUM & CO., LTD. scene of devastation and wild riot. The rebels lost about' 100 men and who believe that any man of any mark C. P. Inukea, nnd Surveyor Fishur, Into wounded Chinamen, who would havu Tho Chinese, seized with tC-o- r, way tho American loss was Corp. Joluuon, of tho human scale has tho slightest of the First New York. On tho bled to death In u short time. All of of Company C, und MaAvoy, Importers and Commission Mei -- mentally and physically, paralyzed by Private right of person and property. down tho train ran over a calf, but wiib tho police forco, natives and foreigners of Company L, killed, and eleven the piratical onslaught, could no noth- chants. Just two of tho Kahuku labor camps delacd only a couplo of minutes. Tho ullke, behaved well, Tlioy wero ready wounded. San Francisco.. and.. Honolulu. ing nt nil. As they rushed to the cry WASHINGTON, March lfi. The fol- were Involved In tho mob work. Ono run to Kahuku was made In tho to meet nny emergency In the fueo of lowing 215 St. Queen St. fiont door they wero brought down from Gen. Otis reached tho Front Is of Japanese. Tho other Is of Chin good time of three hours. There was n vastly greater numbers. War Department today wm c"hB nnd UOC8 nnd hammer, As esc Tho quarters are about 200 yards bright moon all night and a footman Representatives of both tho Chinese "MANILA. March lfi. Adjutant Gen they made for tho back door they met eral. Washington Reports from Ho- H. HACKFELD & CO., LTD. apart and about 200 yards from tho could Ie seen a distance of several hun and Japanese Governments visited Ka- the samo attack. As they foil from llo Indicate Improvement; less activity mill. Tho Japanese occupy several dred yards. huku and Haw all there was to see. Insurgents GENERAL COMMISSION AQENTS windows above and bolow they wero on the part of of tho Island; long, low buildings. Tho Chinese are At tho plantation was found a cDiidl- - jJolu lnui)t navo deeply ,.
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